
Memorable Experiences Quotes

There are 663 quotes

"What it is, is an epic adventure with memorable encounters and locations."
"Remember how fun it was when we couldn't find a driver, and we had to ride bikes at like 2 in the morning?"
"Those are things that will stay with me for the rest of my life, and because of that, this Mark V is number one on my list of top five tanks today."
"This is going to be so exciting, I can't wait for them to have this ultimate birthday surprise."
"The next couple of months are going to be like you're going to remember them as some of the best months of your life."
"All of my best stories from gaming, the most memorable ones, revolve around things that happened with other people first."
"There are a few games I wish I could experience for the first time again, and one of those is Dead Space."
"So in this video, I want to talk about how to create your best year yet in terms of creating your most memorable, interesting year yet. This is all about how to find more opportunities to create moments so that when you look back at your next year, you're thinking like, 'Wow, I did so much this year. It was filled with so many good moments. It was so memorable.'"
"You don't want to stick in your comfort bubble all year as well, because that's not going to create amazing, memorable moments for you in the next year."
"The experience in Destiny 2 of raiding is unlike anything else; with friends, it's some of the most memorable moments in all of gaming for me."
"It was one of my best nights that we shared together in my life."
"The goal in this is this is going to be a life memory you will never forget this that's the goal I don't want to ever forget it and I want to share that with you."
"Opening an expedition in a booster pack provided an unforgettable experience."
"I had an awesome time on the East Coast um it was really nice I really enjoyed Washington DC and Baltimore and I got all the way down to Delaware so I got a chance to go visit my family and stuff so I had a really good time"
"But when you go to the source, the way they've been making it in Rome for over a century guaranteed it's a pasta you'll never forget."
"That was like the best thing I've ever seen in my life."
"You can still have an incredible and memorable trip without blowing your budget."
"The reason I love the Hercules boss fight so much."
"Day three at Leeds might have been my favorite day of Ashes cricket ever."
"Thank you for the greatest battle I've ever had."
"The game's main missions do an incredible job of being memorable."
"Memorable levels with a strong core theme elevate themselves beyond the sum of their parts."
"These are experiences that have transcended the already great games they were a part of to permanently lodge themselves in the collective gaming consciousness."
"I don't think I'm ever going to forget some of the bosses in Dark Souls 2 from this perspective alone."
"Even just the privilege of being able to fly to London with my friends to be in club Renaissance I fought hard for them to eat and then to be there and then to like have those moments where I was rapping Diva straight to Beyonce's face."
"The joy, unbridled joy. That was the best gig she ever had."
"It's fantastic. How lucky were we to sit here and be a part of that?"
"Metal Gear Rising Revengeance: one of the most memorable games in recent history."
"It was a very bold move for Massive to try something like this... it's gonna stick around in our memories."
"I think the most important thing is just to have fun and make it memorable."
"It's short it's sweet and it's challenging just challenging enough to be memorable as fact one story beats it comes to a close better than maybe any chapter of a good book could."
"Some of these moments have been the best time of my life."
"No matter who you are, if you have found one, you will always remember your first shiny Pokémon."
"Literally the best day ever. So not only did I get to meet Hello Kitty, we filmed some videos, got some pictures."
"I wanted to win this football game... there's nothing like winning it the way we did."
"Guests loved it. They just couldn't explain it."
"This match is already worth it. I'm gonna brag about it for the rest of my life."
"Love's the best thing we do and it was legendary."
"Experiencing the launch of a Sega Dreamcast in real time is one of those gaming moments that you tend to never forget."
"The best rival bosses might not always be the toughest, or the longest, or the flashiest boss fights, but they can easily be the most memorable."
"That's a good quote, miss disturbing game that we played that you weren't able to play again."
"If there’s one thing I’ll remember these games for, it’s writing on the map."
"Officials hoped that by planning carefully, working together, and keeping everyone informed, they could make sure the eclipse was a special memory for everyone who saw it."
"I mean, it was probably the best day of my life."
