
Progress Tracking Quotes

There are 193 quotes

"Track your progress and celebrate the milestones that you're hitting as you get to that goal."
"Document your progress along the way. This will keep you motivated as you continue studying."
"Track your progress... Progress pics are going to help you stay motivated... It also holds you accountable."
"We are making good time and progress with this game."
"One after another we are checking the last few things off of our punch list."
"Every step you take is data moving you forward."
"Self-analysis: Almost every successful person is tracking their progress, from actions to feelings. Analysis gives you a clearer picture of what you're dealing with."
"It's a really good way to quickly get an idea of where you've been and how much you've progressed over time."
"Track your progress and acknowledge how much you have improved."
"Having nice instrumental background music is just by far one of the biggest things that make work feel a little bit more playful."
"You keep your own personal record so you can monitor your development."
"As long as you're making progress from week to week just keep going."
"Stay organized. Keep track of your progress, but don't get bogged down in unnecessary busy work."
"Record yourself playing guitar to track your progress and analyze your playing."
"Mastering external metrics is an excellent recipe for growth, progress, and achievement."
"Honestly I'm waiting for that serotonin bump when I see the number go up."
"We won't check our ranks again to the end of the video so hopefully we can move our way closer to 300 and back to get up in the top 50."
"I've completed seven out of nine of these lights on the floor."
"Found a track! We're on the right path. Let's keep moving forward, one step at a time."
"That's one advancement officially done, 18 minutes into the challenge."
"30 days later... Did he lose his gains? Well, on day one my brother weighed in at 81.9 kilograms. 90 days later you weighed in at 71.9 kilograms."
"So guys and girls please start tracking your trades so you can actually become that trader that's making 500 a day or even more."
"I decide to go fish at Ginger Island because why not and I actually find out that I didn't fish up all the golden walnuts so that's a little bit of progress there."
"This is actually how progress bases became a thing because it was such a convenient method of looking at all of your levels much faster and easier laid out right in front of you in a neat and tidy order."
"Weekly reviews are crucial for understanding progress."
"If you just look at them, you know, slowly in progress. Absolutely."
"The most powerful predictor of employee engagement is a sense of progress."
"What gets measured gets managed. Meaning if you track your progress, you can know what works and what doesn't, and you know how to improve."
"Set yourself achievable goals and monitor your progress."
"We're almost there, I can see the pink ramp at the bottom."
"Tracking progress allows you to understand what went wrong with some of them and what went right with others."
"Staying on top of things and checking in is one of the easiest things that we can do to really make sure that we're continuing to make progress towards our goals."
"I'm more focused and organized and it feels really good to also see your progress."
"Take before and after pictures... because that's I think what pushes you to stick with it and keep going."
"Success is setting your course and moving forward."
"Don't worry about the small daily changes, focus on the weekly average."
"I mean, once we get this one, only nine left for ya."
"You've turned this into something actionable that you're making progress with."
"The only way that I am measuring my progress and seeing changes in my body is through photos."
"Almost there. Look at that, almost 5000 out of 5000 balloons popped!"
"Earned value technique is an excellent way to track the project progress against the project plan."
"Create a daily progress report... writing down basically a list of everything you've accomplished."
"In the new essay, I want to be able to see my progress, I want to see how far along I've done with the project."
"Tracking your progress visually is a great strategy for all carnivores seeking recomposition results."
"I'm really on track to get a lot of models finished this year."
"Measuring burn down of deliverables is usually represented using burn down charts."
"You can see the whole graph is made and this is something really awesome to check out the progress instantly in one go."
"Scrum board visualizes tasks in the sprint backlog, showing progress."
"Burn down charts: a graphical representation of outstanding work versus time."
"Dashboards are a visual representation of what all activities are going within the sprints."
"She went from the fifth percentile in a learning developmental issue to the 79th. So we were seeing it in the numbers when she was redoing the test."
"What matters is that you are tracking your progress and you're adjusting your study routine to your performance. You want your study routine to mold to your needs in real time for your LSAT practice to be as effective as possible."
"The point is that as you get more advanced you still need to have these regular but necessarily less frequent signposts in your training, confirming that you are in fact still trending in the right direction."
"Choosing the right goals, getting everybody aligned around achieving them, committed to doing them, tracking our progress, and then stretching for amazing."
"I loved the numbers, I love getting my goal read up."
"I sometimes visit this post to see my progress."
"Programs don't have to be complicated. They honestly don't even have to be that tailored to the individual, but you have to know where you were three months ago to know how to push yourself a little bit."
