
Canon Quotes

There are 236 quotes

"A canon is only as good as the people who are embodying it and living it out...The great books are only great because you're living them."
"When the adaptation is so good that it becomes the official canon of the source material, you know they were probably up to something."
"Every single game of Dota 2 is canon. Every single cosmetic in Dota 2 is canon."
"Even if the Zanpakuto Rebellion arc isn't canon, it still made us ask some really interesting questions of the relationship between a Shinigami and their Zanpakuto."
"I mean, so that window, when a later person says something that is like what you find in the canon, it may be that they read the book, they think it's part of the canon, and therefore, they're quoting it with authority."
"Nobody talks about Canon color science, and colors been really nice, and yeah, they absolutely are out of the camera, they are lovely."
"The R5 launch was bigger than any other launch in the past four years."
"Canon, whenever I start to think that they're falling behind, they do this thing where they leapfrog."
"Canon or Sony, they're both just excellent companies."
"Every playthrough of this game is canon; it's just a different universe, you know, like a Marvel multiverse, exactly."
"This is one of Canon's best cameras you get an aps-c sensor that is extremely high resolution you get all the frame rates you want you get an amazing focus mode and honestly there's nothing about this camera that I don't like."
"Canon has a real opportunity here to finally introduce their very short BRDO 600 millimeter F4 that we saw so many years ago."
"The R5 and R6 become Canon's first interchangeable lens cameras with in-sensor stabilization."
"In this ridiculous situation when you're shooting in the JPEG, reproduction is better in the Canon for sure."
"The Canon JPEGs look nicer, the colors better, there's more detail and less noise."
"Canon doesn't even matter, just enjoy the movie."
"George Lucas already demonstrated multiple times that he wasn't keeping close track of his own Canon."
"Canonicity is kind of a fluid thing, and this is how I'm treating the canon."
"What matters is what you like. We as the fans decide what's canon."
"And that's what makes a book part of the canon."
"So maybe a good place to start is what is currently considered canon inside the Wizarding World?"
"Canon's great color performance makes images look fantastic."
"In the year 1684, the Vatican removed 14 books from the Bible."
"Just because it's animated doesn't mean that we can skip it. This is essential viewing. This is probably going to introduce some really big elements that we're going to see in Doctor Strange: The Multiverse of Madness."
"Anything like that gets to be canon now. It's like, 'Right, this universe is just becoming more and more very interesting without anything.' And then we could see that live action. It's crazy."
"The 605 features some amazing stabilization it was honestly one of the most shocking things about using this camera out and about."
"All in all canon xf605 is a fantastic new addition to the xf line."
"The pros and the good things about Canon cameras far outweigh the negative things."
"This detail allows us to confirm that Carnival is in fact canon. One more wrinkle though, at the end of Carnival 3, the Hermits, along with many other YouTubers, including me apparently, defeat Jeff."
"Doctor Who exists canonically inside the Marvel Comics multiverse."
"Books are hard that's why they had to just like nuke the entire expanded universe so they can write a new one."
"Having up to 10 stops of built-in ND is fantastic...Canon have done a great job."
"Strong world was like the first One Piece movie that really kind of like directly connected to the Canon in a major way."
"Picard finally clarifies a baffling piece of Star Trek Canon involving the franchise's famous simulator room, the hollow deck."
"Zone Fighter was a series... Canon to the Showa era of Godzilla as Godzilla himself would make guest appearances."
"Canoness should not be the singular goal of every fan theory ever made."
"We know the canon by an inward illumination of the Holy Spirit."
"Canon is a big cornerstone, a spinal cord holding things together and building a universe of consistent rules, characters, and events."
"There were debates that went on and it wasn't we're so used to thinking of a Canon because when we go to the bookstore we buy a new testament it's always the same 27 books."
"I prefer to head Canon that the prophecy is either [ __ ] or a prophecy that M red could have been either way."
"So, Victor Zsasz is canon? Oh, that's awesome."
"Before we establish all he's done, I need to get the first big theory I have out of the way, that being the timeline of the canon."
"The rules of Canon apply: if you put it on screen, it counts."
"Canon's dual pixel autofocus, which is what's making this happen, is elite."
"Canon's menu systems are by far the best in terms of ease of use, usability."
