
Scientific Debate Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"The landscape of suffering is vast and must be fully considered in calculating the response to the pandemic with humility and with rigorous open-minded scientific debate."
"Penrose's conformal cyclic cosmology theory remains highly debatable in the science community."
"As scientists, we're trained to not agree with each other. Actually, and being a friend of Neil's, that's a big thing with him, is just not to agree."
"Battles are fought whenever new ideas or new evidence emerges to challenge the mainstream understanding of the times."
"Life on Earth first appeared 3.7 billion years ago, but how it sprung into existence is still a hot topic of debate."
"This constant reassertion that nothing matters unless we can find direct ancestors is abject nonsense and deflection to avoid the fact that animals are known from the Ediacaran."
"Most scientists today would say the first humans like us, Homo sapiens sapiens, appeared less than 200,000 years ago, but the Piranhas say that humans have existed for more than 200,000 years, going back perhaps hundreds of millions of years."
"Let's have an honest and sensible debate based on the evidence in the scientific literature rather than a blanket attack on GMOs that misinforms and plays on people's fear and ignorance."
"Darwinism has indeed passed beyond a scientific argument as far as they are concerned. You take your life in your hands to challenge it intellectually."
"It's not a conspiracy theory to think that the coronavirus came from the Wuhan lab."
"It was the Sun, it seemed, not carbon dioxide or anything else, that was driving changes in the climate."
"There has been great debate among scientists as to whether or not non-bird dinosaurs were already in decline when the impact happened."
"The arguments from design are so common and varied that we're going to actually have to divide this video up into two separate videos."
"These lockdowns aren't based in any science."
"It's not science, it's true, amino acids have been created but you got a chirality problem."
"They accused us of representing ideas about consciousness which were not scientific."
"We can all argue over how the megalithic walls of Saxe Juan were made, but we can't argue with the science."
"The scientific data overwhelmingly suggests that the Sphinx is at least double the age of what we were taught in school."
"There's always gonna be conflicting data, differing opinions. It's never a hundred percent."
"I think lab leak is true... I would lean in the direction of Jon Stewart."
"How it got to be that if it was a scientific accident is it's conservative and if it came from a wet market it's liberal."
"So if we're asking the question, which came first, the chicken or the chicken egg, I'm inclined to say chicken."
"Subsequent orbital imagery of the Cydonia region of Mars have attempted to debunk the face as just being a product of light angle. However, thankfully people did not let these debunking efforts dissuade them from further investigations of the area."
"Galileo's punishment would still have been unjust."
"Evolution... a valid scientific model... but it's not an ultimate truth."
"Challenging scientific consensus requires evidence."
"Some scientists think that the sun may be the source of most electricity, others think that the movement of the earth produces some of it."
"I cannot admit that this hope [for the success of Muhammadan society] be denied... In truth, the Muslim religion has tried to stifle science and stop its progress."
"Many leading Darwinists did and still do today believe that Darwinism does have strong ethical implications."
"Debating scientific facts... takes precedent over just facts on a paper."
"I find your arguments very impressive and had the impression that your hypothesis is correct."
"Iron sharpens iron and that's how we get to understand what the scientific truths are."
"One last note before we move on to the corals themselves. Even though we all debate the best way in all these elements, I think it's important to remember that best is really dependent on your goals."
"The debate that we were having scientists were having about boosters before was really about waning immunity."
"The mystery of the fairy circles has put scientists at odds for many years."
"Every time we get a new virus emerging, we have people say this could have come from a lab."
"When you claim that an individual with a penis can be a woman then you have forfeited all right to ever talk about science."
"Part of History, part of science is being open-minded to healthy debate and evidence seeking as we work to find the truth together. That's part of civilization."
"They found soft tissue, blood vessels, blood cells. How could that be still there if these fossils were truly 70 million years old?"
"Science is not part of the conversation anymore, this is becoming Dogma."
"Even the grandest of grand solar minimums comes nowhere close to compensating for the warming that humans CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions will cause."
