
Visual Impact Quotes

There are 1572 quotes

"The game that shocked me the most, visually, that I was so into was Doom on PC."
"Allen Wake 2 is an amazing looking game that absolutely had our jaws on the floor when it launched in October of 2023."
"Technically, it's a strong tattoo. It really does have a striking image. It's bold."
"It is really rare to see creature effects that are this upsetting and convincing visually."
"It's really not very often I find a game with visuals that leave as lasting an impression as Hilux."
"God, I thought the animations in the first game were crazy; the ones in this one were too straight mind-blowing."
"The rear delt is really gonna cause that 3D effect to pop out on your shoulders and your whole physique."
"Nothing makes an impact visually, in my opinion, like planting in bunches. It gives you a big wow factor."
"Dollar for dollar, I think your capsule art is some of the best investment you can make."
"We finally got the grand shots of these fight scenes which was amazing."
"Your eye goes to two main areas when you look at an image: the sharpest focus and the area of greatest contrast."
"RHS wrote that he could never forget the horrible, ghastly sight they presented."
"The true essence of design lies not in its conformity but in its ability to stand out, to tell a story that resonates."
"Tips for creative composition: place the subject and the horizon off the center frame with the foreground."
"The i8 has specially designed airflow channels that make it look like it's moving even when it's standing still."
"Visually, it starts to not matter because this is just so pretty."
"The weight of the Betrayal is evident, his face etched with disbelief and sorrow."
"You can see a much tighter less scattered ring around the light for more reflection and shine to the buyer's eyes."
"The dress is bold color also allows for the character to be easily seen."
"Honestly, it's this green dress that carries the whole movie."
"Endgame has some absolutely stunning visuals."
"Jack sheds a tear as he watches the men trimming down meadows in unison."
"We swapped the images and completely changed the look and feel of the website."
"No matter what kind of cool external events and set pieces you add in, unless they've been established to advance what we're doing, it'll all just feel like pointless visual noise."
"The visuals of this film are honestly breathtaking. There are stunning visuals throughout this film so see this on the best screen possible."
"The nightmare visuals, I was hypnotized by the visuals in this movie. It was so gorgeous, a work of art hands down."
"Ardo Roman fort in Scotland... it's an absolutely astonishing sight."
"The eyes on the figure were black and sunken in with a dark red rim, like that distant glow on the horizon, but the pupils were somehow darker than the rest of it and darker than night itself."
"Another edition of the banners being held by the troops themselves walking in line formation ready to clash in the center."
"I was just blown away by the way it looks, and I think it's one of the most confident and assured titles that we've seen in a long time."
"It's one of the more impressive titles I've seen on Switch in a while."
"Just making some small tweaks Connie even if you were to just change the overall light bulb in the space it will really create a nice visual impact for there'll just give a little bit more sense of daylight."
"Red hair stands out and it's rare so it's going to catch your eye."
"Smoke coming off of that car coming up the hill."
"Armor is more than just fighting equipment, it's turning the wearer into this extraordinary work of visual art."
"Suddenly, oh, my God, those blues just pop right off the screen; the greens, very good."
"Seeing an actual outside world with this art style is breathtaking."
"Visually, it was lightning caught in a bottle right before some kind of new, way cooler, and more popular kind of lightning hit the market."
"If I can describe it in five words: beautiful, epic, giant, grand, jaw-dropping."
"Kubrick's use of color is bold and arresting."
"It's visually probably my favorite moment in the whole game."
"That was epic! I love how it came out of the cloud like that. That was super cool."
"The action sequences in Man of Steel are some of the most awe-inspiring fight scenes in all of comic book movies."
"Now here you can see the original and the dollar dupe hanging side by side."
"That image allow it to burn an indelible imprint into their mind you're going to be hearing more about the chandelier UAP but that image right there was something."
"One of the most breathtaking action sequences ever put to the big screen."
"The scene at the start makes one thing clear: this sequence, while the film's most visually stunning, is really only the tip of the iceberg this time around."
