
Financial Inclusion Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"I've never been here for the short term; it's always been the dream of finding a way to get financial services to the three billion people who don't have them."
"The poor have very limited access to bank accounts."
"You might be cynical, you might think you don't understand it, you might think you can't afford to play in this, but you have to listen because this is the opportunity."
"7 million women are going to have bank accounts, access to mobile phones, and access to 500 very frugal digital hubs in very remote areas."
"We view this Aasas program as really driving the digital Financial Inclusion to critical mass."
"Why not get into the game? Why can't regular people get into the game in the same way that all these institutional Wall Street guys have been?"
"The use of Bitcoin is particularly vital in the developing world where billions of people are without basic banking services."
"These innovations have been a catalyst for change. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have brought new thinking to payments and financial inclusion."
"Wouldn't the world be a better place if eight billion people had access to trade Securities?"
"The financial system should be built to work for everyone, not just a select few."
"Technologies like this democratize investing allowing anyone of any level of wealth to benefit from a sound investment strategy."
"True adoption is bringing the unbanked into the world."
"Access to credit has really become a necessary key for participating in American life."
"They want to expand access to banking, insurance, financial services for all."
"Postal banking is huge and it would be hugely important to working-class communities."
"Crypto represents the opportunity for the little guy to dream again. It's the fairest form of capitalism that's out there right now."
"It's the first time in history our people have been able to participate in this market."
"We're lowering barriers to entry, allowing people to take something like your rewards points and trade them into crypto." - MasterCard Executive
"It's not that women don't have money, we've got money, but there's an industry that has really just looked right through us."
"There are poor women in Afghanistan doing technology work that couldn't figure out how to get paid. They're getting paid Bitcoin on their smartphone through the lightning Network."
"Robinhood's mission is to democratize finance for all."
"Access to financial services is a real problem."
"Experience does matter, and I think as long as we find a way to score our credit-invisible people long enough for them to actually go and build up their credit history, I'm all for it."
"Cryptocurrencies have the potential to solve arduous problems of financial inclusion."
"Ending financial exclusion is achievable through a combination of innovative technology, market-based solutions, and multi-sector partnerships."
"Greater financial inclusion is the key to recovery from the current events."
"We believe in democracy. We need more education, more tools, but I want to build a world where everyone has access, nobody's left behind."
"Crypto is for the people. Crypto is for the people. This is why I call her the banking broad."
"We could have a world that is flourishing economically where everyone has a chance to be able to transact with each other in a matter of seconds."
"Blockchain and crypto will democratize access to the global economy, enabling billions of people who don't have bank accounts to participate."
"In a world where 50 million Americans do hold cryptocurrencies... we need to make sure it's accessible to them in the same safe and sound way."
"This is big! A few days after launching Agi or Aggie, an open platform that democratizes access to financial and non-financial products and improves the lives of Brazilians, the company has announced the creation of Aggie Inc."
"We need black Banks because you look at approval rates, black Banks approve black people for Home Loans at 85%."
"Ripple is on a mission to help bring financial inclusion, bank the unbanked, and help us move into this new global financial system."
"It's giving the ability for people to access markets that they previously couldn't access."
"I hope by 2030 we have a billion people in the world accessing an open financial system every day through products like Coinbase and others around the world."
"I'm trying to keep this simple for the 55 that don't have bitcoin... to give them an easy on-ramp to start accumulating some wealth with crypto."
"Cryptocurrency use in El Salvador, cryptocurrency use in Africa... the theme is that these are countries that are underserved by the international banking population."
"Crypto provides the people the opportunity to be involved in the financial system are unlimited."
"The only wrong answer is zero, everybody should have some bitcoin."
"People who are underbanked... it also lays the groundwork for the future of the global financial system."
"Make it possible for people to actually participate in the market now, be generous."
"Bitcoin is not for the rich. Bitcoin is about financial inclusion."
"I think this is great because it makes investing a lot more available to a ton more people."
"This is not about your credit score, it's not about how much money you have in the bank, it's not any of the traditional criteria." - John Hope
"Access to the financial system is as important as access to food and water."
"Global digital currencies would give more people access to financial services."
"Allowing people access to capital is one of the most important things you can do."
"The Bitcoin adoption is a historic opportunity for countries around the world to address issues like inequality and achieve financial inclusion."
"Bitcoin provides that savings account for anyone, anyone can participate."
