
Scientific Inquiry Quotes

There are 397 quotes

"I fundamentally think that consciousness is a science question we have been a little bit too lazy to tackle properly."
"I want you to understand the methods in human cognitive neuroscience, what each one can tell you, what it can't, how different combinations of methods can work synergistically and complementarily to answer different facets of a question."
"Life came from non-life. We're trying to figure out how."
"The most important question that needed to be answered was: Could you actually land on the moon?"
"What's puzzling is that despite the devastation that the virus brought to the world, there has been no clear conclusion on where the virus originated from."
"When we're dealing with science, which is a field of study, it's a different environment; questions are embraced."
"We don't have all the answers to what quantum mechanics means, but we do have better questions."
"As a scientist, my job is, I see something weird, my job is to figure it out. We go get more data, we come back to it. We live for weird stuff."
"It's, of course, trying to make significant progress in answering one of the questions that has been with us for many centuries, namely, are we alone in the universe?"
"How does life begin and evolve? Does life exist elsewhere in the universe? And how do we search for life in the universe?"
"Understanding the origin and nature of life, rather than whether there is life or not on Mars, was really for me a stepping stone to bigger questions."
"It's fine if we don't have all the answers yet. That's precisely the beauty of research."
"Every time we believe we figured out a solution to an issue, we uncover that it's really part of an even greater one."
"We as a species are so susceptible to addiction, scientists have sought out to find out why."
"In 1997, at the invitation of American billionaire Lawrence Rockefeller, well-known scientists gathered...to discuss UFOs. It was the first time since 1969...that a panel of scientists had gotten together to discuss UFOs."
"Einstein realizes there's like a real issue here."
"If this theory was not able to make contact with reality, do you really think physicists would spend time on it?"
"Every mission is unique. We are answering those really interesting and hard questions that we all have about our universe and our planet."
"As a scientist, you must learn to love the questions themselves because you don't always have answers at all times to all the mysteries you confront."
"We are always open in the scientific community to re-examine what we do and how we do it."
"Keep pushing, keep asking the questions, and be fearless. That is the true scientific pioneering spirit, the ability to challenge the status quo."
"Instead of trying to silence our research, it would have been better if the skeptical had done their own studies."
"Just because we don't understand something does not mean it is fictitious; it just means we have a long way to go."
"Unanswered questions about dark matter and the early universe unsettle our understanding."
"How do we know that this is eight hundred and sixty four point three light-years away? I mean that's like eight quadrillion kilometers. It's insanely far."
"The subject now warrants serious inquiry and discussion without ridicule or stigma."
"I think it's the most important scientific question that Humanity has ever asked."
"Will we ever find it you have to accept the evidence and if it turns out that I wasted my life working on the wrong hypothesis is so be it what I really want to know is what is the universe made of."
"Clearly it's related to some of the most important questions in fundamental physics today."
"The important thing is to not stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existence." - Albert Einstein
"The mysteries of the universe are endless, referred to as our final frontier into discovery."
"If the world is covered by water during Noah's flood, where is the tide?"
"How a technologically outdated probe is related to the solution."
"It's okay not to know because people are working on it and hopefully we will know one day." - Josh Feuerstein
"The lab leak hypothesis is viable and deserves investigation."
"It's actually that games will affect your brain in ways that we don't really understand."
"If even that sense of wonder and possibility can be imbued into students or others out there, that sense of wonder will drive them to help answer the question that we're trying to answer here today."
"All conclusions in science are provisional, right? We could have found something last week that overturns everything that they believe."
"The data is real; now let's figure out what it tells us."
"It's not the data that falls in line that's so interesting. It's the spot off the graph that you want to understand."
"Keep exploring. Call us back if you find solid evidence."
"Real answers only come when you have real inquiry with real tools to measure and analyze real data from The Real World."
"The water from SCP-242 left in the barrel evaporated as normal, leaving behind no residue or any indicator as to why taking the water out of the pool made it safer to drink than the same water in the pool."
"Revelation of new data invariably raises new questions."
"Did scientists at the Wuhan Institute of Virology run the sort of gain-of-function experiments that could have ended up creating something like COVID? Now that is a good question."
"If we can explain the anomalies, we can explain Giza."