"This album cover always really wowed me when I first saw it."
"The Lighthouse is a starkly gorgeous black-and-white head trip that is like staring into a blinding light: you're hypnotized, you can't look away, and your eyes won't be the same after."
"Honestly, when you add flags to these towers, the place just comes alive."
"Just the visuals of being in VR is enough to sell me."
"The leap from guardroom prom photos to this action-packed movie poster is like the switch from listening to your grandpa's war stories as he falls asleep in an armchair to watching Apocalypse Now on IMAX."
"The combination of ridiculously good animation, amazing choreography, and cinematography made for a breathtakingly amazing battle."
"It looked incredible, it was completely wild."
"It's Miles Morales, it's animated, it is spectacular animation, I was floored."
"We live in an attention economy after all which means that if Sam suck or any other bodybuilder for that matter can make you look longer than you might at someone else they are valuable from an economic perspective."
"Love this color story though, it's stunning."
"The audience go very quiet... looking at a photograph of it."
"Sunshine has some incredible visuals, I mean like Stanley Kubrick level visuals in this movie."
"This one really struck me as I was making my way through the Galar region. Pretty much right after coming out of your house, you get a gorgeous view over the land beyond just waiting for you to run out and explore."
"The pyramids look impressive enough today, but if you imagine that when they were first finished, they would've been coated from top to bottom in smooth white limestone, then the effect must have been truly dazzling."
"Guys seriously, thank you so much for watching, you guys really mean the world to me."
"Even the Sky Box itself looks like it was generated by one of those things things like it's close to what a city looks like I guess but paired with this surreal Skyline something feels so off."
"What a legacy, what an icon of like just visual representation is glorious."
"Are you amazed to see the power of these machines? I'm sure that once you see them, you won't be able to take your eyes off."
"Seeing anyone in that costume is gonna be fucking amazing."
"Taylor was a sweet little girl, her big brown eyes twinkled out of every picture."
"The visuals can be absolutely breathtaking for a PS2 game."
"Try to use bright colors in bold fonts so that it catches the viewer's attention when they're scrolling through Amazon."
"Fix your Gaze on this scene the alligator's eyes emit an eerie luminescence."
"This show's production values are nuclear dynamite."
"Your images play a huge role in the design of your website."
"I absolutely love them and I think the design of many of the creatures impressed me for sure."
"Exploring positive and negative space in design, like 'The Dark Knight' poster."
"Limited color palettes provide a much stronger result in the end."
"The woman is looking straight at the viewer and it made audiences a little uncomfortable."
"Things just pop out, they just look amazing."
"I like in that artwork how just blindingly brilliant his sword is."
"When you see the white armor coming out of a black room, you just see the armor. And it's a great, terrifying sort of moment."
"It's hard to put into words, but when you see it, it's nuts."
"The Heist scene with all the sparks flying is one of the most gorgeous and borderline transcendental sequences in film."
"The world is carpeted in white and like this is what I'm talking about I think this that's completely different really sort of stark aesthetic is just it's stunning to drive and it's stunning to look at." - Ralph
"It's just a beautiful sight and the crowd just erupts."
"It's so cool... it's so surreal to see this in real life."
"Gran Turismo 3 itself... belongs to this elite group representing... one of the single most impressive leaps in visual fidelity in the history of the medium."
"Everything looks more vibrant, colorful, and just bright."
"It crossed the barrier as to just allowing me to just soak it in and be like, 'Wow, this is a really fun visual treat.'"
"I love this ribbed effect. I just love the design it creates on the ceiling."
"The game graphics actually drastically changes the game, you see this on the ground right here?"
"This is just unbelievable, it looks so eerie and creepy."
"Just seeing a real 3D cityscape moving at a smooth 30 frames per second was mind-blowing."
"Backlight pops someone out of the background, adds a halo effect."
"It's visually stunning and leaves you with a lot to think about."
"Kennedy was really a glamorous figure, poised, handsome, tanned, and all of a sudden the impact of the visual became very apparent."
"That looks amazing, like that, wow! I can't say enough."
