
Historical Legacy Quotes

There are 172 quotes

"Leadership in a pandemic is hard, which is why great leaders are remembered by history. They are rare, they stand out, and they give me hope."
"Reflecting on America's tumultuous history, the panel grapples with the complex legacy of immigration."
"Roman Britain may have died, but its legacy would live on, the well-built road systems, ruined cities, towns, villas, and very belief systems of the old empire continuing to frame the existence of those who came after."
"If nothing else should remain, know that Nebuchadnezzar the Great was here in the Kingdom of Babylon."
"What is truly the legacy that the Confederacy has left behind, and how does it look like in play today?"
"But during his time here, he founded a city that would be his lasting legacy, the great city of Alexandria."
"If you find that the House has proved its case and still vote to acquit, your name will be tied to his with a cord of steel and for all of history."
"Catherine's court and her personal life are amongst the most famous and controversial of any European ruler."
"Jackie's Legacy extends beyond the Glamorous facade, her name iconic and echoing through time she will forever be a captivating figure whose story continues to be celebrated and remembered."
"Milwaukee had clean government and I think that was the legacy of socialism."
"Let this new century be yours as the old one was mine."
"I'm not going to let my family's last name go down in history as colluding with a foreign power."
"We are the testimony... We are the descendants of those who were enslaved in this country."
"At the time he died, his name was mud across Europe."
"Queen Victoria's reign left a lasting impact, shaping the Victorian Era and beyond."
"Nomadic herders: the enduring legacy of Genghis Khan."
"History's not gonna be kind to Donald Trump."
"I ask every elected official in America, how do you want to be remembered at consequential moments in history? Do you want to be the side of Dr. King or George Wallace?"
"The legacy of Zheng He still means something to local people."
"Frederick's legacy: Abolishing judicial torture, promoting religious tolerance, and fostering scientific innovation."
"Frederick's Prussia: A testament to his vision and leadership."
"How does it feel Sam knowing you're gonna go down in history as the man who assassinated President Caldwell?"
"Now is the time for a new generation of Americans to revive the legacy of FDR and Lincoln and rise up to relegate the British Empire to the trash bin of history once and for all."
"In 500 years Elon Musk's name will be remembered on two planets AOC will just be three letters." - Unknown commenter
"Their legacy will never ever be destroyed, their achievements will never be forgotten, and Mount Rushmore will stand forever as an eternal tribute to our forefathers and to our freedom."
"Huge shout outs over time for honoring Dr. King's legacy."
"Our forefathers gave us the greatest opportunities of any country on God's earth."
"The Wrangler's DNA goes all the way back to the original Willys Jeeps sold during the World War Two era."
"The blood that stained America's Old West still pulses through its decaying towns."
"But Braille’s system wouldn’t be adapted in his lifetime, so he went to his grave not knowing the profound affect he would have on generations of the blind."
"Katherine Johnson, a NASA mathematician, plays a crucial role in space missions, leaving a lasting legacy."
"We dare not forget that we are the heirs of that first revolution."
"His legacy would be immortalised through the daring life he led."
"You cannot say to someone else who is also a descendant of those enslaved here in America that what they're doing is competing against you. Family, something's wrong with that."
"Being the father of the atomic bomb has proven to be a double-edged sword."
"As we have seen, however, the legacy of the Phoenicians is still with us today."
"Part of the legacy is this huge inequality that we see today between the descendants of the enslavers and the descendants of the enslaved."
"The Maya civilization: a lasting foundation that would see them fit for many years."
"While unsolved, the legacy of the discovery has led authorities to prevent any such atrocities from occurring in the future."
"For centuries to come their descendants would carry on the millennia-long tradition of horse and bow under the banner of Islam."
"The greatest tribute that we can pay to those who came before us is by carrying on their work to pursue peace and justice not only in our countries but for all mankind."
"Among all her wonderful achievements as queen, this attachment to the Commonwealth idea was among the finest that she'll be remembered for."
"You are trashing the legacy of the man this country holds to be their greatest hero."
"The legacy of People's Temple is, and I quote, to cherish the people and remember the goodness that brought us together."
"The Red Baron's triplane was torn apart by souvenir hunters, as none of his planes are believed to exist intact today."
"Pericles managed to get his dream to come true, which was to build all those beautiful temples on the Acropolis and to have his name on our lips 2,500 years later."
"The city he built set a blueprint for Western civilization."
"How do you think history is going to document you and your deeds and your personality your character it ain't gonna be good."
