
Long-term Vision Quotes

There are 123 quotes

"I've never been here for the short term; it's always been the dream of finding a way to get financial services to the three billion people who don't have them."
"Governance is the hardest of all of it, and I think that's going to take decades of my career to get there, but we have a process to gradually move in the right direction."
"We need to become a multi-planetary species over a period if we are to survive many centuries."
"Building a better society, even if you are not going to see the fruits of your labor immediately, is key."
"When you think of your long-term goals, you can then think of ways you want to accomplish your long-term goals through what you want to do one year, six months, three months from now."
"We started this wanting to create a 100-year company, a company that's going to be around for a hundred years and feels more strongly about that today than ever before."
"You can lose money for three years as long as you had a dream."
"We gotta get over this building walls thing... in the long run for Humanity it's not gonna work."
"This will determine what America is going to look like for a long, long time."
"If we do our jobs right and we build something as great as we believe it is, then I believe 20 years from now, we're still going to be using it, but it's going to be much more evolved."
"It's not just about the immediate success of this film and how much money they can rack in with just Dune part two, it's about the future that you see for it."
"Even though we may not get there in our lifetimes... I still have faith we can create a more perfect union."
"Whatever the club's fate this season, it is vital that they begin to take more of a long-term outlook."
"Having a long-term strategy is part of what we can do."
"Though the companies are starting with cargo, the long term plan is to carry passengers as well."
"I’m not interested in Live being the biggest thing in 1995. I’m interested in Live being around for 20 years."
"Humanity expand out into the solar system... It's important for this planet."
"Robert Downey Jr. advised him to always think of the bigger picture when appearing in the MCU."
"I think one two and then I think understand why it is that you're buying it so again if I was buying amazon a decade ago I believed it could become this e-commerce leader I have to wait for that to happen."
"Look at the big picture. If you really have conviction about what this technology is about, just hold."
"I think we still can be a nation in our Ascent... maybe there's another 250 years still left."
"Believe it - this dream will reveal what's to come, all the way to 2024 and beyond."
"I can see eternity in your eyes, I can see potential with this, I can see the long term when I look at you."
"He doesn't mind being chastised being wrong in the short term because knows he has the inside information that ultimately is gonna come out and prove him right."
"Real use cases, real utility, these are long-term projects."
"Let's run our businesses with a view for five years in ten years."
"We want to talk about four key elements: wealth, education, family, and community... elevate ourselves and elevate our people for the next five hundred years."
"Our long-term mission is to make humanity multi-planetary."
"We see opportunities for efficiency improvement... our long term goal is 230 miles per gallon equivalent."
"What are your big goals? And when I talk about these big goals, it's not like it's not your big rock, okay? This is exciting stuff 20 years down the road. What do you want to do, right?"
"I think Tesla's long-term competitive strength will be primarily manufacturing." - Elon Musk
"I must admit to being congenitally optimistic. SpaceX and Tesla wouldn't exist otherwise but I think five years is possible and 10 years is highly likely."
"There's a sense of world building, like there's a long term plan in place."
"Bitcoin showed me new paths and taught me to value truth, see the long view."
"The idea of bringing onto an app all your financial needs, that's the long-term goal of it."
"Building something real and it's gonna stand the test of time."
"Trust is not about short-term gains or individual successes, it is about stewardship."
"Real leadership that is willing to make tough financially difficult decisions and not be short-sighted."
"Americans, it's about seeing long time seeing a vision, understand that nothing really worthwhile happens overnight, and just sticking to your script long enough."
"I stand by my prediction uh long term uh you know that Tesla will be the most valuable company in the world."
"The bottom line is that we believe Tesla is among the leaders in autonomy and in the long term we believe software and digital services can be a meaningful driver of its business."
"I decided I wasn't going to manifest Season 13. I kept manifesting walking on the stage introducing Season 30."
"I think that we should just focus on... where the company is going... as opposed to... just dwelling on... the short term."
"I'm trying to make quick money instead of keeping their eyes on the prize here."
"That's part of being a service and the good news is we have a year-long post-launch content and feature roadmap already worked out."
"This is DC's 10-year plan. It's just starting."
"It's the same reason why back in February when we were at the peak of the crisis when we were at 6,000 I told people to remain calm not worry and stay focused on the longevity of where this revolutions gonna take us."
"League of Legends is a generational game; Riot wants it to last a hundred years."
"To doubters, I would say come back in 20 years."
"God can see the long-term vision for your life even if you can't."
"All of these 'What if's', pulled together over 25 years, that's what makes Zoho great."
"I'd say longer term, we see them scaling like crazy."