"Science requires that we challenge each other."
"Kent Hovind is the only person here that is spreading propaganda, that is attempting to brainwash people, who is lying, being dishonest, and spreading misinformation. It's not science textbooks, it's Kent's."
"The lab leak theory might not be a theory now."
"If this conclusion that America is so unique in this mass shooting regard is so obvious, show me another study to that effect."
"And it is this mass prediction that has shaken up conversations surrounding the largest black hole in recent months."
"Lockdowns were ill-conceived and based on scientific guesswork, not science."
"Real science isn't afraid of investigation but evolution of sphere evidence creationists present."
"So to summarize, if they find the intermediate species evolution, if they don't find the intermediate species evolution, it's evolution all the way."
"The lab leak theory went from a conspiracy to the subject of serious investigation."
"The case for lab leak theory is that circumstantially, you've got a lab that does this exact research."
"Challenging the ideology of evolution is liberating."
"It's not a battle of which evidence is correct, it's actually a battle of two different paradigms."
"Poking holes in evolution does nothing to further substantiate the claim of intelligent design."
"Petroleum is often referred to as fossil energy, however, Thomas Gold has claimed that hydrocarbons are found in many locations where a biogenic origin is improbable or impossible."
"The truth may also be a combination of all three: dark energy may be an unknown energy field."
"You know, so do you think that what you've detailed in your report is this suppression of scientists?"
"There is no consensus in science. Science is an ongoing process."
"Scientific consensus: the backbone of climate science."
"The scientific research is overwhelmingly in favor of gender being biological and binary."
"I genuinely do not give a [__] and do not want to waste my audience's time with your speculation of what science might one day prove about God."
"Controversy in physics: Bose's proposal challenged conventions."
"The problem that a lot of paleontologists have had with this paper so far though is the actual evidence that the species level split has been based on."
"I think SETI optimists have a fine-tuning problem."
"The RNA world doesn't eliminate the need for intelligent design, it actually demonstrates the need."
"I think it's a natural virus that escaped through a lab."
"None of this helps refute a lab origin and the possibility must be considered as a serious scientific theory."
"Our best scientific theories tell us you can't boot up consciousness from space-time and physical objects."
"To assert that the Earth revolves around the Sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born a virgin."
"Asking whether this pandemic might have started from a lab, it's not anti-science."
"I said, 'Do you believe we evolved from fish?' and Kenneth said, 'No,' Richard Dawkins did not say that, right? Because Kenneth can sniff out that you're trying to give us a very limited statement when you say that."
"A glaring overall twenty percent DNA similarity difference between the human and chimpanzee genome is an evolutionary discrepancy that cannot be dismissed."
"Looks like the lab leak hypothesis is back on the menu boys and girls."
"The Great Barrington Declaration aimed to tell the public that there was a scientific debate, not a unanimous consensus on lockdowns."
"Mutations scramble existing information, they don't add anything new."
"Information about human origins remains elusive owing to the debate surrounding the interpretation of fossil Apes."
"For every study, there's another study pointing the other direction."
"There's a lot of evidence for the lab origin... not being like any other virus that anyone has ever seen in the wild." - Pointing out evidence supporting the lab origin theory.
"Bell proved you either have spooky action at a distance or something even weirder."
"The fact is the earth is stationary and that is scientific not pseudoscience."
"Should scientists spend more time conserving endangered species rather than bringing back extinct ones?"
"People will say, 'Jim Tour, you're just talking God of the gaps.' I never invoke God into my teachings on origin of life. I never do. You do not. You, I mean the people who accuse me, they do."
"Evolution has now come into that category. I don't mean that Darwin's theory of natural selection as the only driving force of evolution, that probably should be treated as slightly more uncertain."
"I'm tired of hearing the stupid claim that t-rex is too large for feathers."
"If you can ever find a dinosaur footprint and a human footprint together you will destroy the theory of evolution."
"Real science supports the fact that there were lost civilizations, politically correct science does not."
"The topic tonight is not about me; it's whether there is a valid hypothesis to make a living cell on a Mindless early Earth."
