
War Impact Quotes

There are 291 quotes

"This war has taken a greater toll on innocent civilians than all previous wars in Gaza combined."
"The sheer human cost of the war, leaving aside all the geopolitical and economic implications, is simply staggering."
"All societies, no matter how democratic, become authoritarian in times of war."
"The war in Ukraine is having a devastating consequence for the health of Ukraine's people, consequences that will reverberate for years or decades to come."
"The demographic catastrophe Ukraine has experienced over this war is potentially existential for Ukraine."
"Right now, we got tens of thousands of Ukrainian soldiers dying on a battlefield in a fight that doesn't need to be fought."
"The church is experiencing a revival, which is absolutely incredible that in the midst of war, especially in the frontline areas of the war where Russians are less than a mile sometimes away, the church is thriving."
"It added a sense of immediacy and realness to the film, particularly resonating as images and footage of the Vietnam War brought very real blood and gore into the lives of all Americans."
"The war in Ukraine is so devastating; 10 million have fled."
"We have to look at the impact of how we got there, right? Think about the war that Russia has taken on in Ukraine, an unmitigated war that is brutal and that has had an effect on the price of gas going up."
"This war is bad for business, let's be honest."
"Civilians continue to pay too high a price in this war."
"The war is exacerbating the greatest cost of living crisis in a generation."
"This war is about extinguishing Ukraine’s right to exist as a state, plain and simple, and Ukraine’s right to exist as a people."
"But in a sense, the war has kind of been a stomach wound for the broader economy."
"War doesn't end when the war ends. That's what the VA is about right, we have to take care of our sons and daughters for the rest of their lives."
"I talk people out of killing each other. You know, the 250 Ukrainians who died because of being thrown into the meat grinder."
"War is about eliminating the other society's ability to function."
"One effect of this war has been to strengthen, to accelerate the processes of building up Russian Civil Society."
"Every Ukrainian family who loses someone in this conflict, whatever they thought of the regime in Kiev before, whatever they thought of Russia before, is a family that will hate Russia moving forward."
"Surrealism was born out of the absurdity of what these wars put people through."
"The war in Ukraine: its effect on not only the adults but especially the children."
"Walking around the wards of the Children's Hospital in Lviv and seeing children with traumatic amputees..."
"Kids are innocent. They have no idea of what's war and they're being dragged into this."
"The war in Yemen is absolutely a humanitarian disaster."
"Nobody wants this war in Ukraine, above all the people of Ukraine who are suffering beyond all words."
"Chechnya was devastated and the capital Grozny was besieged and so thoroughly destroyed."
"In a country plagued by four decades of war, this is a true labor of love."
"Of all the issues that we could be dealing with, that we could be fighting over, the 6 million people that have died from the US Global War on terror, those type of things."
"War will make your life worse, no matter where you are."
"Anti-black racism is alive, not only has the Russian invasion of Ukraine brought to light the awful tragedies that accompany armed conflict, but the subsequent refugee crisis has also uncovered deeply seated racism in the country."
"It's very difficult to imagine the rise and seizure of power of fascism in Italy without this war."
"In every other country, war brings more government control. In America, it brings more freedom."
"Destruction of the city of Mosul, a sad reminder of devastation."
"I wished I died under a bomb first." - Najma al-Khattib, Syrian refugee
"A conflict between the United States and China would be nothing short of catastrophic. It would not be a short war, and we should be very clear about that."
"The losses on Ukraine's side will be extremely severe."
"2.5 million refugees, including a million children, have fled Ukraine since the war began."
"Every battle is a tragedy, death, it's someone's life future, future of their families. Ukraine will prevail."
"Hitler's long relationship with the power of propaganda began... the Allied forces had won the First World War through their superior use of propaganda."
"Forget stagflation and global recession is now almost inevitable as the war in Ukraine adds to skyrocketing food and energy costs."
"So, whether Russia launches the first nuke or is attacked by NATO, the country probably wouldn’t survive a nuclear war."
"Millions of men and women will fight in or be touched by the war in Ukraine. Many will need support for years after it's over."
"Bachmut and Soledar have become the epicenter of the wars fighting."
"Russia is going to end up much weaker when this war stops than it was before it started."
"Mariupol, once a city of ordinary lives, reduced to ashes and ruins by the horrors of war."
"The bombs in Vietnam exploded home. They destroyed the dream and possibility for a decent America."
