
Subtlety Quotes

There are 3203 quotes

"When you really have power you don't have to shout."
"Don't overdo your edits; subtle changes often result in the most natural and appealing images."
"You have to find the balance. It should be present enough to be visible and subtle enough to not be immediately noticeable."
"I think subtlety is a virtue... I like to reward the readers who are reading closely and paying attention."
"Survival is subtle, nonlinear, and full of sleight of hand trickery and deception."
"Goodness is uneventful; it does not flash, it glows."
"The more subtle your changes are, the better your editing will become."
"Less is more. What he didn't say, his body language said everything."
"Sometimes it's the smaller moments that lead to a more long-term change and a better long-term connection with the public than something bigger and perhaps flashier."
"Ego operates through self-deception, subtlety, sneakiness, and counterintuitiveness."
"When God speaks, it wasn't loud, it wasn't boisterous...He whispered."
"A subtlety rarely seen, this framework didn't always exist. Portal evolved greatly with time."
"The 'soft touch' approach to depicting a society under the thumb of a ruling state power is more complicated, but it pays off when done well."
"It's a really nice curve very similar to an ease in out but a little bit more subtle."
"Extreme differences in life outcomes are so often prompted by such subtle realizations, subtle decisions."
"Subtlety in value is just making the values as close as you can to one another, yet still maintain their differentiation."
"Security and confidence...these things are not loud; they don't make noise; they don't have to be seen."
"You don't have to make a big show of it; it's something that emanates from within you."
"It's all about subtly nudging the player in the right direction, and you know you've done a good job if you manage to do so without them ever realizing it."
"Being from where I'm from, it's covert, non-aggressive racism. The racism you cannot prove."
"There's a subtlety to the realities of wealth, and it's not completely apparent."
"This car was not as in your face as a Rolls-Royce Phantom, but it was every bit as luxurious and as expensive."
"It's been going on for ages and it will always continue to go on. It probably won't be blatant, but just the words, it says all you need to say. You know what the undertone of what he's trying to say means, no matter how you try to spin it."
"Great changes are often heralded by the smallest of signs, unnoticed by many, but pivotal in the course of history."
"When you do things right, people won't be sure you've done anything at all."
"This is stuff that you don't have to pick up on but it's there if you're interested in the world."
"Inspiration is the dust on a wainscot and the faint whistle of the wind through a window."
"This is the way the world ends, sometimes it just doesn't go with a bang but it goes with a whimper."
"An entire movie can rest on something as subtle as this."
"The Quiet Light is what's put out there, it illuminates the potentials."
"Subtle movements test the reflexes of your opponent."
"He was avoiding eye contact or was he being aggressive, and all these like everything was just subtle nuances and intimate details."
"They flipped the script in the end and made her a heroine without making a big deal of it..."
"These are a more gel-like cream formula, supposed to be more smooth still shiny but not like shimmery."
"If someone's going to get work done, the only kind of work that actually looks good is the work you don't notice."
"Silent tutorials exist everywhere to subtly teach you about interactions without spitting a pop-up in your face or spoiling all the fun by treating you like a baby."
"It's got like a kind of natural vibe, like a lot of the products were quite subtle and natural."
"There's so much beneath the surface that doesn't jump out at you."
"What are you wearing? Subtle flex, very subtle."
"The impact of a word may be invisible, but it's powerful."
"One of the most dangerous things about covert narcissism is that the abuse is so often subtle and that makes it difficult to detect but it still has an effect on you in your emotional well-being especially when it's drawn out over time."
"The humorous story is told gravely; the teller does his best to conceal the fact that he even dimly suspects that there's anything funny about it."
"Stinger transitions, they're one of those things that aren't immediately obvious to the viewer, but they add a huge amount of production value to your stream."
"I think alphas understand that there has to be a certain level of subtlety and craftiness in your mind."
"Nagatoro blushed but then tried to act nonchalantly."
"She often fades into the background of conversations due to her unimposing nature but nevertheless contains an incredible intellect."