"I love the long-term vision there. I'm willing to be patient."
"You'd have to be pretty wise to see the importance of doing this."
"We're picking the right companies based off of their long-term strategy."
"Sometimes with business, it's a long game."
"I'm a long term optimist. We built BlackRock on optimism."
"Stop thinking about the immediate, start thinking about what's it going to look like 10 years from now."
"Elon's ability to innovate and drive value over the long term."
"The opportunity for this thing long term is so massive."
"Is the strategy that we have committed to and believe in, I think it's a long game. I think it's working."
"So it is a tough environment, but it's the pain the country needs in the short term in order to bear the fruits over the medium to long term."
"We're going to remain sensible but our objective is to build a long-term sustainable successful football club."
"Amazon's lack of care for immediate profits is actually their biggest strength."
"We're here for the long term to produce nutrient-dense food."
"It's about the long term and our belief of what [the company] can become."
"Because I was like, 'Yo, I'm in here for the long run.'"
"You're so worried about next season. I'm looking five, ten years out."
"It's not the Magic Bullet but it is going to be the long-term vision for your business."
"Play the long game. It won't ever matter how much money you make or how many followers you have or what product deals you make because you'll stay attached to the heart and soul of why you're doing this."
"It's all about building a legacy and keeping this thing going for countless years, more and more decades."
"Emergent Ventures is a new kind of philanthropy where people are encouraged to apply if the payoff is 30-40 years down the road."
"Just remember the long-term goal."
"Creating a particular product or having a vision for it is hard, but the really hard thing is creating a company that lasts."
"I'm actually trying to get that compassion what I see in people, a vision where five years, ten years down the lane, they want to come to me and they were still going through the process."
"Money doesn't motivate me. What motivates me, excites me, is that I see the long-term benefit."
"Open your eyes to the direction of travel, not just the next few months, but the next few years, decades."
"It's good to be around him because it's a very rose-colored vision for 20 years."
"Investors aren't focused right now on the valuations, what they're focused on is they believe that these businesses will be transformational long term."
"No matter how [__] loyal they are, no matter how dedicated and devoted they might be to the vision, of course, in the long run, you want to have those people around."
"We are not here for the short term, we are here for the long term."
"Time Stripe helps you to zoom out much further... it wants you to think in your life vision."
"Our goal is to cut the cancer death rates at least by 50% in the next 25 years."
"We think bigger picture at all times; it clears our head to work correctly and think longer term."
"You're always trying to find that balance between that which will invigorate the team but won't basically take its identity away in the long term."
"This King's Speech delivers change in our economy, change in our society, change in our communities, and takes long-term decisions for a brighter future."
"Our North Star, our long-term goal, is for us to unify and recognize our common humanity."
"Set goals, both small daily ones and big picture long-term ones."
"You should always have a long-term vision in mind because if you actually completely lose your directions, eventually you'll find yourself in some field there's not a good path out of."
"In 10 years, you can see the result of your efforts."
"Not too many people have long-term views and that's part of the thing that attracted us in Land Development."
"Her horizon is forever. She wasn't in it for next week or next month or next year; she was in it for the long haul."
"Focus on the bigger holistic point of view instead of the short-term gratification of 'I want results now'."
"Review your goals, your immediate goals, your annual goals, and your five and 10-year goals."
"Considering what is optimal now, what is optimal in the medium term, what is optimal in the long term should perhaps be part of that whole conversation."
"It's long-term thinking for myself, my family, and then specifically children, securing their future, kind of changing your own family line."
"The next seven years are the better years for the next thirty."
"She is playing the long game; she has always got her eye on 'this is my life, and this is my historic path, and I am going to be Queen one day'."
"And this was yet a small thing in thy sight, O Lord GOD; but thou hast spoken also of thy servant's house for a great while to come."
"We need to have a hundred-year vision."
"It's not how good the product is, it's how much of a smashing you're prepared to take over years."
"We're lucky to have that because it's a long-term project, we're bringing people together through football."
"Don't sacrifice the long-term health of your community for a short-term gain."
"I want you guys to think about when you start a business, you have to have a two-year plan, a three-year plan, a four-year plan, a five-year plan, then a ten-year plan."
"Every single stock I buy, I want it to be massively higher in three years, four years, five years from now than it is when I'm buying that stock."
"My goal is what do we look like in 20 and 30 years."
"I feel like they really see a future with you because they see you as really great long-term relationship material."
"The Big Ten is playing the long game, that's for sure."
"You may only be about three to five months off from a goal that you're trying to finish, so pay your dues, work through it, keep your eye on that long-distance goal."
"They see long term here with you, potential in having something that you can build together and make it solid."