
Pet Care Quotes

There are 2209 quotes

"We're going to build the most epic doghouse ever."
"This is going to be the most epic doghouse ever."
"I think the water slide is his favorite part of the house... Well, let's go, it was my idea so uh I think I made this house a lot better."
"I would never forgive myself if I didn't do everything I could to make him healthy."
"Her cat had also been left unfed; Tara's pets were everything to her, and she would never have left without arranging care for them."
"Caring for a puppy, at least if you do it well, takes your attention outside of any type of self-indulgent reflection/obsessive-compulsive rumination."
"Providing a stable environment with a sense of safety and things to do and exercise and things for them to explore, then you're really going to have a much deeper and satisfying relationship with them."
"Cats are not low maintenance, and there are actually things we can do that benefit them and us."
"Pet keeping can be defined as looking after an animal of another species with a level of care and affection primarily for reasons of pleasure."
"Living with a dog is simple action from us to them; they don't require much, just understanding, connection, and love."
"Don't forget to feed your plets. Water your plets. And remember that you can always change your mind, because you can!"
"When you take on a dog, as that dog owner, it is your responsibility to make sure that they have proper health care, make sure that they have proper nutrition, make sure that they have proper training."
"If you start training right when you get your puppy, you don't even have to, at six months your dog is good to go."
"To your dog, you are their whole world. Never forget and never abandon them."
"The first step in bonding your rabbits is to have all the rabbits spayed and neutered."
"He's such a tiny little puppy, and now his life is really hanging in the balance."
"I mean a cat you could just bounce around your apartment if you wanted."
"Dogs only live, you know, 12, 13, 14 years... so you always gotta make sure you give your dog a spoiled, amazing life."
"We have a splash pad for the dogs, a ball pit, we got an obstacle course. We're going to time the dogs on it."
"Adult cats deserve and do get homes just like kittens do."
"I had planned to take my own life... I decided to postpone it for the dumbest reasons... My dogs are going to be sitting there with my dead body for 3 days and I'm like, you know what, I need to wait."
"Prevention is the best medicine. Vaccinate, take care of your pet's teeth, keep their weight in check."
"Hammy the hamster didn't deserve that ending; he was just trying to exercise on his wheel."
"If the conditions you hear about in a zoo, aquarium or theme park aren't conditions you wouldn't want to put your beloved pet in, then maybe they shouldn't be conditions that any other animal is forced into either."
"Dehydrated cats get grumpy, lethargic, and get sick. The health of your cat is important; you want them to have a long, happy life."
"Your dog will be happier, healthier, better coat, softer."
"Best bottom feeder for bare bottom tanks? We find corydoras to do a superb job."
"Hey, what's up, you want some attention? I'll give you a brush pet."
"Loving our furry friends is a full-time job, but it's worth every moment."
"It really is a great way to teach your dog to make good decisions."
"Yo, for those who know, know. Please comment below if you played this game back in the day."
"It's important to teach your dog a come around."
"Incorporating a dog's natural needs into training is essential."
"As far as washing Roman I was real surprised he took right to it his anxiety towards water has really improved and now I feel confident that you know I can absolutely bathe him."
"I think Chad realizes how important it is that he keeps training his dog because he's got to think of his little girl first best of luck."
"It's so worth it to go out of your way to create this positive association with the crate and getting them comfortable with their area."
"You don't have to keep her when you get tired of her."
"Socialization is the MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do for your puppy."
"Socialization doesn't end with the end of puppyhood!"
"They have a reputation for their aggression but with plenty of care and socialization they can be trained quickly and well."
"Automatically cleaning the litter box every single time your cat uses it gives your cat a much cleaner, more hygienic, and pleasant environment."
"Pretty litter actually changes color to detect early signs of potential illness."
"It's lightweight, dust free, and works for up to a month without clumping."
"But I actually mean it. These are cat hacks that can not necessarily save your life, but some of them could save your cat's lives, and they will definitely make your life better."
"It's official, I decided to adopt Joey and make him a part of my family."
"Do your due diligence on what a cat needs to eat."
"Catification, environmental enrichment so important to your cat."
"He's my little cold buddy, wants to be warm and cozy."
"They've been bred psychotically and they wake up one day and be like, you know what, I'm on croquettes. Wow."
