
Iteration Quotes

There are 553 quotes

"Learn just enough and then do a project. Then iterate, iterate, iterate."
"This game has been very iterative, and I think that's one of the great things about it."
"If you can write as a recursive procedure but run as an iterative process, you get the best of both worlds."
"It's going to answer that question for you or it's going to get you close enough that with some additional iteration you'll be able to answer it."
"Redoing things that didn't come out well enough the first time is one of the most effective methods of doing good things. Iteration."
"For loop is often used when you know in advance how many iterations you will have."
"Looping: Java, like most programming languages, has a for loop."
"This is what our fourth, fifth iteration of a new Batman... it is my favorite Batman movie out of all of them."
"So if we're looping over and the index happens to be six, well that's not valid so we just continue."
"Being able to iterate and try out ideas really quickly is super powerful."
"I think it's very interesting... we went through a lot of iterations to get to the right place."
"By building a more modular and decoupled system allows for a lot of iteration by designers."
"A great product is not stagnant, it's constantly iterating."
"No plane survives contact with the enemy. The best thing you could do sometimes is just iterate quick."
"Each draft should be an iteration on success."
"It's how we like to learn and iterate rapidly."
"Iterate and revise: the first thing you make is rarely the final product."
"The beauty of software is like you can iterate really fast."
"It added iteration that I mean throughout, does it? And we talked about, we put things out there, listen to the community, improve things; this is that in action, really."
"You can do this as many times as you need to dial it in."
"The first part you get is almost never right."
"The best advice is to actually launch something quickly and iterate."
"Even the great Steve Jobs iterated his products over time."
"You have to touch your data, engineer it, be aware of it, and iterate on it..."
"Don't forget about your data in terms of being familiar with it, working with it, engineering and iterating on it..."
"We took a lot of iterations actually to get to the point where we kind of cracked what we wanted out of the game."
"We're really focusing on trying to make those iteration things less painful."
"Honestly, this seems to have gotten much better since the last iteration."
"Good designs come from repeated trial and error with many failed iterations along the way."
"The best thing that you can learn from a prototype is actually everything that goes bad because this is the stuff that you can then iterate on and make the gameplay or the technical stuff even better."
"The for loop in PHP repeats a block of code a specified number of times."
"SpaceX opts to create, test, and refine the minimum viable product over time."
"UX design 101: Assumptions, testing, iteration."
"You can start something and completely hate it and then go back and redo it."
"The format was constantly being tinkered with and iterated on."
"You can play around with this more as you hone in on your design."
"Coming off of 5 to 5.5 there was a little bit of 'these feel the same' but that's certainly not the case here."
"For loops are a fundamental aspect of every programming language."
"A while loop is going to work when you typically don't know how many times you want to loop through something."
"Build test iterate, build test iterate, that is the tried and true method to build products that people love."
"Features are being added and tweaked all the time."
"You genuinely feel the love they all have for each other in this iteration."
"The best founders build the first version of the product first."
"...velocity is the capacity of the team to complete work in a single iteration."
"A Sprint is an iteration in scrum... each Sprint results in potentially shippable software."
"In each iteration, agile methodologies help us to create a working piece of the software product which will help us to make quick corrections."
"The general process is just do the stuff manually and then iterate."
"Each successive increment builds on the top of the work done in the previous increments."
"Because of this iterative approach, it helps to become adaptable and flexible to adjust to these varying conditions."
"Obtain feedback continuously to ensure the product meets business requirements."
"We're gonna talk about loops for executing code repeatedly."
"So if a user enters an invalid value, we keep asking them to try again."
"Creation and creativity is an iterative process."
"There's nothing wrong with iterating, version one, version two, version three, all the way to version infinity."
"The early versions of our movies, they're all crap."
"That's sort of like a circular argument, right? I keep iterating, only to make more stuff out of bounds, only to lengthen the table even more."
"You're gonna want to update this document frequently as you make changes to the design and as you build the rocket."
"I'm going to iterate over these files."
"You build good products by using your product."
"You can use a mixer like this as a module or instrument you keep tweaking over time."
