
Societal Response Quotes

There are 134 quotes

"There definitely needs to be a greater discussion and investigation on what the appropriate response is to people who transgress."
"So many young, beautiful, innocent people living and enjoying their lives, murdered by evil losers in life. I won't call them monsters because they would like that term; they would think that's a great name. I will call them, from now on, losers, because that's what they are. They're losers."
"In this moment, what is extraordinary is that as we see ugly corporate greed, we also see the best in people putting their lives on the line to help others."
"We have all become pandemic fatigued, and yet if this was a report of a terrorist threat, we would now be raising the threat level from amber to red."
"This is an exciting step, but also a scary one for a lot of people."
"It's not the societal or institutional governmental responses that seemed to show the biggest differences...it was much more something intrinsic to the way that the population seemed to respond to the introduction of the virus."
"Black people have always lit themselves on fire to keep America warm. And now that we're done being burned, the response is bitter and cold."
"Mainstream conservatives are extraordinarily upset about white supremacism."
"We must never ignore the vile poison of anti-semitism, or those who spread its venomous creed. With one voice we must confront this hatred anywhere and everywhere it occurs."
"I thought a million dead, a million bodies would have actually brought the country together in some way, and there would have been some mutual, you know, we disagree on everything else, but a million dead is something we have to actually reckon with as a culture, and we've got to do something. And the opposite happened."
"Truth is incontrovertible. Panic may resent it, ignorance may deride it, malice may distort it, but there it is."
"His decisions show that the president sees in his society and that he's directly responding to the key public demand of justice for all."
"What will the country do? Will people get transfixed on fear and insecurity and the threat, or will they see this as an opportunity to truly lead the world?"
"Outrage is understandable, but violence is never acceptable." - Erica Savage
"We're incredibly inspired by the way people across this country are stepping up."
"We didn't have protests last night. We had criminal acts."
"Consistent with the First Amendment, the nation's answer is tolerance, not coercion."
"A lot of people in covid like I'm sure yourself, it was stunning to see the majority fell for what was palpably nonsensical."
"Even in a place where there has been a history of issues, the point is... the Kenosha riots were in response to what was perceived to be the unjustified shooting of Jacob Blake."
"Life is happening, you've got to keep moving through life, you can't just stop doing everything because they say there's a new virus out there."
"A very instinctive reaction to a perceived injustice, I say is the sign of a healthy society."
"I think what we are surprised about is Justice was actually served."
"I think instead of blaming this young girl or questioning her story at this point, people should first of all be thankful that she survived."
"People are getting killed in Chicago, people are getting shot in Chicago, and the narrative is always there's nothing being done, there's nothing being done."
"Start downplaying all of these fears around covid."
"There's never going to be enough Justice on this Earth. Hell hath no fury enough for baby murderers."
"No matter what the catalyst is... it's interesting to see how different people imagine society would respond to the crisis."
"It's been a devastating two days since the Supreme Court turned its back on the Constitution."
"Disney could be the solution to an ever-growing complaint from parents and religious groups."
"There are evil people in the world doing evil things, but there's also the rallying together of kindness and generosity."
"These actions must not be condoned in any way, shape or form. We're determined to root out the scourge from our country and support every legal action to eliminate these horrible acts."
"It's so infuriating that this happened, and the very people whose lives were at risk were being protected by these police officers are downplaying it, dismissing it."
"What's happening here is very helpful, is it, uh, it's, it'll, it ought to properly frighten us and, uh, get us to wake up."
"When there is a wave of hate that begins to cascade over a part of the world, we need to build an opposing wave of love."
"If there is no legal remedy for your grievances, what do you think happens next?"
"The only response is going to be violence, that's it and that's what we've seen."
"But I'm glad that society realizes that that little girl is alive, she's smiling, the dad did a dumb thing, no harm no foul, she's good and they started up a GoFundMe just to support him,"
"Aw, thanks 'Girl Defined.' You just cured gender dysphoria by asking those people to just stick with it and be sad until they eventually die."