"Wow, that looks great just like that! That looks absolutely amazing!"
"This picture is incredible. It's like right out of the pages of a comic book. It looks beautiful."
"There is nothing as magical as seeing dazzling images on a huge silver screen."
"The PS5 tech demo which showed off the potential of next-gen consoles with the Unreal Engine 5 running on the PS5, and it just looks stunning."
"That fateful day fedorov hauled up this fearsome fish its fleshy pink mouth scaly body lizard-like tail and grotesquely protruding eyes make this pure nightmare fuel"
"The show doesn't shy away from detail; the sets, the scenery, and the makeup are all very intricate."
"This movie is so memorable and distinct primarily because of its visuals but like film is a visual medium man I don't know what to tell you."
"Contrary to all the effort put into the story, however, it's safe to say that the uncanniness of the image accompanying it was the major catalyst for its popularity online."
"Top of being so visually thrilling and such an action movie but like talks about what it is to be black in the United States and around the world."
"Silhouette is extremely important for any design, the more distinguishable the better."
"Is it us or do the eyes of this incredible ancient Dacian helmet appear to stare back at you when you look into them?"
"Set up a thumbnail that's really catchy, that's thumb stopping."
"Valkyries are queens and my choice for the best boss in God of War Ragnarok, resting amidst a stunning primordial backdrop."
"An enormous amount of blood involved, a lot of the blood that were on the walls were dried."
"It is one of the most visually striking movies I have ever seen."
"They became a super team and the team delivers."
"There are some ancient discoveries that words can't do justice to, you'll only believe them if you can see them with your own eyes."
"Those blood-red slitted eyes still haunt my imagination."
"All the visuals in this were absolutely stunning."
"There's something in the sophisticated design of the lights that made it feel as though I were being swaddled in a Technicolor womb."
"It's like flowers have appeared in complete three-dimensional solidity before your very eyes."
"It's awe-inspiring visually and emotionally."
"The detail is something that has to be seen to be believed."
"Take time to create good channel art. It's your 30 seconds to get their attention."
"This does not look like Minecraft. This looks like a work of art."
"This stunning design...is almost unbelievable at first glance."
"White balance can make or destroy your photo."
"It's like we're seeing orange waves coming through, and it's really quite fascinating."
"This Gucci situation, look at this, it's stunning."
"Oscars are awesome for these kinds of people because they grow so fast they grow so big and they make a huge statement in your aquarium."
"The werewolf looked so creepy... not just like Harry Potter."
"We're trading for Bobo. Now I feel a little bit more confident going into this season."
"A solid opening, especially love how this leopard face transitions."
"There is a certain risk you take with art, and while I don't recommend anyone do what they did, the end result did look great."
"The trailer creates a genuine sense of gravitas, particularly when Mothra's enormous wingspan emerges from a waterfall with a gradient blue light glowing."
"Not only did the film's imagery look astounding, but the trailer boasts music and sound designed to match. Just goes to show what a powerful impact this trailer had."
"This wasn't your father's Batman...the suit reboot...was a powerful visual statement."
"Visuals have much more impact on people's minds."
"Wes made this movie look like a hundred million dollars."
"I genuinely thought it was going to be terrible and while it plays out exactly as it's laid out in that description the end product is genuinely beautiful."
"Gran Turismo 2 offers one heck of an impressive presentation."
"We know how huge Star Destroyers are from the previous film and now we see something that absolutely dwarfs the imperial class."
"I feel like they've chosen a really tasteful way to do the dead bodies, all of them don't stay but enough of them stay that you can tell that a battle has happened in a given area."
"It really is a super impressive version of the game."
"It's a bittersweet one, like this is taking our number one spot for the most impressive visuals of the year."
"Images still linger in the mind far longer than words."
"The Cenobites from the Hellraiser franchise are terrifying in appearance and distinctly disfigured, with their leader Pinhead being unassuming."
"We totally forgot about the new ore textures. It's so different, oh my god, it's so different."
"Visual representations are always more powerful sometimes than words."
