
Home Buying Quotes

There are 269 quotes

"Call the wambulance, take six jobs, build up your down payment, or lower your price point that you're looking at, and quit looking at houses you can't afford."
"This is why you should look into the history of a house before buying it."
"Right now is just a very scary time to be a home buyer in general because of all these uncertainties."
"The way I see it, this $10,000 should not be the reason that you go and buy a home."
"I entirely second her last point, which is whenever you do buy, at whatever interest rate, it should be one that you could sustainably afford."
"Homes are very personal. Property is personal. Buyers don't like vacant homes. They don't like these generically staged homes."
"90% of American homebuyers finance their home purchase with a thirty-year fixed rate mortgage."
"FHA is a fantastic option for not just first-time homebuyers but really anybody looking to get a loan, especially if you need some flexibility."
"You can change everything about a home... but the one thing that you cannot change about a home is its location."
"My best advice at this time is if you don't want to overspend, go into a house knowing that you're going to do a little work and you'll probably get it for a better price."
"For the regular home buyer... Can you buy a home you like where you don't have to sell your soul to buy it, aka waive the inspection and appraisal, and where you see yourself in it for a long time, like five to ten years?"
"The general rule of thumb for how much you should put down on a home is 20% of the purchase price."
"Make sure you pay off all high interest rate debt prior to buying a house."
"You don't want to get in over your head when you're getting ready to buy a home."
"I'd much rather you have hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash or whatever you want to do when you buy a house, then go buy something now that you're going to strap yourself to."
"Do things when you're ready. Hold out, wait, because at the end of the day, when it comes to buying a house, that is a lot."
"Choosing the right loan is going to help you save the most amount of money possible moving forward and help you win the house that you love."
"You're spending how much money on the house and you're telling me you're not gonna give a flagging Dublin about inspection?"
"But that's not going to stop the 45 million millennials aged 26 to 35 who are at their prime first-time homebuyer age."
"Is 2022 the time to buy your first home? Personally, I say buy when you're ready and always do your homework before taking the big leap."
"There's a really good chance that you're going to find yourself in an appropriate house that you can't afford that will allow you to still fund your other financial goals."
"You can actually have the seller pay for your closing cost."
"An inspection period isn't just for you to do a home inspection, it's you make the final decision on your house."
"Research, research, research! Reading is fundamental. You need to educate yourself on the home buying process, your financial responsibilities, and the different types of loans available."
"Be organized! From the very beginning of my home buying journey to the very end, I had a folder with all my financial documents gathered."
"Once you get pre-qualified, you can start picking out exactly the type of homes that catch your attention. You can start picking out exactly the type of homes that catch your attention."
"Happy shopping if you are in the process of buying a home and if you do aspire buy a home good luck don't give up."
"You don't save money to buy a house, you save money for a down payment."
"The rule here is to take the home price, multiply it by 8.71 percent, and then divide it by 12."
"You're saving the mouse and thought nothing of buying a home with the wood of 50 trees."
"The biggest benefit of having a great credit score in our 30s is it's going to give us a lower interest rate when we're trying to buy our first home."
"Seriously millennials you got to buy houses figure it out."
"Life is so good I can finally stop the house hunting Journey."
"I have a dream home in a dream location at a dream price."
"Those who want to buy a home, if you haven't got enough money to buy a home at the asking price, put in an offer below the market price."
"So, those who want to buy a home, if you haven't got enough money to buy a home at the asking price, put in an offer below the market price."
"When somebody buys a new home, they expect it to be something that's going to last. It is everything you've got in there."
"I'm personally very, very excited for this eclipse because I've been looking to purchase a home for literally two years."
"Buying a house is much more than a financial numbers game."
"Buying a home isn't always the best decision from a financial standpoint."
"It's so exciting to not only have the ability to purchase a house but to purchase this house that has a big yard and a lot of room for growth."
"Stay positive and just know that we're gonna get this house, guys."
"The biggest purchase most people will ever make is your home which is why it pays to know how to buy a home literally."
"Buying a home the right way isn't so simple if it was you wouldn't have so many home buyers regretting their decisions."
"Let's get everything ready to get the house."
"The most important factor in home affordability isn't the price of the house but the mortgage rate."
"I'm Shahida Hill, getting you over the hill to home ownership and helping you confidently buy your first home with perfect credit."
