
Bugs Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Looks like I broke the game a bit. Looks like this was not anticipated."
"He explains that the stick is overpowered due to a strange bug known as the rod glitch."
"To complete the frustration, it is a buggy game. And, while there wasn’t anything game-breaking, some moments got close."
"So, every time you sort the inventory, it resets the spoil timer of any food that you have sorted. So, a pretty crazy little bug but useful if you've got something you want to keep resetting manually."
"You encountered a bug, you achieved greatness."
"Every couple months we'll have a patch to fix Rein's shatter but it only makes it worse."
"That's surprisingly true. I gotta report that bug."
"Buttons are hard. Three more years of hearing about bugs exactly. Z-bat exactly."
"Guys, these glitches and myths are getting crazier and crazier."
"The biggest issue that people have with this game is the bugs. I just want to say this game is not as bad as everyone says."
"This might be the most glitchy and the best move in the game."
"What happens if you let the rainbow friends explode? What if it just breaks the entire game? That's crazy."
"I've seen some pretty weird bugs on this game but uh I've never seen blue and yellow dogs."
"Sometimes the reload animation just doesn't happen [__]."
"Fallout New Vegas: a buggy masterpiece filled with amazing stories, great side missions, and an absolute heap of bugs."
"Completely and totally retool a game from scratch... there's gonna be a lot of bugs."
"Fallout New Vegas is in every way an improvement although it did bring its own bugs and glitches I generally think of it as a better game much more quirky much more interesting."
"Someday when all the drama quiets down the bugs are squashed and the title is finally finished I think people will finally start to realize it for what it is."
"The bugs are just a part of the fun of it, right?"
"I can tell you it wasn't fun to find a bug with such a broad impact... I thought it best to disclose this immediately."
"You are about to see a glitched side of mommy longlegs."
"I've encountered some bugs, but significantly less. Most bugs seem to be centered around character navigation and collision."
"The custom Hearts literally broke the game; this is so cool!"
"Glitches may lead to frustration, but let's enjoy the wackiness in good fun."
"Glitches, exploits, you name it—don't get me started on how glitchy modern games are."
"Just because the code says it shouldn't happen doesn't mean it can't."
"I like RPGs and I'm used to games that come out from Bethesda just full of bugs, and this isn't at that level."
"The meta is always shaped by the tricks and sometimes bugs."
"I didn't think a game like this could be this broken. It's insane that this game was so speedrunnable."
"It's always game code bugs by the way." - Paul Randall
"Amazon's New World: shaping up to be the company's biggest gaming hit, but also possibly the buggiest major game since Cyberpunk."
"I want to see some bug compilations for Red Dead Redemption."
"You have to be very careful; otherwise, you can cause freezes and infinite loops."
"The reason we test is if a terrible bug is put in the product we want to have some chance of finding it before it's too late. That's what testing is. It's a form of insurance, not an investment."
"Automated testing in CI/CD can help us find bugs and issues early in the development process."
"...you might experience some bugs and stuff like that which probably can be easily ironed out in the future with software updates."
"Bugs might just be one of the biggest gaslighters in animation."
"These bugs have brought us together... Teamwork Makes the Dream Work."
"No matter how smart you are, no matter how experienced you are, you're still a human and you're going to write bugs."
"Bugs, bugs, server crashes, game crashes, old bugs, important."
"We did have bugs and errors in the system."
"The organization aware that the bugs were so material they could change the numbers so I don't have evidence in front of me that connects a bug which was present to a shortfall could they make could it cause shortfalls yes it could."
"Default values do not play well with JSON serialization and deserialization and are a source of many bugs."
"Bugs tend to be living input-specific because of certain design choices that we've made."
"We are not able to avoid writing bugs, so the best we can really do is reduce the amount of code to the extent that the number of bugs is manageable."
"I haven't really run into any serious bugs."
"Charity can analyze code, identify bugs or errors, and help resolve them, allowing developers to fix errors more quickly."
"Developing lock-free code may be cool, but trying to find bugs in it is most definitely not."
"The game seemed buggy or maybe it was a deliberate design Choice by the dev either way it was something that turned players away from the game immediately."
"Do you ever watch this? So we got the New York bugs that you saw me crack up in the other day, but the old ones are looking a bit grim."
