
Personal Approach Quotes

There are 248 quotes

"Treating it like a fun adventure takes a lot of the pressure or intensity out of it."
"There's no right way or different way to do something; you gotta figure out what's best for you."
"I'm approaching it with an open mind, with compassion, with as little ego as possible, and yes, with love."
"A particular kind of person is success, but it's been my overwhelming experience that if you play the game your own way, you can still be successful."
"Build your business one follower and one customer at a time."
"Follow my gut. That's what I've been doing since I started."
"She has really done it in her way, that really important sense of duty."
"I don't give advice to the player themselves because the player is the one who's mentally going through the problem."
"Just being intentional, not intense. There's a difference."
"I always go through life using common sense."
"If a brother is in error, go to him one on one."
"I've never spent much mental energy trying to plan ahead."
"I have no desire to trade outside of my style of trading because I'm able to constantly, mindfully make money."
"This isn't the best solution, but it is mine."
"Some of us, we don't know a better way to do it than to do it messy."
"We're not going to overdo it. The only thing that's different from us is that it's going to be me and him, or we will get the people that you like and we're going to get them to give you million dollars worth of game."
"Now, part two, we're gonna get into my approach to vlogging and how I use story when I'm out crafting my videos."
"I think that's a pretty good way of approaching life in general."
"As long as I find a way where I feel like it's easier to do... I'm kind of cool with that."
"You cannot think about how I would do things, you have to think about what you want to do and how you feel like it's best for the product."
"You need to just dive in as much as you can and figure out how it's gonna work for you, because how it worked for me isn't how it's gonna work for you, isn't how it's gonna work for someone else."
"You get the idea at least and think about that as you're approaching your own photography."
"Doing community-led outreach on a very, very personal basis is going to be much more effective."
"I thank God every day that I'm able to do this, playing games differently, doing things in our own way."
"Life's all about not knowing what's gonna happen, you just go with it and do your best."
"Ranyik wants to play the way he wants to play." - Mark
"I try to stick with what I know I don't try to like get ideas or copy others I just try to do my own thing."
"I'm not gonna be looking at 'oh, that's at 150.' I want to wrap in that. And temperature is what it is."
"I'm kind of just playing this mode in this game very casually right now and by ear."
"What makes my social media effort successful is the fact that I am social."
"I make my movies for me anyway. I make them for me and everybody else is invited."
"You just have to go into them full bore no fear."
"I've spent my life, the better part of my life on the internet... I've learned the subtle art over time of not having to share every opinion I have."
"Neither Bob nor I run our family like a market economy."
"I'm going to be going for a much lighter and sillier tone around here."
"Do what works best for you, don't feel like you have to adapt."
"So, essentially, that's it. It sounds nuts, but it works like a charm and it is the crux of my work."
"Believe it or not, I've never actually done a Pokémon Nuzlocke before. I was always more concerned with making friends out of these adorable little creatures instead of, you know, forcing them into the fatal crusade of war."
"You be you. You be who you are. You do things the way you need to do them."
"Just making it up as I go along, but why not?"
"I don't operate out of hate; I operate out of success."
"Our freedom of speech, our freedom to protest, our freedom to gather peacefully, our freedom to organize to bring about the kind of change we need to see."
"On Twitter, you are speaking to people personally. Ask people questions that you feel like you'd want to answer if you saw the tweet. Be vulnerable."
"That's how I run my channel, that's how I think a lot of other people do their channels."
"That's what I love to do, I love just being able to connect with the fans in ways people don't."
"I'm gonna keep things going like I always do that is what I do."
"In every case, the Lord saw these individuals for who they were and accordingly ministered to each one."
"Live the soft life. Take it with a pinch of salt, smile, say thank you, and just do what you got to do."
"I don't like doing things the traditional way. I don't like doing things the way that everyone else wants you to do them. I want to do them my own special little way."
"It's the most foolproof way. I mean, I'm neurodivergent, so maybe it's the most foolproof for me because I'd never be able to feel it in the air or whatever neurotypical people do."
"Remember, this is a single-player game—play it your way."
"My career modes are probably very laid-back and relaxed compared to some that you've watched in the past."
"Much as we can apply logic to the process, it's always much more fun to apply magic."
"No labels thing is what is working for me and it's giving me a better relationship with food."
"I'm not following any walkthrough because I don't see the point in spoiling the game."
"Be relentless, be honest, be human about it, be personal."
"I'm not going for 100% historical accuracy here... I never am. We're going for 'Vaguely Historic.' Because I myself am.... Vaguely Historic."
"I kind of want to say something to Dom but I don't want to be like a weird fan and Dom came up to us and then was super nice too."
"Different things are gonna work for different people."
"There's not a right way to do this except your way through this."
"What works for one family might not work for another."
