
Indecision Quotes

There are 946 quotes

"Do I like it? Do I love it? I kind of love it."
"Decisive people experience the joy and relief that comes with making a decision versus the pain and suffering that comes with indecision."
"Many people waste and ruin their lives simply through indecision and stalling out."
"The sad truth is that most evil is done by people who never make up their minds to be good or evil."
"What is indecision costing you? You know, when you open yourself up to doubt, you activate the wrong power. In the Book of James, it says, 'When you ask, you must believe and not doubt because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.'"
"I was one of those people who was on the fence about water features like this."
"Most of you are stuck between these two areas."
"These choices are great, there is truly no right answer."
"The ASUS ROG Swift PG32UQX is one of those monitors that's pretty hard to come to a conclusion on."
"Should we do nothing? What should we do? Are we... when can this conflict be resolved?"
"Jerome Powell wanted to at least tentatively punt the question by saying hey you know what we'll let the minutes decide that"
"My vote is like bouncing around because it's like every time I start to like somebody more their campaign does something stupid to me or they prove that they're just as sold out as the other."
"I love Christopher no Christopher should we give it to Christopher..."
"Somebody's taking too long to make a decision..."
"The question isn't what it costs you but how much has it cost you to not decide up to this point."
"Just start to listen for a while if you don't know what to do."
"It's kind of hard to pick a favorite... I really like a lot of these characters."
"Right now, your person doesn't know what it is that they want. Maybe you, maybe somebody else, maybe something else."
"The verdict is still out there and it's up to you to judge for yourself."
"It's not a short list... I would say that yes."
"I might just have to, I don't know, maybe we should just see."
"The worst punishment is reserved for those who commit to nothing and stayed on the fence."
"The easiest thing to do when presented with the force of a decision is to not make a decision."
"What happens to them now? Good question. I guess you just keep them, put them on your shelf. No, oh no, no."
"There is no reason to believe that it is going to be a bad or disappointing watch, but it just never comes to mind when you are trying to think of something to watch next?"
"Hope you have your own opinion. I hope you are Mourinho in. I hope you are Mourinho out. I hope you are the undecided. I hope you've got an opinion."
"I know that this is a cop-out but I just can't pick one there's no way."
"Sometimes actually a wrong decision is better than indecision. This indecision is causing a lot of problems."
"We did not reach any conclusions. We put many ideas on the table." - Senator Durbin
"Left is better, she's awesome. Left is better, I think right is better. I think right is better, for sure, like 10 million percent better."
"No it comes I mean I just I'm just really hesitant to put limits on things."
"Nights are sleepless, do we need space, yeah maybe you'll break or you're my weakness."
"Which Bay is the best? We're thinking this one is a tie."
"Maybe yes, maybe no. As a matter of fact, I decided to put up a poll."
"Make up your own mind on this set based on my review because I clearly can't even make up my own mind on this so good luck."
"I kept cycling between them and couldn't settle on one since they all look good in their own way."
"Maybe he'll change his name to 1t SC maybe not probably not keep cookin."
"I still don't really have a pick I really don't like I can go back and forth I can make an argument and I won't be confident until I can see."
"These choices that they can't make and these things they, you know, they don't know what their path is going to be like."
"You're very crossed, you don't know which way to go, so the month of June you're gonna be having to make a decision."
"The customization options are diverse to the point where I can't even choose what to wear."
"The west is now having cold feet about this."
"I'm just gonna vote with you, Moxie, because both of you, I'm just saying, I don't know what I'm saying."
"They do and they don't because they're holding back."
"Oh my God, I can't pick a winner, these are brilliant."
"This is someone that is thinking about opening up apologizing but they're they're a little torn here between two different worlds."
"It's time for choosing, but they won't. They're not going to choose."
"Maybe the best choice is no choice... sometimes if you can't pick, the answer is no one."
"I'm actually unsure what to spec it in next."
"They're very confused about which way to go, they feel like they are stuck."
"This has been absolutely amazing, I don't think we can even decide."
"I don't want to let my life just pass by me just being in this fierce state or this place of indecision."
"You have the power to do it, I want to do it, why am I not doing it?"
"The best part about having all of this money is having absolutely no idea what to do with it."
"Sometimes, I feel like I could be for kids but I also feel like I can't."
"The Warframe community doesn't know what the [ __ ] they want."
"I don't know, I feel like it's a... I don't know."
"It's hard for me to come to a definitive conclusion and say one of them is the winner. I think both of these guys do win."
"I'm not even gonna put a tag on it right now."
"I'm so grateful to have that boom and it's to the point where I'm like, I can't... I could, like, want so... certain people asked me like, you know like, what you want? Like, really don't know right now."
"Being in the middle is not really a coherent position."
"I'll decide later all right guys bye bye bye bye bye okay bye bye bye."
"I'm so indecisive dude, why can't I just make up my mind?"
"I don't really know where to put it... but it's really going to bother me."
"Is it a no? And I was like, wait, no, nobody know!"