"Writing fast and efficient code is a hands-on and iterative process where we try things, we get feedback, and we use what we learn to guide our next steps moving forward."
"It's the same but different, which is sort of symbolic of this whole iteration of the clown Prince of Crime."
"Sound design is an iterative process."
"You want to use a vanilla, like a regular for loop?"
"You don't need to have this big elaborate plan you practice iterative design."
"We honestly went through at this point around 100, 200 samples of the brow sculpt before we got anywhere near a final sample."
"The key to take away with generics is when you want to create a function or a type where some piece of data inside of it could be multiple different types but during the entire iteration of that type or function you want it to be the same thing."
"But that works and then we want to come here once again with our animation timeline."
"Open AI is mostly about like let's go like fig solve this like you know the first step in solving it is actually try trying a v zero a solution and then we iterate and we get there."
"Teams should always be figuring out better ways to work and it's really valuable to set this time aside after each iteration to focus entirely on how to improve."
"You don't have one golden image, right Steven and Jeff tank? You don't have one golden image."
"It's another iteration of Good Vibes FC."
"I look at my channel as a single textbook that goes through successive iterations."
"Working software...has to come regularly so more and more working piece as it comes customer can give feedback based on their experience."
"A Sprint is an amount of time that the team commits to completing their work and delivering a working product by the end of it."
"Scrum is a simple framework used by teams to establish a hypothesis, try it out, reflect on the experience, and adjust."
"It's almost like he's redrafting reality every time, choosing to go back, fail again, fail better."
"Test-driven development is great when you have a black box. Way better version of development is this: you build something, you throw that something away, you learn from it, you throw it away, and then you build it again."
"Agile deployments are more iterative and more rapid."
"Spacex's entire methodology is build test fly and then take that data you learn and put it back into the next thing you build and just completely just do that cycle over and over and over again iterate rapidly learn rapidly build rapidly."
"Even a bad first draft of yourself is valuable. Start haphazardly and iterate."
"The most successful designs always go back and look at the first generation."
"It means that when I'm prototyping and iterating on a design, I can get several design iterations in a day instead of just one or maybe two."
"Each level of recursion, each iteration, cutting things up slashes the volume in half."
"Not every creature comes out perfect the first time around, but that's the fun thing about designing."
"Working software delivers business value much earlier in the lifecycle."
"Feedback is taken seriously and implemented in future iterations."
"Do planning on a weekly basis; review the weekly progress and pick a week's worth of stories to implement."
"You make one, you critique it rigorously, and that $2 piece of steel you have goes right back in the forge, cut off the little rag on the end, make another hundred. More, you will have learned so, so much."
"Nothing is perfect on the first try."
"A final product has never been created on the first try."
"Agile testing is continuous iteration compared to the linear waterfall model."
"It used to just be make the thing and then put it on sale now it's like put it on sale and then deliver the Half Bake thing and then iterate and make it better."
"This allows you to quickly get a sense for if what you're building is working."
"Think about anything else that you've gotten good at in your life. Probably the main way you got better was just iteration, right?"
"The best iteration of Minnie is the Paul Rudish version simply for giving her something, even if it does just kinda come off as a gender swap of Mickey."
"We're starting with query analysis, routing it to the right place, modifying it as needed, and then kind of online unit testing and iterative flow feedback."
"Iterators of C++ 20 filters and other views cache, which has some interesting consequences."
"Each ship is unique even when it is just reiterating on a similar design archetype."
"I opened the file in Fusion, and I was like, 'Nah, just throw the whole thing in the bin, we're starting over.'"
"Code is for automation. Code is for scaling. But if you iterate and every startup iterates in the beginning, writing code is actually the most expensive way to iterate."
"Done is better than perfect just do it the simple way you can always add complexity later."
"Real-time feedback makes it very easy to try ideas out and iterate quickly."
"Good ideas are [ __ ] ideas at first. They only become good ideas after you start working on it and then you start refining it over and over."
"I'm always tweaking it so I'm never quite happy, never complete."
"You make something, you try it out, you put it out, you reap the benefits or you learn the lessons and then do it again the next day."