"There is a debate among scientists over how to classify giant pandas; are they bears or raccoons?" - Intriguing question about panda classification.
"The Bible ain't scientific. If you prove Adam and Eve weren't the first, we got a very big problem with the authenticity of the Bible."
"It is anti-science to pretend that natural immunity is not a thing."
"State of Washington, I mean, is there really data and science that supports...?"
"This coronavirus has been really tricky and bedeviling, and I'm convinced the preponderance of data says that this thing came out of a lab."
"That's it for this one today's comment of the day comes to us from lf who says, 'Wait, creationism explains the origin of the four fundamental forces. Where's my popcorn?'"
"Planet X probably is real though NASA prefers to call it Planet 9."
"We're not disputing the science, just looking at both risks and benefits."
"There is no such thing as 'the science,' and this idea that there is consensus between all the different scientists is wrong."
"Climate change is real in that sense, although you can argue about the contribution that Mankind's carbon dioxide makes to it."
"The magical Circles of Namibia continue to provoke scientific debates and public curiosity illustrating the enchanting Mysteries that nature often hides from prying eyes."
"The data strongly suggests that red meat as a carcinogen is very extremely extremely weak at best."
"We seem to be getting lost in a haystack, looking for the perfect trial, when there's actually a mountain of evidence in favor of ivermectin."
"You're allowed to dispute scientific literature because science means there's a debate."
"Scientists may be debating exactly that, theories as to what the phenomenon might be range from the many worlds interpretation to Quantum Mechanics."
"It's interesting to me to see just the doubt the creationists introduced in so many of their arguments. It's just doubt, because science can't be true about everything, which is a completely false statement."
"The idea that covid evolved naturally in a population of bats a thousand miles away rather than leaked from a laboratory is such an unbelievably insane stretch."
"You've done nothing in that sort you've just assumed you've just begged the question and you just making a mathematical model that is accurate does not prove gravitational lensing is affecting lasers."
"Think it can it puts much doubt I just see it as an alternative explanation too intelligent design."
"Debate between experts about the evidence for claims can help us to identify weak points in the ideas."
"Robust, vigorous, respectful debate is the cornerstone of science."
"...when I was a graduate student, we didn't know whether the Hubble constant was 50 or 100, and so now we're arguing whether it's 72 or 73..."
"Even when scientists disagree, that can often help bring forward more research and new discoveries."
"Practicing biologists may be surprised that there is still debate about what kind of a force, principle, or process natural selection actually is."
"Both of these views are often voiced, but what is much less often brought up is what scientific evidence we have on this question."
"Science itself was not certain, it was not singular, there was more debate about it."
"How much the human race has known about the moon and how long we've possessed that level of knowledge is a subject of ongoing scientific debate."
"Disagreement is part of the scientific method. The whole reason we publish our data and conclusions is so somebody can look at it and go, 'I disagree with that,' and they can make an experiment that can challenge the work. That's how science advances."
"Natural immunity is a scientific fact and it should be debated appropriately within the medicine and science communities."
"This is not an attack on science, it's not an attack on peer review, and it's not an attack on an individual."
"Science never selects a single narrative; we foster debate, and we're confident that with debate, science will eventually get to truth."
"The real problem with the Giant Impact hypothesis is that the Earth and Moon have the same isotopic profile."
"We want to insist that the debate needs to be adjudicated on the basis of the scientific evidence."
"Science is full of this kind of conflict, and hopefully it's conflict in a positive way."
"There's been this debate in paleontology and archaeology for more than half a century now."
"The skeptic's strongest argument is that processes unrelated to organic life can easily produce all the evidence found."
"Why is it that I never see two science friends fight as bitterly about the interpretation of quantum mechanics as I see people insulting each other across party lines over politics?"
"Why do zebras have stripes? Well, there's a whole bunch of different conflicting arguments."
"Honestly, when Darwin was alive, would you have been saying that flight couldn't have evolved because humans hadn't figured out flight yet?"