"We were fortunate, our ancestors went through that."
"The labor of our heroes past is mortgaging our future. We cannot let it be in vain."
"Future Generations will look back on JK Rowling much in the same way they look back on say HP Lovecraft... it's gonna be a bit like that but with trans people."
"Perhaps our role in history will be remembered as those who drew the maps that our descendants will one day take for granted."
"Thank god for what you do for America... they're really the custodians of America's legacy in history."
"I think that the legacy of King George is so strong precisely because it's contrasted against the legacy of his brother."
"No matter how many times it changes ownership with the chance of being renovated and improved it might always be known for its horrific past and its hauntings that have lasted hundreds of years."
"He was thirty years and six months old, the last of the Julio-Claudian line that stretched back to Augustus."
"The Sun Kings life is destined to forever shine throughout history."
"You are furthering the divine stride of our founding fathers."
"The Great Pyramids were designed to convey knowledge into a future world."
"Charles remains as an international historical example."
"She left an immense legacy both to the British people and to the wider world, guiding Britain through greater social, political, economic, and technological change than perhaps any monarch in history."
"You've got to ask yourself before you want to abolish everything that has been built by our ancestors, you've got to ask yourself why were these things put up."
"Our legacy runs from the very beginning up to you right now."
"Rockefeller was and forever is a part of his legacy, same as mine."
"We live the legacy of what happened in that era."
"His is a name that will ring down through the generations. His bravery will inspire millions for years to come."
"The idea of the Crusades continues to impact Christians, Muslims, and Jews up to the present era."
"They're a great source of pride and group and they're also a reminder of the cultures of South America derived long long before Europeans appeared on the horizon."
"If Hitler’s goal was to make something that everyone would recognize and connect with him, he succeeded."
"And ascend to levels of greatness where your name would be in history books for decades to come or generations to come it would be always do the emotionally difficult thing."
"Would you give your right-arm to go down in history?"
"The raid had been devastating though naturally the voyage seems to have taken on a truly epic quality in the minds of succeeding generations."
"All the great figures of the 20th century will diminish and fade away into history and Vivekananda will stand taller and taller and taller."
"What about those who inherited enormous wealth and land from their white supremacist ancestors?"
"The legend of the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae reverberates down the ages."
"While USS Washington may no longer physically exist, the stories of her heroics at the Battle of Guadalcanal will last for many generations to come."
"The glory of the past is an empty dream. If the cons are to be immortal, we must make our own destiny."
"Walt disney presents is an exhibit all about the man who started all of this, walt disney of course."
"President Biden and every living former U.S president are descendants of slaveholders."
"Nabta Playa could be the oldest example left behind by the civilization that eventually became ancient Egypt."
"Bernadotte’s legacy would prove the most lasting of any of Napoleon’s Marshals: the royal house of Bernadotte sits on the Swedish throne to this day."
"John's legacy: an enduring fascination with North Sentinel Island."
"The United States of America, Washington's True Legacy through its Growing Pains."
"The qian dynasty's legacy became an inseparable part of Chinese history."
"We must never forget that 'We the People' are the true heirs of the American experiment."
"People that worked with Walt Disney knew Walt Disney personally are like oh my God what are you doing the son of the director of the original who's like in his 90s is like both my father and Walt are spinning in their graves right now."
"Nebuchadnezzar devoted considerable wealth and strong state support to Babylon's arts, sciences, and literature."
"His legacy continues to have an impact today."
"Violent insurrections crushing peaceful descent... He wanted to be a strong man. He will leave a weakling with blood on his hands. Don't ever forget it."
"Rome fell but its Spirit lived on in the Latin language in laws and literature in the Roman Catholic church and in its Monumental art and architecture Grandeur."
"Accordingly, from the perspective of the twenty-first century surely Ramesses’s greatest accomplishment was in having these magnificent temples, statues and obelisks erected across Egypt nearly 3,500 years ago."
"I want to fly the flag of the remnant flag of the kingdom."
"I want to be immortal, my name will be remembered in history." - Israel Adesanya
"The Queen Elizabeth's legacy as a great liner is undeniable, not only as a favorite for crossing the Atlantic but also as a vital asset in the war against fascism."
"Monuments that stood millennia after they themselves had passed, their deaths outlasting in their presence the lives that had preceded them."
"The blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors, we're not going to allow it to die. So we're going to continue to push forward as Morris Brown College."
"Genghis Khan's death in 1227 marked the end of an era and created a significant void in the Mongol Empire."
"The legacy of the Babylonians is with us."
