
Gender Diversity Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"Human rights campaign or HRC explains, 'Research shows that more than 150 different pre-colonial Native American tribes acknowledge third genders in their communities.'"
"Sex is not a binary, but a bimodal distribution."
"Non-binary people have actually existed for centuries in many cultures around the world."
"Let people explore their identity. As we become more and more accepting of gender diversity, people are freer to explore their identities."
"If you doubled your audience size, that would mean double the prize pool, double the sponsors... don't you want to jump into game after game and have half the people be women? That would be sick as fuck."
"There's so many different ways to be a woman."
"To make sure the professors are prepared, the document provides a small sampling of the certainly infinite number of genders that are out there."
"There are two sexes, but any number of genders."
"The use of preferred pronouns has been considered a necessary element of the promotion of inclusion of gender diversity."
"There are more than two genders... Yeah, there are."
"Discovering that there's a 5v5 MOBA esport title that not only has hundreds of millions of players but also has a player base where over half of them are women."
"It's crazy, it's controversial to say we need more women in crypto, but that's what we see in the numbers back that up consistently."
"Turf ideology fails to recognize that women are not homogeneous."
"They're expressing their gender whether or not that's binary from male to female female to male or non-binary as they don't identify with a gender identity or then identify with a binary gender."
"There are only two general groups, but there's a lot in between and there's a lot on the outside. And with gender being social, I dare you to find anything that's social that's binary."
"Seems like everyone needs it, not just women. People with uteruses get abortions, trans people get abortions, trans men and non-binary people, people of all genders get abortions. Love you, huh?"
"Instead of closing the door on people, open the door to new, ambitious communities."
"More women in Congress, more competing and winning in Republican districts."
"It's very convincing that there's not just two options in this system."
"This movie gives us one of the first explicitly genderqueer characters."
"Do women do parkour? Are there any female freerunners?... In 2021, there are actually loads of female freerunners coming from all across the world with loads of different styles."
"More women reading comic books is more people reading comic books."
"There are two sexes and many different genders as it were."
"I see more and more women in the industry and I think that's a great thing."
"You can be gay and trans. Being gay does not mean that you're not trans. Some trans people are gay. This has literally nothing to do with the same."
"Don't use male language presuming there are only male and female phenotypes."
"There are literal studies that say the more proportional in terms of gender that any body of government or high court... the smoother that thing will run, the more compromise, the more efficiency."
"My favorite who's a guy is Max Middleton and my favorite who's a female is Ayanna Puckett."
"We should not just be thinking about gender diversity, but also ethnic diversity, cultural diversity."
"I love how it's becoming so much more common that kids are discovering that there's so many different types of genders."
"It's much easier to find a bit of advantage when you apply for the same job that 100 other guys applied, and you're the only female who applied. There's a big chance that the company will look at your resume first because they want diversity."
"There are plenty of women who have very nice skills in ancient Greek and Latin."
"Gender is kind of like an expansive galaxy with infinite possible categories beyond just the binary points of male and female."
"Trans people exist. There are more than two genders because there are people out there who are living their lives in those categories."
"Intersex people literally exist so you can't say everybody is born male or female."
"Some of the best writers I've worked with are women."
"Navajo culture recognizes five genders: woman, man, natal, masculine female, and feminine male."
"Genderqueer and gender non-conforming, as well as the word non-binary, are words that mean somebody does not operate within a binary system."
"FYI, in the U.S., 15% of the engineering workforce is made up of women."
"Gender is a spectrum; it's not tied to biological organs."
"Gender is spectral, and gender is something that varies from culture to culture, from generation to generation, from person to person, from day to day."
"Intersex people are born with sex characteristics that do not fit typical binary notions of male or female bodies."
"There's not enough women in tech."
"There's a tipping point... three or more women on those teams suddenly you start seeing dramatic differences in corporate performance."
"The bottom line, the return on asset, is actually improved whenever there is women."
"Gender looks boring in just pink and blue; these people push beyond the binary."
"With a lot of work, if the leadership truly believes in that, which I do, we can work very hard to bring the female engineer into the organization."
"I maintain that having a gender-mixed, stable, platonic friend group is one of the best social influences a young man can have."
"It's precisely the uniqueness of men and women that create a wholeness in the world."
"Gender has lots of different aspects; it's not just about pronouns or dresses."
"We understand marginalized genders and sexes to include but not be limited to non-binary and binary trans people, two-spirit, agender, and gender fluid people, as well as intersex people of any gender."
"Non-traditional gender presentations become more mainstream, states are increasingly updating their understanding of courtesy and civility."
"We need to have more role models of both genders in science."