"Nobody does Real Estate the way that I do. That's why I think I can create the Robin Hood of real estate."
"They want to come towards you and speak their truth."
"It's insane. Just grin and smile, you just do it. It's like, I really have enjoyed the way that I've done it."
"There's no right and wrong way to do anything."
"He's the master, but here's a question: are you enjoying doing things your way all the time?"
"I try not to categorize people. I just try to protect energy."
"Maybe I need to take a little bit more of a calmer approach."
"I'm not gonna try to pretend to be a car expert but what I'll do is I'm gonna buy this car, I'm gonna drive it for a month..."
"Embrace your freedom to be creative in your approach."
"I've never had to make a video like this before so this is a bit new to me. I'm gonna try and talk about this in a conversational and, you know, just general manner."
"The key to weight loss? Doing what works for you."
"I try to say it very conversationally and nicely."
"This is the only way I know how to be a peacemaker."
"I'm just trying to keep it positive because, you know, what else you gonna do?"
"No one person channels in the same exact way; each person uses their own spiritual sovereignty and uniqueness."
"Being prepared to see the best in people and situations is so important."
"Just [ __ ] punch the [ __ ] out of your problems."
"Pruning is not a science, it's more of an art."
"Don't be super professional around me all the time."
"There's no right or wrong way, there's just the way that gets the result you like."
"Never let it be said that I don't listen to feedback, I just ignore it."
"Find the version that only you could do and then that'll be the version at the end of the day gets you what you're looking for."
"Just don't sell so here's an alternative this is what I do it works out pretty well for me is um I just don't sell anything because I don't really care too much about the market."
"Approach situations by trusting your intuition first and foremost."
"He's just going to do what he's done before that everything, every step of his career he's made up at this point he's done in his own way and he knows what works for him."
"Unlike most top tier talents, device never set out to become the best player."
"It's obvious that this couple were not only made for each other but determined to do things their way."
"Top tier tactics: when you're going for a new bird, don't text, use voice notes."
"There's a need to come at it not from a stiff place, not from a structured place, but from like a really, like, soft, really vulnerable, really personal space."
"That's actually where I personally would start."
"I think you're just cheating yourself if you take it too seriously ultimately so it is what it is..."
"Elon just does things his own way regardless of what you're supposed to do."
"I'm not chasing a viewer number, I'm not chasing a sub number, I'm not chasing a certain amount of uploads a week or month or any of that stuff. Like I'm just doing what I feel like doing on that given day and it's really fulfilling."
"It doesn't have to be that way and if you are interested learning a bit more about how I've structured my business and how I've made this all work for me."
"You're literally a loser. It's not a rat. Rat is like a pride thing."
"Xiaomi 11T Pro, I know I'll be rambling in my videos but there's no script, I'm just talking to y'all like I'm talking to one of my friends."
"Do what works for you and thrive and enjoy your life."
"I negotiated like this: This is what I want, no more, no less."
"This would be a very active day trade or swing trade, that's how I would personally perceive it."
"Not everyone has to mini cut in exactly the same way."
"I'm going to try and not make the gaming journalist's mistake... this is going to be personal."
"There is no right or wrong way to do things."
"Your customer is a person. They're not a robot, they're not a machine, they're real people."
"So just go with what works for you but if whatever it is that you do consistently execute that."
"Just go with what works for you, but if whatever it is that you do consistently, execute that."
"I prefer doing day by day kind of telling a story."
"I'm not suggesting that what I'm going to provide you with is how you should train."
"When you praise and when you fight for other people, you fight different."
"Just keep adding paint until you like it, that's usually what I do."
"I really wanted to try and bring something a bit more personal into this."
"You put a great deal of thoughtfulness and care into everything you do."
"What difference does it make if I keep delivering the truth the way I want to?"
"I completely empathize with that point [...] I'm a solution-driven person."
"Not everybody has exactly the same approach, but what I'm showing you on this video is adaptable."
"Finally, it's just like, [bleep] it, I'm doing it my own way."
"I feel I went about it the way I had to go about it."
"I don't block out the haters, that's what I do."
"Just go up to her and just say look me likey you likey."
"Meditating does not have to be perfect. It can look like whatever. You can lay on the ground and look like a sausage."
"Every Pokémon player, especially new players like me, have their own style."
"Instead of looking at the pain in your body and the things that have happened to you, look at the way you are approaching your own life."
"Somebody's already done it, but they haven't done it my way yet."
"Treat people like you treat everyone—use what works for you, as long as you don't hurt anybody."
"There's no right or wrong way to do this stuff. You just got to do it. Your intention is the thing that gets rid of it."
"I catch flack right because I try to look at things as much as I can in different angles. I know what works for me."
"Never cold approach as there's only one step in a quest to get a woman, like she's a treasure."