"Iterate, iterate, iterate. Don't take the first thing you get back from GitHub co-pilot if you think there could be a better way to do it."
"So just by using a plain English statement here, a statement that doesn't require any complex regex or understanding what I want to do, you can see it's giving me a diff view here."
"Iterate, iterate, iterate. Don't take the first thing it gives you."
"Everything is a remix of a remix."
"So loops in Python allows us to iterate through sets, lists, or pretty much dictionaries or any data structure available."
"When you don't like something, just regenerate that part again and see if you get a better result."
"Sprints are the heartbeat of Scrum where ideas are turned into value. They are fixed-length events of one month or less to create consistency."
"But what's nice in Python, frankly, is that it's a lot easier to loop in Python than it is in C because you can loop over anything that is iterable."
"Execute the inner loop for every value of the outer loop."
"Whenever you want to write some pre-processing logic even before checking the very first condition of your loop, then in that case you will be using a do while loop."
"Start with i equal to 1 and then check the condition i less than 10. If the condition holds true, some code executes, goes back to the changing statement, which can be an increment or decrement, whatever, and again compares the updated value with the condition."
"Whenever we have to iterate over a collection of items or an array of items, those are the most popular and common use cases of using enhanced for loop."
"So technically start from the index 0 and go till the last element, that's your evaluation condition."
"That's the basic premise that you can write a collection variable here and keep iterating over it."
"If you want to just print all the elements or access all the elements of an array or a collection one by one then just use enhanced for loop."
"Expanding selections is extending over the surface and because this is a repeat Zone we can set this to be an arbitrary number of iterations."
"And it's just you're doing this over and over and over again until you get what you're looking for."
"Maybe by keep doing this maybe we end up with something that is better than what we had before."
"It's fail fast, right? It's... it's have an idea and start working towards it and get all of the mistakes out of the way as quickly as you can on your way to the good version of it."
"Faster model training makes for faster iteration to reach your modeling goals."
"Versioning: small improvements over time."
"The build is never really finished, you can always come back to it and make adjustments."
Quote: "It's continuous. Then you tweak it some more and some more and some more."
"Build that very small thing and get it out there."
"This thing went through a lot of different iterations. In the final version, I still don't even think it's perfect."
"Better than the first one, better than the very first one, right, better every time."
"Your job is not to code or build product or even get customers. It's to search for something that's repeatable and scalable."
"If you aren't embarrassed by the first product you ship, then you waited too long."
"If you're not completely embarrassed by the first version of your product, you took too long to launch."
"But what I'm really interested in is the iteration if you keep doing the instruction: square it, square it, square it."
"The living room itself went through, I'd say, 10 different versions in the beginning."
"Traversal gameplay iteration in response to gameplay: we had to do a lot of this because traversal problems cause players fits in playtesting."
"When I'm nailing down a design I often have dozens of variations of a piece that I'll make to just help me get it exactly where I want it."
"A lot of painting is just trying to work things out, just seeing what works going back and forth back and forth."
"So you may have noticed during this build that hey wait a second that doesn't look like the table it was building before it looks kind of different well that's because it is, uh, this is version two."
"By consciously focusing on testing our product ideas in production, we can guide our products to become better over time."
"This is version one, generally you're gonna do about three versions in real life or IRL if you're one of the kids, and you'll have a product that you really like and you're really enjoy whatever it may be."
"...and then you can use base path mapping to build out to a V1, a V2, a prod, a beta, however you want it to do."
"We prove, we test, and we prove again."
"This is the part in the production process where I just listen through things over and over and over and I'm making tiny little tweaks adding little sounds and just kind of using trial and error."
"This was just the beginning of a series that will continue to see iteration and evolution."
"The general process moving forward is design, change, test, print, problem-solve, and repeat until all the problems are solved and I'm happy with the design."
"Creating a minimum viable version of it, what would that look like?"
"Every project draws a line, and then you just keep moving the line as the bugs come in."
"The AI revolution allows us to iterate faster on tools like Replit. We're catching a platform shift, adapting faster than older IDEs."
"Because for each counter here, we want to have some kind of increment to counter by, right?"