"Every dog has its own personality. Anyone who thinks they can train a dog with one set of rules is mistaken."
"He's missed you, I can tell, he's been screaming all day."
"He's causing harm to himself because he's pulling so bad through a normal collar."
"If you want a companion that wants to hang out with you all of the time... then a cockatoo can be a really attractive option."
"Pet ownership is a big deal, it is, and it's not to be taken lightly, like, don't just go get a pet because you think it's cool or cute."
"Having a big animal in a small space rarely works well."
"I think that animals are always worth this trouble but for those who want a pet without the mess toy companies produced the creative solution of robotic pets."
"It's already a touchy even if I wasn't in social media and I had to rehome my dog."
"Pets can only die of old age, we didn't want pets dying from illnesses, we think it's kind of harsh and grotesque and a little too real."
"Pretty litter gives you peace of mind for your cat's health and for the cleanliness of your home."
"Living magazine: Most of us prioritize our pets' physical and mental health over our own."
"Your puppy will always tell you when they need to go potty."
"Be adaptable to understand your puppy's signals."
"My pets are my family, and I'm the type of believer that you should, if you can't financially take care of an animal to give them their best life, you shouldn't have an animal."
"I would not feed that dog for seven hours, believe me."
"So like that's cool but I'm saying like I even have a dog Lola and like I could take care of her it's just like I can't imagine like a baby like a dog is already like a lot of work."
"Many factors make a safe pet: genetics, health, socialization, kindness, and training."
"I need to go and take this little one out because he is so clever he learns that when the green screen goes down it's time for a walkies."
"You can't resist it. It's progress. All right, there we go. A little pat for the dog. That's all it needs. That's all it wants."
"Hug your fur babies close or your reptiles, your birds, your fishies, you know, make sure you love them, you're treating them well, and you're giving them appropriate care for what they are."
"You hate this often if it dies in this gym you're gonna feel so bad."
"You don't have to feed fruits and vegetables to your bunny, you really don't."
"If you see your bunny having excessive secret ropes then that could be an indication of a digestive imbalance."
"I want to remind you that you can hop on royal canaan.com cat health to learn about the take your cat to the vet campaign."
"And right now you can actually go on there and you can enter the cat to vet sweepstakes they have all sorts of really cool prizes on there."
"So now she is on the senior consult diet and since starting that diet she has become so shiny she's like she glows."
"Barney is our baby, so it's all the more important for us to have confidence in vets and reassurance from having the best insurance for us."
"Animals have feelings, they have their soul, they know when you really care about them and they don't, they know when you're mad at them."
"If your dog has never had raw food and has always had fillers like rice and oatmeal, it takes the dogs a little bit of time to adjust."
"You want your bird to have a forever home. It's up to you."
"Mother, why? I mean you can't appreciate good hair and fur until you've had a bad cut."
"We all have that quintessential image of huskies pulling sleds through the snow and racing."
"She's absolutely just so spoiled but also so well cared for."
"Caring for Pokémon is about more than just winning or losing. It's about ensuring they're okay, no matter what."
"I have paid over five thousand dollars getting him healthy, but more important than the money is the simple fact that I love the furry little jerk."
"Hug your pets. You never know what weird little thing might pop up and scare you half to death that you'll never see them again."
"You can only take one, a cookie for you or a treat for the dog."
"Thank you guys so much for watching today I hope this shows you the importance of getting your dog to a groomer at the beginning of life and on a regular basis."
"People love this stuff and so do their dogs because it works."
"There's two good things about this past week: getting to watch the Leafs play and it's easier to pick up Iggy's poop."
"Bonsai come on dude you gotta stretch those legs."
"I love my dogs. We started the dog channel. It's a passion thing for us."
"Tom's owner was being physically abusive to Tom, stamping on his tail and telling him to never go down to the basement."
"To us, it feels like 'Oh my god, my bird is crazy,' but for the bird, it's extremely stressful."
"Not a single treat. Yeah, it's kind of good because I can't be at the spot and run out of treats and he's not skating there."
"I'm seeing some progress in Skittles, but he still got a long way to go."
"Make sure you compensate her properly with head paths."
