
Track Record Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"I think it's several things: first of all, it's a certain track record that you have built over time."
"What lasts over time is always somebody who's got a track record always somebody who's got proof."
"These guys have an incredible track record of content that is actually good."
"They have a team of Hall of Fame geologists, no debt, and great track record."
"there's so much so many instances and you get so much just a reoccurring track record of these things"
"You need to build a track record of confidence."
"So you have a pretty good track record."
"A little-known fact about Charlie Munger, which we’ll talk about more later, is that he operated an investment partnership in the 60s and 70s which has a greater track record than recently acclaimed investors such as Cathie Wood and even legendary investors such as Peter Lynch."
"I think Safir has literally one of the best track records in the history of drag race."
"I have a 100% success rate of winning PIP for people and myself."
"We were on track for like six hundred thousand dollars in sales that year, and it wasn't even the full year."
"Results don't lie. Focus on the track record."
"You have to do a really good job of being able to show a track record of success stories."
"Whenever business is on the downswing, Vince McMahon and WWE have a tendency to go back to something with a proven track record."
"We did have three mechanical, three of the fives, that's a pretty good track record for us."
"I think a lot of people follow me for what's next, because I've got that track record."
"Video game adaptations have not had the best track record in the movie world."
"The reason I ask is because your track record proves to me, of any people that I could ask, you would be first in line to be able to come up with an articulate answer."
"It's very important to find consistency because you may see a company doing very well in the short term but it's important for a long-term investment to see a good track record."
"Sometimes you have to pull yourself up on your own receipts and you pull yourself up on your own track record."
"Teams love the fact he was 63 and3 dating all the way back to high school and through college he has been a winner and when I say winner it's not to be taken lightly because he's got great command and confidence on the field"
"I think he's gonna keep it going, bro. That's his track record."
"With our track record of producing great results for our clients..."
"I predicted the last two elections. I think I'm on a roll with presidential elections."
"The final lip syncs in Drag Race never matter, at least with lip syncing for the crown the Queen that had the best track record out of the two or three had won, and that's really the rule I'll be enforcing here."
"I'm usually a big skeptic but faced with the twins' track record I'm also intrigued."
"That's how you build confidence by saying I have this track record of making really good decisions."
"Make sure you're just building your track record alongside it."
"Success has a proven track record and path forward."
"You've got to look at good traders historically; if a trader can on average annually deliver two to three times their worst drawdown, then that's a very good track record."
"We have a really good track record of finding good candidates."
"It's not like this team has a strong track record even before Jordan started taking over."
"Personally, I would pick the Walther, a proven track record of the company and the more conventional usage of it."
"I feel like you should judge somebody based on their resume, based off their track record."
"I'm actually pretty optimistic on the basis that we actually have a decent record from 2022 onwards."
"I have a proven track record of achievement."
"Aviation 400, they've had an amazing track record from the a350."
"I have yet to bet against him and I've never been wrong."
"It's hard to beat that kind of track record for reliability."
"I have a track record of proven track record of having tough problems and having solutions for those tough problems."
"The showrunners are top tier, some of the best around, obviously they have a proven track record."
"I have a demonstrated track record of success in the issue housing, which is the biggest issue in San Francisco."
"When it comes to racing, their record on the track speaks for itself."
"He's four for six over this turf course."
"Sam Fox, this man has got an incredible track record when it comes to restaurants."
"We're very proud of that track record."
"You're getting experience, you're getting someone who has a proven track record."
"Pick partners who have a great track record."
"Believe in yourself more, you have a good track record."
"I have a record of creating jobs."
"In the end, voters will choose candidates with a clear record of achievement."
"If you're gonna be influenced by anyone, be influenced by somebody who has a really proven track record."
"The Apple Watch has a track record, it has a very strong track record."
"Apple has a very very good track record of normalizing a lot of Technologies."