"From their perspective, at least 88,000 Russian soldiers have been killed since February's Invasion."
"War can do that. War can do the opposite as we see in World War One."
"Military capability is not the only problem; war is social, it's psychological, and that is poisonous and extremely lethal."
"But what truly earns them the top spot is their treatment of prisoners of war."
"The destiny of Ukraine depended on the outcome of the Polish-Soviet War."
"The longer this war goes on, the less of Ukraine will be left."
"Psychological defense and the ability to detect manipulations are very relevant for the war context, especially when individuals are emotionally vulnerable."
"The war process... has caused Russia to face the biggest political, military, and economic crisis in its history."
"Russia's people are sending messages all across the world to cease this war."
"Social media may also provide a close look into the hardships endured by the people of War-torn Russia."
"You're one vote out of 435 when you're talking about war. This is something that it's not like marginal tax rates. This is people dying, kids getting killed, women becoming widows at a young age. It's just absolutely horrific."
"The war had taken its toll in the realm of public perception."
"I knew what she said and I think Paul did too, but you don't walk out on your husband while he's off fighting a war. At least I don't." - Jane Mansfield
"Soon we will summarize the second month of this conflict, which proved to be not the Short Victorious War Vladimir Putin hoped for, but a war of attrition that could change the fate of the entire region."
"Every day is Monday and the reality tonight is every day in Ukraine is increasingly filled with more destruction and death for Ukrainians still trying to get away from a war they did not ask for."
"It felt like a war zone, and it was still fresh."
"The capture of Arras Arun is too painful to..."
"The atomic bombings were directly responsible for the eventual Japanese capitulation."
"This is not only another believer who is a spiritual journey. Mexico in 1926 is reeling from more than a decade of war and violence."
"I really worry about this country getting so distracted by Wars, which is where we are right now Governor, that we're going to destroy what has taken hundreds of years to build."
"Sure, Putin’s approval rating has gone from 67% to 77% over the last year, but as more bodybags containing sons return to their mothers, we might see more support for the West and less support for perfidious Putin."
"War is not good for business in the long run."
"The last thing that people in Ukraine need is war."
"Schmidt's concept was embraced thanks to the Franco-Prussian War."
"Stalingrad doesn't just have an impact on the men who were lost there it has a massive impact on Adolf Hitler himself."
"The American Civil War would change firearms, and firearm innovations would change war."
"A president of War always gets better ratings than a president not at War."
"Their lives have been uprooted, their homes have been destroyed, but where there is life there is hope."
"If we lose this war, it will be generations before our conception of democracy can live again."
"The outcome is not going to be a victory... Ukraine is likely broken into pieces."
"It's the people that will be completely unaffected who are the most gung-ho for war."
"The children of the billionaires don't see the effect of these wars; it's the working class who bear the brunt."
"Nothing unifies a country more than being invaded."
"This war is not some distant thing. It's on the streets of Moscow, inside Russia."
"Putin's War appears to have earned him the ire and indignation of those he promises to defend."
"The number of lives saved by medical advances from war may surpass the number lost in war."
"The war with Russia... has led Ukrainians to reassess and reinterpret its age-old... culture."
"This girl represents the 30 million other innocent civilians in Yemen who are sacrificing their health their safety and their overall well-being to tough out this war."
"I thought that this author did a fantastic job of having the world very much feel like the progress has been halted as a result of war."
"It ends up as front-page news in the Daily Mail. 'War's greatest picture.'"
"Nobody cares about money in a time of war. What they care about is symbols and their own life."
"It was the most devastating raid of the war so far."
"What a terrible thing war does to a young man." - Cooper
"If you look at those casualties, they're almost inconceivable for us."
"The ongoing situation is being described as the worst crisis in Europe since the second world war and the human impact of this invasion is both horrific and immeasurable."
"Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron."
"For a lot of people this Ukraine war is becoming a wake-up call... it matters... we're part of a bigger planet species..."
"Felix Nussbaum and his family fell victim to the cruelest people that the world had ever seen during the time when the war had claimed so many innocent lives for so long."
"A major war would be very, very bad news for the global economy."
"Every individual veteran affected by war is individually affected."
"Millions of Ukrainians' lives are destroyed, the state is destroyed, the nation is destroyed."
"Dictators cannot afford to isolate their power base. This war has done that."
"I don't think that war would be positive I mean I think it would be uh it would be something like world war II where you or your trade partners get really all discombobulated and all of a sudden everything gets messed up economically."