"The possibility that this virus came from an accident in a laboratory was not and never should have been labeled a conspiracy theory."
"But where did this virus come from in the first place?"
"We really do need to understand the origin of this virus."
"There's a lot of cloudiness around the origins of COVID-19 still."
"Maybe it'll figure it out before we do, but hey, it wouldn't be science if it didn't bring up just as many questions as it answers."
"Can you signal the gene ahead of the environment by embracing an elevated emotion?"
"Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Let's find out."
"Why does the world work the way it does? This fundamental science tries to answer that question."
"What if constants like the speed of light and the gravitational constant are not as constant as we think they are?"
"Is this intellectual inquiry or is it bio weapon research?"
"In the name of science, we should always question everything in pursuit of truth, even if it goes against what you know and believe."
"What's never going to go away is the need to create more ground truth, to actually make observations, to take human, to make living things, to take biology and actually ask questions that yield new pieces of data."
"An experiment is the boundary between what is known and unknown in the universe."
"UFO research has the potential to heal a long divide."
"What Einstein was interested in learning was none of the specifics, none of the minutiae."
"This is the realm of the unknown. This is where we explore."
"To anybody in the world out there, if you can explain the existence of massive amounts of molten steel at Ground Zero, I will give you seventy thousand dollars cash."
"Could it instead have been completely formed by natural processes?"
"We do a disservice to ourselves in the field by trying to find out what is this and this is the answer and this is the only answer. There's multiple answers."
"So how did it happen? How could a tree dwelling creature develop what we now consider to be the most fundamental aspect of the human form? How does an ape learn to walk?"
"So these are brand-new questions and they're good ones and this is where some of the theoretical work is going right now."
"Dee may have started imagining how the universe actually functioned."
"I think what's missing in our theories are the big connections that hold the entire universe together."
"Commitment to what's actually true is essential, even if it means revising previous beliefs."
"Are their sex differences in behavior that are innate? Absolutely."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Do we have that extraordinary proof? At last, I believe that we do."
"There is very compelling evidence that we may not be alone."
"Researchers in Finland said what if we don't look at Alzheimer's what if we just look at mild cognitive impairment that that situation where you're having a lot of mental lapses later in life but you don't have Alzheimer's?"
"I don't think for example whether the question of virus Origins will never actually like completely solved resolved."
"I'm just not convinced that the evidence supports that yet."
"If some new discovery is apparently contradicting known science, we'd have to think very carefully."
"Isn't the point of science to ask what, why, how, and just say okay to checking something out?"
"We might be on the edge of finding the answer to the biggest question in science: Are we alone in the universe?"
"Questions we once thought impossible to answer are within our grasp."
"The question now is why is this msh3 good or bad?"
"What we should be asking, what is interesting to ask, if we really want to understand the evolutionary history of humans isn't the labels again, it's the processes what are that evolutionary processes that are shaping us, right?"
"Could there be an interlink between events in Earth's geomagnetic field and the atmosphere?"
"When our mind cannot explain what our eyes see, we turn to scientists and experts for help."
"This more than anything highlights the importance of research."
"Strange metallic properties and the presence of unusual minerals raise questions about the moon's composition and origin."
"Always check the science, check our sources, check the other sides of sources. Truth will always win out."
"Our understanding of cosmic history hangs on the question: how did matter as we know it survive?"
"Wow, so um, so there could be twenty thousand forty thousand black holes around the center of our own galaxy that are just smaller ones."
"Later studies show that the strange lights had to have been made by some form of electricity."
"Now cotton, what is cotton chemically speaking?"
"Is this hidden growth of algae the explanation?"
"Maybe this is a different species altogether."
"If life did spring from an extraterrestrial rock, where did that rock come from?"
"Science is not about proving things right, it's about proving things wrong."
"There may be something like premonitions of the future that could affect the activity or coalescence of a global consciousness."
"If I add acetyl groups to the histone proteins, it relaxes the DNA and histone proteins. Can gene transcription occur? Yes."
"There is value in exploring different religions, sciences, and paradigms."
"Anyone can be a scientist if you ask the questions, do the experiments and such."
"It's the kind of questions you ask that's really more important than the answers you get."
