
Funding Quotes

There are 1040 quotes

"This legislation would expand Social Security benefits and fully fund Social Security for more than 75 years, by demanding that the very wealthiest people in this country pay more in taxes."
"Making sure that rural America has access to the dollars, even though we don’t have as many people per square mile, is critically important."
"Funding stats for women in particular are a shambles."
"The pharmaceutical industry funding alone has become so dominant that last year it accounted for three-quarters or 1.1 billion dollars of the agency's drug division budget."
"The more people that know about this, the more attention it gets, the more funding the people who need it can get, and they can hopefully find a solution."
"I hope the success of the first season gives Amazon the confidence to give them even more money and time for the second season."
"Funds are not going to be an issue. Congress will make sure the administration has the funds."
"The rescue squad is funded completely by grants and donations from residents and businesses in the town, so there's no out-of-pocket charge at the point of use."
"How many examples do you want of something super well-funded not defeating the thing that was consumer-centric? Money is not scary, being delusional is."
"Through the Rare Impact Fund, we aim to expand mental health resources for young people."
"You don't need to defund the police to do stuff in the community. All you have to do is start funding the community."
"We need to create a funding mechanism that will provide a steady funding for a base of scientists who are ready and able to develop a vaccine."
"It's not the time to defund police departments... Now is the time to provide them and hold them accountable."
"The European Union's latest proposal is to take the profit element of those assets and use that to fund Ukraine, to actually enable Ukraine to buy weaponry with the money."
"Cosplay is super expensive. If you guys give your money to these people, it's awesome because then you're essentially paying for their next build."
"I'm fighting to make sure that we have the resources to keep our communities safe and our police departments well-funded and well-trained."
"Economy determines military strength because you have to have a strong economy to be able to fund the military."
"Our ability to do that is funded, in effect, by the many subscribers we have on YouTube."
"Not every business needs money. MailChimp famously has never raised a dollar in outside financing and is worth billions of dollars."
"Defunding the police was a bait and switch; it's refund the police. We're going to give them more money so they're better cops on the ground."
"After billions, literally billions of dollars spent, homelessness has increased in numbers and complexities."
"Genetics company Colossal raised over 15 million dollars to try and bring this thing back to life."
"I think it's speculation at all. I think it's stone cold fact to say that you're getting less grassroots funding because you didn't deliver."
"We need to expand enrollments dramatically or we need to cut funding. We need to start taxing endowments and my colleagues need to recognize that we are public servants, we are not Chanel."
"A lot of the money being connected with these flights is also going to worthy causes."
"Through this funding, people will be able to receive wage support, and organizations struggling with cash flow will be able to access financing."
"Crowdfunding allows the project or MMO in this case to effectively scale with the level of its funding."
"We need more funding for teaching professors."
"As much as I like to promote indie developers, I would like you guys to be extremely vigilant when it comes to funding unfinished indie games."
"Instead of making schools hard targets, we actually have to soften our education system and put more funds into mental health care."
"How do the economics of vaccines work? Who funds them, how profitable are they, and will the COVID-19 pandemic and new technology disrupt the vaccine market forever?"
"The pharmaceutical industry finances about 75% of the FDA's drug division."
"We've been chosen to head up the trip to Mars... because of funding cutbacks, and we were the best qualified people to get the job done cheap."
"Child protection is a complex issue that requires appropriate funding, resources, and time to form meaningful relationships."
"The problem is that unfortunately, we need to have the political will to get done certain programs, and we don't have infinite money to draw from to do it."
"Wagner, whatever way you pronounce it, so they are a private military company, basically a mercenary group that Putin has been funding."
"The channel will be completely self-funded through a variety of means. We have no corporate owner. Second Wind is completely independent."
"No one's gonna give you any fucking money except me, and the only way I'm gonna do that is if your movie's shit."
"Big thanks to Patreon supporters who help keep the lights on around here."
"If we really want to empower parents to make choices for their own kids, money must follow children."
"The support obviously needs to continue to come and the pledges that were made need to materialize soon."
"We need federal dollars for our own police agencies where we police ourselves."
"If Mexico is paying for it... why is the government shut down?"
"I think we need more funding for police, I think 'defund' is the wrong thing."
"Cops need to be better funded, better trained."
"Olympics are no longer funded by the countries, they're funded by sponsorships."
"We need to refill the small business funding."