"He broke the Electoral stalemate, he won for the conservatives a convincing victory, he gave them a big parliamentary majority, and then as prime minister he seemed to have absolutely no idea what to do with that majority."
"I want to stop music, I don't. I want to keep doing music."
"It's not that I'm a coward, it's just I'm very indecisive sometimes."
"I'm indecisive and I'm pretty recording so I can't really tell you guys, you guys get really, tell me what's next."
"It's okay to be of two minds and still be able to say what you need to say."
"I just want to find him the right thing. I just like I said I just don't think that uh I don't think perfume's where it's at."
"There are people in the middle that are kind of undecided and these are usually the people that I look for."
"I don't have a definite reason to keep playing, but I also don't have a reason to quit. Not having either is pretty normal."
"Oh, what is going on man? Like, I don't know what to do. I don't know what's happening dude. Oh, I don't know what's going on anymore."
"The worst place to be when you're indecisive is in the air."
"One of the reasons I named my channel, Undecided."
"They could not come to a conclusion, so they decided to go with a mistrial."
"It's not a hard no, it's just that right now, I don't see it in three years."
"It seems like everybody's just kind of like waiting around to see then what happens, but it feels like as the days continue to creep forward that the theory of the vibe session seems to be coming more true."
"Not making a decision is in itself a decision."
"Guys I think gizzy might also be I don't know."
"Looks good, looks bad, I want more of it, want less of it."
"Now you're conflicted, do you go back to this? Will this person do the same thing again? You need to work out what it is that you want."
"Yeah, it probably does need a definite change, but I'm not sure to what."
"I know okay what do I eat first I don't even know man."
"It sounds good. I even know what's in it. What is in it? It doesn't really tell us, does it? Hmm, I really, to be honest, I... It sounds great, so I'm sticking with it."
"I feel like I can't really personally sit here and say that I know exactly what I want to do."
"It's kind of like sometimes we get paralyzed by these decision makings because we're stuck in the moment."
"Your person is torn apart... torn between reaching out to you or going away."
"There's a lot of things but we can go in circles all day."
"It felt crazy, like I went back and forth, I think it was only like three or four times."
"To not decide is to decide to become a Pontius Pilate."
"I'm convinced that I'm gonna use it, so I keep it, and then it just kind of sits here for a couple of months and then I will get rid of it."
"Decide whether this is actually really [__] cool, I kept talking myself into it and then talking myself out of it over and over and then finally I caved."
"Will he stay or will he go... otherwise, the war could go on forever." - Jack Devine
"Can I play Uncharted? I don't know about Uncharted."
"We're not too sure yet, draining in it, um, that is not certain right?"
"I'm just confused. I mean, I don't know, maybe I will."
"It might sound like a cop-out but I'm gonna call it a tie between the Audi sq5 and the Volvo xc60 t8."
"There's room to be confident and absolutely I don't know I think like we do that all the time no brain part but I really want to."
"Eventually, I do want to have some more fantasy races, but it's just a little bit... I don't know."
"Honestly, the biggest regret this person has was their lack of action and indecision."
"I don't know if I'm gonna put stuff on there. We ain't got to put nothing on there."
"It's more like, yes, yes, yes, yes, I will, I'll not do that yet."
"Are you gonna use that run option? I'm not sure, but yeah, probably."
"I kinda want to change teams, I actually really, really kind of want to change teams here just to see what's going on here."
"I just couldn't pick a winner, there's too many good things about each of them."
"I've been bopping back and forth with that for a while now."
"You know what, it's gonna look nice when you fix it up. Or are you gonna fix it up? No, probably not."
"Couldn't decide what it is you've wanted, you've chosen yourself instead."
"I don't know if I should sign up. Yeah, sure why not."
"These options kept him stuck, kept him restless."
"Unfortunately, there is zero consensus at this moment in time."
"Sometimes the best decision is no decision at all."
"You're damned if you do, damned if you don't sometimes."
"I can't pick a favorite; all of the colors are just so beautiful."
"Second guessing everything will leave you emotionally rekt, as well as the value of your portfolio over the long term."
"Let's scout around for a bit, not quite sure what I wanna tame today."
"I still gave it a seven out of ten... what was wrong with me."
"Of course, it could be one of those. I don't know for sure, but I sense it could be."
"I feel like there's gonna be some indecision on your part, not theirs. I think you're going to be avoiding making some sort of decision with this person."
"I don't want winning that fort, but I also don't want to lose this fort. I hate having to make decisions."
"Dang, I was gonna wear these right. I kinda wanna wear these too, oh it's the options for me."
"The only way out is to stop trying to pick one or waffle between them and instead encapsulate both."
"You want to move, I do see you stuck now actually in your head about the situation."
"I can't name just one, just do one anything, okay?"
"Not making a choice is making a choice because you give someone the power to make a choice over you."
"He didn't sound like someone who has completely made up his mind that he's not... he will not come back so we'll see."
"I hit the button for you. Should I hit the button? Wait, where's the button? Oh, the top left. Bye."
"I know what he would want, but I can't." - Kathleen
"I think for a while I considered lip filler but I just feel like I didn't care enough to actually get it done."