"I pay the down payment, I'll be able to move into my home tomorrow. That is exciting!"
"Sorry to interrupt, but your mom called. She is loving the new house you got her."
"Buying a home in your 30s can be a Smart Financial move for several reasons."
"Why is it important to get the right type of mortgage on the right type of house?"
"If you're an aspiring homeowner, now might be a good time to wait."
"We've always said I'd rather just buy like our dream house."
"Experts say there is no perfect time to buy a house, and the best time is when it makes sense for you personally."
"Start looking now. Looking doesn't cost you anything, just look up homes in your area."
"So you bought a house or you're about to buy a house. Where do you even start?"
"Would I have changed and not bought this house and not have had this project and not be sharing this renovation with you guys? No."
"If you want to cry when you get the keys that's completely fine and completely normal."
"We ended up basically finding the house we love."
"Buying my first home has been something that I've been saving up for for such a long time. I've been thinking about it. It's just, if you guys watch my channel, if you guys know me, you know that this is a big deal."
"I think we already found the one, we found the house!"
"This is why you do not buy a home with someone you're not married to."
"More inventory is going to give home shoppers more options to choose from and maybe potentially a less bidding wars."
"Cutting back on the avocados... that's not going to find the extra hundred grand that you need to get on the property ladder."
"Do not get an adjustable rate mortgage, get a fixed rate mortgage."
"Just because you can qualify for a million dollar home doesn't mean that you can afford it and it doesn't mean that you should buy it."
"One of the proudest moments this year... I'm seriously ready to buy a house."
"Buying a home can be a very emotional process... it's very exciting to see that home online... you want to buy it."
"Thinking long term and about your future resale value... those type of things will absolutely impact your future resale value along with your livability while you're in that home."
"Make a home buying checklist... sit down and think through what you want in your new home."
"Plan your monthly budget... even though it may not be for a few years out or more until you're ready to have a family or you're ready to have a relative come live with you."
"Never buy a home that's more than you can realistically afford... you absolutely want to do what's best for you at all times."
"A new floor plan just dropped, man I would buy this place in a heartbeat."
"Because a lot of times people forget about this, starting with your down payment when you buy a home."
"Data-driven decisions for home buyers and investors."
"You can feel pretty good about the decision to buy a home."
"The best time to buy is when you can afford it."
"Buying a home is probably the biggest purchase that anybody's gonna make, and for most people, that's their biggest investment."
"One thing that sold me on this house was the wine bar. Like, who you know, your family got a whole wine bar?"
"Expecting Opie to miss out on possibly getting a house in this economy is ridiculous."
"I was able to buy a house for my family when I was 12, which is crazy to say."
"If we want to buy a house, we need to get a loan and get the house appraised to see how much it's worth."
"Should I buy a home? If the payment works for you, then I would say buy the home."
"Make sure you're not buying a house that's more than 35 percent of your take-home pay."
"I would definitely recommend any home buyer or borrower that's interested in accessing their equity to contact a trusted home mortgage advisor or loan officer."
"Buying a house is a very individual thing."
"When you're a buyer walking through a home, it becomes very hard to imagine and picture yourself in that home when all you see are the family photos staring at you."
"When you can find a house that's had one owner, better snap it up."
"Choosing the right lender is crucial in having a good home buying experience."
"We bought a house, we have been renovating a house to move into like our new home here in Tennessee."
"I've always believed that buying a house should be an emotional process, but thanks to John, I'm beginning to think that it should also have a spiritual dimension as well."
"This is a great opportunity to get into a home that as time goes on and as this area continues to grow I think that you'll continue to see the benefit."
"If you've listened to everything that I've said so far and you feel like you were in a pretty good spot to start the home buying process financially, you're going to move on to step two which is hiring a realtor."
"The Downpayment Toward Equity Act gives up to $25,000 to eligible buyers which can be used for anything purchase-related - down payment, closing costs, homeowners insurance - anything."
"The most common form of assistance are Cash Grants - often through platforms like the Federal Home Loan Banking system - paid to buyers directly for making a larger down payment, reducing loan closing costs, or paying anything else linked to buying your first home."
"Too many people look at buying a house and they're filled with anxiety and frustration because they don't know exactly what they need to do next."