"What started as an ordinary day had become something he would remember forever."
"That's a big, pretty, epic way to die though."
"It was stupid as hell but it was fun as hell."
"This is the coolest thing I've seen in my life."
"This game has given me some moments that I'm going to remember for a long time."
"Those were like, some of the best times of my life."
"It's just an honor to be able to, you know, me getting a chance to know you a couple of years ago."
"That's hard. It's been a lot, oh, no, man, that's a hard one too. It is hard to answer. I don't think I had a favorite one, but I think probably like the Jimi Hendrix thing was dope."
"This is the most insane night we've ever had, dude."
"This little girl is gonna make a huge impact...she'll probably talk about that for the rest of her life."
"Yeah, I had this ideal moment of us literally hands in the air cheering at a very specific point in the movie which I once spoke here and that moment happened so I felt like I achieved my dream."
"That dinner was absolutely amazing. That is probably some of the best food I've ever had on a train."
"Definitely like playing against y'all, um, the Bay, honestly, that was one of the craziest arenas to play in."
"Exotics like Vex Mythoclast, the Rarity of Exotics like Gjallarhorn, or the excitement of doing Quests for the first time like Outbreak Prime."
"Building a story your friends will remember for ages takes more than just creating a beginning, middle, and end."
"I met Dream, that was insane, absolutely crazy."
"Encounters with the nemesis enemies in Shadow of Mordor and Shadow of War were always meaningful."
"That was one of the most memorable magical evenings that we've had as a band."
"Every WoW expansion that has introduced a new class has been an absolute Banger and remembered as a genuine Stone Cold classic."
"The adventure that ensued in my attempt was exceedingly memorable."
"As far as my matches go, I would say Wembley for sure is one of them."
"Enrique Pucci... he's gonna be just one of the most memorable parts of my life forever and ever."
"Players who made it to Fabled, Mythic, or Legend in Season 3 will probably never forget it; they have countless war stories to tell."
"Anytime you do something for the first time, stands out a little bit more."
"It was just the first, you know, your first always stays with you, it's the one."
"I'm glad these Tampa fans got to witness it."
"The cinematic reveal of the SMB3 was burned, no seared into my memory."
"It was such an experience I will never ever forget. It was amazing, it was so deafening."
"Over the years, obviously been incredibly lucky to see likes of Messi, Iniesta... but it was really special to see Ronaldinho especially growing up."
"This Castle... makes it so much more memorable... what's not particularly too hard... a very fun and memorable fight."
"What an amazing run that was, I'll admit, that's probably one of my favorite games of all time ever."
"That was wonderful. It was one of the most remarkable encounters I’ve ever had in my life."
"What they basically said is just embrace it, be excited about it, and just know that you're making that person's day if they're excited to meet you."
"It's an adventure, so there's going to be ups and downs, but it'll be worth it in the end. No one ever regrets."
"This game has some absolutely insane moments."
"Toto's 'Africa': brings you back to so many amazing, wonderful memories."
"It was the most perfect night and I would never change one thing about it."
"I've had the time of my life and I never felt this way before."
"I'm so happy it ended as it did. Always a reminder in Hearthstone, you know, there's some real gems, there's some really memorable games from time to time."
"The wins were just insanely spectacularly fun."
"We had a beautiful time in Morocco, we all had a great time, we were brothers."
"Probably one of the most exciting times of my life."
"Let us make this last night together one to remember."
"Keep driving safely, explore new gadgets, and keep making each Journey Unforgettable."
"Make sure it's something that you're going to remember later on."
"Hoxton's housewarming is considered one of the best events the games ever had."
"Get in the Nintendo 64 on Christmas Day 1997 will go down in my lifetime as one of the most memorable game and experiences of my time."
"Every penny was worth it for an opening ceremony second to none."
"That experience, yeah, and that whole screaming everyone, the whole reaction around it, our last night, I'ma send it like this in one of the best blocks, it was just amazing man."
"I just think had amazing single-player stories so much fun so memorable."
