
Defamation Quotes

There are 237 quotes

"It doesn't matter that these things aren't true, everyone just believes that you are the type of person who manipulates and abuses children."
"Cardi B is winning all these defamation suits. Cardi B is teaching some teach us, creating a great path for me, and I'm following right in her footsteps."
"What would it take to shut Donald Trump up from his non-stop lies and defamation? According to this jury, a little over $83 million."
"It's damaging to a person's mental health, to their career, to their self-esteem, all that hullabaloo, if you accuse people of serious offenses, especially in a public forum."
"This is not only about our First Amendment right to speak. The First Amendment protects free speech; it doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"Free speech doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"You can't recklessly tell lies about somebody. You can't recklessly tell lies about something important to someone."
"The number one defense against defamation is the truth."
"The false and defamatory statements have caused me to suffer severe emotional distress."
"Calling someone a pedophile typically qualifies as what's called defamation per se."
"Defamation takes on two forms: libel and slander. Libel is literary, written; slander is spoken."
"When it comes to defamation, you have a distinction that is to be made between public figures and private figures."
"The threshold for defamation is in fact so much higher that when it comes to public figures, these statements that are allegedly defamatory have to have been made with actual malice."
"I hold this very old-fashioned view, which is you shouldn't be allowed to just lie about people and get away with it."
"Defamation is about vindication and restoring reputation."
"If she is guilty of defamation because she's a liar, you can't then say Depp is guilty of defamation."
"You don't have the right to slander me and destroy me on YouTube to make me the laughingstock, strawman of the bad gaming YouTuber, so that now people are trying to kill me."
"This means that Donald Trump will be held liable for defamation again when this goes to trial in January of 2024 and the only question now for the jury to decide is how much money, how many millions, how many zeros—seven figures, eight figures, nine figures—to award E. Jean Carroll for Donald Trump's devastating and disgusting behavior."
"Let's talk about the giant lie at the heart of this case: Ms. Heard's claim that Mr. Depp is an abusive monster." - Camille Vasquez
"Defamation suits are one of the most challenging to win from the plaintiff side."
"Defamation should not be tolerated, push back and demand accountability."
"The first amendment protects free speech yes it doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"If Kyle Rittenhouse files a lawsuit, he absolutely should sue every single one of these outlets."
"Former president Trump has been found liable for defamation and battery."
"Media coverage sets a dangerous precedent with uneven defamation standards."
"It's probably nice to have a break from this particular defamation suit for everybody."
"Finding defamation against a public figure is a difficult legal bar to clear... but clearly the jury found that was the case here." - Legal analyst
"If they prove she's a victim, ipso facto not defamation."
"Her covering that lawsuit isn't the problem that's being alleged in the defamation suit. Her assumptions stated as fact is what they're complaining about."
"The said words in their natural and ordinary meaning and the connotation of the comments obvious to any reader were meant and were understood to mean that Peterson is comparable to Adolf Hitler..."
"You've got to worry about because defamation is expensive."
"Maligning people, trashing their reputation, making lies about them, impacting their mental health, impacting their career prospects and their families is not free speech." - Alex O'Connor
"Truth or at least the possibility of Truth is a defense to any defamation claim in the first place."
"We've got to stand up against the slander and the hate."
"Please stop call me a predator stop call me manipulative stop call me a grimmer."
"I hope that if there is any silver lining to all of this it is a conversation about how deeply complicated not just litigation is but also how complicated defamation is."
"If the jury finds in favor of Amber Heard regarding defamation then surely they have to find in favor of JD too, her press was much more damaging."
"Words matter. This case is about Ms. Heard's words."
"Words matter and this case is about Miss Heard's words."
"It was clear that the more bad press, the more hit pieces that came out on me, the more of these stories of Mr. Heard and her righteous chase against me... it wasn't stopping."
"Steve is a dirty line [ __ ] and flash rewards claims he's real or smart wallet whatever the [ __ ] one of the sister companies they claim he's real."
"If you try to defame me... then this is going to be the response."
"Let's be clear, this is a desperate smear rooted in racism, misogyny, and Islamophobia."
"People like her make it hard for real victims to come out 'cause they're gonna get slandered and shamed. Victim-shame about Coons and your mama's like her, don't know you Casanova."
