
Learning Challenges Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Learning technical things is hard, and self-learning is even harder."
"It's like memorizing a giant web. I'm not a spider; I'm a human being."
"You know how hard it is to learn how to read when you can't read?"
"Engaging our brains in something that we're not interested in is really challenging and so it can look like lazy from the outside."
"Hardest part of ice skating is trying to get up when you fall."
"Math is hard and you're going to get stuck. And that's normal and that's okay and that's expected."
"Frameworks are probably a roadblock to becoming a really really good JavaScript developer."
"Make sure you know all these topics well before going further, otherwise you're going to have a lot of difficulty later down the road."
"We're just getting better at this with more time... I really hope that people are following along and doing the challenges with us."
"It's not a learning curve, what it is is two big dippers side by side."
"When the only way you know how to learn things is by brute force memorization, you're going to have a much harder time understanding problems that haven't already been solved and written down in the textbook."
"One of the questions, though, that I get asked the most is how do I learn new words when I can't hear them?"
"The most difficult step in learning something new is just getting started."
"The hero's journey is not always plain sailing. Are you ready to learn about grabbing and swinging? Let's do this."
"It's a learning exercise and sometimes learning sucks, growth is painful. That's why they're called growing pains."
"It's not just for kids, some adults are still struggling with that."
"Every day that goes by that those children are not learning they're falling behind and every day that they fall behind we fall behind."
"The most effective learning requires a well-defined task with an appropriate difficulty level."
"Dyslexia doesn't really stop you from learning, it just makes the incumbent tools in schools useless to you. You have to learn how to deal with what dyslexia does."
"Unfamiliar doesn't necessarily mean difficult."
"It's not because people are not smart enough to take the NCLEX or that they don't know the knowledge. It's because people struggle with answering NCLEX style questions."
"Besides learning about things like sustainability, architectural history, and professional practice, just learning what good design is in and of itself can be a difficult thing to wrap your head around."
"Literacy is tougher than any Dark Souls boss."
"If you're starting out as a one-man show, you can certainly undercut the entire market, but then you're locking yourself into being unresponsive to your clients when you take a day off."
"Soul me who witnessed that asked whether hypnosis magic was not included in the goyu family's innate abilities he had heard that learning something different like that was very difficult."
"Fighting games are hard... but I don't think the difficulty in learning them is very different from any other genre."
"You can do all kinds of amazing stuff in GNS3... however, when it comes to getting into the Cisco world... there's a gap between actually learning the content and dealing with the equipment."
"Learning physics isn't easy. There's a certain way to approach physics problems, a certain style of thinking that needs to be adopted."
"A language disability makes it difficult to remember even simple directions."
"Immersion is the most difficult one, but it is so helpful."
"Stick to what you know, because if you don't know how to learn something, then you're in trouble."
"On my first day of beekeeping, I was scared, I got stung, and I just didn't have a clue what I was doing."
"Vanilla JavaScript is more difficult than using a framework, but it's good to know this stuff. It sharpens your skills as a programmer in general."
"It's funny how she has to relearn what she's already proficient in."
"The learning curve is much steeper with animals, I genuinely think as far as food sustainability goes, the garden is your best bet."
"The curse of knowledge makes us forget our own history of abstract chunking."
"I looked at coding as something that was just way too difficult for me to learn and that I was not smart enough to learn it."
"There's been a lot of really solid releases."
"Calculus is notorious for being a difficult subject riddled with hazy ideas and limitless rules to hastily memorize but it doesn't have to be this way."
"I never know if it's 'i' or 'e' and you guys can tell me right now if it's 'i' or 'e' and that won't matter because my brain immediately just says nope, you don't need to remember that."
"I felt like an old person learning a computer from scratch."
"Learning anything has its own sets of difficulties, and so does language."
"One of the biggest mistakes I see beginners make is that they jump around between multiple programming languages like kangaroos, and that's just the killer."
"Invest in specific tools that help with particular learning challenges."
"Nobody wanted to teach me. There was no training. I just sat there and I didn't even know what to ask if that makes sense."
"We've tried to understand what causes learning problems in the common struggling learner in the classroom."
"As a student with dyslexia, I struggled learning to read."
"Learning difficulty and learning disability are not the same."
"The worst thing about trying to learn something is the very start."
"If you've been trying for weeks or months to learn how to code but don't feel any further along, then these five steps are for you."
"When I was learning how to code, I always struggled with how to structure my code in a more professional way."
"Don't give up, keep on going, keep pushing on, and try not to give up on things just because you don't learn them quickly."
"Learning can be a difficult process too, so don't be discouraged."
"It's extremely difficult to find a logical track from the way data are processed to exactly what we're supposed to be learning from them about the world."
"'I have a learning disability in math and also a learning disability in language and perception.'"
"Expect to be challenged. Some things are going to go smooth, and then there's going to be things that are going to be difficult."
"I love it so much, and I'd love to get to help folks because I know how hard it was for me when I was learning how to paint."
"Some things are harder to learn than others."
"Those are the big ones that a lot of people bump their head against when they're trying audio in TouchDesigner."
"Reading comprehension is a very, very complicated task that we expect kids to learn on their own, and they cannot. They need direct instruction."
"Learn it, and if you have issues learning it, figure out why you have issues learning because overcoming that difficulty will help you learn other things in the future."
"You can meta-overfit which means that you become really good at recalling your training tasks, but really bad at trying to figure out new tasks."
"If you're watching this tutorial and you're feeling a little bit overwhelmed about how complex it is, I don't blame you."
"Blind children don't have the benefit of the incidental learning that sighted children have."
"There's nothing that discourages a kid more... if the guitar plays like a truck, chances are it's going to be two lessons and it'll end up under the bed."
"I'm having like flashbacks from school like I would always just embarrass myself from how terrible I was at reading and following instructions."
"Promise you won't tell anyone... It's to help me read. I'm not... I can't... well, I find it harder than everyone else, reading the normal way."
"If you don't mind leaving a comment down below, just let me know what's challenging for you with Python."
"In the beginning, we have zero context, we don't know anything, so it's super hard."
"Machine learning is hard. Computer vision is hard. Computer science is hard. Learning is difficult. All of this, we can do."