"Pretty much all dogs make loyal, loving companions who will stick by you through thick and thin. You just have to take good care of them."
"It's gonna make your animal so much happier, way happier. Way, way happier."
"Don't worry, I'm taking care of this cat. We're best buds."
"She gave me signs that she was wanting to live. Good girl Penny."
"If you approach it right, giving a dog a bath can be a fantastic way to build trust with them."
"If you are on the fence about getting a pet, you can always just Foster a pet."
"We're getting a new dog too, yeah, Tuesday. A little white Yorkie. My mom sent us a picture of this guy from the animal shelter, and we drove an hour and a half to go rescue him."
"This is dog paradise! Would you look at that, I have five wolves now!"
"Chewing is calming and gives a dog healthy outlets."
"Your gorgeous tail deserves lots of tender loving care, don't you agree?"
"Maybe Momo is going to be with us a little bit longer."
"Let them live with your turtle... that's how I cull."
"Stop buying feeders at your pet store... find someone breeding feeder insects locally."
"As a vet, the best advice that I can give pet owners is this: think carefully about the choices that you make on behalf of your pet, and you can literally save their lives. And if you make healthy choices, you will have a healthier pet."
"Lots of love and light to you. Let's bring Apollo up because it's time for him to go on a walk anyway."
"Don't buy a parrot if you wouldn't think having a puppy is too much work."
"When Indy has the appropriate amount of exercise and stimulation, he becomes a different dog."
"A tired dog is a good dog." (Reiteration for emphasis)
"By getting this layer of energy out of him, it's going to make my job a lot easier."
"Welcome to my first journey to Batu, where we combine my first pet stuff, journey to Batu, bust the dust, and get to work into one retail experience. Who could ever dislike this?"
"Teaching tricks is to really build communication with dogs."
"It's not going to be a straight day after day improvement on the leash train."
"People treat their pets like their kids so they're willing to spend money on them."
"Friendship is important. I'm the for using the same bowl for my daughter and my cat's food."
"Your pet is a carnivore. His genetic makeup and internal workings remain essentially the same as his wild carnivorous ancestors."
"I feel like I'm really taking our own advice very literally in showing our dog the world right now."
"It's like traveling with the dogs is becoming really smooth on road days at this point."
"Deebo Samuel might be one of the best offensive weapons in the NFL."
"Dubia cockroaches: the best insect feeder of all. They're amazing for almost everything."
"Your fur babies are family too—take care of them like you would your own kids."
"Life is looking far more promising for the sprightly young rescue dog."
"Cats are probably one of the most cutest things and you ain't gonna have to take them out for a walk or anything you just gotta give them food and then you're good."
"Picking a healthy fish with potential is important if you want to spend your money wisely and end up with a large and good-looking koi."
"Safety is paramount, and the e-collar is the only sure-fire way."
"Your dog's health is as important as every other member of your family."
"We can't wait to get the dogs in there, get them comfortable."
"It's always best to build on success so that your dog doesn't get worried or stressed during this and they actually find it a pretty nice, relaxing, calm time with you."
"Why pet owners love us? Safety, reliability, and customer service."
"Neutering and spaying also kind of calms the dogs down."
"Overall, if you feed your cat dry food and you want a flexible functional automatic feeder that has a good reputation and seems to perform quite reliably, I would recommend the Petsafe Simply Feed."
"Our house is just a puppy fest at the moment."
"Aliens are adorable, I will feed him until he's fat."
"You are responsible for what this animal turns out to be... you are 100% responsible."
"Feeding my body, feeding my dogs, it's all good."
"Medicine does not apply automatically...treat any problems your pals have."
"This is the litter box that uses lasers to kill the poop, so no one needs to clean it, it just needs to be accessible by the cat."
"Hours trying to like get that off of her, I was soaking her and it was quite the challenge, but they're both super healthy and happy now and I love these guys."
"Never give up on Carrot because she’ll never give up on you."
"And although it certainly helps to have a really great dispositioned animal, like Sunrise was when she was a baby, the truth is, you don't have to give up on an animal."
"This is what it's like being a mommy to a kitten you literally have to wipe their ass like a baby."
"I think you chose a wonderful Pokemon. Please take very good care of it."