"Lincoln's Legacy as a symbol of freedom, justice, and the unyielding belief in the unity of the United States endures."
"Perhaps Edward’s greatest legacy was in the reorientation of the courts and government to favour Middle English as the language of government and officialdom in England."
"Presidents who shape public opinion and react to it are the ones who end up living in history in a positive light."
"Rolo's Legacy is enduring and multifaceted as the founder of Normandy."
"I am sure that I will be remembered as the man who was in office as president united states at the time the cold war began."
"The idea of inherited guilt is very problematic - new generations of Germans who of course had nothing to do with the atrocities of the past sometimes feel burdened by a historical Legacy that they had no part in creating."
"Joseph, mentioned in Genesis, left his mark in Egypt. Imhotep, also known as Joseph, built structures still standing today."
"...I think modern Black America is the most important Legacy of the Civil War."
"The Japanese Legacy of the co-prosperity sphere is that effect we have no ill of that have only been an extension of Japanese expansion itself."
"...lay the foundations for the recovery of the Empire within 60 years of its apparent fall."
"Blood-soaked history tends to leave its stains behind."
"Their legacy remains, hewn into the living rock of Stonehenge."
"The ancient warriors of the Legionnes Astartes would leave an imposing legacy to be inherited by their successors."
"She created a large tomb for herself and Alexander deep in the catacombs, somewhere that would still be standing two thousand years later."
"He is nicknamed the Father of Europe, and honestly, there is no monarch in Europe who cannot claim some line back to Charlemagne."
"We have been clear that the current system for dealing with the legacy of Northern Ireland's past isn't working well for anyone."
"The legacy of the commites, whether divinely, extraterrestrially, or humanly inspired, continues to captivate us and will likely do so for many millennia to come."
"The Echoes of the past remain a haunting reminder of the ancient powers that lay just beneath the surface."
"We are links in a chain that goes back 232 years, and it is now our turn to take care of this building."
"It's really Cosimo that is projecting his image as a descendant of the great Roman rulers, the Roman emperors."
"The true legacy of 1848 on the European continent is to be seen in the breadth of administrative change triggered by the upheavals."
"The legacy of Danvers State Hospital will live on with those who lived and worked there."
"In the annals of English history, the name Alfred the Great resonates with echoes of valor, wisdom, and resilience."
"George Washington is dead, but he's on the dollar bill because he had the respect and the integrity to live long after his death."
"They're standing on the shoulders of Rosie the Riveter."
"We're talking about descendants of cadow slavery teaching the rest of humanity how to exist."
"You become a weaker version of self just chasing. No, I'm chasing history if I'm doing this."
"The ancient Egyptians left behind an impressive legacy."
"The legacy of Nazi Germany is something we are still struggling to grapple with to this day."
"Tecumseh's dream of an aboriginal nation died with him, but his courageous fight against the Americans helped lay the foundation for another: Canada."
"Accomplishing what his predecessors and rivals could only ever dream of."
"He was truly the 'Father of His Country' and he remains the guiding spirit of a nation."
"We've been a naval school for nearly 300 years but only recently have we opened our doors to the wider public and to people, and we hope that by opening those doors, many people will become part of this wonderful school and its rich history in the years to come."
"An important legacy of the slave trade is a continued existence of a body of ideas initially formulated to justify it, which now underpins modern anti-African racism in various forms."
"The DNA of our Revolution is still with us."
"Dr. Dre's legacy as a philanthropist and patron of education is firmly etched in the annals of history."
"The drowned God had changed her bones to stone so that men might never cease to wonder at the courage of the first of kings."
"Our ancestors were so intelligent that they left prints of those things that you see every day, but you just don't pay attention."
"The legacy of Robert Rogers and his Rangers lives on to the present day."
"We are letting down our ancestors, the ladies that came before us that paved the way."
"Cleopatra was the last of the Pharaohs, but she found immortality too, not in the Great Pyramids of Giza or in the tombs of the Valley of the Kings, but in legends that will endure the sands of time."
"To truly appreciate the everlasting legacy of Diana, the Princess of Wales, one must consider the incredible life that she lived."
"She left behind an England that was more peaceful and prosperous than the one she had been born into."
"Moscow is the new Rome, an unbroken heritage to the ancient world."
"What you do with power will determine whether you have a place in eternity or a place in history."
"And here it is, the very one planted more than 160 years ago by Victoria's dainty spade work, and still standing proud."
"A great complexity of character that has often forgotten the shadow of what he wrought."