"This just gives me more of like a subtle look. When I put black, it's like too much."
"It's just so Assassin's Creed to have something thought-provoking and moving out the way for those who seek to find it rather than shoved in your face."
"The menu... it never really glorifies that the way most horror movies do."
"Real effective marketing does not look like marketing."
"It's a story told in nuanced visual choices, mood, and subtle story details."
"Instead of trying to break through walls and trying to impose your will, do it subtly."
"The more you play, the more things start to seem subtly off."
"Listen to what someone's trying to say without saying it."
"There's something really subtle happening in the Bible which is only picked up in modern scholarship."
"Lucas didn't hit anybody over the head with those themes... that's what good art does."
"Sometimes magic is subtle and we don't realize it, building a solid foundation to something pretty spectacular."
"A dress watch is supposed to be modestly sized, complementing the outfit without being the center of attention."
"The best type of marketing is marketing that doesn't feel like marketing."
"This is how you break down barriers this is how you kick down walls this is how you sneak in the game when they not even knowing that it's happening right you doing it when no one's looking."
"All that has been a complete act of rebellion. Quiet rebellion, but a rebellion nonetheless."
"It's a very small thing, but there is an honest difference."
"There's a lot of fan service that isn't shoved in your face."
"Quiet leverage... what we need without putting the heavy hand of government down."
"Subtext is great because it's invisible right yes, that is undeniably a quality that subtext has."
"You want to be careful that you don't become too sweet with the design of a car like this, it's very easy to start introducing softer lines, curves, flowing lines."
"Abuse isn't always obvious; it can be a thousand paper cuts."
"The game doles out a lot of interesting lore while being very subtle and casual with it."
"Hating people is not as overt as you seem to think, but planting seeds of bigotry is."
"There's so much detail in the game that's subtle though."
"The fact that he hands her his plate to take care of during this politics conversation as if she's the maid or something, and the movie doesn't force it in our faces with a reaction shot or any kind of attention to it, it's brilliant filmmaking."
"Sometimes a little bit of subtlety goes a long way."
"They use subtlety to enhance the experience of the viewer."
"That was so boss, so subtle on Oscar Isaac's part."
"Details might seem small but add up" - the significance of subtle hints.
"There's more to sex appeal than simply stripping down to your birthday suit."
"It's like getting a little shift, super subtle but oh, it gets me."
"The joy of this series is largely not in just the little details, but the even tinier still signs as it were of understanding and accommodation."
"Queer coding can be very severe or very subtle, and it's good to put it in comparison to the other ships."
"He walked softly but with strength of purpose."
"What makes Rockstar Games so brilliant is they never spell it out there's never a scene where katos looks at atraeus and says today we will be better it's all through the subtext of Rockstar's true to life dialogue."
"Japan withdrew the demands, but it would continue to extend its influence in China via more subtle means."
"I set a little underground things said little things on little songs here and there, but that's not what we was."
"It showed and didn't tell and it was so much about the gay experience without telling you it was about that."
"There's a lot of subtlety in pushing the boulder, and artists are hoping ethical issues aren't ignored."
"A whisper carries more meaning than a shout."
"The greatest good is like water; it benefits all life without being noticed."
"The devil is sometimes really in the details, very subtle devil in the details, we love to see it."
"It's what will get you very far in life without even knowing it."
"Always pay attention to what’s not said and pay attention to the subtleties because the truth is always in the details."
"I'm just here to give you the breadcrumbs as always."
"You shouldn't be able to see the moves you've made, keep them invisible which means have a light touch."
"Intuition is oftentimes a whisper or a subtlety."
"They rely on people not noticing, on slipping under the radar."
"The devil in a blue dress, but most likely red, has aimed his sights at the woman since the beginning, subtle as always."
"This to me is worth getting really excited about."
"The mental is in a sense much more powerful than the physical in a subtler sense."
"It's a nice look, not really super crazy, not really super out there, but again, devil in the details."