"To be able to take an action, you need to be ready so that when you find a home that you love, you can go ahead and write an offer and follow through with closing on that home."
"Buy a home when you're financially ready."
"I want you to confidently buy your first home. The first thing that builds confidence is knowledge."
"Never buy a house on more than a 15-year mortgage."
"Don't buy a house until you're out of debt and have your emergency fund."
"Don't buy home until you're debt free, have your emergency fund plus a down payment and on a 15-year fixed rate where the payments no more than a fourth of your take-home pay."
"Buying a house is often a mediocre financial investment."
"If you guys are in the market and you want to purchase a home and want to get started visit LV homex experts.com."
"Buying a house is so nerve-wracking, it's so anxiety-inducing, it's so everything."
"You got to deal with real estate agents, Bank title companies, property inspectors."
"The entire house buying process is very overwhelming I am very overwhelmed right now because we bought a house there were a million moving parts."
"Personally, I didn't think it was very fair that people who were already under contract on a home, who had their own down payment flipped around and used CalHFA's money instead cuz that money could have gone to a homebuyer who actually needed it..."
"Let's set you up for success by teaching you the 15 things not to do before buying a house."
"If you're buying a home for self-use and you're planning to stay there for at least five plus years, I would say you should buy as long as you're ready."
"So all in all I ended up feeling like I really wanted to make an offer on that first home with the way that the market is right now especially in Austin, Texas like I keep saying it's a very competitive market and these houses are just like going fast."
"So put the kettle on and get ready for the complete first-time buyer beginner's guide to buying your first home in the 21st century."
"This is going to be the ultimate guide to help you create your own home buying timeline."
"We're sharing this experience with you guys, the process of what it takes to buy a home."
"We understand how daunting a task it is to buy a home, so we hope this video has helped you to understand the various steps involved in getting there."
"Find a good mortgage broker. That is a really, really good place to start."
"You only buy your first house once in life I guess."
"Buyers are going to have to do their homework and understand their goals if they want to get into a home."
"I also believe that you should buy a home using a fixed-rate 30-year mortgage."
"The 45% thing... You should have $2,300 saved if you're serious about buying a home."
"It's scary buying a house, it is scary, and you know you don't know what to expect."
"Red flags to look for as a first-time homebuyer."
"If you're buying a home, you should get a home inspection. That's critical."
"We found the perfect home for us and we just went for it."
"It's not as simple as going, 'Hey, I'd like to buy this house and just swiping your card like you do at the store.'"
"...I just think it's better to overestimate than underestimate it, particularly when it comes to buying a house."
"When buying a house or a flat don’t underestimate the amount of work that needs to be done."
"This gives you the best chance to purchase the home of your dreams during challenging times."
"And I just wanted to tell you a little bit about what's going on with us this weekend. Me and my wife, we made an offer to buy a home and we're really excited, man. It's a big deal for us."
"FHA: 3.5% down payment makes buying a house easier."
"VA loans: zero down payment for veterans."
"Make sure you're having that conversation with a mortgage Pro to verify the numbers and confirm that you're actually approved before you go out shopping for homes."
"...we stand out from the rest as well as when you purchase a home from us when you have family or friends walk in it's the wow factor that we offer right here."
"Ultimately, buying a home isn't primarily about making money."
"I know how scary it is to purchase a home when it seems like so much is working against you."
"If it wasn't for PMI, practically no one would be able to buy a house."
"It's all about having some knowledge, even if you're not going to be the master of pre-qualifying."
"We've been saving and sacrificing for this awesome house, guys."
"That means they give you time to move into the home, see if there's anything wrong with the home, and then report it back to them."
"These homes will be completely move-in ready and they're perfect for those of you who are either first-time home buyers or just somebody that is looking to purchase a property and does not want to pay a high price."
"I hadn't planned on being a first-time buyer at my age, and I'm looking forward to it. I can't wait, really excited."
"It's easy to fall in love with a house and get carried away with big ideas of how to make it look beautiful."
"The second you decide that you're ready to buy a house, I believe the first thing you should do is get pre-approved."
"It's perfect like a first-time buyer, young couple, new home."
"It's not about just choosing the house that you want, it's also about the whole experience that you get purchasing a new home."
"Purchase when you're ready, financially, you're stable in your employment."
"You need to plan ahead when you are planning to buy a house."
"This is what sold us for the house."
