
Humanities Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"The decline of humanities has already started really. And what is going to be lost is in the name of humanities, we're going to lose what it means to be human."
"Education in the humanities is designed to teach you how to think and to speak and to formulate arguments."
"It's nice to be associated with a wave of the future, whereas if I had a gift for classics or humanities, these would be kind of dreary days."
"The humanities are at the core of Western culture. If they go, we're in trouble."
"I don't think the presence or existence of people with lower IQ test scores harms society in any meaningful way."
"CP Snow pointed out that there were two domains of academia: humanities and sciences, and they seemed to have a difficult time getting together."
"Education has tremendous economic value, and that includes education in the humanities."
"The breakdown of the humanities is one of the problems there. The fact that even our brightest people don't have an acquaintance with philosophy is a problem."
"The loss of the humanities is a major loss in our society."
"I want to do a series on the hundred greatest books of the Western canon... to make humanities education of the highest order broadly accessible to people."
"Wisecrack is a kind of collective of comedians and academics and film lovers and just people who are really into the humanities, and basically we use pop culture as a means to educate people and to open them up to kind of new insights in life."
"Memory is the major element in cognition in everything that we call the humanities."
"The humanities, when properly taught, are the study of who we could be... Otherwise, we'll be much less than we are. That's not a trivial problem, it's a cataclysmic problem."
"The humanities are meant to teach you how to think, not what to think."
"Academic writing in the humanities is often complex because the use of new and initially obscure terminology that most people wouldn't be familiar with is necessary to express new things about the world around us."
"We need to stop denigrating the humanities and seriously build them into our education."
"The humanities are more of an education than the rest."
"People often join the humanities precisely because they care about social issues and then find themselves living in one." - Megan Blythe Adams
"The humanities are full of questions and ideas that are not defined and changed every generation. That's yes, they're the most beautiful thing I believe about the humanities is that there is no one answer, there is constant interpretation."
"The humanities control the narrative of mankind boss they determine what scientific progress was determined by the church why did the church know better science no right."
"From a humanities background, we have also got to move to the intersection."
"Teaching STEM without teaching the humanities is how you get Spider-Man villains."
"Humanities are disciplines that teach people how to think."
"Humanities and technology in the world of artificial intelligence have to come together."
"We should be mindful that artificial intelligence and chat GPT is not just a function of technology and Technology disciplines, it's increasingly used and important in the Fine Arts and the humanities."
"The Tanner lectures are selected by the president in consultation with the director and executive committee of the Whitney Humanities Center."
"I mean humanities should be shut down because of the activist accomplishing their activists."
"Humanities of the future should address how to adapt to AI."
"Very few people choose to do humanities at all. Still, it's the rule in India—it's engineering, it's the IITs, it's computing, it's dentistry, it's doctors, it's everything."
"The humanities and social sciences are not simply different areas of inquiry. They are different postures of the mind."
"The decline of the emphasis on the humanities is a very serious mistake."
"That is how the humanities save the world."
"There's a whole world of things outside of Science and Math."
"The humanities go the universities are done because they're the soul of the universities you can get Technical Training there's you can be trained technically in all sorts of other ways and corporations are starting to figure this out fast."
"Absolutely vital that the humanities retain their integrity."
"The exploration of such matters is central to what the humanities are."
"Humanities are so important to our being fully human. They offer the otherness, the newness, the uniqueness of the experience. If you encounter a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins, you undoubtedly have an experience that you could not have anywhere else."
"Lincoln and Grant might have said during the Civil War and the quasi-war of reconstruction that followed what the humanities seek to preserve and promote constitute the very aim of our fighting in a world in danger of being overwhelmed by the in humanities."
"Thinking about the humanities as a great conversation that humankind has had with itself for a couple of thousand years or more."
"You got to have your humanities and stuff before you get to the engineering stuff, you have to."
"So, liberal arts education or humanities are really open to every human being."
"Writing is absolutely essential to thinking, you know it's a feedback loop. The humanities humanize, they are very well named."
"The humanities section will be about the arts or philosophy or something to do with human culture."
"It's a really endorsement for I think all of the digital public Humanities work that's going on obviously what we're doing here and all of the various other projects that um that I know are in existence and are wonderful wonderful things."
"You should major in philosophy because you can do something with humanities degrees."
"Using the humanities to bring the world back together."
"One of the humanities center's main objectives is to create opportunities for the campus and community to engage with today's most important voices in the humanities and arts."
"It's an honor, a humbling honor, to introduce Judith Butler to you today."
"She has thus become a kind of ambassador for the humanities to the world, an ambassador whom we badly need."
"Humanities is one of the few places where you get to understand that there's suffering in the world, and that's not all there is."
"The science of conscious beings capable of having Souls is also uniquely positioned in the humanities."
"The humanities... it's about what's new in a breakthrough in the enlargement of consciousness."
"The greatest enterprise for the human mind has been, always will be, the attempt to create linkages between the sciences and humanities."
"I chose USC because I wanted a really great engineering program but I also wanted to take classes in the humanities."
"The humanities is the expression of what it is to be a human being at the highest level."
"The building blocks of a healthy democracy, the building blocks of an education curriculum that is infused with the humanities, these things are being torn apart in the name of technical efficiency."
"Art to me, painting and all the humanities is essentially one of the most remarkable tools, inventions of human beings."
"The festival provides a platform to explore from the perspective of the humanities subjects that matter to us as a society and as a nation."
"A lot of our work was aimed at people in the humanities who are reasonable, who value evidence, who value ethical consistency."
"I'd really recommend doing humanities if you're applying for HSPS or history or any sort of humanities-based subject."
"As a trial ground, as a cooperative thing, it builds the intellectual and social community that allows for the humanities to flourish as a mode both of self-expression and of community building. That's conversation."
"I want to dispel the belief that studying the humanities will not lead to a successful or equitable career."
"When you are studying the humanities you learn critical thinking skills, you learn writing skills, you learn research and analytical skills."
"Humanities at the UO will open up a wide range of career possibilities for me."
"The humanities are the repository of the cultural wealth that we've accumulated over many millennia."
"We need the humanities more than ever to help us find the patterns and rhythms to guide us forward."
"...one of the most influential figures not only in the field of Western literary theory but also in the field of 20th century humanities in general."
"Let's keep fighting for the study of Arts and Humanities and history both at a school and academic level."
"My humanity is enlarged by reading the work of writers, a poem, seeing a painting, listening to some music, some opera."
"If you look at what liberal arts people learn, they learn foreign languages, they learn argumentation and debate rhetoric."
"The arts, the humanities, they appeal to a certain yearning that's shared by all of us -- a yearning for truth and for beauty, for connection and the simple pleasure of a good story."
"The arts and the humanities are, in many ways, reflective of our national soul."
"This collaboration between humanists and scientists is the best approach for understanding this manuscript."
"It requires both collaboration from a number of different areas and people with very different skills across linguistics and across the humanities."
"A man who understands the very core of the humanities as a reflection on how to live, on how to be a human being."
"Our response and the justification for an African humanities is, I propose, to interrogate all such claims both as a duty to knowledge and truth."
"We are the largest undergraduate program in the humanities at MIT."
"Byzantium was, you can say, the holder of the great literary canon, humanities we might say."
"The arts and humanities are a key component of any great culture, any great city, any great country."
"The humanities actually might be more important today than they ever have been."
"We need to make that the arts and humanities have value and they have meaning in our life."