"Right now what you're dealing with within the markets are new people coming into crypto for the very first time."
"Cardano is targeting people in third world countries, specifically the unbanked."
"Cryptocurrency and blockchain technology allow us to rethink and improve the systems and infrastructure around how money moves. With this technology, we will make the Global Financial system accessible to all." - Christina Campbell
"Africa, the number one unbanked region in the world."
"Our mission in life is to bring more people into the investor class."
"Digital currencies could be an instrument to bank the unbanked."
"I own gold and silver and Bitcoin... when you have people who are destitute in third-world countries and they can get their hands on Bitcoin, that's what's saving them right now."
"Financial inclusion will have a real-world impact on society by including everyone."
"Financial inclusion is the name of the game."
"Financial inclusion is not only a moral imperative but also a way to grow the country's economy."
"The partnership would focus on the shared mission of financial inclusivity or inclusivity that suggests that Abra and stellar will continue on their mission to Bank the unbanked."
"We're trying to democratize access to investment opportunities and make them as available and as easy to purchase and trade to anybody."
"Giving access to people around the globe that don't have access to financial markets, of the almost 8 billion human beings, more than 4 billion are either underbanked or unbanked."
"Mobile banking is critical, it's valuable to a lot of people, but in some cases, it's a lifeline for unbanked and underbanked populations."
"The ability to bank the unbanked."
"There's a middle class and an upper class in the global South that could be saving in Bitcoin."
"Hopefully for the next 10 years, we can bank the unbanked for everyone in the world."
"Access to financing for poor people in poor countries is a huge issue. People don't have a bank account. And as payments become much more electronic, people need access to financial services."
"Of seven billion people in the world, close to two billion are either underbanked or unbanked in some way."
"Financial exclusion remains a global issue, with 2 billion people worldwide still without a bank account."
"Financial inclusion is particularly important for empowering women economically and allowing them to invest in education."
"Financial inclusion can actually go hand in hand with financial stability."
"I'm going to create a mechanism where the average family, everyday people ignored by JP Morgan and Goldman Sachs, I'm going to distribute money to them."
"If we can provide economic stability, economic opportunity, financial inclusion... then they won't have to resort to crime and violence."
"Decentralized finance is about trading with your peers... it is really about financial democracy."
"In the end, who benefits from that? It's the average investor."
"It is truly banking the unbanked."
"Financial inclusion is considered a key factor in poverty reduction."
"In the next 10 years, the next two billion people who enter the world financial system, the vast majority of those people will be brought into our system from the cryptocurrency space."
"Libra's mission is to create a simple global financial infrastructure that empowers billions of people around the world."
"Having access to a monetary network that acts in your best interest and that doesn't gatekeep access to high quality and charge you large fees and put you in danger is also a fundamental human right."
"We're pretty fortunate in the U.S. to have a relatively strong banking system, but there are actually over 2 billion unbanked people worldwide."
"At its core, microfinance is about bringing financial tools to people that wouldn't otherwise have access to them."
"You don't need a million dollars to be able to invest in crypto, and you don't need tons of money to be able to invest in real estate."
"Everybody must be involved in the money economy."
"Cryptocurrency and this new financial market really holds the potential to create banking for the two billion people who do not have access to the banking system today."
"These companies have brought a great deal more financial inclusion."
"Microfinance is a way to create development; really small loans to individuals and small businesses in developing countries who are unable to obtain loans from commercial banks."
"Public aims to make investing accessible to everyone."
"If everyone in the world can have a Bitcoin address, and everyone in the world could be banked fairly quickly."
"Payments are global and if we want to have global scope we have to open it up so that everyone can participate freely."
"We're affording more entrants into the banking system which I believe has got to be a goal for us."
"The goal of Libra is to reach the unbanked and underbanked, which is a noble goal."
"Cash is never going to go away because there's a certain section of the population that is unbankable."
"Giving people access to financial services, letting them build all sorts of crazy types of things with them."
"Essentially banking billions of people through a mobile phone."
"Financial inclusion means that you've got to include people who have not been included in the financial system until before now."
"I really am glad that they're making this available to anyone with an internet connection and some money in their bank account."
"Banking is interesting because you have two billion people that are unbanked."
"Access to credit is a necessary precondition for poor people to move up to the middle class."
"We've been working with lots of different people to make sure the CDFIs and the MDIs get there."
"I think Square is gonna do a lot for financial inclusion."