
Civilians Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"Israel also has a fundamental responsibility though to protect innocent civilians."
"This war has taken a greater toll on innocent civilians than all previous wars in Gaza combined."
"Civilians continue to pay too high a price in this war."
"The Salamanders have a huge emphasis on self-sacrifice and the importance of civilians."
"It's the ordinary Russian that's paying the price."
"I cannot see any logic or purpose in the Russians attacking a civilian building."
"I think we're really about to see the start of a battle that puts civilians on the front line."
"Civilians, not actively participating in the conflict, are given full protection under international law."
"God of the Bible created sex, and Christians should have the most fantastic sex."
"They are pushing back tanks with their bare hands, they are ordinary people suddenly turned into urban warriors."
"There are real people being affected, including American citizens with family in Ukraine."
"Caught in the middle were the ordinary farmers and civilians who, even if they were lucky enough to escape with their lives, were now left with nothing."
"It's an utter freaking disaster for everyone involved including the innocent civilians."
"Even Marley has innocent civilians, including children."
"I believe in protecting civilians from violence and helping them wherever possible."
"Saving civilians takes priority over their conflicting moral compasses."
"In a first-strike nuclear scenario, each side would try to devastate the other beyond recovery, and that means the widespread targeting of civilians."
"The rules of use in Bello apply. Soldiers must aim only at military targets and they must minimize the harm they do to civilians."
"What justice demands is that the army take positive measures, accept risks to its own soldiers in order to avoid harm to civilians."
"The hard question in war is what degree of risk we are willing to accept for our own soldiers in order to reduce the risks we impose on enemy civilians."
"The civilian population decides when the war ends."
"You cannot keep a war going when the civilian population checks out."
"This beautiful piece reminds us that civilians were also touched by the hard hand of war."
"It's very important that you've focused not only on Gettysburg in its entirety and also on the civilians the people that were here before and after the battle."
"I've made it pretty clear that I am a big fan of getting more civilians in my Spider-Man line."
"More than half of World War II casualties were civilians, most of them children."
"Wars usually kill more civilians than soldiers."
"Destroying what we now know were infected civilians was played off as cracking down on dissidents."
"The callous murder and maiming of innocent civilians prompted unprecedented public anger."
"Protection of civilians must be prioritized in any military operation."
"Soldiers do work that civilians can't do, or we would hire civilians. Civilians are like beans; you buy them as needed for any job which merely requires skill and savvy. But you can't buy fighting spirit. It's scarce. We use all of it, waste none."
"This is not how the American Revolution was fought. This is not how civilians were targeted."
"We want errors to involve civilians, not just military kids, corrupt politicians, and profiteers."
"They are punishing people who are living in that country who have nothing to do with the government."
"Controlling the rivers and rails goes outside the lines of battles to bring malice and misery to ordinary people who just want to live in peace."
"A friendly civilian populace is the best ally a merc can have."
"Yet quietly, the government had laid its plans for the defense of the civilian population."
"International humanitarian law has to be respected; all parties must take every possible step to avoid harming civilians."
"Ultimately, she was saving countless innocent civilian lives by seizing control out of the hands of these idiots."
"When the high lords fight their wars, it's always the smallfolk that lose."
"We want to make sure that there are no civilian casualties here."
"It's always the civilians that really suffer in war."
"The cost of conflict falls on civilians, with a disproportionate burden carried by women, children, and the elderly."
"The severity of World War II led to a fundamental change in the way in which civilians were viewed... it was very important in spurring the rise of the human rights agenda."
"The celebration of murder, especially the murder of civilians, is never acceptable."
"Moscow is just exacting revenge on Ukrainian civilians."
"The line between soldier and civilian blurred way more in World War II than in almost any other large-scale modern conflict."
"Millions of Victory Gardens were planted and maintained by ordinary citizens."
"These aren't soldiers we're fighting; they're civilians, decent law-abiding citizens. We got no right to take their lives."
"We're going to make it better for our civilians and for you."
"The protection of all civilians must be ensured at all times, everywhere."
"Over 50% of those 50 to 70 million casualties were civilians, most of which were women and children."
"That's the worst part about war, when civilians just get caught in something that had nothing to do with them."
"Most of the hundred thousand civilians will wind up dead, correction, undead."
"We don't attack civilians, we protect them no matter what the situation is."
"It's billed as the first all-civilian space flight."
"I'm pro innocent civilians not being killed."
"Thousands of civilians who were imprisoned were released finally on February 3rd."
"Civilians should never be indiscriminately targeted."
"The protection of civilians should be imperative."
"It was by any reckoning a hard-hearted strategy, throwing the burden of the war onto the civilian population."
"With every conflict, civilians always pay the biggest price."
"All we came across were pitifully scared civilians, usually huddled together in a back room or cellar."
"Soldiers forgive; it's only civilians who cherish hatred throughout the years."
"That´s the worst part of war. Civilians suffering and being so close to the concept of death."
"I won't do it for my own desires, to slaughter unarmed civilians."
"You use the means that are most precise, that are least likely to harm civilians."
"The support must be given to the civilian population and immediately be included in any peace initiative that would seek to resolve this conflict."
"Your primary obligation is to protect civilians and not to kill civilians, not to damage civilian structures unless it fulfills the criteria of necessity or a legitimate military goal."
"I hope that's what they marched for, and no one wants civilians to be hurt."
"Non-combatants should be left completely unharmed during our petty wars; they all just want to live their lives in peace."
"We have good, responsible, law-abiding civilians that need such a weapon to defend themselves."
"The safety of civilians must be ensured; all hostages must be released immediately and unconditionally."
"Protection of civilians and the respect of international law should be guaranteed at all times and in all places."
"We are not, no, we are just some civilians that were trying to enjoy the beach."
"Keep civilian casualties to a minimum."
"After Sabra and Shatila, I get very, very angry when I see dead civilians; that's why I say to hell with this so-called impartiality."
"All innocent civilian lives must be protected."
"Our hearts go out to those poor civilians."
"What happens when the situation gets messy and their lives are in danger? Here are seven of the most incredible times when civilians save the police."
"There is a way to be successful operationally and tactically and also protect civilians."
"This is clearly a situation that is jeopardizing the lives of hundreds of thousands of civilians."
"These are innocents, these are civilians."
"Those civilians out there need our help."
"The Soviet Union tops that list, losing at least as many civilians as it did soldiers."
"The need for a sustainable ceasefire is clear, to stop the killing of innocent civilians."
"True heroes are those who prioritize the lives of the civilians they try to protect."
"The real cost of war is people who got nothing to do with it paying for the most of it."
"You cannot target civilians ever; civilians have to be spared."
"The Blitz... for the civilians of Britain, it was both their finest and their darkest hour."