
Personal Crisis Quotes

There are 279 quotes

"My son's cancer diagnosis was a sledgehammer to my reality, and I remember saying to myself, if we get out of this, I'm living a different life."
"Everything in my life has been a disaster in the last several months, and I'm the only one that can change that."
"These people are our neighbors, our children, somebody's son, mother, daughter, father, who've fallen into crisis, and I don't believe we give up."
"I think that I went into some sort of... I don't know what a nervous breakdown feels like, but that's probably the closest that I've ever been. Nothing made sense, and I knew in my mind and in my heart, 'This is not life. No one should have to go through this.'"
"You knew you had everything - a great career in medicine, a fantastic marriage, beautiful kids - and then one day you're fine and the next day you're not."
"In a moment of honestly wanting to take my life, I screamed out to God in my Manhattan bedroom... And the peace of God filled my room."
"It really, really sucked for me when this life that I thought I had full control over came crashing down."
"Did Carly have a psychological breakdown? Maybe there were things going on in her life, or she had a mental condition that we, and maybe even she herself, was not aware of."
"You brought me out of one of the darkest places that I've ever been, during one of the times that should be the happiest in my life."
"Hello, Darren. You know me? Can you tell me anything about myself? I cannot remember anything."
"So, what happened tonight, Jason? I'm scared, man. I don't want to go back to jail."
"I remember specifically sitting in my bathtub thinking that I was crazy because of you."
"I want to save my daughter, Wednesday Adams."
"Their dream home became a nightmare of financial stress."
"Sometimes you need to hit rock bottom in order to see that something is terribly wrong."
"Somebody either was one a lion weight... had been scoping out this residence for quite some time... a triggering event in their life."
"The conservatorship saved Britney from disaster and supported her when she needed it the most."
"Despite her car had mechanical issues and she couldn't drive it and had to have it towed, I think her one thing that she was hanging on to if she was having a mental or an emotional breakdown was coming home."
"Randy Pausch was a computer science professor at Carnegie Mellon University when he was dealt news that would turn his life upside down in September of 2006."
"I genuinely feel like I need to go get some form of therapy now, and I hope you do too because this has just been a complete mess."
"No more suffering. I got pushed too far this time." - NEIL LANCASTER
"Imagine watching your husband, the person you love, behaving violently that way, like a wild animal."
"Maybe you were never really a Christian, and that just broke me. What do I do with that?"
"At the end of the day it really looks like this is simply just a sad girl who didn't get the mental health care that she needed whose life completely fell apart because honestly it seems like nobody cared when when she was insane."
"She's a human being whose husband was nearly murdered with a hammer inside their home."
"When Blake Shelton was going through his divorce from Miranda Lambert, he was utterly heartbroken."
"Sometimes in a time period consisting of only a few short months, people can go from having their life completely together to then having everything fall apart."
"The crisis is in your head now. That's the bad news. The good news? You can change the crisis by changing what's inside your head."
"I cannot live this life, this is not who I know myself to be."
"I've had so many friends check on me and that's also kind of another reason I'm just making this."
"Chris is recounting finding his home completely empty with his wife and kids missing."
"I suffered and I hurt a lot and I was in pain and I cried and I wanted to die, and like, I didn't know if I was gonna live..."
"That's the Chris Watts salute. He felt absolutely helpless."
"I told them I just found out my girlfriend has HIV that's a rough one you know."
"They've ruined this guy's life. They have allowed him to construct a completely impenetrable fantasy and he's retreated within it."
"I realized I was at a point where no matter how I tried to control my circumstances, it just wasn't enough. I finally literally got to my knees and I said, 'God, if you want this to work, if I'm doing the right thing... you gotta help me.'"
"This is what happened next: a man that I had never seen before appeared in the room as I lay there dying."
"Eclipses bring something faded that can shake you but it can be great long term as well."
"Serious allegations have surfaced... that could permanently damage my career."
"He had not foreseen this. All his life he'd had the comfort of knowing what would happen next, but now he was utterly powerless."
"This is not a time to give on yourself, this is not a time to beat yourself up."
"I don't feel like a boy I don't know what to do."
"I had a panic attack in pit. I was smooshed. I could not breathe."
"At this point of brokenness where yourself, your ego, your knowledge, and your understanding become useless to you."