"No in fact Johnny Depp was not violent and did not abuse Amber."
"Actual malice is the standard by which you would sue somebody for defamation."
"Facts ain't defamation, but some crazy weird freak can sue you for it."
"Slander doesn't stand. What do you mean by that? When people slander you and it kind of comes with the territory of a public figure, it's not going to stand throughout time because eventually any sincere person will find the truth."
"I think if a television network knowingly spreads and endorses baseless accusations against somebody which they know or should know is basically untrue, I think they should absolutely be liable for libel or defamation."
"Maloney's biggest opponent says she's not a fascist."
"Samantha Markle is suing her half-sister Meghan Markle for defamation injuris falsehood relating to statements made in the book Finding freedom."
"The crux of the matter revolved around Trump's unequivocal denial in 2019, during which he vehemently claimed never to have met Carol and disparaged her book, dismissing it as a work of fiction."
"The jury saw through Trump's deposition testimony Trump's suggesting that four women who have appeared in the court are too unattractive for him to assault."
"I'll be the first to say Alex Jones should not have defamed the families involved in the Sandy Hook tragedies."
"Label your opponent as a Nazi or racist if you can't defeat their argument with real truth and logic."
"Libel and slander have never been freedom of speech."
"More people need to be held accountable whenever they're saying something that is just so like blatantly untrue like calling somebody a Nazi."
"Jones has already been found liable for defamation after using his platform to spread the false and offensive conspiracy theory that the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School was a hoax."
"You don't get to act like you're some kind of a legitimate publication and you label Michael Jackson 'Jacko's voodoo.'"
"You don't have the right to lie and defame someone."
"My character and intelligence have been impeded, my commitment to fighting anti-Semitism has been questioned, my inbox has been flooded with invective, including death threats."
"Truth is an absolute defense to a claim of defamation of character."
"This is not only about our First Amendment right to speak, but here's the thing about the First Amendment: it protects free speech. It doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"Those who seek always to destroy us with lies and libel are nothing but soulless charlatans and bloodthirsty sociopaths."
"They were publicly defamed, they were publicly humiliated."
"Defamation cases often turn into a mini trial about whatever the alleged lie was."
"He's gonna have probation. How long of probation is it again? Three years."
"What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard."
"Describing a colleague as Hitler... aimed successfully at destroying a twenty-four-year-old graduate student's career is slander, not free speech."
"It's much more damaging, of course, when it's against somebody who is simply not a racist."
"Katie Joy Paulson intentionally publishes false and defamatory material to denigrate others through sensationalism and fabrication."
"Katie Joy has made false statements of fact, malicious and misleading statements, and defamatory statements about plants and their associates."
"Katie Joy accuses 7M of engaging in human trafficking."
"The false statements are categorically false, so they're just false in their entirety."
"Katie Joy made the false statements with actual malice."
"The false statements have caused and continue to cause plants significant reputational harm."
"You got to be careful what you say about people and calling them these a name that they're not."
"Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to slander somebody you hate or disagree with."
"False lies that defame a person are not protected legally and can be subject to legal action."
"Destroyed his reputation, to deprive him of his support base."
"These statements were intended to discredit Myer and detract from his vocal calls for fundamental change within the comic book industry."
"Dominion's injury is Fox lied about its reputation... harmed its reputation all of that took place most of that took place before the January 6th Insurrection."
"You can't destroy people's lives or careers based on subjective accounts of events that are in conflict."
"There's no lower form of slander that somebody could put upon you that's like really it's despicable get her the [ __ ] out of here"
"First they go after your reputation, then they go after your relationships, and then they go after your body."
"It's sick to think that a 14 year old girl, her friends, and her mother would all just go out there and say all these things just for the purpose of destroying someone's credibility."
"Defamation by implication is well-recognized law."
"When these phonies when these lying Democrats when these people used the NGOs of Soros to destroy the reputation of a person they never even make specific charges."
"You can't just say a defamatory statement and say this person said it. I'm liable for it unless a reasonable person could find it to be true."
"A blameless woman was slandered and vilified by the Prime Minister... she deserves to have a good name cleared."
"It appears to be increasingly acceptable to criticize or even defame people not for what they actually do or say but rather for what others imagine that those people might be thinking or what their intentions might be."