"Safari trips are exciting. You can drive around and see all the animals in their natural environments. However, it's easy to get confused between a zoo and the wild."
"We don't want to give up Betty but we want to give her the best life."
"The results of switching your dog's food from kibble to Fresh can seem like magic."
"Please do not get a donkey that's going to live for 40 years and then make it somebody else's problem because you didn't do it the right way."
"Winter is coming. Are you prepared? And all your dogs too. It comes with built-in harness, waterproof material, windproof material, warm and cozy. Get yours now on a huge discount today."
"Any dog can be a bad dog, it just depends on how you bring them up."
"No diet is the perfect diet for every single dog."
"Food is a resource and that your dog really understands is valuable. You don't have to teach them to like food. Good boy."
"Take some time, be with your kid. If your dog is bothering you, go take him for a walk. This is an important moment to heal."
"Dogs... want to have a job... you need to give them a purpose."
"If watching this made you feel like getting a pet, I'd seriously suggest adopting pets from a shelter instead of buying them."
"We haven't lost our cats, but we've had other random cats put in our house."
"Great pets will fit in with anybody, good pets may require some research, okay pets are gonna need Specialized Care, bad pets are only for the experienced, and terrible pets will kill you a hundred times out of a hundred."
"I don't think because of that they should be banned everywhere. These are fish that are around and deserve good homes."
"I have five individual birds that are very tame and require a lot of attention."
"Dogs give us too much unconditional love and loyalty, and I'm not about to let her down in this moment."
"Hug your pets, they're furry souls and they need our hugs too."
"That's alarming. I think they probably just don't want to put on the care guide, 'Your iguana needs a 10-foot long enclosure that's 8 feet tall,' because then no one's gonna want to buy the iguana."
"Every time I take my cat to the vet now, I'm weighing and sending everybody."
"Ever since we got home Annie's been acting really weird and just like staring off like this."
"People will pay you to clean up the dog poop in the backyard."
"We just need to find that perfect forever home for him."
"The importance of investing in a quality pet insurance program for your furry babies cannot be stressed enough."
"There's nothing more frustrating to a veterinarian than diagnosing a very manageable condition and being unable to proceed simply due to cost."
"That dog is your only responsibility in this world, in your life. That dog is the most important thing there is."
"When you get something living, you have to take care of it, especially something that can't take care of itself."
"Those tips better be going to that dog's 401K. I guess it's tough being unemployed, tired, and hungry all the time."
"When you bring a dog into your home, I believe that you need to treat that as your child."
"Thank you, sure to spay or neuter your cats and dogs."
"Bearded dragons are like the lowest effort pets of all time." - Ted
"Over COVID, my alpha male, my big 16 pounder, his name was Shadow, he got a series of infections and had a series of surgeries from which he could not recover, and we lost him."
"I have provided for him a nice new foraging toy that might keep him happy."
"Their ease of care is so incredible." - Brian Barr Trek
"Domesticated rabbits are a gift to their owners and should be treated as such. If they're no longer able to take care of their pets, the answer is never found in the wild."
"It is hard for us humans when we see our beloved pets age."
"I work so hard so my cat will have a better life."
"Blue Buffalo follows a holistic approach to pet nutrition."
"The quickest way to a cat's heart is through their stomach."
"If a fish won't eat it, it doesn't matter what it's made of."
"Make sure that you're set up for success ahead of time and so is your bird."
"Play with your cat, play with your cat, play with your cat. That is just such a key to life with cats."
"Life's pretty good at the moment. I think Pinkie's doing good."
"We hope you enjoyed this video and found it useful if you're gonna camp with pets."
"Every room stocked with treats and toys - because pets deserve the best!"
"So, if you can have a plan that will completely work for your animals in-house, awesome."
"This tarantula is a burrower, meaning you'll need to provide it with very deep substrate."
"A miraculous turnaround in Coco's recovery means she's finally able to go home."
"The ferret is the only domesticated weasel, which makes it a much more manageable creature than most weasels and even a lame weasel is a stinkin rad creature."
"Animals are fun to take care of and profitable in the long run."
"They make really good pet snakes due to their docile temperaments."
"Please get your animals vaccinated. They are not anti-vaxxers."
"A couple of drops in the palm of your hand, rub your hands together, pet pet done."