"Well, first of all, one of the things I think is important is we've seen surges before. Surges tend to respond to hope."
"Some people will wait for the justice system to work, others will carry around a can of gasoline until they find the predator."
"Being hated makes you feel good, and it's easier to just be hated."
"Regardless of whether an individual believes her testimony they should believe that nothing good can come from minimizing and mocking descriptions of abuse."
"Basically what's gonna happen in Australia at the end of the year when we're all gonna be let out of stage four lockdown."
"They got almost like an unprecedented amount of backlash."
"Society reacted when such occurrences have taken place involving larger groups of onlookers."
"You fail, you get rewarded. You commit crimes, you get rewarded."
"When government authority loses credibility, society will give a negative evaluation to whatever it says or does."
"How could you not revolt and like dance it off?"
"Trump's win is the biggest Fu to all his enemies, the media, the politicians, Wall Street, Hollywood."
"After Columbine we were shocked, after Sandy Hook we said no more, after Parkland we were outraged, but after you've all day nothing has happened."
"Dude, I love that they're like, 'Yo, mental health's a problem' and then they were like, 'Okay, let's do something about it.'"
"How is this anything but homegrown extremism? How are we not responding to this in a way equal to after 9/11?"
"It's depressing so many aren't standing up against this creeping tyranny."
"Do we need to remind people that China was welding people into buildings just a couple months ago, that they were hauling people off in the backs of trucks, kicking and screaming against their will?"
"You tell people in this country they cannot speak, that is when they scream. You tell people they cannot scream, that is when they tear things down."
"A chilling journey to Buffalo, where anger over racist ideologies drove the attack."
"Because we're still in a crisis... we're gonna need to take these extreme measures in order to get out of this crisis."
"We're getting post-woke so they're getting more hysterical."
"You should make a documentary about the barbecue rebellion and all the other Canadian actions against COVID lockdowns. A good 10-part documentary with interviews with cops, politicians, maybe bureaucrats."
"I'm glad to see there's a lot of pushback on things now, and it's coming from really a lot of bipartisan folks. You have parents, politicians, kids, students, you know, a lot of pushback, and I am really, really glad to see that."
"If you do the right thing, people will reward you."
"People aren't waiting to report, and that includes mainstream."
"A pack of masks sent to every citizen in Britain, and then maybe when we go through this whole rigmarole of putting that mask on before we go to the tube, do that."
"One of the things that happens when culture is degraded is not only do people not know it, but they actually cheer it on."
"Bullying is real, there's a real hazard to it, but the way that our schoolyards have responded to it is ridiculous."
"We can't let this virus change our way of life and we can't risk responding in a way that is worse than the virus itself."
"The only way that we're gonna see a response to this pandemic that is not just another massive giveaway to the rich will be if working-class people actually take things."
"The problem is... a lot of churches are joining the world in how to respond to this... the church... joined in a worldly philosophies through social justice."
"The overwhelming response to the truth and reconciliation commission, the apology, the dark legacy of unspeakable things we did to children in the name of erasing their very identity was indifference."
"People are capable of taking it seriously and are capable of adapting."
"Do we need leaders like him? The world is showing that we need it by his election."
"Why didn't anybody call the police during this incident?"
"Cancel culture is a type of boycott when someone usually but not always someone famous says something somebody deems offensive and they become canceled or shunned or completely ignored."
"Deal to crack down on fentanyl... pretty cool."
"In 2014 or 2015, officer Chauvin probably would have been placed on administrative leave... so the fact that officer Chauvin and the other three officers were fired immediately by the mayor of Minneapolis is the kind of measurable difference."
"They were attacking all of us, they were telling all these people that we don't care about them and we do."
"Dollars are willing to shut it down so instantly it wasn't even like what what is that does that make you more scared or does it not affect you at all what do you think?"