"How are we going to determine whether the stuff that we find on some remote planet is actually gonna be life?"
"1400 years ago, a normal human being could not explain this phenomena in so much detail."
"I think we're all skeptical. I think that's the job of a scientist: to be skeptical but also approach things with an open mind."
"The mindset of world as laboratory... What did Neil deGrasse Tyson say the other day? We're living through a big experiment."
"Unimaginable wealth of knowledge drifting between our fingertips but we simply haven't figured out what we should be looking for."
"The question is, why do people think that this black hole is the largest- and more to the point, who are those people, and what information did they use to draw their conclusion?"
"To understand where we came from—how earth, the solar system, the galaxy became what they are today—we need to understand how it all began."
"We made real progress; we were able to determine that there were scientists that had become ill in the fall of 2019 that were working at the laboratory."
"Everyone really is a scientist, making claims about the world, and everyone is a mystic, seeking happiness."
"Are we studying black holes, dark matter? Like, what's going on?"
"The lab leak theory went from a conspiracy to the subject of serious investigation."
"The case for lab leak theory is that circumstantially, you've got a lab that does this exact research."
"What came before the Big Bang? Time began at the Big Bang."
"The only truism in science is that science is always to be questioned."
"We just don't know how, and even if we had all the pieces, we wouldn't know how to assemble them into a cell."
"The big thing we talked about is at that time people were still questioning is there intelligent life out in the universe."
"How old is Homeopathy, maybe we should have been taken cues from them scientifically?"
"The only way to know what you know is to test what you think you know."
"I hesitate to use the word proven in any area of science, but the evidence suggests strongly that direct expository teachings don't seem to be the most effective for novices specifically."
"If you know that you know there is a God and that he's a God that is for us and not against us and that he is the author of reality and all that kind of stuff you really aren't afraid of anything."
"Let us have a healthy debate, let us do some more studies if necessary, and let us come to the right conclusion about everything."
"Biologists tend to think, 'Well, get out a microscope, see if you see bugs running around.' What does the ecosystem eat? Where is the food coming from? Where is the waste going to?"
"The universe is a strange place by its very nature."
"Does the universe have something like a clearly delineated Edge?"
"If you're interested in a sort of deeper answer to why there's a conserved angular momentum then you should take that course."
"For then we would truly know the mind of god."
"What caused the Big Bang? We don't know. Sometimes 'I don't know' is the right answer."
"So why run this crazy experiment where we take trillions of tons of carbon from underground and put it in the atmosphere and oceans?" - Elon Musk
"Humanity has been waiting to find out why we're here, what are we here to do, and bizarrely, this issue around a vaccine and the adaptive immune system is bringing new life to a new perspective to this crisis point of self-identity as a species."
"One big question that astrophysicists have had for a long time is why do black holes sometimes spew out giant beams of gas and dust and energy?"
"Contemplating the possibility of extraterrestrial intelligence is a captivating subject however the search for evidence of such Advanced civilizations is quite a challenge."
"So we don't know what happened, and that's a key area of future research."
"The ultimate aim of all science: to penetrate the unknown."
"It seems probable but I think this is one of the great questions in physics and philosophy: where are the aliens?"
"There's no real reason why these fundamental constants of nature are what they are."
"The Brookings report asked the big question: what would happen to our planet, our beliefs, and our way of life if NASA discovered extraterrestrial life or even just extraterrestrial artifacts?"
"We wanted to know if the substance was the same for all the samples."
"The evidence demands rigorous scrutiny and open-minded investigation."
"Anomalies are things that typically show something that may warrant investigation."
"Skepticism is very healthy, and it is through skepticism that wrongs are righted, cover-ups are exposed, and great scientific discoveries can be made."
"What experiment would we ever run to tell the difference between a really smart alien and God? They could be indistinguishable."
"Science is at it's best when it's raising questions."
"Even when phenomena can't be explained, there are plenty of incredible theories to form an explanation from."
"If insulin was so critically important for fat loss, why do we not see it show up in human randomized control trials?"
"Science is built upon ignorance... it's necessary as the circle of knowledge grows."
"They're taking extra precautions to figure out what exactly caused this shift in case it was some sort of mundane source."