"The CNN accusations are totally and unequivocally false, and CNN would have known them to be untrue had it undertaken any reasonable efforts to verify their accuracy before publication."
"Even when others speak ill of you, the Holy Spirit will validate you to His servants."
"It was pure defamation, it was the classic definition of it."
"No one's gonna step in for you. You want to file a defamation suit, go for it."
"Giuliani is now following the Trump blueprint of losing a defamation case by repeating the false claims and then being sued again by the same plaintiffs."
"It's disgusting because when they've done that they were watching the channel and they've also done it knowing that that's gonna get people sending threats to me calling me a rapist apologizer and all sorts of stuff."
"While this effort is happening in a massive scale, the anti-Hindu cult is spreading hate speech and demoralizing those who practice these extraordinary powers."
"This is on one side and on the other side the anti-hindu elements constantly defaming constantly spreading violence spreading hate speech inciting um misfaith."
"This conduct supports a very substantial punitive damages award in Carol's favor both to punish Trump and to deter him from engaging in further defamation and to deter others from doing the same."
"The burden on the plaintiff: prove what was said was false and caused damage."
"The court finds that as a part of the totality of the circumstances, the broad context weighs in favor of a finding that the allegedly defamatory statement is Maddow's opinion."
"He tries to destroy my good name with a whole bunch of twisted truth, twisted truths and phrases and words that I have said. He just twists them around to evil ways."
"The tactic is that you say that somebody is intrinsically anti-semitic, and it sticks. And then the media parrot it and repeat it the whole time."
"The worst part of this situation is that it proves once again how easy it is to destroy someone's life, one anonymous claim and they're fair game regardless of the truth."
"We're the only people that have been sued but we haven't been sued for defamation."
"People were calling him names that I was like that's words that you use exclusively for people who do what that word means."
"She's turning him into this rapist, violent, creepy psycho, like serial abuser. That's what she's turning him into here with the burden she's creating."
"It was broadcasted to over 2.5 million people that I bullied a mentally ill woman, insinuated I was a racist, harassed and copied marcy, and a whole lot more."
"Slander is the tool of the person who loses the debate."
"The idea that he caused death threats and things of that nature only when paired with objective defamation would that make sense."
"It's slander because I never even came close to saying something like that."
"Justice was served today and Ruby Freeman and Shea Moss who went through unspeakable acts of defamatory conduct led by Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump and others getting their Justice."
"Let's finally all start talking about defamation. I'm glad we are finally starting to take defamation seriously around here after 3 years."
"Accusing someone of being a predator isn't humbling them, it's ruining their life."
"It's literally impossible to slander a political party as far right um or to liable a political party as far right."
"It's defamation per se, meaning that the damages are punitive. You'll be punished, punitive meaning punished."
"What this kind of movement of strategically using defamation lawsuits to silence victims who choose to do that based on the fact that they don't have mountains of evidence to prove it."
"The fervor with which people are trying to make her a liar will somehow make it untrue."
"For a defamation allegation to be successful, it has to be proven that I have lowered your standing in the eyes of the public, right?"
"Alex Jones's defamation is far worse and proves that he also believes that making statements like this is defamation."
"Opinions are not actionable under defamation."
"This is exactly why we have defamation laws."
"If you tell people I assaulted you, I'm probably going to sue you."
"Intent does matter, if you knowingly defame someone on purpose."
"We need stronger laws to come after people for calling people things that are extraordinarily damaging to their reputation."
"A smear campaign is a preemptive strike to sabotage your reputation and slander your name so that you won't have a support network to fall back on lest you decide to detach and cut ties with this toxic person."
"The insanity on display here is astronomical there is no reason thought within this defamation complaint there's only bile and vitriol."
"More than 30 years later as my visibility level took another jump I read a freshly posted blog accusing me of drugging and raping a woman."
"Assassinating someone's character is just like assassinating the person."
"Defamation is hurting the reputation of a person by what you intentionally speak or write."
"I'm getting the point now where if we have people continue to say [ __ ] about us that's not true that's easily disproved you might be getting a call from our solicitor."
"It's important so that we will recognize when defamation occurs that it is occurring and that we will understand the motivations of those who do that."
"Defamation does not exist when you are just sharing the truth."