"All of this culminated in April 1930 when zelda finally broke down."
"Imagine being fired, arrested, and divorced the same day."
"You're a mess and you need someone who's not you to save you from you."
"Somebody is really searching for answers, trying hard to figure out how to get out of a very stressful situation."
"I mean look, I screwed up. There's going to be a time and a place for me to sort of think about myself and my own future, but I don't think this is it. Like, right now."
"We were all screaming and I managed to call the police but I was in hysterics going a hundred miles per hour in an area that I wasn't as familiar with with a car chasing us at some point."
"That's one of the worst things that can happen to you, you know? It feels that way anyway."
"We're the only family Rose has here so we have to help her through whatever she's going through."
"Ultimately, you have this bottom, this reckoning that becomes a catalyst for all the growth and the expansion."
"My whole world kinda came crashing down in an instant."
"Every single element of Larry's life has come crashing down."
"That person is your world. When you get broken up with, you literally feel like you don't want to live anymore."
"I texted Jem. I asked her to meet me outside right now because something happened and I needed to come over."
"His daughter relapsed, a recovering drug addict relapsed because of the coverage her father received in the media and went into a downward spiral and almost died."
"Maybe she just wanted to start afresh and get out of there, and maybe 9/11 for her would have just been a good distraction."
"What kind of identity crisis would you have if you realized that you were no longer a Virgo? As with me as an Aries, it would be intense."
"He was crying because he had been caught in his lies."
"I literally found someone like cheating on me in my own house."
"I felt like my life is spiraling around me and therefore I have latched onto something that I could control."
"Martin was in deeper trouble than most people face in their lifetimes."
"When you're living the darkest day of your life... go help someone else."
"It's been horrible, I wanted to kill them people at first, I wanted to hurt people, I don't know if they trying to kill me, and then I just found the Lord."
"This has been an incredibly difficult time, honestly, one of the worst of my entire life."
"I was like having a whole existential crisis."
"Full metal would be cool, alchemy would be neat."
"Honestly, it was because I was bored and I needed a change. In 2015, I attempted suicide and the incident left a permanent mark on who I am as a person."
"Less than a month after that, we found out... my parents were getting divorced because my mom had an affair."
"Maintain a quiet dignity when your world is falling apart."
"I just said, 'Please God, help me,' and in an instant, I stopped crying and I just sat up and I said, 'Everything's gonna be alright.'"
"I fell on my knees and said, 'Lord, I'm messing my life up. Please fix it.'"
"My childhood was so tough, there was a point I stood at the edge and I was ready to jump."
"Whatever happened to Matt Hardy was a terrible situation, it was scary."
"This is Alex Murdaugh at 4147 Moselle Road. I need the police and an ambulance immediately."
"I was at my last straw in life before I found me and He saved me."
"Something happened that night that was so catastrophic that Tamar didn't want to be alive anymore."
"If anything happened, she wouldn’t be able to go on living without him."
"From glory to glory girl, I'm telling you that he is a way maker. From glory to glory, let me tell you that he can save that child."
"I've never felt so helpless and vulnerable in my life."
"Most relationships are a job loss away from breaking up."
"The catastrophe came in both Taft's personal and professional lives."
"Elon's elon's like sort of Fall From Grace um maybe he'll make a turnaround who knows but at this point I feel like what I'm witnessing is like the most expensive midlife a 44 ounces that's pretty much what I get out of it."
"No my reputation is on the verge of total collapse."
"I mean what if, um, you know, I have to go and work... What if my husband dies... What if your boss fires you? You're going to be in the same predicament."
"I feel bad for the position that she's in. Suddenly blessed with all this knowledge and that her whole reality is a lie."
"Can you imagine? He realized and he must have thought he was going to die."
"I feel like Rick Grimes right now. I'm losing control, turning into a killer."
"When I look back, just night after night crying in my bedroom, I remember looking in the back of my mirror and just saying the most self-loathing things into that mirror and just feeling broken."
"I'm Kent Honda, a typical high school student facing the biggest crisis of my whole life."
"People who typically blow up overnight from zero to 100 quit completely or burn out or just like have a crisis in their life."
"I never realized the addiction was so bad until she stole the ten thousand dollars from me."
"I cried out the first of six words: 'God forgive me.'"
"Not even the solitude of her own home is safe; he is an all-consuming, all-encompassing dark cloud that makes every aspect of her life miserable."