"I think it's good that Tech like this is being funded because exploring New Concept and ideas and form factors is good."
"Dash's Treasury is a self-funding mechanism."
"What's its funding like? What sort of equipment does it use? What's its training like? And evaluate its combat potential."
"Broadband is a huge issue for us... there's so much money that has to actually go into it."
"If we think it's important as a society to not leave people out, then we're going to have to figure out how to pay for it."
"They managed to publish Harry Potter; it pays for everything else."
"Contrary to what Alex Jones might tell you, we're not funded by George Soros. We're really just funded by people who sign up at joinpakman.com. I would love for you to sign up today."
"Larger funding for games is great, less crunch is great, and accountability, actual accountability, will be great."
"The American Rescue Plan provides $130 billion to help schools reopen."
"He wants to increase funding for education, but make sure it goes to the students."
"Thanks for watching subscribe make sure you're still subscribed hit the bell for notifications thanks everyone give them to the GoFundMe and the IndieGoGo your funding original content and an original lawsuit links are in the description."
"The constant underfunding of the NHS across the board is disgusting."
"It's critically important that we use the funds to support our students, especially those students who have had gaps exacerbated as a result of this pandemic."
"The boring company's latest proposal is to have the city pay the remaining balance of the feasibility study, and then the boring company will pay for the $100 million tunnel loop."
"We need some money pulled into this group that is being disproportionately impacted."
"People believe in what we're doing. That's why donations come from Silicon Valley, San Francisco, and the other liberal places, and they don't come from Georgia."
"We're doing everything we can to make sure that taxpayer funding is not going to these foreign countries that don't have our best interest in mind."
"We've just got to do what the right does which is start spending the money, build the organizations that will explain to young people and people of all ages."
"We have to recover a trust that government is worth funding."
"Can the people of Florida get one billion of that and with that 1 billion can't we plan to use that 1 billion to increase teacher starting salary to $50,000 for starting salary?"
"Whenever you're talking about something like biomedical research and like global funding, there are always going to be financial ties pretty much between all organizations. That doesn't mean there's a malicious conspiracy."
"The evidence now is overwhelming that this was a laboratory leak in Wuhan, possibly aided and abetted by funding from the United States."
"We have received grants from the UK government's foreign Commonwealth and development office the U.S state department usaid and Australia's department for foreign affairs and trade."
"Come subscribe to the channel, hang out with us, we've got a Patreon account."
"I mean how desperate are they to give our money away to Ukraine that they would lie and pretend that the United States of America is about to be attacked?"
"We are funded almost entirely by you, and that's the way we like it. It keeps us independent. It means we're not beholden to vested interests."
"The federal money tends to be federal control."
"Research takes funding; we need money to see if carbon capture can develop effectively."
"Thanks to your support, I basically now have a fully equipped research lab."
"Opinion: Large corporate interests - weapons manufacturers, the pharmaceutical industry, and fossil fuel companies - are some of the most influential sources of funding for both political parties."
"The only entity with enough money to do that is the government. We need government, and for whatever reason, we tend to forget that."
"Purchases of these supporter packs are the only thing that fund ongoing development of Path of Exile, its sequel Path of Exile 2, and expansions like Ultimatum."
"Imagine a situation you go and start a fund... Let me give you some amount of money."
"People are pouring all this money into Wikipedia to keep it running."
"Our ambition is to fund our next game without taking on a heap of publisher money."
"How in the hell you didn't see this? And speaking of funding, we were able to deliver more than 5 billion last year to HBCUs and more to come this year."
"Democrats put real money behind this. It's the election equivalent of saving the whales."
"We invested 2.5 trillion dollars in the U.S. military, including funding to save Tyndale Air Force Base."
"Congress only allocated $400 million for elections in the middle of a global pandemic, which was not nearly enough."
"YouTube literally has a fund... for Black creators."
"Putin is not rational, and we shouldn't be giving as much money to Ukraine as we are."
"We're not funded by a billionaire... we don't have that"
"If you want to scale up your brand at some point, it's very, very likely that you're going to have to address capitalization or funding."
"Once you have the pitch, it's time to chase that cash."
"The biggest lie in America right now is we do not have the money."
"There is a reason why these people are putting huge amounts of money into our political system."
"You're silly if you think nonprofits should just be working for free. They need money to pay the lights, they need money to pay for the building that they're in, they need money to pay the staff. I get it."
"Manchester City win the Champions League without all the oil money!"