"If you consider Dr. Sleep to be canon to Kubrick's The Shining, which it is, it debunks nearly every theory on this list."
"It's actually Canon as confirmed by Togashi himself."
"Lastly, it’s just been confirmed by Joshua Izzo, the Vice President of Franchise Development for Avatar, that the upcoming games Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora and Avatar: Reckoning, as well as the Pandora-themed land in Disney’s Animal Kingdom are all canon."
"Dragon Ball Heroes creates its own Canon with original transformations and characters."
"The Timeless Children dropped the cannon bomb that sent Doctor Who fans into hysteria by revealing that William Hartnell was not the first doctor."
"Naruto's birth and the nine tails attack is literally going just as it does in canon."
"Canon is a bunch of hooey anyway..."
"The Canon explanation for how Palpatine came back is that he transferred his soul into a clone."
"The old concept of what is canon and what isn't is gone."
"So there's gonna be some very considerable differences, and the book canon is gonna be quite different from the show canon."
"It's possible that Broly has now two distinct cannons like the rest of the arcs in Super."
"The Multiverse storyline was so smart, especially with how they Incorporated Canon into the Multiverse, unlike 'No Way Home' which did the most predictable and basic stuff with the Multiverse."
"The Canon emerged naturally and organically."
"...by the middle of the second century, there's already a core canon well-established, solidly in place, and little disagreement about them."
"20 years later, Gogeta would become Canon to conquer one of the most dangerous entities in the Multiverse."
"the entirety of Marble Hornets is Canon in the slenderverse"
"Spirk is fanon, not canon. But that doesn’t mean it’s completely detached from what we see in the show."
"Destruction of excessively adhering to Canon impede creativity."
"This is known as the 'Promethium armor,' unlike the other armors I showed you, this one is actually cannon."
"The question of the canon becomes critically important in a way it had never been critically important before."
"The Canon is a theological issue, it's not a historical issue."
"The Jews never had it as part of their Old Testament... God's word is perfect without error so they cannot be considered part of the canon."
"This has such a specific feel that it feels canon."
"Son of the Demon is unquestionably canon."
"Canon should be secondary to good storytelling."
"Canon is known for having spectacular colors."
"The only solace was that the poorly received season officially became non-canon after the show's Revival."
"The 100 to 500 mm lens is an L Series lens which is Canon's top-of-the-line range with the best coatings, the best weather sealing, and the best materials used."
"People like it for its comedic potential primarily but also because Canon has shown that they do ultimately care for each other."
"The Amazing Spider-Man: Sins Past is a Spider-Man comic where they reveal that before Gwen Stacy's death, she had children with Norman Osborn. Yes, Spider-Man is a cuck, but thank god that this comic is no longer canon."
"Canon being the films that matter the most."
"Revenge of the Sith proved to be the film that retrospectively made Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones into a revered part of the Star Wars canon."
"Let me tell you what Canon got to protect us. These are what's going to protect us."
"But I think the main reason why GT is not Canon is because people didn't like it."
"Stop fighting and obsessing over canon because if Toriyama changes the canon every year, you're having pointless internet arguments."
"I feel like most people would say 'Oh, History of Trunks is canon' but, uh, no, really."
"It's not even canon. We already got 30 years of [ __ ] Tim Drake."
"God had to have providentially put the canon together."
"The canon is not something that was chosen by the churches, it was received."
"I think the story is the most important thing and if you need to depart from something in Canon in order to tell me a great story, if the story is good enough I probably won't care."
"Jurassic World Live Tour: a live event that actually has a confirmed canon storyline."
"You can add to the canon as list as long as it does not do damage to the canon as law."
"It actually shows us that, at the end of the day, it's like Protestants who have walked away from the original Canon if anything."
"I think The Fairly OddParents movies are kind of like canon, the way those Spider-Man movies are canon."
"Very good. Premiere. It tied into canon and legends a lot. Thrawn takes over in Mount Tantiss in legend after the fall of the Empire."
"It's a very simple peck on the cheek situation—it's not Canon breaking or anything."
"Just because it's canon doesn't mean you have to like it."
"It's fandom, nothing matters, it's where Canon comes to die, nothing is sacred here."