"The mental toll of Russia's Invasion on Ukrainians is profound."
"What we know about Mỹ Lai is horrible enough, but the more chilling question remains: what else happened that we never heard about at all?"
"By Spring, Ukraine faces a potentially catastrophic shortage of ammunition and air defenses that could effectively turn the tide of the war."
"Station X's greatest achievement will lie not in broken ciphers but in the hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of lives saved."
"It's a dark but moving story about war and its effect on everybody."
"As the pontiff urged the world to remember the poor and people suffering in war-torn nations like Ukraine."
"There can be no doubt now that Ukraine has... significant territorial loss."
"The catastrophic consequences of the US invasion."
"Children are often the ones who suffer the most during wars."
"It was only a coincidence that I had been to a war and the war probably hadn't had much to do at all with my being [ __ ] in the head."
"Contrary to Kremlin lies, Russian forces are indiscriminately targeting civilian infrastructure with the striking Bilohorika, the latest atrocity."
"War destroys and favors creativity at the same time... it's the most powerful ally of natural selection."
"A morbid reminder of the cost of war, but a testament to the fact that war does end, eventually."
"The uncertainty is what people don't—they're seeing the face of an invasion, the bloody faces of Ukrainians, and they're wondering, can this happen to us? And the answer is yes."
"It's about these casualties, and although I've been able to travel around and chat to people and get some sense of what I think are losses on the Ukrainian side, I've got no idea what the Russian side is."
"Anywhere the Russian military goes, everyone dies and everything's destroyed."
"Everybody died, you know giving their life for something or giving, yeah taking that one last opportunity to make a difference in the battle."
"It is clear from the evidence that I have that this is part of a move by the communists, especially the North Vietnamese government, to divide the American people, disrupt our war effort, and discredit our government for the entire world."
"No president has ever not been elected during a time of war."
"Putin’s tenure will be defined by his massive miscalculation in declaring war on Ukraine."
"The 88 was one of the exceptional weapons of the war."
"The results of the war for ordinary Iranians were initially somewhat dire."
"I came back just hearing loss, a lot of people did not come back."
"No other war in history has so dramatically changed not just the political world but the everyday world."
"Ukraine has sacrificed an entire generation of young men."
"It's altogether too easy to lose sight of the fact that we're talking about human beings who've lost their lives in these battlefronts in these battles."
"This is the first wave of soldiers that just died on the battlefield."
"The Ukrainians have probably lost more men in combat in one year than the United States lost to both the Pacific and European theaters for the entire Second World War. This is huge."
"The biggest losers in this conflict are the soldiers dying on both sides and the civilians suffering in large numbers."
"The global war on terror has now killed 7,000 U.S. service men and women – more than twice the number of people killed on 9/11."
"Let us make a real difference in how this war pans out."
"Every person walking, every coffee shop serving after a missile attack is an act of resistance."
"I would absolutely purchase this 10,000 Rebel 1100."
"War is at its most destructive to one particular resource of a nation—the best and brightest of its citizens."
"Several times he went into print saying that he thought Ultra shortened the war by two years."
"Some of my Ukrainian pastors who are calling out Russian pastors for not speaking out against war... nobody wants this war."
"It is impossible to understate the devastation that war brings upon both military personnel and their equipment."
"I think the wars of 9/11 have really made Americans more reluctant to get involved in global conflicts."
"Pornography is actually used as a weapon of war."
"This war basically is stole one year of our lives here in Ukraine."
"The war is such a terrible thing it's so catastrophic you know it's sure you know you just don't such a human you know tragedy."
"War does not determine who is right, only who is left."
"Zelensky may be Jewish, but he's not the only one who suffered during the war."
"If the war continues in this manner, the collapse of the Russian army and economy appears to be unavoidable."
"A stark reminder of the normality lost in war."
"The sheer numbers of wounded, the overcrowded hospitals, the choices commanders have to make to save their men... all coalesces into a haunting image of the toll the conflict is taking on both sides."
"It's clear that this war is getting a lot uglier and that the worst is yet to come."
"Zuko protects the family who just lost their eldest son to the war beginning to understand the loss of it all neutral good."
"Will he stay or will he go... otherwise, the war could go on forever." - Jack Devine
"With every day that passes, more lives are lost, more damage to Ukrainians is inflicted."