"Despite no longer owning the stadium Erie County will still contribute around 250 million dollars."
"The Democrat Party are literally funding Republican Party candidate advertisements."
"This is more of the same... stepping in to get that government funding or when the government won't come in, stepping in to get this GoFundMe funding."
"If no one was interested in Project Feline, I don't think Screen Australia would have even considered funding the game."
"We're subscriber funded, we're building something new."
"Isn't it interesting that for war money comes out of the woodwork? Why doesn't it come out of the woodwork when we have war on poverty?"
"Why would you pay for the club, pay for comedy, pay for a movie, but you won't pay for your activists?"
"The main obstacle to the completion of the I-69 is mostly a lack of funding."
"FTX raises 420 million in funding round with backing from 69 investors including Tiger Global, Ribbit Capital."
"We're not going to beat him with pocket change."
"Your donations help us remain independent and bring you the truth about what's happening in America."
"What we have here are a couple of ideas which, taken together, seem to suggest the need for some degree of state involvement - both to boost funding and to counteract monopoly."
"We need money to come back to these communities and it needs to bypass the state and go directly to the local governments."
"America's funding also reflected the spirit of these principles and more."
"The taxpayers pay for the Amber Alert. That's me. That's us."
"It's organized, it's well funded, it's pure evil."
"Money is being siphoned out of education and into prisons. You know, just a few blocks from where I teach, they built a $200 million jail for kids."
"A machine that pointlessly uses energy to pointlessly dry household waste... just raised another seven or so million dollars on Indiegogo."
"Tourism is the number one industry in Iceland right now."
"If you put the Border Provisions we want in, we'll give you the Ukraine and Israel funding." - McConnell
"This long past time to get the post office the 25 billion dollars in emergency funds it needs to keep running."
"Unlike the WWE, AEW is being funded by billionaire Scheib Khan."
"No one here is a customer, everyone here is getting a service paid by tax dollars."
"It is absolutely evil what is happening here... funded by your tax dollars."
"Is it responsible for the media to accept funding from the weapons industry?"
"If the president declares a group terrorists, admitting that you're funding terrorism."
"Within the first couple months of her being part of the network she really helped, and with her help, the network was able to get state funding."
"Your membership helps keep our cameras on and it helps keep our microphones turned up even when the left pressure is our sponsors."
"We're building the wall, Mexico's paying for the wall."
"We're effectively using every single dollar to touch the most number of people."
"Look at our records when it comes to funding our HBCUs."
"We fund ideas when they're still not obvious and they often seem crazy to the public."
"Having the foundation set and the funding to build things on your own terms is invaluable."
"Before we give you money, you should have a plan for how to use it."
"Because the only sponsors are you becoming a channel member on YouTube or Patreon."
"We've got the solutions, we've got the programs, we need the money and the follow-through."
"Support the scholars you appreciate... putting money where you want to see more of that kind of content."
"That's part of why we did need to boost funding for the IRS."
"Many have accused the United States of funding the Dalai Lama as a form of proxy opposition… And they’re right."
"If you are funded by the richest person on earth, like, go to the moon! Still, go! Yeah, like, you can fund it 100%."
"Just because you're smart doesn't mean people will give you money for it."
"I just like finding these Geniuses and just be like, 'You know, here's a couple million dollars, let's build something dope.'"
"The most appealing thing about Ashes is that it's already completely funded to completion."
"We've seen companies start from nothing besides an idea taken in large sums of money with zero product many times."
"The President delivered on his promises and got his priorities funded and that's what the Democrats don't want you to know." - Nick Mulvaney
"In one hundred percent of the cases, the deals that got funded, the entrepreneur was able to articulate the vision in 90 seconds or less."
"CBC vs PBS: differences in funding, content, and cultural influence."
"Britain was able to take on this task because we have good Armed Forces properly funded."
"I think conservatives are getting the message, but there's the next step where maybe the big benefactors have to say I'm going to write a big check to Breitbart or to you know the Daily Caller and get them in the movie business as well."
"Chile's Startup Chile provides up to $78,000 in equity-free funding."
"Funding repatriation efforts for stolen plants."
"All the money goes right to Biden, so hidden in plain sight and not even really hidden anymore."
"I can't really see a good argument for giving money to the bureaucracy of Brussels in order for them to give some of it back."
"Eventually securing funding, the founder became a near-legendary figure."
