
Public Funding Quotes

There are 83 quotes

"Should a nonworking member of the royal family who carries out zero public duties for this country, and has no obligations to the British people and no formal links whatsoever to the work of the monarchy, receive the same taxpayer-funded protections as the rest of his family who do all that? The answer, self-evidently, would have thought, is no."
"Taxation is like a tool. It's not good or bad to pay taxes or not to pay taxes; it's just a matter of whether or not the programs that you want are getting funded."
"The important thing is that coverage is universal and publicly funded to realize the benefits we've seen."
"The public has paid for COVID-19 vaccines through vast public funding of research. The public therefore has a right and entitlement to those data."
"Digital media is far better connected to the people, it is powered by the people, often funded by the people."
"We have to be good stewards of the taxpayer dollars that were given to us."
"I never want to hear the argument 'How are you going to pay for it?' again."
"During peacetime most citizens, most taxpayers, will accept the idea of funding some sort of military. But they also like things like improving living standards, jobs, schools, hospitals, food, Netflix subscriptions, you name it."
"All that the right wants, and this is pretty clear here, is that religion and non-religion should be on equal footing when it comes to public funding, at least for private institutions."
"The taxpayers fund them, but the taxpayers don't make up that district. They do."
"When you have vastly more wealth than most of your subjects, their love is never guaranteed, especially when taxpayers spend $18 million a year to keep you in style."
"We have defunded mental health services, we have defunded substance use services, and expected law enforcement to be the only go-to solution."
"Fund everything the people like, no matter what."
"The defense budget gets trillions while the American people get screwed once again."
"We need a publicity budget for the truth, for the American future. We really, really do. And if I sound like I'm passionate about this, it's because I am."
"I think private philanthropy has a very important role in that, it is much more agile it can do things that, that you know public funding can't do."
"No matter what happens, a lot of that money is still going to potholes, roads, schools."
"We might normalize the absolute shoveling of public money into private hands."
"It's the dumbest thing in the world. I'm with Senator Bernie Sanders who says when people got their checks from the American Rescue Plan, they didn't say, 'Did a Republican and a Democrat vote for me to get this check?'" - Mehdi Hassan
"Money for motorists but not for nurses, doctors, and teachers."
"It's abundantly clear that there is more than enough in this country to finance all the expectations we do have."
"Joe Biden's on tape bragging that he leveraged a billion tax dollars to get a prosecutor that was investigating Hunter Biden fired. And son of a bee, they did it."
"Nearly every modern facet of civilized existence has been extensively developed and organized using public money, only for it to be handed off to private business."
"The only way the government gets money is if it takes it from the public."
"High quality pre-school is one of the best investments of public dollars."
"The taxpayers pay for the Amber Alert. That's me. That's us."
"We need to move to public funding of elections."
"Entertainment millionaires need your money. They need you to donate and fund their projects."
"Open source was almost a political movement... taxpayer money should only be spent on open source software development."
"Reducing or completely eliminating the use of public funds for stadiums has become an increasingly bipartisan issue."
"It really feels good to have repaid the US taxpayer."
"No city should ever pay for a stadium ever again."
"It's less than one penny of your tax dollar that goes to NASA."
"The Royals make money from Sovereign grants and Duchies."
"Here you go, the Cardiff Coke oven stabilization project received $34,000 in 2022 to install fencing create signs remove graffiti remove vegetation and plant grass there we go 2022 oh maybe we should protect this place."
"The origins of this historic accomplishment can be traced back directly to publicly funded innovations in basic science research."
"It belongs to all of us because it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a federal project, it's funded and owned by the American people, really."
"We will pay for that by making sure that everyone pays their fair share."
"When we talk about money for transit, we talk about funding. But when we talk about the same public money for roads, we often hear the word investment."
"The decline underscores the need for the public and even governments to fund news gathering."
"This library in Massachusetts a dead of Massachusetts got threatened with defunding because some psycho noticed they hadn't put up a Christmas tree yet."
"The news is a public good that should be funded by all of us like electricity or water."
"Left-wing big city police Chiefs and sheriffs are licking their chops hoping these new ATF powers mean that when they catch someone with a pistol brace they can report back to D.C in hopes of being rewarded with millions in taxpayer dollars."
"How is it possible that Congress approves billions for war but not two thousand dollars for the people?"
"If they will pay for it, is that the taxpayer dollars are actually going to pay people... even if you're pro-life let that sink in for a moment."
"We've got to do the cost benefit analysis because if you're taking money from people like me, that means you better spend it in a way that's going to produce a lot more jobs than I can."
"If people's tax money is paying the [ __ ] government, those documents should be released to us."
"Anything that is publicly funded by hard-earned cash from the British taxpayer, every penny should be well spent."
"These cannot be done by private investors in any way so this is your tax dollars discovering some the fundamental aspects of the cosmos that's really what's happening for U.S citizens listening to this in this video."
"They aren't worthy of our tax dollars to help."
"We increased the Kansas City Police Department budget by 24%, and in that same period of time, the violent crime rate increased 47%."
"Billionaires should pay for their own stadiums."
"This is all paid for by the municipality, and England needs to take note because this is unreal."
"Each and every road in our city is built only by people's tax money."
"The entire wealth of human knowledge online... and many have been paid for with taxpayer money or with government grants."
"What's the solution? The solution is to open up the political process to more candidates, more agendas, public funding of public campaigns."
"The literal cure for at least this kind of cancer was funded by the public and by charity."
"It's very important to remember that the local council is only providing 50% of the finance for the project, the other 50% is coming from various charities."
"We're asking for public funding, your support."
"If the BBC is using public money, it needs to be holier than holy."
"Education in Denmark is free from basic level to the top level and is financed by the taxes of its citizens."
"The more we can make these systems mandatory in order to access public funding, the more we will actually start reaching this kind of value change."
"We can't pay for anything else if we don't have a growing economy."
"Historic funding through the American Rescue Plan and a range of tools they can use to improve public safety in their communities."
"We need some form of public funding of elections to block the special interest and corporations from buying our politicians."
"It was built entirely with public funds; it didn't displace anyone."
"Paid by the taxpayer, I'm allowed to be here."
"Most of what we're talking about is publicly funded research."
"We're in an environment now where a lot of this QE that's going to happen is going to be to fund these programs that get to the people."
"This is a government property which is funded by members of the public, which is me."
"Publicly funded services include acute care, pharmaceuticals, surgery, rehab, and some mental health care."
"Commons gang is bankrolled by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting and viewers like you."
"We are able to invest a record 19 billion pounds in our Health Service."