"You're going through a smear campaign. This is defamation of your business."
"Character assassination is the complete destruction of who he is."
"It is not defamation if it's true. Sarah Jane Comrie, you did behave like a Karen, that's true."
"Your wish is being granted. Defamation reversed. You were innocent."
"Defamation is a crime. False allegations against me were subsequently discredited. I retired from my university with full retirement benefits two years ago, and no student, postdoc, or collaborator of mine has ever lodged a complaint against me."
"You can absolutely sue somebody for defamation of character if they say something about you that is false online."
"Defamation is not protected by freedom of speech."
"Defamation and harassment can be a form of crime."
"it's incredibly difficult to prove defamation but camille vasquez did that successfully and i don't think there's anything wrong with admiring her for her efforts in this case"
"The soprano sued Classic CD magazine for portraying her in a grotesque and exaggerated manner."
"Fox News settles lawsuit with Dominion Voting Systems for $787.5 million, admitting it defamed Dominion during the 2020 U.S. election."
"During the defamation lawsuit, details emerged about Depp's struggles with drug and alcohol addiction."
"It's going to free you from a lot of the slander and lies."
"Damage caused to the plaintiffs by participating in this litigation was foreseeable to the defendants due to the defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress they committed."
"The war is not over yet. Aiden has a few tricks up his sleeve and is now allegedly planning on suing Hassan for defamation of character."
"For those of you that don't know in this situation Johnny Depp is suing Amber Heard for defamation."
"The only thing protecting them from a defamation suit is that you have to do actual damage to someone's life to be sued."
"He told my brother he didn't know why we'd stopped talking to him. He posted a bunch of weird posts describing me in detail before going on to call me a lot of horrible names."
"The matusitz family embarked on a campaign by spreading false accusations."
"They will say anything to try to destroy you."
"A new law will be passed that makes it illegal to defame somebody else's name."
"Character assassination is a form of murdering your reputation."
"This attempt to besmirch her character and make people think badly of her is also of course an attempt to get him more sympathy and more lenient treatment."
"People are lying on me and finding entertainment in lying on my religion."
"Truth is an absolute defense to defamation."
"Accusing somebody of being a pedophile is a massive allegation and it could ruin somebody's life."
"One with an unblemished reputation is entitled to more damages when subjected to the defamatory statement than one whose reputation is a little hurt by the statement."
"It's a case about how devastating words can be when they are false and uttered publicly."
"But the greater truth, the greater the libel."
"The judgment itself is the jury's determination that Amber Heard had in fact defamed Johnny Depp."
"The defamatory statement had the requisite sting, meaning it actually impacted Johnny Depp in some fashion."
"Defamation in a public figure case requires that there actually be actual malice in making the statement."
"Actual malice... means that you either knew the statement was false or that you acted recklessly with regard to whether the statement was true or not."
"The jury could infer that Mr. Waldman made the statement with actual malice."
"He entrusted Mr. Waldman to be his mouthpiece in continuing to defame Ms. Heard through public statements as part of his campaign."
"Defamation of character can lead to loss of reputation and business."
"My integrity has been swept through the dirt, my morals, my upbringing, my everything that I had lived for."
"If you say things that are true, it's not defamatory."
"Now understanding the whole picture, Naofumi was impressed by the depth of this defamation plot."
"It's only slander if it's not true."
"Defamation is the unprivileged publication of a false statement of fact that injures another's reputation."
"After almost four years of repeated libel and slander against me, being able to walk away from this victorious brings me great happiness."
"Sometimes, to determine defamation, you have to know what the context is."
"The statement is actionable because it contains provably false factual connotations."
"Ill will towards the truth means that when you're defaming a public figure... you have to show that the person making the false statement said it either knowing it was false or with reckless disregard for the truth."
"Credibility when you are in a civil case, that is what you said versus what somebody else said and is it defamatory. Credibility is the pinnacle thing."
"The law of defamation is out there and when you rise to that level of defamatory conduct, you can be taken to the mat for it and held accountable."
"Must a statement be false to be defamation? Yes."
"False claims destroy lives and obliterate careers."
"It's not about him being not guilty or guilty, this is a civil case, it's about defamation."
"Defamation is very hard, and the risk that you have..."