"Sanderson is not afraid to play with his own Canon to make a better movie."
"Sometimes I wonder how much of the Apocrypha should have made it into the Bible... How much of what we consider Canon is actually garbage because the establishment liked it?"
"The notion of canon, or sacred canon, exemplified by biblical texts, allows for continued unfolding and development of the sacred tradition."
"This is obviously not canon from the real show, but it could become canon if RT really wanted to."
"Love is canon in the Bionicle universe among the Agori and Glatorian."
"...but even that doesn't help Sola scriptura per se because it doesn't define which books are in the Canon."
"It's a wonderfully welcomed addition to the batman canon as it allowed artistic freedom and my favorite reason filled in a lot of questions and canon explanations."
"What a fun game to play with Star Wars. So everything's in the Canon."
"This confirms that it was in fact canon, and I just love this Easter egg. It was only recently discovered too, and it is really, really cool."
"That's the big red flag: people that don't even have the intelligence to understand why you should respect canon will inevitably be awful at everything else."
"It's Canon. This is it. This is the time."
"Are you aware, my brothers and sisters, that every Protestant Bible, even Martin Luther's German Bible, included the deuterocanonical, even though they would preface it by saying these books are not canonical?"
"The Canon at this generation was making some really wild cameras."
"The whole Canon debate right the whole C conversation about Canon versus not canon versus whatever I told you guys forever the show isn't Canon just say the show is just in another dimension."
"All the little things stick with Canon."
"Even though it's not canon, I'm still gonna take it as that just because I enjoy it so much."
"There are also confusions about categories difference between Canon and the actual text."
"Everything is canon and it all works together you know it adds narrative"
"The creators of Prodigy have also demonstrated how to use Star Trek’s established canon in ways other than shallow fan service and nerdy lore-touring wankfests."
"The Canon is not first and foremost primarily a historical issue, it's a theological one."
"You're allowed to decide what you want to think is Canon."
"Canon matters, people. Otherwise, this isn't a universe, it's just a jumbled mess of overlapping and conflicting stories."
"If yours of being in fandom has taught me anything, it's that the canon story is sometimes even more fun than sticking to it."
"It's ultimately the fans' audience that determines what is and isn't canon to our favorite stories."
"Canon has done a fantastic job with the RF lenses."
"Canon's autofocus is far superior to that of the Nikons."
"Everything for him is technically canon because it stretches throughout the entire multiverse."
"Can you honestly look me in the eyes right now and tell me that this concept is any more ridiculous, any more far afield than Ninja Turtles as clowns, as farmers? It's all Canon."
"If this does happen we shouldn't view this as some oversight as a canonicity issue and we shouldn't use some wrong-headed notion of comic book accuracy to approach it."
"Scooby Snacks canonically edibles."
"The Orthodox view is you know, the church doesn't just decide the canon of scriptures."
"Out of all of the One Piece movies that have been released, Strong World and Film Red are the closest to canon out of all the One Piece movies."
"More than 80 Gospels were considered for the New Testament."
"I'm psyched that Canon has gotten into it, he's a biker dude"
"The events that made General Grievous famous in legends have now been canonized."
"I want them to bring the Old Republic stories into canon."
"How do we know that something is scripture? Who says that something is scripture? Who determines what should be included in scripture, and who gave these people the authority to make such decisions?"
"I like the idea of difference and I don't want to take away stuff that's in the Canon because the Canon is the Canon."
"That to me is still like one of my proudest things that we brought into the Star Wars canon."
"The fact that Doctor Who doesn't have a clearly defined canon means that only the core show can be considered the true actual version of events."
"One of the many roles the Big Finish have carved out for themselves is Doctor Who Canon fixer."
"Characters and storylines that have become canon in the Star Wars universe."
"The compiled Torah became the basis for Israel's future religious life, freezing the texts into a permanent and canonical form."
"You have your people who abide by canon, so you need some excuse to have this story outside of the regular universe."
"It's become what we can refer to as a Canon case."
"This produces a beautiful image and it's supported of course by all of the absolutely premium Canon glass."
"C-Log 2 is considered by many the best log profile for any Canon camera because it has the largest dynamic range."
"Ultimate Spider-Man has a story so good that they eventually took it into the canon of the book Ultimate Spider-Man."