"Personal crises, like loss, can be deeply painful."
"Until I get my daughter back, I don't give a damn about the questions. I need to get my baby girl back."
"I don't know what it was, but I immediately had a breakdown."
"My husband left me and I have car loans and a mortgage that I'm behind on."
"DeShaun Watson's career was poised to change forever... but now it's been forever changed."
"I think that even though she obviously went through the lowest point of her life I think that from this moment forward she will only have higher and higher highs so glass half full this situation was a net positive."
"Cracked open, rock bottom surrender to the alchemy of life."
"His fee for signing on was more than Tiger's ever won on the golf course: 125 million."
"There's something wrong with what's going on now and my life is becoming untenable."
"I had this panic attack of like what the [__] did I just do for the past two years who was that who am I where am I why am I here."
"I really feel like I'm living a horror movie right now."
"It took a terrible family crisis happening in my early 30s... for me to take out my atheism, examine it, and finally decide to get comfortable with it."
"I was losing myself, like I didn't even know who I was at one point."
"Jesus if you are who you claim to be take control of my life I don't know how to live I don't even know if I want to live but I want life I don't have it now."
"It got... it got so bad. And that's when I really decided, I feel like a threat to my family."
"Fine, let the storm land. What am I doing? What have I become?"
"I a 21-year-old man called home for my dad to come help me finish up and calm down."
"They did something to you, someone was very malicious, something was superficial, someone was stealing something, someone got betrayed, they hit rock bottom."
"That was the lowest, lowest, lowest, lowest point of my life at this moment."
"Imagine being in that situation at 12 years old... it'd be so horrible."
"I love my wife and I'm devastated to learn she filed for divorce."
"Windows, glass all on the ground, truck gone, everything is gone."
"Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Danny. Get well soon."
"It was the worst moment of my life. The only words I remember from that night was David saying, 'Please help me.' He was bleeding everywhere. I didn't really know what was happening."
"When you come to the end of yourself... that's when His miraculous power engages."
"The crisis was sufficiently real and problematic for me to say I'm going to have to rethink."
"Once you get to the point where you feel like you'll off yourself, you're dangerous because you don't give a [ __ ] about nothing."
"Was it her finally reaching her boiling point and acting out?"
"I'm at the lowest point in my life lost my dream career had all of my channels taken down and I know it's been literally five months since that happened and I should have moved on by now."
"I thought I was gonna die... like my organs were shutting down."
"Even if your ex is an ex for a reason, they can look back, regret, and realize you two are great together."
"My god, what shall I do? I've lost my honor, my gems, and my son in one night."
"I didn't care if I was gonna die, I had cancer, I didn't have cancer, I was just in love with the moment."
"Life became unbearable, and after an entire month of being locked down, the dam finally broke on November 23, 2022."
"Shishovsky claimed diminished responsibility, apparently hearing voices in his head on the day and revealing how the weeks prior were filled with rows with his wife, depression, and heavy drinking."
"I was prepared to give up my life that day because of who I thought I was."
"Vanessa Guillen, 20-year-old private first class Army soldier Vanessa Guillen has been missing since April 22nd."
"I thank God for my mom stepping in when she did because I don't know where I'd be without her."
"I've been miserable for a really long time, and it took me almost dying to realize that."
"He's teetering on the brink and he looks like he's about to crumble."
"Everything sucks. I didn't just betray my friends, I didn't just betray my family, I betrayed myself."
"He's dealing with lost love, lost hope, and lost identity. He has to redefine himself in this new context, and the only one there to help him is Sam."
"The only way out for Audrey was to commit the unthinkable."
"Music producer and content creator Patrice Wilson... effectively destroyed his mental health, his finances, his business, his career, and his livelihood..."
"I'm having an existential crisis over a water bucket."
"He made my confusing, distraught, drunk self finally feel safe and loved for the first time in a long time."
"An abrupt departure left Mrs Abby Bailey in a difficult predicament seemingly deserted by her husband."
"Out of sheer insanity with my son, I spent years living in his chaos, crisis, and drama."
"Despite our situation, despite what we were going through, she just wanted me to be happy."
"She has nothing more to say so she leaves the castle to go on her walk of shame home."
"How do you just wake up one day and your whole world is wrong and it's upside down?"
