
Fact-checking Quotes

There are 246 quotes

"My policy, and I think it's generally good advice, is to always fact check things you see that you disagree with. And the things you agree with, you fact check those twice."
"False claim: COVID-19 vaccines are linked to spike in cancer cases. Fact check: well, they've already fact-checked it, they say it's false. Vaccines are not causing cancer."
"Everybody needs to do their own fact checks. Everybody needs to not just listen to the media."
"I have seen no evidence that there was a scale of ballot fraud that would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election."
"Too much information kills information. We need to really make choices in order to know for sure what is a fact and what is just imaginary or invention."
"They're basically threatening us if we dare try to fact-check any of the Republican candidates."
"One of the ways that I learn things is by doing research and fact-checking."
"The media's instinctive reaction is going to be tribalist, the government is always right, there's never any problems in the elections, trust everything on its first go, do no fact checking."
"The discipline of verification has been there for 100 years. You have to check things out; you have to verify."
"Read more facts, be less emotional, think about it."
"It seems like anytime somebody is forced to actually look at the facts before them, mainly 'Is Donald Trump an insurrectionist? Was January 6th an insurrection?', they come to the same conclusion. Yes, obviously, of course."
"Most people don't bother to look at the facts or do any independent research."
"You can still be liberal and have liberal opinions... but if we agree on what's true because we fact checked it."
"Don't annoy people, but if you're going to, at least get the facts right."
"The Democrats have a narrative right now and the media views their job as defending the narrative at all costs, facts be damned."
"When someone tells you something, fact check it. Make sure it's true."
"I think you made the right decision... if you cannot 100 verify something you don't report it out correct even on even on that one percent of doubt."
"Every single time, the story that we get from the media and these Black Lives Matter police shootings are verifiably false."
"You've got to fact check the fact checkers that's what I'm saying."
"Do your homework. Don't let the debunkers catch you saying things which aren't true. They do all of that. We have many examples of opinions being expressed that are not based on facts or data or in solid information. We don't need to do that."
"What we do is we work with third-party fact checkers, so people who do this for a living."
"Support traditional journalism devoted to research, fact-checking, and in-depth investigation."
"The FBI's job is not to be the fact checker for anonymous and unverifiable allegations."
"But that's why when it comes to the number one trait, at least I think that the narcissist cannot tolerate in a person or in a relationship, is somebody who's going to fact-check them."
"He finds enough information to confirm his narrative of leftist media pushing the destructive agenda and then he moves on confident that his audience won't do the basics to fact-checking."
"That's a prediction we can't fact-check. That's a prediction we can't fact-check."
"The media has an obligation to make sure they aren't perpetuating the big lie."
"Journalism should be fact-based. What really happened, firsthand sources."
"Fact checkers were just opinions, according to Mark Zuckerberg."
"The mission of the Epoch Times is to chase the truth, to ground all statements and facts, and prevent people from being misled."
"Is there any factual basis to support the allegation that Ukraine interfered in the 2016 election?"
"I actually think it's much more powerful as you touched on when you have PBS you know trying to quote unquote fact check Trump as he's speaking in a much more academic sounding way but Fox is out here apologizing for this."
"I was so appreciative this morning when he made those comments, Mika immediately stepped in and fact-checked and corrected all of the misinformation that he put out."
"It's important to get the facts right, regardless of bias."
"In a day and age where information is so readily available, there is little to no excuse to not fact check your claims."
"It's time to clear the air and deliver the facts with receipts from the original source."
"This is real-time fact-checking of fake news."
"Guard yourself from that. You've got to be able to separate fact from fiction by understanding what is objective and what is purely subjective."
"This content has been rated false by a fact-checker and we link them to it."
"You gotta fact check everybody including myself... because you never freaking know."
"That's the whole point of Snopes existing, to find out what is factually true."
"Never trust what you read without fact checking for yourself."
"History is a legitimate form of knowledge, but determining what's fact versus fiction is the challenge."
"If another outlet reports something, don't run with it unless you have your own sourcing to back it up."
"We didn't do that. What we do is we have, if something's reported to us as potentially misinformation, important misinformation, we also have this third-party fact-checking program because we don't want to be deciding what's true and false."