"If content creators could manage to bring together funds... that would completely change the industry."
"Miami votes to access over 5 million dollars in Miami coin to improve the quality of life for local residents."
"Starlink is one of the ways that Elon is able to fund the Mars mission."
"You can change this overnight the next time you find a black man a woman who you want to represent you politically fund them fund them."
"Starlink is just one of those funding platforms to allow SpaceX to push the next generation of space exploration well beyond what has been achieved in the past."
"I'm once again asking for your financial support."
"Pursuing information control by funding outside organizations."
"The lack of funds should not stop people with ability from running for office."
"The truth is that promising treatments for important diseases are struggling for lack of funding."
"Teachers should never have to go through something like this to be able to get the resources they need to meet the basic educational needs of our students." - State Senator Reynold Nisiva
"For [__] sake, these people are fighting over $500 to help their students and their classrooms."
"Every penny that you spend there will go right back into the fight for our right to keep and bear arms."
"Solve a real problem... I think they got ten million dollars in funding."
"I rely on donors, viewers donations to make these videos."
"So, that's 40 million right there. They've given out 25 million, I believe, already or something like that. But either way, there's going to be weekly $1,000,000 tournaments happening all the way until the end of 2019."
"Foundations will fund ideas that meet their mission."
"That's another thing that's going to push adoption is more and more funding because then they can have more and more developers."
"I needed somebody to help me, to capitalize. You know, I had no money. I needed somebody to fund me. I needed somebody to teach me."
"Your money makes this possible. Check some money orders go to PO Box 57196 Washington DC 2003-0196. The Cash App is dollar sign RMUnfiltered. PayPal is [email protected]. Venmo is RMUnfiltered. Sale is Roland at RolandSMartin.com."
"In the midst of an economic depression, money for the expedition was hard to come by."
"What if I show you the actual study, the actual paper from the Wuhan Institute of virology which says it was funded by the NIH?"
"Patreon is the lifeblood of the movie trivia schmodown."
"We are funded by people like you, people who say I like this kind of content in the world."
"If you have a cool idea you just go to the Treasury."
"Wikipedia is an amazing website and the appeals seem heartfelt but I've now learned the money isn't going where I thought."
"That's undeniable. It's unthinkable that you could stop Ukraine funding, you could stop War funding, but they've done it at least for now."
"There's never been a better time to get your business funded or to take your company public."
"Your paycheck is derived from the people that you're supposed to be protecting and serving."
"They need protection, they need to get police tax-funded protection."
"I agree with him on and and I've given him credit a couple times on the show he says he does not take over Pac money he's a very very very rare Republican who doesn't take corporate Pac money."
"Donald Trump is talking about cutting funds to the UN... we pay 22% of the operating budget and 28% of the peacekeeping budget."
"I think funding wise we could use a lot more people."
"Let's invest in community-based organizations, let's give the subsidies to get that AMI that is affordable in our communities."
"EcoHealth Alliance was the pass-through organization shunting money to the Wuhan lab."
"Facebook is basically a front for military intelligence at this point."
"Funding the government is one of the most basic responsibilities of the Congress."
"Hell no, nobody owns hip-hop. You know who owns it? The people who fund it."
"We are not going to fund our own oppression."
"Starlink could become Spacex's ATM to fund Mars without diluting core ownership."
"We should be putting together right now and providing $25 billion to do it, to make sure we have a detailed plan once a vaccine is in fact found."
"I appreciate your support in helping fund our endeavors here."
"My life ain't about making money, but I gotta make money for this revolution, for this war. You can't go to war broke."
"If you give money to the universities, and your university is doing this... stop. It's the easiest thing."
"We need to push for long-term solutions, like putting more money into the mental health system."
"She lost a massive donor, the Coke brothers fund Americans for Prosperity."
"A great idea is not sufficient. You need to ensure that you have access to enough capital to get you through those first few months."
"Once you have a can tell so I think some of that money might have been better suited to set up a way to maintain that mission for space at all and so I agree that I agree with the sentiment of that question."
"So much about these careers is just luck and timing and grace and the right person seeing you."
"Medically speaking, not passing funding for boosters and treatments now is stupid and nuts. Is that right?"
"The Lazarus project, the program that rebuilt you, it's funded and controlled by Cerberus."
"This was part of the deal between Group 935 and the Nazi Party where the Nazi to provide Group Man 3/5 of the funding they needed."