"The progress is really slow to where you won't notice it unless you're regularly keeping track of all your work."
"Have monthly or quarterly check-ins on your financial journey. If you don't keep track of your progress and how well you are doing, you will fall off the wagon."
"Track your progress...one of the biggest time wasters is not knowing where you are in a pattern."
"Start recording yourself and maybe one day you go back a year from now, two years from now, five years from now, and watch it again."
"Every time I started something new, I bookmarked it like, 'I can't do this at all,' then it gave me a reference point."
"If I have a beautiful way to track my progress and to hold myself accountable in a way that makes me happy, like using stickers, using something beautiful, using a planner, it always makes me more successful."
"State machines are convenient because they give us a way to keep track of the progression of some sort of work, especially useful in a distributed system scenario."
"The beauty about this template is that it turns those ones and negative ones into a corresponding check mark or X, that way it's really easy to view your progress over the course of an entire month."
"It's important to understand the status, keep assessing your team, report progress, make sure your managers always know where your team is at so that they're aware of your progress that you're making."
"Measuring your waist every morning... those measurements are important because you could track your progress."
"Making a plan in place to change that over time and get back on track really made a difference for me."
"Comparing current performance against targets: helping companies track progress."
"This is great for project and program managers and stakeholders as well because you can just sort of track the progress of a fixed version as you go."
"KPIs are measures and targets that track progress towards accomplishing goals."
"Track your progress, look for progress within yourself."
"Changes in measurements tend to happen much slower than changes in the scale. Measurements, however, are a more accurate depiction of your body composition at any given time."
"If you're trying to lose weight, measurements should be corresponding with the scale going down. If you're doing a body recomposition, measurements will change while the scale may stay the same."
"You don't have to track it every single day, but just have an understanding of where you're starting out so that you can make little changes here and there to get to where you want to go."
"Clarity, accountability, and measurable progress: we have to have the ability to determine if we're making progress toward some goal."
"Don't look at it day to day. Look at it as an average across the week and then compare that week to six weeks' time."
"Take photos. It's gonna not only benefit you to see how far you're coming."
"If you don't have a way to track your progress, you will never know what's working."
"It's nice to see progress throughout the year, or where I started and where I am at the end of the year."
"Let people know how they're progressing through flight training, where they're at, how much more they have to go."
"Take progress pictures... you'll really see how much your hair is growing, and that's going to help you tremendously with just seeing the progress that you're making."
"Practice visualization by maintaining highly visible information radiators showing real progress and real team performance."
"Successful days are linked together with a thin green line, giving you a visual indicator of the length of your streak chain."
"This tracking your daily progress towards the things that you've defined as priorities, it's gamifying it."
"What I love about Notion is that it allows you to tick items off within your checklist just so that way you can keep a better idea of where you are throughout the whole building process."
"Set yourself realistic goals and track your progress."
"Take regular mock tests, monitor your progress."
"Journal your progress and make a list of your accomplishments."
"The countdown was not just me trying to be like 'Yeah, I'm making it,' it was just more of me keeping track."
"Create a plan, actually write out the steps and makes it easier to keep track of progress."
"The scenario for the demo is a work progress tracker app that leverages data from a SharePoint list."
"Record yourself in some way, whether it's video or audio, so that you can see your progress."
"Track your progress. When you track your progress within a habit tracker or you check it off on your calendar, this makes you way more aware of if you're actually doing your habits."
"Git is used to coordinate the work among the developers... they are able to track the progress."
"Each team can add and configure multiple dashboards to share information, view status, progress, and trends."
"Keeping track of your learning... is such a wonderful feeling at the end of the month when you look at it and every single column is filled."
"This is how you can track the progress, you can track your testing progress, you can track your work item progress."
"Set milestones to track your progress."
"I love being able to see my progress, visualize my habits, visualize the progress that I'm making."
"By using KPIs, you may define objectives, plan a course of action to achieve them, and assess your progress as you go."
"The proof is in the results, and the results are looking better every week."
"A service that gives stakeholders a clear view of progress and issues in a simple, easily interpreted way."
"You have progress which shows you how far you are through the year, month, week, and day, which is kind of cool."
"Keep track of your progress; your schedule is your guide."
"Keeping records is the only way that you are going to be able to know if you're progressing or if you're regressing with any behavior."
"RunKeeper lets you set goals and watch your progress to stay motivated."
"Adidas Running keeps tabs on a variety of metrics like speed and distance whilst also providing customized voice coaching and cheers to help motivate your progress."
"It keeps everybody abreast of their studies and it keeps them on track."