"None of this is okay, the situation is you put people and the things you've done like none of it. He needs help for sure."
"It sucks, you try to hold on to something, you try, you try, and then at this point it's out of control."
"You're not going to jump off a bridge or take your life out because a woman cheats on you."
"My world around me is crumbling, I want the pizzazz, I want the wow out of life."
"Little did I know this house of cards that I had built was about to come tumbling down."
"Your family unit is going to be your foundation when you need them."
"I'll always be eternally grateful for the help they gave me during such a horrific time in my life."
"I write this post with a lot of pain and fear but I can really use your help."
"I came to the end of myself, broken, crying, and in prayer, submitted my full life to Jesus."
"This is worse than actually being convicted of a felony and going to prison for him at this point."
"What do you do when your calling has become a crime? What do you do when you obeyed God and you still ended up in a dark place?"
"This is important, someone dear to him is afflicted."
"I have gone through the biggest nightmare in my life regarding my hair ever."
"I don't want to have surgery, this is the worst day of my life!"
"A full-blown scene of Doug Walker in the midst of an existential crisis."
"When you're looking at someone who had their entire world starting to crumble..."
"All you've done is spent your life helping others, just like I have. Now you've had something happen and you're trying to figure it out."
"I've started to get this feeling that I'm totally totally [ __ ] you know everything's [ __ ]."
"I was in a position where I was just like what do I have to lose."
"You can't be so comfortable on this fake foundation of identity that you've built because eventually it's going to come crashing down."
"Your opportunity is to blow up a foundation of your life... It may feel like things are falling apart, and that's your opportunity."
"Wow, that's even kind of more chilling that she just wanted to escape to Hawaii and that was all that was on our mind."
"Desperate to find his mother, Josh would put up a Reddit post asking the Reddit Community for help."
"The Minecraft movie is coming out April 4th, 2025."
"I can't go to Speed and tell him we have to plan a funeral."
"That's real talk when you're behind on your taxes and you Pawn all your chains and they run off with your Masters and took it to Beverly Hills."
"I was almost in prison, almost killed a lady."
"Gray ran out into the forest, no idea where she was going, she decided that she couldn't return home since, you know, she didn't know what they were going to do to her if she did."
"A crisis is a turning point forcing me to decide what is most important to me and who I am deep down inside."
"This is the low point for Peter, he's kind of lost everything, he's scared, he's terrified of dying."
"Blood only goes so deep, you know what I mean? Literally. If she was happy with her dad, her non-bio dad, I think she kind of had somewhat of like an identity crisis though at first."
"I wanted to un-alive myself, I think that's a red flag."
"How terrible would it be if you had all the money in the world and every single investment you ever made was in the green but everything else in your life was crumbling around you."
"If some mental illness or like sweet bye and like take that from me like fuck me I don't know what the fuck I would do."
"It was a lot, and then it was like a full meltdown. I mean, I had like a real meltdown."
"God answered me about something that I thought was going to destroy me."
"You take my breath away, sir, as I'm about to take my own."
"I could have committed suicide because I wasn't in the right frame of mind."
"Prayers to Kanye, and hopefully, you can make it right."
"Just as you were too late to help me, this isn't you doc, the me polite society found inconvenient."
"Cat cried in her husband's arms all night long, something is very wrong."
"It's so simple because it's unfair to him at this point, what his wife is going through, what his beautiful children are going through is not describable."
"How does this begin to unravel because you mentioned that it got to the point of a pregnancy?"
"Some of you I think you need to heal from something as well, and that could be why you need to create a tower moment."
"Just a momentary lapse in judgment has just destroyed my entire livelihood and threatened the basic needs of me and my wife and my dogs."
"I was going to kill myself, and this girl tells me, 'Hey, do whatever the [__] you want to do all the time.'"
"If this happened to me, this would break me."
"I was extremely angry and felt that I had nothing left to lose."
"Everything was perfect. I was blessed in so many ways. I had no idea that within a year I would come close to losing everything."
"She would call me and say 'Mama, I got to get out of here. I'm gonna end up dead if I don't.'"
"I felt so out of my mind... I felt like you know this is not the woman that he married."
"This person's had a tower moment, and while it's confused them, it has allowed them to start planning and making decisions about how to move forward with some positive change."
"He quickly filed for bankruptcy to keep his home."