"We are little bugs, we play all day, we like the bug hotel, and we want to stay."
"It's a thankless job, Bugs. I don't know why I agreed to do it."
"Game crashes, bugs bugs bugs everywhere."
"What breaks code? Writing code. And if you write code at all, well, you have an opportunity to have a bug slip in there."
"basically no zero bugs it was amazing"
"And I just realized for myself, what exactly is interesting to me. I think vulnerabilities and bugs that can actually be fixed, they are a lot more interesting."
"There's no version of any software that ever goes out that doesn't have bugs, right?"
"Address any bugs that may have popped up during the day and of course ensure the attraction is safe for guests the following day."
"If you have a glass of water with bugs in it and you want to purify that water, you have to boil the water at 100°."
"I don't like them because they eat schematics paper bugs they'll eat they'll turn into entire Sam's folder into dust."
"...the games are running fine there I will say as you can see from the internal SSD footage man this game is buggy I just had to include that there cuz it was just horrendous."
"Fast feedback is important because the faster you get the feedback from your tests, the faster they find you bugs."
"So what are some ways that software can fail? Well, your hard drive can catch on fire, the universe can shoot a magic beam into your computer and flip a bit, or a human can sit down and type a bug into the keyboard."
"...this is an early prototype of it...a few hardware bugs..."
"She hops to go bug collecting, a hobby I am convinced that only exists in anime or people pretending in my DMs."
"If you think the bugs are bad here, you should have seen that Texas Roadhouse bathroom."
"If most bugs come from State changes then if you have fewer State changes you will therefore have fewer bugs."
"Every sufficiently complex and large deployment of microservices contains an ad hoc informally specified bug-ridden slow implementation of half of transactions."
"...seeing a whole crowd, an army of bugs, disappear and dissolve just like that... does it feel really damn good."
"Bugs are consequences of a powerful way to design."
"You better grow wings fast because you're gonna need them when you break your goddamn legs spine and not to mention the bugs."
"The longer a bug lives in your code and the harder it gets to maintain, the more expensive it will be."
"Spiders are the only web designers that enjoy finding bugs."
"Fixing bugs is far more costly than preventing them."
"One of the first bugs I ever found was being able to write on someone else's social media platforms."
"It's tough to be a bug, it's a theatrical journey into a bug's world."
"There is nothing certain in software development except of bugs and constantly changing requirements."
"Your program shouldn't have global state at all because global state invites bugs."
"There are already way too many bugs on the Internet."
"The best way of solving bugs is just not to make them in the first place."
"I found a couple of really great bugs."
"For a so-called stable release, Oxygen OS 12 seems to be riddled with bugs and issues."
"We treat code bugs seriously, so why not treat documentation mistakes as bugs too?"
"A crash is the good case; appearing to run sanely while producing results that are subtly wrong is the worst possible kind of bug."
"It is buggy. I think that's what makes it buggy is the Sims don't really know what they want."
"Did you know spiders are the only web developers in the world that enjoy finding bugs?"
"Reporting the bugs is what gets them fixed."
"That bug is essentially going to be there forever and there is no way for you to actually fix that bug."
"Just because you can have bugs, shouldn't mean you shouldn't have tests."
"Every time that we have a bug, we learn something; it's valuable and that's okay."
"Your software is going to have bugs in it, and your job is to try to make that happen as little as possible."
"What engineers do, they try their best to capture all bugs, but in theory, it is very difficult, almost close to impossible."
"I'm always really worried that there's some bug in my ML code that I'm not noticing."
"Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs but never to show their absence."
"Memory safety is a good thing; it gets rid of whole classes of bugs."
"I have fixed bugs older than myself."
"Machine learning gotchas are just general programming bugs."
"Fun fact: Spiders are the only web designers that enjoy finding bugs."
"You will find more bugs creating the automation than the automation will find itself."
"We found that 38% of incident causing bugs that reach production could have been prevented with TypeScript."
"Bugs breathe through their skin, through spiracles."
"Stop waiting for bug reports; it's time to look behind the scenes, there's more going on than you think."
"It's amazing, and last year alone in the U.S., bug defects contributed to 60 billion of defect costs."
"Be careful with contexts; I've had a lot of bugs with using the wrong context in the wrong place."
"If things go wrong, if you find bugs in the system at all, tackle them."