"It was really a muscle car and was a subtle performance car that you didn't realize was fast until it was beating you."
"I'm terrified of that during the winter it looks nice and matte an airbrush you can tell it has a little bit of that banana tint to it it's very subtle though and I actually really like it."
"Demons don't dart about dark holes in the forest, they're subtle, sneaky, and hateful creatures."
"So seamless no one will even know we're there."
"It represents a cultural aspect tastefully, not hitting you in the face like a flag."
"This movie isn't known for being subtle, so when a line like that comes into play it just blindsides you."
"Those little small hints of the romance hit harder because you don't get them throughout the whole thing."
"All you had to do is watch the little subtle things they were doing with her character."
"Sometimes the best notes are the ones that you don't play."
"The art of makeup is really looking like you don't have any makeup on. It's really hard to do."
"Trenches now go from the top to the bottom it's a subtle little artistic change but I feel like it adds so much."
"Rogues: masters of subtlety and precision in a world of danger and opportunity."
"You can't see it. It's undetectable on the face."
"It feels less like you're telling him where to go and more like you're suggesting where you want him to go."
"There's a subtle magic to your life, to the way everything unfolds on your journey, and the subtlety is the magic."
"He's basically he's basically he basically has slammed him in a very public way in a very polite way."
"It's very understated, it's not shouty by the looks, but it looks really good."
"I love them all... I hope we do see more but not quite in that take."
"The power is being served to you by a butler, not a sledgehammer."
"There's a way of giving a message, saying a lot without saying a lot."
"The best leaders are those the people hardly know exist."
"Snakes have no voice, they are subtle, and that's one of the reasons they're able to get their prey."
"The Babadook: Instead of giving us erratic jump scares, 'The Babadook' gives us about a million little ones all subtle but poignant enough to leave you constantly on edge."
"It's such a subtle method of connecting you with the character. In fact, it's so subtle that I didn't even know these interactions existed until recently."
"The genius in the song is how it tells the story so effectively and subtly reveals its true message over time."
"Queerbait relies on ambiguity. It must be just queer enough that it's noticed by those who are looking for it but subtle enough that it's invisible or dismissable by the masses."
"The perfect blend of subtle and clear fan service."
"He understood that you didn't have to roar like a lion to gain respect."
"Good on Lego for making these changes, they were very subtle but I think they make all the difference."
"Bias against others can be subtle or blatant, expressed in many ways."
"Everything he's saying is experience. It's realization. So you have to look out for the subtlety."
"Sometimes the effects of your practice will be so subtle that you don't even realize that they're taking place."
"The forces of the market operate in such subtle and indirect ways."
"The work that you've been doing on yourself, Taurus, it's instituting changes that were imperceptible at first."
"Just say the gems without calling them out; let them live, bro."
"You don't want to be rude to a horse but I don't I want to be obvious to her and that's what I'm trying to do with this stuff."
"Peer pressure is an especially powerful form of influence because it is so subtle."
"It's like subtle which is nice, it's not like bright green, it's not in your face."
"It's just like, it's the little things, it's the intangible."
"There's a change happening right now and subtle it takes time."
"We're good at addressing the grand displays of bigotry, but the nuance... that's the messy instances that we need to do better with."
"Healing is subtle, healing is gradual, healing is in that moment."
"We cannot hold back and we need to also do this film in an understated way."
"Excessive effervescence wasn't very cool, so these cups helped."
"If a Cancer has a crush on you it's not gonna be terribly obvious... but if you do happen to realize they have a crush on you they might make a lot of jokes with you."
"Money talks, but wealth whispers: the philosophy behind quiet luxury."
"He does so many little things well that you don't necessarily... he'll screen those little touch passes that don't get the assist but they're the pass before the assist, the incubator of it."
"Subtlety is still important even for left-wing messages and messages you agree with."
"Great editing makes the film look like it wasn't directed at all."
"Branding is great, but I also wanted it to be subtle."
"There's no loud sound effects, there's no in-your-face, you know, jump scare, it's just creepy and the scares are so good."