"15 million people died, we haven't done a thing about it, nobody seems to care."
"Donald Trump just played their game better than they did; he understood the game; he was better at being an oligarch than Hillary Clinton."
"Evangelicals filled with the Spirit are hated, but it's not going to happen."
"Nothing about what's going on right now is normal."
"In times of chaos, people are stocking up and then start trading."
"Nobody's giving this guy a pass. The man who ran those folks over is 100% going to jail for life."
"People hate greatness. I've learned that the hard way. People hate greatness."
"Addictions are an attempt to solve a problem, a response to the stresses imposed by society."
"Everyday people start looking for neo-fascist options and reactionary options, they are suffering."
"The black agenda was my solution to how we get around this because I couldn't just sit here and just take it."
"Rightfully there is righteous anger about what happened there."
"The Polly Klass case was special because people cared because the whole community stepped forward."
"The escalation from the far left would result in people begging law enforcement to escalate their tactics."
"Anti-semitism is very real, it's very dangerous, the city of New York has to stand against it at every level."
"Everyone that's died from fentanyl overdose or poisoning, the Mexican cartels and anyone that's facilitated that trade needs to be brought to Justice."
"Good for her. That's the normal response. This is not a right-wing left-wing thing, it's a woman's thing, a mom's thing, and a response from the vast majority of men or how it should be."
"We don't know what's coming but let me say this certainly much will depend on on how we respond."
"It's like they lie to our faces and then do the complete opposite."
"We're in the midst of one of those moments in our nation's history... the way we respond to them will shape fundamentally who we are as a people."
"Finally, I'm seeing countries at the country level saying 'enough'."
"When the actual fascists show up and try to fly that unambiguous flag, we have to show them that there's overwhelming force and they will be stopped."
"If you have a problem with authority, go to the authority, don't burn down your own city."
"That's the only way that's the only appropriate response that's the only moral response to these lunatics that's the only way that any of this stops."
"I just hope that we see very strong action this time against any kind of this tyranny that is happening."
"We must push back according to the law that exists."
"For a certain segment of the population, the paranoia has set in and will not leave."
"It's unfortunate that it takes something horrific happening for us to often make changes that we need to keep the public safe."
"If somebody is sick do you criminalize him for that?"
"Whenever we have a mass shooting here in the United States the responses thoughts and prayers and we go into this gun debate and nothing ever gets done."
"When the wicked is in rule, the people mourn, but when the righteous rule, the people rejoice."
"The devil is everywhere, of course parents grab their children and retreat into these little cocoons where they feel more safe from the evil world."
"Americans are following social distancing guidelines, and many businesses are closed." - Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director
"It's crazy to believe that the entire world shut down because everyone's terrified of not having enough intellect."
"If you are a Christian and you are vocal about it, and you're open about it, and you're out of the closet about it, the world's gonna hate you."
"Gentlemen, if you've had something terrible happen in your life, you've gone through some hard stuff, you want to go out there and you want to talk to people about it, you're going to find out very quickly that nobody gives a crap."
"...my experiences that have allowed me to see that my blackness is the stimulus that people respond to..."
"Remember after 9/11, those flags [ __ ] everywhere, and then everyone put the flowers away?"
"If Roe versus Wade were overturned, it's going to be a big deal for quite some time, but I think that Americans are in a good habit of moving on to the next thing for better or for worse."
"Witnessed and intervened in a clear case of racial harassment on my flight today. The response? Victims moved for peace. Is this how we handle racism now?"
"For when justice is outraged, she follows before us weeping to the polis and the gatherings of people."
"If we would have another major eruption... how would our society react?"
"The impact of the crime, the reaction to the crime, the impact of the reaction to the crime."
"The most important way that we have to respond to hate speech is culture."
"Maybe all this is just people responding to the world around us."
"It's just such an anomaly; you're used to seeing shootings and having nothing be done."