"I'm kind of stunned about how good it looks... it's the kind of movie we just don't see anymore."
"I was captivated by the stunning basketball scenes."
"The Phantom of the Opera aesthetic is gorgeous."
"Our trail cameras look like a glowing freaking ball of sunshine in the forest to these beings."
"Until Dawn's environments look so real you could touch them...it's characters are well on their way up the far slope of the uncanny valley."
"If the food looks good and it's visually appealing, you're just going to want to dive right in."
"Having something as big and as menacing as this in the background looks absolutely awesome."
"Watching it at 60 frames per second in 4k blew my hat clean off and I wasn't even wearing a hat."
"Wow dude, holy [__], I mean, a ton of bright color right?"
"It creates levels in the visual aesthetic that you're just not used to seeing."
"The Celestials were enormous, every bit as imposing as you would expect them to be."
"Seeing Halo look like Halo again is genuinely mind-blowing."
"The artwork, with its aggressive style and permanent sunset orange palette, is utterly gorgeous."
"For both flyers, the shapes are similar, with large circular elements drawing in our viewers."
"The Suicider in Dead Island: The blisters are not just for show."
"Thor's lightning moment with the casket was one of the coolest."
"The action sequences are absolutely breathtaking."
"It looks like it's been ripped up like confetti."
"Donkey Kong's down air aerial foot stomp looks extremely crushing and you really feel the power behind this move."
"It's all those like little details that are going to make the scene really pop out."
"Oh my god, they look stunning, they look so good on the cover."
"These are two of the best outfits I've ever seen in Marvel."
"It's remarkable... there's an iridescence... absolutely stunning."
"The feature that really makes this diorama pop is the waterfall."
"Images actually can galvanize the public and can activate and catalyze policy."
"This new undead destruction ability is super cool, like it shoots these little bones out everywhere and they do a ton of damage."
"It's all about getting that crystal ball effect where Lucky Tornay has such big, beautiful, emotive eyes."
"This release like that music video photo shoots visually the most stunning comeback of this year so far."
"It's a thing of beauty to see a fleet of ancient armored cruisers overrunning the enemy battle line."
"A monument without images is a monument that does not work."
"LR Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta's active is the best animation in the game."
"The colors are so vivid... I've never seen anything like it before."
"It's an incredible picture like this is desktop background worthy."
"Her heavenly and tragic presence highlighted in her hair and dress."
"Wow, check out that difference, that is crazy."
"Every bit of detail they put into this thing is definitely showing when you come and look at it in person."
"Now it's time for the sweet topic. Shut up and look at this image."
"Hitchcock did a fight on the Statue of Liberty decades earlier and not only did it feel more grand in scale but somehow it felt like it had more color than the actual color movie did."
"It almost felt too good... like I can't believe what I'm seeing."
"Get art that is so big and so tall you don't need anything else. It's taking up that space."
"This looks incredible, the visuals are insane."
"Definitely a fun one to add to the city, I think it's if that doesn't make a statement I don't know what does."
"It's just a whiteout, one of those shots where the explosion is so big."
"The visual design of this game... I mean, just stunning."
"Games had never looked like this before. They would never look like this again."
"It's a gorgeous spell effect... really striking."
"It's literal, it's a sea of beautiful trees that are all different shades of green."
"Confidence goes a long way and the one thing that you can't question when it comes to Paddy Pimler or Molly McCann, you might want to watch their eyes through your hands if you're a fan, but it's determination and confidence."
"This scene is straight out of a horror movie."
"They're like works of art, they really I mean they're so glittery your mind just goes places when you stare at them."
"Mimi Choi went wild creating this all-out makeup marvel!"
"Purple and green are a classic eye-popping combo."
"The sequence where Numenor is revealed with the swelling epic music is one of the most jaw-dropping moments of the show."
"Godzilla looks best when you're looking up at him."
"That's awesome! Look at the swords that come down."
"Every time I jump with She-Hulk and the entire map just like swooshes through your face, oh yeah, I love it."