"Verification matters when you're talking about whether or not a thing is true."
"Here's what I'd like you to do specifically: tell me what it is that RFK Jr said that was false, that was incorrect, that was problematic, that wasn't well researched, that wasn't aligned with data and facts."
"When you see something that seems too good to be true, your first thought should be to check reliable sources."
"Never accept opinions as facts until you've verified their accuracy."
"You've got to look at what are the facts, not just what feels right."
"Trust in the media and these fact-checking organizations is at an all-time low."
"It's okay to 100% fact-check people. Just because a quote-unquote ape says something or just because mainstream media says something, that doesn't mean they're right or wrong."
"What we need to do is actually go through the facts to understand them, to stop basing our thinking on impressions and assumptions, to look at the actual cause and effect."
"Our planet has seven billion fact checkers who will rapidly look into every claim governments make regarding the alien presence."
"Ukrainian television debunks disinformation in real time."
"You don't start from facts and work your way to Crazy, you have to somewhere along the way put a wall up."
"When a story cannot be confirmed by any independent examination, then we have to be careful."
"I'm always very careful you guys to tell you when things are fact-based or opinion based. I believe it to be true based on what we know about Harry Megan."
"They're not fact-checking or challenging any of their ideas."
"What you're talking about now is a checkmark, a verification on Twitter that did not exist on that particular tweet." - Michael van der Veen
"Broadcast networks should run the press conferences but be ready to fact-check in real time."
"Make sure your facts are correct before you do stupid things."
"Separate the facts from the fiction, the observation from the story."
"Separate the facts and fiction and watch out for the salacious headlines trying to draw you into their worldview."
"Journalists should always try for accuracy, give all the relevant facts we have, and ensure that we have been checked."
"The key thing to look at when it comes to news: there is a difference between rumor and fact."
"The problem with today's media: opinion checking, not fact checking."
"The best weapon we have against misinformation is to fact check."
"As a fact checker, the new world order is real. You guys just slapped a new name on it."
"It's why it's so important to ensure the facts are verified."
"Everything we know is truth is being fact-checked as false."
"It's really so important now more than ever for us to be on a stream like this so that we can separate fact from fiction."
"Check your facts before you start typing away."
"Fact-checkers censoring information that doesn't conform to official narratives."
"Snopes declared that the story was false, but false on a very specific play on words."
"Fact check to the best of your ability. At the end of the day, we all choose who we trust, but we cannot just blindly trust the media."
"Be an independent thinker, get the facts, and see it with your own two eyes."
"He's not doing anything groundbreaking as a journalist, he's just insisting on the facts."
"I'm an idiot. Double check your facts. Don't always 100 listen to influencers on the internet because sometimes we don't know what we're talking about."
"So let's see if this is a fact or a fake. Does this actually work?"
"There's difference between conspiracy theory and geopolitical facts."
"Q is not one thing, Q is millions of people taking stuff and fact-checking it."
"I'm not gonna believe [ __ ] until I see the facts."
"Every single one of those statements is wrong, like factually wrong."
"Sources frequently do not agree on key facts or subjects, so you'll have to do a lot of comparison investigating."
"I think every politician should have someone following them around in fact checking everything they say and when they lie they just say you're lying."
"I've been fooled enough times for me to go 'well I'd better check my facts.'"
"Just because you're an opinion columnist you can't just put out falsehoods you know you still have to back it up it's still journalism you still have to back it up with facts and the truth."
"Back your points up with facts, do your research."
"You really need people talking about things that are fact-checked and true on these social media platforms because they've sort of taken over for a lot of local news and that is really quite scary."
"We need to get back to a time where we actually fact check and we check before we start doing actual headlines."
"I always triple check everything I say, and then think, is it a fact or is it an opinion?"
"Did it really occur, or is it a myth? Let's look at the facts."
"It seems as though Joe Biden's term in office is gonna be a four-year sabbatical for all these fact checkers."
"We don't want to be deciding what's true and false... if something is reported to us as potentially misinformation... we have this third party fact-checking program."