"Making sure that you track your progress in whatever you're trying to achieve and reflect on it regularly."
"Track your progress in many different ways because progress comes in so many different forms."
"Make yourself some kind of vision board or just visual display showing you your progress and your goals."
"Staying organized and being able to track your progress is super important."
"Measurable goal setting... we are committed to having more diverse applicant pool and here are the numbers we have to show it year over year."
"You could always check your progress by accessing the guidebook through the pause menu."
"The team meets for 15 minutes each day to discuss progress and raise any impediments."
"When you check off these checkboxes, it will automatically update the progress bar."
"That's amazing progress because tracking your progress week after week... we like this huge difference."
"For planned projects, you can schedule them and prioritize them. For active projects, you can display the progress and other helpful contextual information."
"The reason you have progress videos is so that you don't forget what you look like; you can take advantage of the good and the bad."
"You've recognized the importance of tracking your volume over time and really seeing the progress just kind of like there objectively for you."
"Keep track of progress... you never know, you might blow up and somebody might want to do an interview."
"It's tempting to do because it's nice to know where you started and then you can track progress along the way."
"The more often that you track your progress, the greater the likelihood that you're going to succeed."
"It can be rewarding and motivating to track your progress and not break the chain."
"I like that you can see the word target and how far how close you are to your word target."
"Baselines are really useful to track progress on a project."
"Remove trash with us and track our progress."
"Simplified and gamified progress tracking is extremely motivational for success."
"It's helpful to be able to see sort of a card view and be able to move things horizontally across to completion."
"Take photos, take photos, take photos. It will give you the ability after a month, two months, to look back and see very clear differences in your lock journey."
"You can use portfolio for your plan to track progress and also share it with stakeholders."
"Remember that you can't improve what you can't measure."
"You want to set a goal that's big enough to scare you but small enough so that you can see and track your progress along the way."
"As a project manager, you'd be able to at a glance see the progress of the project or the activity."
"You should see your first results at about three to four weeks with full results at 12 weeks."
"Make sure you're finding a healthy way to track your progress."
"The progress indicator is a functionality that allows us to visually see the status of a workflow."
"With a gauge, we've two things we're really mainly looking at: the value, so where are we currently at, and what is our target, where do we want to be."
"We're tracking project progress, identifying areas where changes to the plan are required."
"Subscribing to boards, lists, and cards is one helpful way to stay on top of progress on a board."
"Having a clear sense of progress and stepwise movement is probably one of the most important breakthroughs I've had as a music teacher."
"You should also take your measurements and even take pictures of yourself."
"Having something that tracks your monthly progressions over time is a really good tool to have."
"It's showing us the progress as we want to see it."
"Keep a training log, and that should serve you pretty well."
"So where do we go from here? Well, let's have some UI. Let's have something on screen to say how many coins we've collected."
"Your item state changes when you go from work in progress to review to release."
"The student can see any goals they are working toward and also a quick picture of their week by week milestones."
"Maybe you will be more interested in seeing my progress after 3 years being on eToro."
"Monitoring is a systematic process of collecting, analyzing, and using information to track progress towards reaching its objectives and to guide management decisions."
"With Microsoft Planner, you can create your plan, assign tasks to different members, chat about those tasks, and even have charts to see how everything is progressing."
"You have a progress bar here at the bottom which will give you a time estimate of when the job will be completed."
"Track your progress in as many ways as possible, and you will be grateful."
"Completion tracking is something that's turned on by default in your course, and it allows your students and you to see what needs to be completed."
"If you want to improve something, measure it."
"Pro Panel gives you an easy way to look at all your data from your students' progress and courses."
"We have charts that show us that information week over week so we can always see when we launch a new feature."
"Use deliverables or meetings linked to your payment structure so they can clearly see how the project is going to progress."
"Your portfolio will be a collection of the work that you've been doing so that you can see your progress."
"You can build your own notes and you can track your own progress."
"Boost Camp is a free app that allows you to run programs and track your progress in the gym."
"I'll be able to see the progress of the whole week as it goes along."
"Once we have this upload percentage right, we need to remove this button and show the progress bar."
"I really enjoy the distance from the numbers by using the ribbons because it's not about the numbers, it's that you're improving."
"There is something so satisfying about trackers and seeing progress."
"It also gives you long-term visual indicators of progress."
"To be honest, I'm concerned about the progress of the project."
"Stop obsessing over the scale, obsess over your log book. That's where the money is made, that's where the muscle is grown, that's where the changes really happen."
"You can view live updated progress of all students working on a task."
"Track your workouts. You could only know where you want to go by kind of knowing where you've been."