
Pressure Management Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"Treating it like a fun adventure takes a lot of the pressure or intensity out of it."
"Falcon 9 engines now throttling down to help pass through the period of maximum dynamic pressure."
"You have to smile; you cannot put too much pressure on yourself because this is one life to live."
"By knowing when to ease off and when to really push players, games can keep the level of pressure constantly changing."
"Snowballing Matt pressure... all the pieces start falling together."
"I just have a lot of things one in my life and my life outside of fighting is fantastic, you know? I have such a great life and such a good support system that, um, you know, I don't really feel the pressure."
"It's good to recognize potential but don't let your expectations put so much pressure on a situation."
"We decided that we would be better off as friends... it's a lot less pressure when you're just friends."
"Pressure, a certain amount can make you turn nothing into gold."
"Pressure and then there's smart pressure." - Unnamed speaker
"I think our team did very well for all of us this was the first time at Worlds even though there was a lot of pressure we were able to over come all that pressure to perform."
"What a drive this has been... despite the pressure from behind, [Thomas] handled on to her lead."
"Sniping in Escape from Tarkov adds realism not in the mechanical operation of a rifle, but in the stress of operating that rifle under pressure."
"I've always loved competing, and to me, there's no added pressure, no added expectations."
"Anybody who's getting close to your rank up games, don't forget to just cherish the pressure. It goes away eventually, and you'll miss it."
"They think it's a life and death game, and if you think everything is life and death every moment, you put so much pressure on yourself that you truly will not live life."
"Being able to operate under pressure is what this competition is all about."
"When you're winning, you're under pressure late on, and these cup competitions that are coming up... it's about that winning mentality."
"I think that's the reason why I made it until now because I don't have that pressure... It's just whatever you want."
"You learn a lot how you deal with issues, how you process issues, how you deal with pressure."
"Setting a score goal can more often break you because you feel the pressure every shot. You know that to get your high score, you might need a 50 in every end, and when you shoot a 48 or 49, you start getting a little anxious."
"All you can do is your job and try to apply the pressure."
"Pressures are made for shoulders not hips, you will break down in this world."
"I think that you want that pressure to be shifted to the next guy so rather than wait on it put that pressure on somebody else take the offensive."
"The more security a relationship has, the more separation it can tolerate."
"Repeatable push pressure is key for velocity consistency."
"Just do what we can to enjoy it and not worry about all the pressures."
"You feel pressure, you feel nervous, so I'm kind of just going to enjoy the moment."
"I don't believe in pressure I just love the game I I played this game my whole life"
"You're never really trapped, it's all a choice. When I started looking at it like that, step by step, every step is a choice, it started feeling a lot less like pressure."
"Kenny Pickett demonstrated calmness under pressure."
"This is kind of like when you have a shaken up soda bottle and you're just cracking the lid a little bit to get that pressure off."
"He doesn't seem to break under pressure, he owns it."
"It just squeezes down the pressure that's allowed to go into your RV."
"You see that's that I started open and the reason it was better is because you didn't have the pressure early on you didn't have anything that says you have to be here because you made a commitment."
"Stay on the calories that you're eating... don't put so much pressure on yourself."
"Solid scores on putts like that over and over. Yeah, takes pressure off if you can pace control like that."
"Scrum Masters protect the team... if pressure mounts due to unreasonable expectations they will step in and push back on the team's behalf."
"I know that thinking about the future can be pretty intimidating but you can always take that pressure off yourself by starting small."
"As I've gotten older, I put more pressure on myself as I become more self-aware. But it's still like, I keep a light-heartedness to it, which is healthy."
"There's a lot to consider when you're talking tire pressures, and just to throw a blanket 10 psi down or 15 or 20, it doesn't really do anybody any good."
"The pressure is something I've actively tried to not allow to dictate my life or how I operate in the comedy space."
"It is literally just about that balance... not putting too much pressure on myself."
So it is tweaking it from, "I should do this too, I'd like to do this." It becomes a motivation rather than a pressure.
"Limit the number of people that know about you going for an interview. That alone relieves you of some pressure."
"Pressure servo controlling is being done."
"In my opinion, wet water is always good water, so you want to keep your system pressurized."
"Play with confidence, so pressure kind of disappears."
"When you have a real love for what you're doing, the pressure becomes second."
"She's handling the pressure very well."
"I'm someone who stays really calm under pressure."
"No pressure, which I have tended to put on myself, but more pleasure in the process."
"He's got a good IQ and he understands how to stay calm under pressure and that does save him in certain moments."
"I have experience working on time-sensitive projects, working under pressure, and managing multiple tasks to help my employer thrive."
"I feel like he can handle the pressure for sure."
"The power of unpressured afternoon food source movements is incredible."
"The atmospheric diving suit, or ADS, is a one-person articulated submersible of anthropomorphic form, which resembles a suit of armor with elaborate pressure joints to allow freedom of movement while maintaining an internal pressure of one atmosphere."
"How do you eliminate the pressure? How do you get over the pressure in this game? It all comes down to focus, focus, focus."
"I never thought about any pressure; I just went out and enjoyed playing the game."
"It's all about staying composed and keeping calm under pressure situations."
"I don't let social media pressurize me; I enjoy it."
"She knows what it takes to handle the pressure."
"Pressure kills, that's the thing."
"My objective this year was to go on a pace that I could kind of keep up with and not put myself under too much pressure."
"That's a lot of pressure, I'm just gonna try to have a good time, that's my goal."
"Don't put so much pressure on yourself. Look at yourself as that investor."
"Don't let the pressure throw you off, you can do this."
"Antenpar uses a unique technology of SmartVent, so any excessive pressure that might be developed due to exothermic behavior or uncontrolled behavior of the reaction is safely vented out."
"Stable and controlled, calm under pressure, strategic thinker."
"People say pressure is a privilege, and that's definitely true."
"He always made sure even under crazy pressure moments that I was enjoying playing tennis and enjoying the process."
"If you do not design back pressure into your system, deliberately, God will put it in there for you."
"He really knows how to support the quarterback and take the pressure off."
"It's a balancing act really, of recognizing those pressure points and knowing yourself enough not to kill yourself."
"I'm not putting too much pressure on myself."
"I'm kind of really liking this and liking taking off that just kind of undercurrent of pressure."