"The way that I've chosen to handle the content that I produce is that I don't come to the audience, I try to bring the audience to me."
"Somebody's coming in to try to make something right with you in the next few weeks."
"He had that skill of, do you have to put your arm around someone or have you got a lougheed temper to get the best out of them?"
"There is no wrong way to do the Camino as long as it's your way."
"The difference... Queens New York versus the approach of going behind your back."
"Stop trying to pretend that your motivation is the same as others'. You do things your own way."
"The only right way is the one that feels right to you."
"If there's one thing that we learned from our last Camino, it's that you have to find your own way to do this thing."
"I find this works for me, this is just how I do it."
"We call it hand-to-hand marketing, one by one."
"Do it your way, it's something that works for you."
"There's no right or wrong way to do it as long as you're satisfied at the end."
"There's really no right way to do this, there's just the way that works for you."
"This is just what works for us. I personally find that if I start tracking everything, I can grow resentful, and I don't want that."
"This is not the normal way that you would do a sleeve and probably there's much neater ways but this is just what made sense to me."
"That's pretty much all there is to it... that's just kind of how I like to do it and it works for me."
"You will obviously find your own way of doing things and your own rhythm and routine."
"Do what works for you, remember softly-softly."
"There is no right way to organize and declutter. Just do what works for you, as long as you get it done, that's all that matters."
"Diabetes is very personal and the way you treat your diabetes is very personal."
"I think it's just a matter of what works for you."
"It's kind of a broad spectrum, it's what works for us."
"I'm gonna be honest, I'm not gonna pull punches, I'm not gonna be intentionally mean and demeaning to people, but I am gonna have fun and I am gonna be honest. So, strap in or go do some other shit, I don't care."
"Let me explain to you how I buy gifts or presents for people."
"All filmmaking is art. People do things differently. This is the way that I approach it."
"There's no right or wrong, people. This is just what I do."
"That's kind of how I am with projects."
"You need to develop your own approach. You can make use of writers like these and develop your own way of explaining and defending the Christian faith."
"You know, do it your way, and it feels good."
"The doing should be as personal as possible, as intimate as possible, and then let the product be what it will."
"Every photographer has their own different style and technique, but this is just mine."
"I hate being negative and I try to be positive whenever I can."
"There is no best way to do woodworking, there's just the way that works for you."
"Don't let anybody tell you there's a right or wrong way to do this."
"Everyone's situation is different; there is no cookie-cutter approach."
"Remember, portfolios are subjective; there's no one right way to do everything."
"What's your approach to achieving writing goals?"
"It's got to be a one person by person basis, that's where you've got to deal with people."
"You're you. You can do things, son, just do them your way."
"Whatever works for you, that's the right way."
"Everyone is going to be different and there's no one-size-fits-all approach."
"Everyone has a different idea about doing this, but I'm going to lead you guys in the right direction."
"It's all about the individual person."
"That's the philosophy I'm going to use to live my life."
"Everybody's different in how they approach practice, preparation, and everything. You just got to make it work for you."
"I think everybody's approach is unique."
"I typically like to start in a place where I can feel comfortable and kind of create a rhythm for myself."
"My simple brain sometimes searches for simplicity and creative ways; not everybody needs it overcomplicated."
"That's just kind of my approach to life, and that's what makes me click for sure."
"Everybody is different and they all have a different approach."
"Do what works for you, do I know what works for you? No, because I'm not you."
"I want to help people though, but I think I'm find a way to help them in my own way."
"There are no bad questions, and however you do things is how you do them."
"Start being a lover instead of being an analyst."
"Just do it your way, and just enjoy what you're getting up to."
"Excuse me for being so forward, but I went to Liberty University, and we are huggers."
"There's no best way; there's your way that works for you."
"We're all individuals, we all have unique problems and situations, and that's going to require a unique approach."
"I'm just sharing what I'm doing, so not saying this is the right way to do it, this is the way I'm doing it."
"I'm very blessed to be able to do that, I think it's cool, it's just the way I run my channel."
"I know everyone does things differently, but this is just how I do it."
"I still treat it exactly as I did back then, purely a hobby that I do for fun."
"Just try, just do it, just do it on your own way."
"I treat my friendships like my relationships."
"There's really no one-size-fits-all; everyone is unique and complex."
"It's not concrete, it's not black and white, but this is reality, right? I'm showing you how I deal with this stuff."
"It's all about sort of finding what works best for the individual."
"You do what works for you; you can't always do what other people do because it's not gonna work."
"My way is just my way; it's not the right way."
"Who cares, right? Do it your way, find what works for you."
"I'm not going to as a teacher, I'm coming to you as a human being."
"Everyone has their own ways of doing things; it's very personal to each individual and each business."
"It's how we tackle it that matters because you can't control what's happening out there, just how you approach it, I suppose."