"There's something really special about leaving people with a good taste in their mouth." - DAN LEVY
"I'll never forget that first ride on Formula Rossa."
"Truly one of the most memorable and bizarre games I've ever played for better or worse."
"It wasn't the game alone that made those memories great, it was the combination of your lifestyle factors."
"That was the best thing ever, that was the end of the day."
"This is one of those days that you were going to remember for the rest of your life."
"This video had nothing to do with making a profit. This was all about making memories."
"She dies on her 100th birthday in her bed. I mean, how nuts is that? That's crazy, but that is baller."
"That's probably one of the coolest things I've ever done."
"Bonus advice: skip class for ice cream sometimes. Those are the memories you're going to remember."
"Create unforgettable memories as you dance the night away."
"It's going to be one of those moments that you look back on and go wow, I'm so glad I did that."
"Anybody who's getting close to your rank up games, don't forget to just cherish the pressure. It goes away eventually, and you'll miss it."
"This has been absolutely amazing, I don't think we can even decide."
"That was brilliant; it really got my face to react when I first saw it."
"These moments will live forever in our hearts."
"What a brilliant day... it's been absolutely awesome."
"We've just played a game at Wembley in front of 34,000 people."
"It was probably one of my most enjoyed races ever."
"This was honestly the best birthday of my entire life."
"Wow, that has got to be one of the best views I've ever seen from an amusement park."
"This has to have been the most epic house tour in the history of house tours."
"We're making it, we're having a freaking day. Last minute buzzer beater. Came down the water's edge to release this guy."
"To overcome fears and perform for thousands was the most amazing experience of my life."
"That was the single most coolest thing you'll ever see in your life."
"That was one of the best moments of our lives... those moments will stay with you for a lifetime."
"Quite possibly my favorite day of vlogging yet."
"What a perfect cherry on top of that whole moment."
"What an absolutely wonderful moment in their love story."
"It was an unbelievable experience, I'll never forget it."
"For my 20s to be so closely associated with such a wonderful experience, it's gonna stay with me and I'm sure the rest of us for the rest of our life."
"Nothing was like the vaults of glass though."
"I just made some of the best memories of my life."
"I remember that exact day because we got to the last coaster and I was like Charlie come on, we can go on."
"I think Flash versus Arrow has a special place in my heart because it was that kind of like first time, you know."
"It was the best summer ever and it's never... you know... and I played all the rest of the games and I liked them... boards excellent but he never came close to that religious experience for the first game."
"It's been a while since I laughed that hard in the movie."
"It was something that I will be forever thankful for."
"Trauma bonding: the people you see Cats with, you'll never forget. That's a bond deeper than blood."
"Unbelievable honestly the best days of our life we won and a scor a in a charity match all the way in qar."
"That was probably the coolest thing anyone were more stars struck by anyone than David Blaine kind of."
"Overall, it was an unforgettable trip, this is something when I'm gonna die, I'm gonna remember this day."
"My grandmother went on a few dates with Paul McCartney."
"Another fantastic day, what a trip it's been."
"I'll be driving down the road and I'll hear 'Ooh, Chavo.'"
"Traveling with friends is so amazing... there were countless times when we would just take a break and look at each other and go oh my God this is amazing."
"That was super fun and something I'll never forget."
"That's what's special right, that's what people remember, that's what matters."
"This is an extremely memorable part of Portal 2 and opens up so many questions."
"The day I got the call from Joe Biden asking me to serve with him on this ticket was probably one of the most memorable days of my life."
"This was absolutely insane and probably the luckiest thing that's ever happened to me ever playing Pokémon."
"Number 7: Lord Wu [ __ ] [ __ ] Banjo-Tooie - 'But Jolly Roger Lagoon and the beast at its center will forever be cemented in my memory as an agonizing ordeal.'"
"I ditched high school for my first meeting with him and wore these all across New York City to meet with him."
"Just imagine getting something in the mail and you open it up and you see this. Oh my gosh, that's insane."
"If you do take it to racing events, it's going to absolutely scream and it's going to be something you will never forget."