"We don't have the facts and the evidence in this case here so people can actually infer or imply something even worse, and now they don't even need to know the facts."
"Genuine journalists are willing to destroy their opinions with facts."
"I've seen rumors swirl, I have not seen any facts yet."
"It's up to us to actually say, hey, let's confront this directly. This isn't true. Here is the context and here are the actual facts."
"The establishment is already prepping and creating the infrastructure so that they can fact check away any piece of information that they don't like."
"Double triple quadruple check everything you see on the internet these days because everything can be a lie."
"Journalists have to fact check everything, that's what we should strive for."
"This is incorrect, Dennis. Let me fact-check your ass now." - A humorous correction followed by a fact-check.
"If journalism can make it through this moment kind of as an institution you know fact-based fact checked that cares primarily about being the first rough draft of history and getting its facts right..."
"We have the receipts, we have the video clips, we have the facts."
"You cannot control an ignorant crowd, you cannot control people that are not willing to fact check."
"She tried to use news headlines to clown him but never checked for facts. Cat hit her with facts."
"By the end of today's video hopefully we bust a miss and separate fact from fiction."
"We're going to separate the fact from the fiction and the rumor from the innuendo."
"Always fact check. Fact check me, fact check everyone you listen to. You never want to get caught up in something that is genuinely like misinformation."
"It's very weird to fact-check comedy. That's so weird. To when news came out, I was laughing at Hassan as I do all the time anyway."
"It's on an international MV chassis. What kind of a motor? It's a common 6.7 liter 300 horsepower motor. Nice. Let me fact check that."
"Checking our facts can help us see things for how they really are."
"we all live in a time of disinformation and misinformation lack of fact checking you don't say"
"For all important content, news, and information, verify it for yourself."
"The problem of disinformation is that we don't know what it is unless there is some freedom of speech that allows opinions to be voiced so they can be fact-checked."
"We would not leave up something that we knew to be wrong or that was not supported by fact."
"Check your facts before reacting."
"It's a fact. It's a proven fact. Google it."
"Snopes debunked the article about Beanie Babies and spider eggs, saying it was fake news."
"...did I get a fact wrong? Do you have another opinion?"
"And right before we get started, one last thing, I had some fun with arts and crafts this weekend because I'm just a little bit tired of sitting here in the lobby with my hand up like this, so when there needs to be a fact checked..."
"Perhaps we could double-check the facts on that before making a final decision."
"I would have to like pause and count to ten and then really kind of fact check it like okay is this true or am I just basing this off of like a cognitive distortion that's making me believe that it's true for myself."
"Research and fact checking by the disciple Sean Summers...and our theme music is by the rust devil brake master cylinder."
"Every single allegation we checked, we ran down the rabbit trail to make sure that our numbers were accurate."
"It's funny, I've always felt that you have to sit Faye Resnick down and I know I'm repeating myself a little bit from yesterday because she did her interview and they went out to check all of these stories she told and they found out she was lying every step of it away."
"It's probably incumbent upon the press, if they want to do the right thing, to get the facts before they run off with something and continue to try to convict this man before he's been tried."
"People are fact-checking your work; they're realizing it's just irresponsibly bad."
"Someone who seems revisionist every other day is Trump. Yes, he has achieved something I never thought a human being could achieve, which is he's unfact-checkable."
"If someone asks you to accept an outlandish claim, make sure you Google it first."
"Just as important, the discipline of fact. There's a lot of stuff you have to do to make knowledge."
"Conspiracy theories have a long history in American politics, but this one doesn't hold water. New York City's chief medical examiner ruled Epstein's death a suicide, and an autopsy found no evidence of foul play."
"She's the mother of a deceased child, comes out in public and says, 'That money that y'all [__] raised for my child, I ain't seen a penny of it.' There can't be a lie, [__]. There's a way to fact check this."
"People didn't appear to want to verify things, to fact-check."
"Go after the facts, set your standard for what you value, and then look at the cost."
"Despite venom tongue lashings from the general public about the irresponsibility of stating that there are no brown recluses in the state, not one of the several hundred spiders submitted by Florida residents was a recluse. Not one."
"If this is true, I'm trying in real time to look it up."