"Can you imagine making $200,000 with no payments? How quickly you could save up money to buy a house."
"If you find something that really seems like a good fit and you could see yourself living there, make it yours."
"Find your perfect home and take control and find your dream home today."
"This low price growth will likely discourage speculators from entering the market and allow more first-time buyers to have a chance at winning a home."
"If you're buying a house, make sure that the work was done and permitted correctly."
"Thanksgiving is coming up, it's not too late to go into contract with this house and have Thanksgiving here."
"For first-time home buyers, you may qualify for 3% down of the purchase price with a conventional loan."
"You could get a house that you like... get a mortgage advisor, and then from there, get a solicitor, and everything is done."
"So after a year of looking, I bought a house, an abandoned hoarder house."
"I've been saving up forever... I started seriously saving and knowing that I'm most likely gonna be putting that money towards buying a home since about 2014-2015."
"Gift funds are used in about a third of first-time home purchases."
"Buying a home can be confusing, but don't worry, I'm here to make it easy."
"They allow you to have more debt and typically qualify for more home when you use an FHA loan."
"Buying a home is a risk, just like anything in life, but it is generally a good idea."
"I did it all on my own, and I got the house I wanted, a new construction four-bedroom, three-bathroom house that's over three thousand square feet."
"Home buyers should see some positive news in regards to the real estate market."
"When you buy a house, remember that you're making a down payment and a closing cost, but don't forget things will go wrong."
"Everything is a feeling when people are walking through a house that they're looking to purchase and make their home."
"Do people still want to buy homes at these increased prices? The answer is a resounding yes."
"Getting pre-approved before you even start looking at houses because then if you want to put in an offer, you already have pre-approval."
"...bring an experienced homeowner with you... they always point out stuff that we wouldn't see."
"Writing a letter to the seller introducing yourself, saying why you love the house... it's a little bit more personal, it's not just a number."
"...if you're in a competitive market... writing a letter... holds up."
"This whole process is just like buying a home; it's very stressful, it's physically stressful, it's mentally stressful, it's emotionally stressful."
"This is a perfect section for him which, I guess, kind of sold us on the house."
"If saving for a house or the new house that you're going to buy feels a little bit exhausting, look at your costs, plan for your future."
"You have to have such a strong why that even though people are saying you are stupid for buying a house right now, you're going to say okay, but I'm buying."
"I just have a really good feeling about this house, I absolutely love it."
"It's kind of hard to look at the homes in a sense of like just the home itself and not look at the way that they staged it."
"I'm actually house shopping for myself, just like my dream, one of my biggest goals in life."
"If you are a first-time home buyer sitting here thinking, 'Holy, this is really overwhelming, I don't know where to even start,' don't worry, we're going to walk you through the process."
"Hey Paul, are you ready to find your new home?"
"The FHA 203k loan program allows you to buy and renovate a home with a single loan."
"Every first-time homebuyer should be thinking like an investor."
"Thirty years ago, you bought a house because you liked it, simple as that."
"I'm manifesting that the right house will pop up and it'll be the one for us."
"It should be smooth sailing from now until the point you get your keys."
"You're not done until the keys are in hand."
"With a budget of 700,000 pounds, our couple are after a characterful four-bedroom country home with large entertaining areas and a good size kitchen for big family get-togethers."
"This cottage has come in 11,000 pounds under budget and has quirky features that have excited Lisa and James."
"You shouldn't rush to buy a house. Let me tell you, there's a lot of things you can rush to do, but a house is not one of them."
"Buying a home is an incredibly emotional transaction."
"We're not trying to discourage you from buying a home but wake you up to make sure that you're ready for buying a home."
"I tell a buyer that they should have six months of cash after every expense in buying the house or they should wait."
"You are still able to save or invest 20% of your net household income after buying a home."
"Your first home is not your forever home; it's just a stepping stone."
"Always have a very, very, very clear ask to a realtor."
"Buy the crappiest house in the nicest neighborhood."
"Now that we've saved up, let's start looking into buying a new home."
"If you're going to be in a location for five years or greater, then I think it's totally worth it to buy a house."
"We all love discounts, don't we? Because I sure do, and I definitely want to get some deals or promotions or discounts when it comes to my new home."
"You need to make sure before you buy a home that your life circumstance substantiates you can be in that home for no less than five years."