"Big large-scale world PvP... makes memories."
"This is one of the coolest things I've ever done, I'm so pumped about this."
"It was very exciting, we had a great time. It was an amazing day."
"Raid races are the pinnacle of Destiny content and this is actually the longest players have had to wait for a NEW raid in Destiny ever."
"Vow of the Disciple will always go down in Destiny history as a wild ride."
"I'm not looking to make a bunch of money. I'm looking to make the most legendary [ __ ] gay memories and put our names on it."
"Giving those bad guys in those moments a plan, an idea, a point of view, a character makes this encounter super memorable and interesting."
"Let's lock in this one and make it a memorable one."
"There's no game that gave me like so much extended joy and good experiences than Halo 3."
"I still can't believe that... such an amazing moment."
"Throughout a dungeon's diverse and memorable theme, thought-provoking layout, and many engaging challenges alike, I can safely say that these are the most prominent attributes of a good Zelda dungeon."
"A night out with the team was a belt in time."
"Watching Independence Day in 1996 was unlike anything else experienced in a movie theater."
"This was one of the best views we ever had during a Starlink Mission."
"The water was crystal clear as promised and the pinkish horizon rising above the ocean was a breathtaking sight to see. It's an image that I never will forget."
"I literally cannot believe we just walked up and saw Joy first right away, unbelievable."
"What I like about Surf Ninjas is that it'll get so ridiculous that it's almost like a blank canvas. Like, I don't think anyone is beholden to any particular moment of Surf Ninjas, they just remember sort of the dumb joy it made them feel."
"That sea bass was memorable, what more could you ask?"
"Things just kept falling on our laps, it was eventful week, been tweaked very cool."
"I cannot tell you how good of an experience I'll never forget it."
"Kim said yes and season six had a whole new plot: the massive and glamorous wedding cost a whopping 10 million dollars."
"Unbelievable view, we're about to venture back out, have a few more adventures here, this has been really nice."
"I think I'll never forget our faces when we tried it."
"It's an extraordinary moment, it's something I remember for the rest of my life."
"Warlords introduced some of the best raids we've ever gotten."
"I'm having a nice time, these are the highlights of my year."
"It's amazing how games just have these unbelievable moments, right?"
"The reason you play a game, the reason you continue to stick with a game through thick and thin, the moments that feel like they can never be reached again."
"This is gonna be, like, the best night of some of their years, you know?"
"It was just phenomenal, one of the craziest things that we've ever had happen to us as a team."
"Everything in GTA San Andreas is simply unforgettable."
"This is one of the coolest places I've ever been."
"Seeing things you people wouldn't believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion."
"Sometimes that experience was more memorable than the actual game you bought."
"This is the first time we've been there since pre-pandemic, and the last fight we had in Australia... we always get amazing moments, we always get big fights, and of course, Saturday night is absolutely no different."
"This was probably one of the most insane and most unique road trips I've ever taken in my entire life."
"I met all these people, but Jay-Z, I was like damn."
"What an incredible close to such a memorable trip."
"Ocarina of Time made each dungeon more memorable..."
"Tom Hanks and Ron Howard did it with us so bucket list item I never knew I had."
"Thank you guys again for the greatest two-and-a-half years of my life changing my life and I'll never forget those memories guys."
"It's still one of the most unique games I've played in recent memory."
"That was one of the most proudest moments in my life."
"One of the best games of Age of Empires I've ever seen."
"One cook told the story that I want to hear over and over again."
"Most inspiring most awesome moment like top 10 moments in my life was spending a night in hotel with Mariah Carey for sure."
"I got my pictures. That was incredible. That's an experience I'm never gonna forget."
"Certain summers in one's life can take a tonal significance or a certain symbolism... because of a first love or an experience you had in a certain city."
"20-somethings and the strength of their connection to each other places aquatope among 2021's most memorable works."
"I want something that kicks me in the feels like Reach did or like ODST did."
"I'm telling you, one of the most epic dinners I had."