
Iterative Process Quotes

There are 104 quotes

"It's a constant iteration and refinement process."
"Getting started is the hard part. You can always revise your way to perfection later."
"It's an iterative process. You may have to go back all the way to step one at some point."
"In learning, there are no mistakes, there are iterations."
"It's more like an iteration process. You rarely get anything right the first time."
"Every adjustment brings us closer to the perfect render."
"Sometimes I'll do that, I'll start the recording I'll start talking and then after I'm out a minute I'm like no no this is terrible start again start again."
"It's about iterating. That's how you get to products."
"It's like you have the idea, and so you take a step and when you encounter problem, then you're like okay, How do I solve this problem you solve it another step, then you have another problem?"
"Creating something new is a process and that process is iterative."
"The goal...is to do one thing at a time so that you can iterate and figure out easily what's stable, what's unstable."
"The great thing about doing shorts is that you can iterate so fast."
"Everything is always a matter of when at the end of the day... with enough iteration, anything becomes achievable."
"Isn't this fun isn't this meaty isn't this enjoyable for you we'll fix it later it was never about min maxing never."
"Let her rip, you know an iterative approach."
"Iterative design makes these things possible."
"Find joy in the journey of building the life you love, and don't be afraid to iterate along the way."
"Step number one, make something worth talking about. If you can't do that, start over."
"Train a little bit, see how it performs, train a little bit, and then test it again."
"It added iteration that I mean throughout, does it? And we talked about, we put things out there, listen to the community, improve things; this is that in action, really."
"You can do this as many times as you need to dial it in."
"You hear something in your head, you go for it, and when it's close, you move on to another facet. Don't obsess over one detail."
"Stop making bizarre wacky decisions that are just iterating iterating in systems."
"I think it's fine to like Good Start let's see how things go."
"You have to touch your data, engineer it, be aware of it, and iterate on it..."
"Improving the data is not a pre-processing step that you do once before you then do the 'real work'... improving the data is a core part of the iterative process of model development."
"It's often the training data and iterating on it and labeling and managing it that actually gives you success or failure."
"Get ready, fire the shot. If you miss, you can aim, fire again. Aim again, fire again. Ready, fire, aim. Boom, get it done."
"We'll continue to refine it... as deliberately and carefully as we can."
"Software's never finished, it's an iterative process."
"Stop being so precious about it... Just do it, plan, execute, adjust, repeat."
"With Star Citizen, nothing is written in stone. These mechanics will get balanced, reiterated upon, and evolved based on community feedback. It's the nature of their open development for that project."
"Apologies for that, it will probably be like rebuild five, six, seven somewhere in that range."
"What if we did that, yes, but then we did it again and again."
"They're definitely going to keep iterating Raptor, right?"
"Incrementally, iteratively, small steps. The way this problem is solved, which is a software problem, is through testing, collecting data, improving, iterating, and repeating that cycle."
"Iterative development, we'd call that in the software world exactly." - Everyday Astronaut
"Stories support and encourage iterative development."
"Highlight what needs to be improved and have another crack at it."
"Plan, try, measure, review, make improvements, repeat."
"Constant iteration is key because it's hard to get everything right from the very beginning."
"Iterate, iterate, iterate... the number of iterations is going to decide how far you go." - Chip
"Iterating over this process again and again will not only improve your content but also result in more avenues for potential viewers to find you."
"Trial and error, try something if it doesn't work reassess it and do it again."
"Failure is a part of any product development process, of any agile process of any UX design process. You'll never get it perfect in the first go."
"Launch and iterate until you have a core of users who really love you." - Persist and refine.
"This is actually the actual full cycle, right? So you change, you refactor, you make it pass, so on and so forth."
"Keep in mind a lot of building a website is an iterative process."
"Play iterated games. All returns in life come from compound interest."
"Risk management is an iterative framework: assess, respond, monitor, assess, respond, monitor."
"Always start with something working first."
"It's agile development and allows people to be iterative in the process and it just brings us better quality tools, it brings us tools faster."
"It's iterative and you won't get it right the first time; an adjustment for one purpose will change something else."
"See what is already working and iterate on that."
"We continually iterate until the centroids stop changing and the algorithm has converged towards stable clusters."
"We want to get working software out to the customer as quickly as we can, even as small of increments and batches as we can that provide value."
"We're going to present something, get the feedback back, analyze it, do a new version incorporating feedback, and then get feedback on that new version."
"We want to make assumptions, uncover patterns, do what we need to do, understand what went right and what went wrong and use that understanding to then revise our theories and assumptions and proceed."
"That's the test-driven development cycle."
"Test, measure, iterate, and do it fast."
"Machine learning is very different from traditional software development; it's more iterative than anything that we have seen in the past."
"I call this Box's loop, to go around and around continually building, revising, and checking models."
"You're not going to deliver the right interface until you actually test with real users."
"Rolling wave planning is planning in detail something close to us, and as it gets closer, we plan in detail again."
"Fantastic! Gathering feedback and improving over time while delivering in one release is an iterative delivery approach."
"Developing a new car is an iterative process, delays are absolutely inevitable."
"Observe what's happening, make adjustments based on that data, and then you collect more data and continue that process over and over again."
"And then we do these two steps until there's no more change."
"Remember, pruning is an iterative process; you make a few cuts, you step back, you look at the big picture, and then you come back and you make more cuts."
"With one click, you can evolve that idea again and again, effortlessly building upon your initial idea in real time."
"It repeats this process iteratively and refines in each iteration until it converges."
"For every iteration, we update the weight parameters taking a step depending on the learning rate."
"Training models is an iterative process, and you have to try different things until you find out what works best."
"We use a step-by-step iterative approach, one tiny change at a time."
"Learning DS and algo problems with AI is best done iteratively and incrementally."
"Iterations develop the product through a series of repeated cycles."
"Get it wrong fast because then you're going to start seeing all the things you can do with it to make it better."
"It's all just a loop where you keep improving our systems."
"Build, measure, learn is the fundamental activity of a startup."
"When we're doing test-driven development, we constantly go through this cycle: red, green, refactor, red, green, refactor, red, green, refactor."
"All the miles of tracing paper that all of us wasted in one concept after another did one thing: it taught us that we didn't stick with one thing; we tried and we tried and we improved and we reconceived what we had to do."
"It's important to keep in mind that CFD is an iterative process."
"We're going to build the products incrementally and iteratively, getting feedback way before we would normally ship the product."
"It's an iterative process to find the optimum wall thickness to match the lateral displacement drift criteria."
"What's good about iterative drawing is it works if you use it correctly, and you'll improve pretty fast."
"Machine learning is a very iterative and collaborative process."
"So phase one is we write the ADT, phase two is we use the ADT to write our player, phase three is we keep working on our player to make it better and better."
"Improving data is not a pre-processing step you do only once; it's part of the iterative process of model development."
"I like to work iteratively like this; I'm not a fan of just doing one thing completely end-to-end and then switching to something else."
"Machine learning is iterative; the first model is likely not going to be good enough."
"It's a really good idea to work in passes, and this is true for just about anything when you're creating a video."
"We're all about building products iteratively here at AWS."
"Scaling doesn't have to come up with a breakthrough every time; it's pretty much an iterative process."