"The creative process is a loop it's a circle it's not like a Factory oh beginning to end it's like it's this iterative Loop."
"So initially you fake it, mid-level tests are about building a rough version of it. It's not complete, it's not polished, it's not scalable, but it's good enough to give to users to start using."
"Sometimes you need to roll back and change things but it's another opportunity to learn."
"One can iterate this transfinitely."
"We weren't sitting around waiting for someone to come and teach us anything. We just gave it a shot and made a bad first version and then we kept doing bad versions until it got mediocre then good and then you know we're still out there trying to do our best to this day."
"If you aren't embarrassed by the first version of your product, you've launched too late."
"It's an iterative approach to curating your life."
"You need to find a small number of users that will help you build this great product."
"Once you've made it through the whole stack, you are going to iterate, which means you return back towards the bottom and refactor, focusing on what needs the most work."
"You've made it through the whole stack, enjoy that for a while, then you're going to iterate back down again."
"Stop perfection, get it out there, accept what comes back, learn from it, and go from there."
"This is by far my favorite iteration of the custom Batman."
"You don't just go in with a hard outline and try to do it perfect the first go. You want to build the drawing up in layers."
"The second cube is always better than the first."
"Design is an iterative process. You need to leave room to change as you go."
"I may not remember all the details but I know that there is an iterative solution for every recursive form."
"With this process, you're constantly making new shapes, making sure that these different shapes and different iterations of these shapes work for your pattern and it's okay to fail."
"It's okay for concept design to be fast and sloppy. It's about getting through iterations quickly."
"Generators are a really powerful way to implement iteration."
"An iterable is something that can produce a stream of values."
"Thank you all in the chat for telling me about my horrible thumbnail. I still don't know if it's fixed. I'm on about the fourth iteration."
"Overall, it's not about making it perfect the first time, but you just do it and then you keep asking for feedback and like you just keep improving upon it."
"User interface design is hard, and the only way to do it that I know is to do it over and over again because nobody is smart enough to figure out beforehand whether what is really going to work and what isn't."
"Always undo a change if it doesn't work, and then implement the next change, and move along."
"Product strategy is a living thing, updated every quarter."
"This is the best iteration of the Cross trk so far."
"A software product is never done and you're never done building."
"I hope you love this fourth edition of my butter bun recipe."
"TDD is a process of dividing the design of our software into a series of small, actually tiny steps that incrementally evolve our software towards more effective, higher quality solutions."
"...this is the beginning of the sixth generation..."
"The faster you can learn from your users and build that and go again, the more likely you are to succeed."
"...that actually made it to the final model."
"Looping over collections? Use enumerate instead of indices."
"All those little incremental tests were just like, 'Yeah, we need more of this.'"
"The Python way to loop over two collections simultaneously? Use zip."
"MVP is more like a process instead of a product, so you launch it multiple times, launch it quickly, talk to a bunch of first users, and then get feedbacks, iterate, and repeat until you get to the point where people love it and people tell their friends about it."
"So if the high bound is ever less than the low bound, that should never happen, theoretically, if this were iterated properly, the only time is when it can't find it, though the target is not in the list, then we return negative one."
"It's quite scientific and then it will do many tens maybe even hundreds of thousands of iterations of the code that you're testing to give you a real statistical sort of set of data to look at."
"Good problem-solving work is iterative; expect to return to every step."
"Iterate, take something that's worked for others, and apply your own unique experience."
"But over time, products have become more digital, they've become cheaper to build, faster to iterate on."
"If you wanted to change the way the dashboard in a car is laid out, well, you could ship an update in a matter of minutes instead of having people stuck with a design for years and years and years."
"This Tesla dashboard is actually a constant work in progress. In fact, every digital product is a work in progress. The design is never done, the product is never done."
"What you really wanna do is make sure you're collecting the data and iterating."
"The quicker we got data, the quicker we were able to iterate."
"Collecting the right data and then iterating on all of these things."
"The quicker you get into these iterations, the faster you're gonna grow."
"Everything that looks terrible here will not be replicated on the second attempt."