
Social Programs Quotes

There are 71 quotes

"Every country on the planet is facing some form of demographic collapse, and that's really bad because if you don't have a working population, you can't have any social programs."
"Universal programs are more politically durable; they have bigger constituencies."
"There are certain social programs that we should advocate for in the United States; we should have those social programs and then we should tax people accordingly."
"The majority of the poor in this country work and are not paid high enough wages to not rely on social programs."
"If you have a program going that is taking 45,000 children and magically transforming their lives... that's a miraculously successful social program."
"Military spending in the long term generally gives you worse returns on investment when compared to social programs, public infrastructure programs, and subsidy programs for private research and development."
"The problem is that unfortunately, we need to have the political will to get done certain programs, and we don't have infinite money to draw from to do it."
"I like the free market. That's why I'm most social democrat. It's just cuz I think we could have social programs like free healthcare and education in a capitalist economy."
"Men are actually the minority, and if that's true, there shouldn't be programs benefiting women. There should, in fact, be programs benefiting men."
"You'd only have to be a citizen to use all these programs I talked about these 10 programs are available for anybody."
"Democrats are not weak. FDR was a Democrat. Social Security was brought to you by strong progressives."
"Offering basic populist programs that enrich people's lives is more attractive than offering racism."
"Social Security is the number one anti-poverty program for seniors."
"The superior wisdom of universal programs is being discussed on a much larger stage than ever before."
"We invest in affordable housing, quality schools, safer streets, growing businesses, and programs that connect people with financial opportunity."
"You are allowed to be a leftist and successful this idea that you want to promote universal health care that or that you want to promote social programs means that you can't be wealthy is just a stupid trope it's it's dumb"
"There should be no question you need to be involved or you have no room to complain about the state of this state or the country."
"However, it was greatly exaggerated since work programs, education, and psychotherapy absolutely paved the way for prisoners to re-enter society in a productive fashion."
"They want free stuff. They want to hand out free stuff."
"Not only are we necessary, we are definitively, with proof, the backbone of society and all the social programs such as welfare and healthcare."
"As long as we're pouring so many resources into [the defense budget], it's going to make it extremely difficult if not impossible to even have fully funded social programs."
"When he was in power you know he helped fight poverty he helped expand social programs health care education very important things that these countries have all lacked."
"You better have some rather robust programs to help change hearts and minds and persuade young women that it is in their interest or that it is okay to go ahead and have babies."
"There needs to be a more permanent Universal and comprehensive program that benefits everybody."
"Dependency on government was going down, poverty was going down before this program was ever put in."
"Population size and fertility rates should inform how we plan for the future and how we think about social programs."
"Take advantage of those government programs."
"Half of all federal expenditures are three big programs: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid."
"A lot of those programs are now starting to come apart because guess what? People can't afford to pay for them. They're totally unsustainable."
"The progressive tradition does not have a fundamental commitment to universal programs like single-payer healthcare."
"The Great Society, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, all things people love."
"This was one of the crown jewels in President Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society program."
"The incidents of violence and aggression went down significantly with those programs."
"Major initiatives took the form of massive social welfare programs."
"Should taxation be used to collect more money from the very rich in order to fund social programs? It's relatively uncontroversial, most Americans say yes."
"They need more youth programs out there, sir."
"We can afford to pay for social programs like Universal Health Care and Welfare and new infrastructure and High-Speed Rail and sustainable energy because government spending is not funded by taxes."
"Most retirees and most Americans do appreciate Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare, no doubt."
"Why is a deficit only brought up when it comes to spending on social programs?"
"Unlike politically unpopular, frequently attacked, means tested programs aimed at the most vulnerable, universal programs like Social Security are widely popular."
"Wouldn't it be wonderful if we took some of the profits from the extraction of natural resources and use them to support, for example, social programs like education?"
"I mean when you take away after school programs for children and Meals on Wheels for the poor people that's not what you call making America great again."
"The solutions must be income-based and be implemented alongside a universal joined-up network of robust social programs."
"If we can find a solution to food insecurity that puts enough money in people's pockets alongside a robust universally accessible network of social programs, we'll be well on our way to finding a solution to food insecurity and a whole host of other social problems."
"The program helped benefit African Americans mainly because it pumped billions of dollars into the economic sector in which 5 million African Americans worked for their livelihood."
"Social Security and Medicare are the most popular programs in history in the federal government."
"The American Families Plan focuses basically on stimulus programs and social programs for Americans."
"I don't see Public Assistance stopping here."
"That's really cool though, that this program, you know, those people don't get left behind."
"Everyone gets it means that programs are much less likely to be cut."
"The most popular programs we have are universal: their Social Security, their Medicare."
"The benefits of Social Security, Medicare, and some of these means-tested programs over the years have been enormous."
"America spends two thousand three hundred dollars on Head Start; they spend twenty-two to thirty-eight thousand dollars on prison."
"So everything we do, every program that we have, we will write into it a gender equality component to it."
"These transfer programs... are dependent on large working age populations."
"Together they spearheaded many social programs for their people regardless of their gender, such as the right to education, the right to property ownership, political power, and public health care."
"For every dollar spent on WIC funding, the government saves $7."
"That fundamentally stands for a fairer deal for working-class people and stands for a defense and expansion of important social programs like Medicare for all."
"We have continually invested in programs and supports for Canadians."
"The money spent on Vietnam could have been used to fund more of the Great Society programs."