"The color and tone rendition matches all of my other Canon digital, which I love."
"The menu system in the Canons is the best in the business."
"The R3 is by far Canon's best camera."
"The IBIS system seems really well thought out, considering it's like the first version of IBIS in the Canon camera."
"They've become canon in the Marvel Universe."
"The Canon of masterpieces... Bach stands right up there."
"This is what should be held as the basis for canon: a universe and timeline for the books, a universe and timeline for the films."
"What a day for Canon shooters, especially for filmmakers."
"There's not a verse in the Bible, Old or New Testament, that says these books and no others."
"A fun story that has stakes and surprises and managed to have all the Star Trek Canon references while still being respectful and intelligent of the Canon before."
"If it's in the movies, it's canon."
"It's doing everything that we want to see out of a strong, full professional body from Canon."
"This camera also steps up the video game in a huge way for Canon."
"I think it's cool to have official canon."
"The Canon Selphy printer is just awesome."
"Persona Q is canon, that is happening."
"I'm just pulling from the canon material and I'm stringing it all together into a manner that can be easy to understand."
"Golden Lion Shiki is still alive in the One Piece world out there somewhere; Shiki is Canon."
"Nothing's going to be added to the Canon... the old and the New Testament and it's read in public to people in the church."
"They expand upon the lore while simultaneously toying with canon and consequences so that we can have fun with otherwise dark and grim tales."
"It's an amalgamation of beautiful worlds, beautiful universes; both are canon."
"The decision on what books go into the canon is a post-apostolic, later church decision, which is therefore a 'tradition of man'."
"Seeing Canon from a divine perspective."
"The Canon in Christian thought is first and foremost a theological concept."
"Sola scriptura presupposes that you have the Canon."
"Canon is a Greek word which means a yardstick, a standard to measure."
"We're going to respect the canon stuff that has been set up."
"For over 70 years, Canon has been one of the leaders in developing solutions for image capture."
"The Canon EOS Rebel cameras can take your vision beyond the expected and help you capture images that you can admire for decades to come."
"Anakin may now just be the most powerful being in all of Star Wars Canon."
"They've all got respectable build quality, they're all made by Canon."
"I'm a Canon shooter, always have been, always will be."
"Some Canon lenses are referred to as L Series lenses; these lenses are known for their stunning clarity and performance."
"In many ways, this is the best camera that Canon has produced thus far for video."
"This season was willing to shake things up while not being afraid to build upon canon."
"From the moment it was planted, its canon becoming true."
"Why not actually give us a canon movie?"
"Central to labeling a book canonical was the conviction that it represented apostolic teaching and tradition."
"A Canon is a list of texts that are deemed authoritative."
"This is so well detailed; I would maybe say it's one of the best, if not the best, canon mocks that was accepted into the official canon, just based on its looks alone."
"Anything George Lucas made, any of the books that were approved by George Lucas during George Lucas's time, those are canon."
"Legends are non-canon stories now according to Disney and Lucasfilm."
"The mandate from Lucasfilm when they got rid of legends was that everything is one canon."
"If you love tiny, small, beautiful lenses, you cannot get much better than the Canon 28 mil f 2.8."
"The colors out of the Canon camera are amazing."
"Canon cameras just always make people look attractive."
"The canon of classical music is the story of us."
"It handles really nicely, it has a focus ring that actually has a smoother feel than what the equivalent Canon lens."
"Canon's dual pixel autofocus in particular the cinema line in a real world environment is predictable, reliable, and it really hasn't let us down."
"The Ninjago shorts are underrated; some are canon to the storyline and some are quite entertaining."
"The church didn't have to define the Canon of scripture infallibly until Protestants wanted to throw out the books of the Old Testament."
"The decision of what books would go into the Bible is not determined in the Bible."
"There's something about Canon colors where everybody looks good."
"Digital Photo Professional 4 is the best photo editing software for any Canon file, period."
"This software is probably the best software for Canon raw file when it comes to sharpness, noise reduction, color, and overall image quality."
"This is Canon's latest DSLR camera."
"I think Canon's onto a winner here."
"Canon has traditionally been known to have some of the best color science."
"I love to know what's in the canon and to know that there's a character that canonically loves you no matter what."