"There's a lot of observing going on about a decision that they failed to make... They're wanting to speak to you, breaking the silence between the both of you."
"I honestly don't know where this man stands. I think he has a fence post up his ass from sitting on the fence for so damn long."
"There's indecision between you both, or someone has more than one person to choose from."
"The heaviest things in life aren't iron and gold, but unmade decisions."
"The reason why I love it so much is because sometimes I have no idea what to cook."
"But I don't know what to do with those tossed salads and scrambled eggs. They're calling again."
"All I want to do is run away, leave all my problems back at home."
"Not making a decision is still a decision."
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice."
"I've always loved art but I never knew if I really wanted to pursue that as a potential career for the rest of my life."
"I didn't follow my heart, and now I don't know how to let you go."
"We're both the most just like easy-going people but when it comes down to this, we just cannot make decisions to save our life."
"You gave all your back and forth, but you can't decide."
"Not making a decision is a big decision."
"Indecision is the seedling of fear."
"Do you like steak or do you like pizza? The answer is yes."
"I'm so bad at buying clothes; I want to buy clothes, it's just I never know what to get."
"I have threads in there to do that one and I have a couple different pieces of linen so I guess I didn't couldn't make up my mind"
"Customers can't figure out what to do, so they actually do nothing. It's a terrifying stat."
"I’m not doing it. I’m not doing it. And yet I’m doing it."
"I don't want to give you I'm not I'm not"
"No decision has been made, and they know they're hurting you by doing this, but they don't know what to do because they don't want to hurt anybody."
"They're confused, they're not sure what they want."
"I'm only at 40%! Alright, I'm going to push you. Oh my God, I need an answer. Honestly, it's really tricky."
"They're mourning or grieving this connection, unsure about what choice to make."
"Honestly, this all seems so confusing and I seriously don't know what to do."
"They have a tendency to change their mind a lot, which can lead to inconsistency."
"Late at night they seem to be someone who is trying to make a decision... their mind actually feels very... it goes in circles when it comes to you."
"Is it okay to wear? And then every time I get dressed I'm like okay I'm going to wear that sneaker and then I come in here and I land up leaving with a different sneaker."
"Nude brown or red? I don't know, I don't know."
"We're still back and forth with them."
"I just haven't known like what to start even though there's so many ones I I want to start and there's so many ones that I really want to read right now I just cannot pick which one I want to."
"Yay okay now I don't know what to do here."
"I might try it, I'm really... might do it. Yeah, I might have to do it, y'all."
"I didn't know what to do with them."
"It's all fun and games until you're really undecided on an item of clothing and then the panic sets in."
"I don't know, I mean I like everything."
"Worry and indecision are no longer problems."
"That indecision right there, how they're thinking to come forward."
"Indecision is holding you back, so make the choice that's best for you rather than trying to please others."
"Which one do you guys like more, the pink one or the green one? I think I like both."
"They didn't know what they wanted."
"They felt like a rumination cycle, overwhelmed, and unable to decide what to do."
"They're saying that they feel pulled in two directions about whatever decision needs needs to be made and what their actions should be."
"No decision today other than the decision of no decision."
"They don't want to let you go but they also don't want to make a decision."
"I wasn't sure if I wanted to keep this blonde piece, which is why I let it grow so far. I don't know. I just wasn't sure if I wanted to have to deal with this all the time, but I like it."
"I'm kind of in between things right now."
"when you don't know what to do do nothing."
"You have a hard time making decisions."
"I feel like it's hard to really pick a side."
"They feel torn, conflicted, stuck at a place of indecision."
"Here's the thing, I'm on the fence between 'Yes' and 'It's not that serious.'"
"Frustrated, he pleases himself while imagining his many crushes but ultimately can't decide which of them is his special lady."
"...indecisions, meaning like overthinking, the inability to kind of like stay present, right? That actually perpetuates our pain in a lot of ways."
"It makes me feel like this person is right on the fence, like should I move on from this connection or should I commit here and feeling very anxious about this choice."
"I don't know what to say Steve, 'cause when I heard this, I'm just what do you think, Steve?"
"Sometimes the best decision to make is nothing. It's the decision of indecision or the decision of no decision."
"I might watch Showgirls tonight, I might watch it tonight."
"I go back and forth on Big Time power or watery because a week ago I was team water."
"Their fear could be that they cannot get out of this place of feeling confused, indecisive."
"Stop wasting your time on people who are indecisive about you. Indecision is a decision. You should want to be with someone who is sure about you and doesn't treat you like a second option."
"I don't really know what to do, so that's why I was just sitting inside for so long today."
"Just nothing sounded good to eat, literally nothing."
"If you guys remember previously in the video, we're a little undecided about what to do with our hoses."
"Sometimes not choosing is a choice. Sometimes not choosing is a choice."
"...the most incredible thing because like I said I was the most indecisive person I did not know how to make decisions."
"The weather can't decide what it wants to do today."
"Indecision, doubt, and fear are the enemies that prevent you from realizing your opportunities."