"Fact-checking will give you a reality check to see if what you said or what you believe in or how you've acted is appropriate, if it's right, if it is factual."
"The intent and the core is there but some other guests need to get their facts more accurate."
"I fact-check, I'm aware of my influence, and I don't want to spread something harmful."
"This is all about education through entertainment. Mahatma Gandhi actually did not serve as president of the United States of America."
"Make sure to fact-check everything... because if you're passionate about it which means you're knowledgeable about it."
"You can kind of think of this channel as like a false prophet takedown Channel. We take down the false, we fact check them, and that's what we do."
"Just fact check everything and get responsible and do the right thing."
"Remember, there's nothing wrong with checking someone's information to ensure its credibility."
"I think journalists have a responsibility to, if they don't have the facts, to not spread rumors and falsehoods."
"Don't take anything surrounding Conflict at face value. Check your sources and gather facts for yourself on the ground."
"Finland decided to systematically build fact-checking into the school curriculum."
"Every journalist should be a good fact checker and it's absolutely the responsibility of a publication to check the quality of the information it's putting out."
"Fact check all your information, confirm all your sources are credible."
"It's important to fact check when communicating with someone online, especially if you're being asked to send money."
"That's crazy, wow, I looked it up too and it's true."
"Verify your information, go to the source always."
"When you're hearing bold health claims online, double triple check."
"Always go looking for records to prove or disprove the information that's shared."
"It's a question that is as old as time itself: If fact-checkers check facts, who frets the checkers?"
"Let's not irresponsibly use our platform. Let's see what's going on before we report on that."
"It would be nice if audiences would be more willing to listen when someone who has fact checked something goes 'hey wait a minute'."
"Everything I say, it could be fact-checked."
"Journalistic fact-checking is typically described as the objective search for indisputable truth."
"The issue with news is that there is no way for the layman to know whether or not the reporting is factually accurate; we just trust them."
"Memory is unreliable, so even though you're writing your own story, fact check anything that can be fact checked."
"It's really amazing to me that not a single one of them checked where that footage actually came from."
"I actually did research, talked to people, interviewed them, and tried to check my facts."
"You should check the facts before saying anything."
"Our editing and factchecking systems are designed to defend against the errors and mistakes even good professionals sometimes make."
"Journalists, fact-checkers, investigative reporters, they have a stronger role to play than ever before."
"It's your responsibility to question what they're saying and to see if it's really backed up with numbers."
"I think when you're evaluating the facts, do it at the level of the individual."
"Before you believe that something is absolutely, positively, definitely bona fide truth, check your facts."
"The lesson is that you should always verify your own facts or whatever you hear on the internet."
"Checking against the facts is really important and addressing each thought with probability and facts that something's going to happen."
"It's going to take a little bit of work to separate fact from fiction."
"Validate, clarify the facts; don't just assume that what you were taught or what you thought are correct."
"All of our answers have been verified by National Geographic World."
"Without this tool, the scale of fact checking would just simply not be possible."
"There is no amount of repetition of an unsubstantiated fact that will transform it into a proven one."
"Real-time fact-checking on TV and cable channels powered by artificial intelligence."
"It's really sickly, and what's crazy is that people don't really check their facts."
"Exactly, and it's all stuff that you, the audience, can go and verify."
"Just because it's on the internet, it doesn't mean you take it as a fact."
"I'm actually starting to like Twitter now. I like that little fact-checking references on people."
"For me to take that as fact, you need to back up your story with evidence."
"I don't think my point of view is valid until I find the facts."
"Stopping the spread of misinformation."
"The most aggressively fact-checked content anywhere is going to be in a print publication."
"Fake news often comes across as convincing as can Christian apologetics, until we go to a reliable fact-checking website."
"We're also prioritizing informative, working hard with third-party fact checkers to mark and really dramatically decrease the distribution of fake news."
"Fact-checking and pre-bunk inoculation, digital and media literacy—they all tend to work."
"Independent verification can confirm whether something is factual."
"Join us as we go fact-checking the internet, volume one."
"What journalism people do, people who do journalism as some say, but journalists who are good journalists, they check somebody's statement."