"Paradoxically, sometimes the best way to convey the power of the ocean is to reveal very little of it."
"But sometimes the most well-written characters are those that don't take up the spotlight."
"Power doesn't need to assert itself... it's more magnetic."
"Slowly dissolve into the background and that's a really nice thing that we can do to help finish off this animation."
"Stories have a knack for coming in the side door and getting through the level of the heart and the emotions."
"This is a car that flies under the radar and is super easy to live with."
"Moody tone... very stealthy but... modern and classy."
"It's a nice subtle way of setting up that plot point."
"You don't need a big explosion or spectacle at the end of a movie for it to be effective."
"They had to be more subliminal, especially around the 60s."
"Quiet power is the greatest kind of power there is."
"The best dedications are the ones we speak quietly. That has always been my belief."
"Show don't tell. If you do tell, it has to be subtle."
"Sometimes dialogues are intended to be overlooked, meant for you to notice only to the extent that you remember."
"The horrifying acts that occur are more often implied than shown, and I think those scenes are more effective because of that."
"We got very subtle hints at romantic tension."
"Trust that movement is happening, even if it's subtle."
"Playing the game can be done in so many different ways yes you can make big moves but sometimes it is about the smallest subtle moves."
"I really need to make it as subtle as possible."
"The weight of the car is really nicely delivered here - it's subtle enough and lively enough to make you think that it's not a real beast, but you feel the weight."
"This highlight is not gonna be like a BAM highlight for the Gods but in person you can see it's much less like a stripe of highlighter."
"And the subtle references keep coming with this small boat at Log Jam Lotus."
"Liverpool are more shrewd. They're not gonna... go out in the summer and do a mad thing, but you can say they got the clout to be shrewd and bring in players under the radar. That's what they have got, man."
"Intuition is to notice and to notice the subtle."
"It softens the world around you without muting it."
"Certainly a lot more subtle than the 'oh look at me' notification phone."
"The most subtle of killers is absolutely silent, working from the inside out to turn its victims body against itself."
"This is a supercar, the most subtle supercar you can buy."
"He had a little tell that she was speaking the truth."
"There's a way to show your wealth without being obnoxious with it."
"You will struggle to find a movie that has more hints and more subtle references to what's really going on in it than this one."
"Go with the locals, it's a little more understated."
"Sometimes the sweetest types of revenge without anyone looking or expecting it, that's amazing that that's awesome."
"It’s not often needed in battles and it’s easy to forget it’s even there, but that isn’t a complaint. I actually like that it’s treated as another tool in your arsenal rather than a gimmick that everything has to revolve around."
"It’s very small and easy to miss, but that’s the whole entire point."
"Quiet luxury doesn't appear to be so quiet anymore."
"That is subtle... I like how subtle this is."
"Like the best art restoration, it doesn’t draw attention to itself."
"He's damaged but he doesn't need to have it tattooed on his forehead for the audience to understand that."
"He didn't say nothing and you knew what he was going through."
"Not every show is about boom boom boom boom boom, some shows are so real you don't need that."
"He's another example of the Iron Giant message: We are what we choose to be, just with much more subtlety than our previous entries."
"Those are ways for her to touch you in a way that doesn't look creepy or super desperate."
"You gotta waft, you can't just stick your nose in."
"You know you've done a pretty good job with liquify when you finish and you're not sure you've even made a change."
"For a watch to achieve this without overcompensating in exaggerated size or flashiness I think is a testament to the everlasting strength of the Royal Oak design."
"It's a fun way to add a little bit of a pop of color but that's not too like crazy in your face."
"Beautiful things don't ask for attention and I love when things are subtle, I love when they're, yeah, it's a mystery."
"Apple avoids the AI hype at their WWDC keynote by trying to bake machine learning into products."
"There might not be very many features that stand out for everyone... but all these smaller improvements basically make the overall experience that much better."
"He's great for dog whistles and hints of very civilized but evil underneath."