"The ebb and flow of fortunes in war can very much affect the flow of more material fortunes, causing the average stock and bond-based portfolio to be down twenty percent this year."
"Any civilian death is heartbreaking and any civilian life lost is one too many."
"Every day, new casualty reports were coming home."
"Ukraine's intelligence network turned the tide of war."
"Hiroshima was far more costly in life and suffering and inhumane then it needed to have been."
"Throughout these weeks, cities along with both military and civilian targets have become subjected to devastating Russian missile and air attacks."
"It was easier to look them in the face and smile and wave back at them when you haven't had to smash their homes to pieces first. The morning we got into Rennes, boy, that really was liberation."
"Caught in the middle were the ordinary farmers and civilians who, even if they were lucky enough to escape with their lives, were now left with nothing."
"Let's instead work to preserve whatever of Ukraine is left."
"A very strong message to society: despite the war, the human dimension remains critical."
"During over three years of imprisonment at Santo Thomas, 10% of the prison population had died."
"Ukraine's daring and amazing effort has changed the war's trajectory."
"One thing that hasn't been talked about as much is that during this time of war the United States is still importing more than half a million barrels per day of crude oil and other petroleum products from Russia." - Senator Joe Manchin
"The human cost is close to a million people killed in those terror wars, including more than 7,000 U.S. service members."
"She bravely waves the boy's goodbye again. We haven't learned a damn thing. Not a goddamn thing."
"The West doesn't care about Ukraine and we know that because the West is doing nothing to stop this war that has already cost Ukraine hundreds of thousands of lives. How dare you?"
"Enormously important: four million people are going to be suddenly freed as a result of the war."
"This is how I'm going to help change the fate of our war."
"Poland lost the highest percentage of any population in the war with 1/5th of Polish citizens dying in combat or in Mass executions."
"It's not only about Mariupol; it's about all those other cities that don't exist anymore."
"It was December 13, 1937, and apocalypse was in the air."
"Hundreds of thousands of people have been killed, overwhelmingly Ukrainian soldiers and civilians."
"Putin lost all of his prospects when this Hospital which was the primary care facility for Russian servicemen in the Ukrainian region was demolished."
"The war is catastrophic for the nation and the people of Ukraine."
"The human toll this conflict has had on the regular citizens of Ukraine has been outright extraordinary."
"Putin's war is intended to cause economic damage to the West."
"It turned the once feared and formidable Japanese base into a funeral pyre."
"War brings death and destruction to everyone."
"In most cases, the effect war has on markets is usually not as long as people think, and recovery actually comes back quite quickly."
"We must look after the people who have known nothing other than war and oppression in their lives."
"In times of war, the first victim is the truth."
"I'll be thinking of my friends her dad and her brother both serve on the front and she does everything she can both for them but also just in general for Ukraine."
"The whole time I was growing up there was a war going on."
"Blast by blast, Russia's war in Ukraine has exacted a devastating toll on both civilians and soldiers."
"The war meant more money in Indian rather than British businessmen's pockets, which in turn increases their influence in the Indian Congress."
"One couple from Hull tried to claim a refund from a comedy club in Blackpool because the war in Ukraine made them too scared to travel." - Referring to a couple wanting a refund due to war
"He changed when he came back from Vietnam."
"The movie portrays them all friends and equal in high school, but once they enter the real world, the military world, they're so clearly divided in how the war affects them."
"Having brought the player in, Spec Ops then turns the lens on the topic of war and begins to ask questions about the mental impacts that conflict can have on the soldiers that fight it and in particular the character that we're playing."
"Ukraine hasn’t just lost good men on the battlefield and innocent civilians in the streets; it’s lost a third of its economy, which will surely lead to instability down the line, including a negative effect on birth rates, mental health problems, crime, and corruption."
"...every war brings massive advances in... trauma care."
"They knocked German production offline for months, there's no telling how many lives we could save."
"The war took a toll on everyone, despite how emotionless the Jedi were supposed to be."
"War became the dominant experience in the lives of Europeans, period."
"Its importance was such that there is no doubt in my mind that it was a war-winning aircraft."
"Before the war, most Americans paid no income tax, but by the fall of '43, almost all Americans were paying some."
"We're all human, but he plays an enormous role in the war going forward."
"Because of that, her father leaves them as he volunteers to convince the North Korean soldiers to stop attacking them."
"It's always so hard to grasp the concept that war is fought literally in people's homes; it's not just a battlefield."