"According to the science, Al Berry on those tapes seems to have recorded a very large like exceptionally large person or set of people conversing." - Aiden Mattis
"A scientific approach never closes the door through belief, a scientific approach is then more open to ask specific questions that people that are puritans don't want to busy themselves with because it makes it impure."
"Science isn't about what we know but about what we don't know."
"We're here to explore the unknown and ask questions."
"Is 2020 the 1904 of cosmology? We have wonderful theories that have been successful for a long time, and yet there are things we cannot explain."
"We're answering the really interesting and hard questions that we all have about our universe and our planet."
"Astrobiologists really wonder whether or not there might be life right now in the subsurface oceans of Europa."
"Fugal sees the ranch as a sort of living laboratory for verifying that we are not alone in the universe."
"The question should not be 'Is there life on Mars?' Instead, it should be 'What happened to life on Mars?'"
"People who are humble before the mystery of existence are more scientific."
"So the Riemann Hypothesis really has to do with answering the how soon question about star."
"If fluctuation and variability is the norm, then the constancy of the mesoproterozoic is an exceptional state that requires an exceptional explanation."
"Are these actually possible around those stars and more importantly if there's going to be liquid water is it actually possible for some kind of extraterrestrial life to then begin the process of photosynthesis?"
"But the smaller increments of time, like Periods and Epochs, help us take a tighter focus and ask more specific questions."
"Physics is the most honest way to ask the most grand questions in the universe."
"We want to really understand how the universe has become what we see around us."
"The mere fact that evolution requires life and thus an origin for life is something that we still need an answer to does not invalidate the theory of evolution."
"Actual science is testing my assumptions, testing what I want to discover."
"I would not be surprised to see some future research come out some future clinical research that does indeed find that taurine is effective at at least ameliorating hypogonadism or possibly increasing testosterone even in healthy adults."
"If you have any questions, send them to science spot at roosterteeth.com."
"Experts believe the mammoths died due to the condition of the land."
"If differences in everything else, why wouldn't there be differences in psychology as well?"
"Understanding the galaxy could help us know the right questions to ask."
"So what we want to do is to speed up this reaction. How can we make this reaction go faster?"
"Every attempt to simulate [the origin of life] seems to suggest the need for a designing intelligence."
"All claims in science, however ridiculous, should be tested and double-checked for authenticity."
"Why would there be an interaction between the gut microbes and the nervous system?"
"The question of how did the moon form is one that scientists don't have a sure answer to."
"Their job is to figure stuff out and if sometimes that means God has one less Gap to hide in that's not their fault."
"Don't be afraid to be curious and to ask questions and to observe."
"Brief Answers to Big Questions explores some of the most complex questions in science."
"Every single scientific experiment ever devised to show the alleged motion of the earth has failed to do so."
"Even though there's a huge probability of extraterrestrial civilizations existing, we still haven't found any clear evidence of them."
"Encourage children to naturally use the scientific process to explore and understand the world."
"The President has asked the intelligence community to re-double their efforts to collect and analyze information on the origin of the virus."
"Amen. Thank you for saying so. Think about what he just said. You're a priest and not a scientist if you're a scientist and you don't want to explore this."
"What tweaks do we need to make so that our best model of the universe actually fits what we see around us?"
"Fermi's original question leads to a split in the road."
"There is no question in this universe so big that it can't be answered by science."
"Nobody really understood, for a long time, how those signals were generated."
"Nobody should be barred from investigating the origins of the virus."
"Climate change is largely a consequence of human, well, that's where's the science for it though?"
"It all comes down to the rock type again though... what is it? We don't know what it is yet."
"Nothing coming from nothing, oh it's just the big bang or planets colliding or whatever... Well then where did those planets come from?"
"Is this virus from nature or is this virus man-made?"
"Science is humanity's never-ending quest to discover and understand the world around us."
"How much of the history of evolution of life has been something cosmic spontaneous divine field?"
"Morality predate religion? I don't know, you'll have to ask a scientist."
"Albert Einstein told me that if we knew what we were talking about we wouldn't call it research."
"Theories abounded about the crater's origins."
"Our presence in the universe is probably the most interesting scientific question."
"If the government doesn't fund research then who will?"
"Science works like a game of 20 questions, honing in on the truth."