
Drums Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"What's dope about drums is that you can completely change the feel of music."
"Drums are musical instruments more than just timekeepers."
"I'm not playing drums, I'm playing music. Remember that."
"The drumming on Rhythmeen is one of the greatest drumming performances I've ever heard in my life."
"The drums in this, it's just so [__] good, dude."
"I love playing the drums, man, so it really is a privilege."
"Drums are like one of the most primal instruments."
"It's all rhythm and dynamics. As drummers, we don't have melody and harmony to deal with, we have it extremely easy compared to other instruments."
"Not all drums are created equal, but for the most part as long as two of them are the same you'll be successful."
"Drums Bus is that perfect device for adding that extra flavor, fullness, and grit on your overall drums group."
"But mostly when I see a snare drum, it has a ring on top of it or some type of dampener, so the sound you get is not uncommon at all."
"The drums were absolutely, drums highlight for me. That was like the fills and the and just I didn't know where the drums were gonna go and then it like I had that very unpredictable super unpredictable."
"Drums are the foundation for rhythm, they're so important in music, and a lot of times when you're producing, it's really helpful to actually start with drums."
"Bass and drums are considered the Rhythm Section, and getting bass out in is really going to help your song sound full."
"Drums are the quintessential way to get into a trance."
"I love the drums, I love the rim shot. It's a very satisfying clean yet warm sound."
"For drums, adding a soft Distortion can give each hit more definition and punch."
"Usually when it comes to production I start with the drums because in my mind I'm wanting to build out the production of the drop or the chorus the biggest part of the song."
"Hello, everyone. I am Magic Fingers Maxwell on YouTube. Pop in and say hi. I'm playing African drums to some incredible music."
"...it's still very much Pac-Man drums in so many ways."
"Wow, I never knew drums had so many different shapes and sizes. Are all drums made out of wood and material like this?"
"I impart grace for drums in Jesus name. Receive, receive in the mighty name."
"Let's go ahead and start with this. What I want to do to kind of start is just build up the drums because I feel like this song is going to be so drum dependent."
"Let's start with the drums for the chorus because this is really what makes a K-pop chorus, I think, feel like a chorus slash drop."
"And that album changed my life this is around the time that I also started drumming I started drumming in 1980 fueled by wanting to be a part of the energy that was in um this heavy stuff I was listening to."
"Synthwave is often instrumental and has a futuristic theme with large throbbing retro synths and house-influenced side-chained heavy drums."
"Dude, the drums stood out to me more than anything."
"Often the drummer will have been working on his drum sound his whole life and he will be very very finely tuned to what his drums are supposed to sound like and he will be ecstatic with his drums as they are."
"A lot of recording drums is just having a well-tuned, good-sounding set of drums and knowing how to play them."
"The exciting interesting stuff is how do we compress drums more without making them sound terrible?"
"The drums were pounding, pounding, pounding and her head with them."
"I was determined to kind of make the drums feel good and make the strings sound authentic."
"I think what pushes this over the edge is the inclusion of Vinnie Colaiuta on drums."
"I just got this thing about playing drums."
"A decent amount of mastery in programming drums will actually carry you a long way forward. You will actually sound very good with very basic skills and the better you get the more realistic you start sounding."
"Inspiration for me starting to play drums was just my connection to music."
"So if you're a drummer out there with an 11-inch diameter TomTom, hold onto that sucker. You know, those are kind of rare. I've never seen one before."
"People talk about that with 18-inch bass drums too."
"Adele on the drums fits like a glove."
"Right here to me this is kind of like most of the work put into the drums and really, you know, I spend more time on drums probably than anything in these sort of mixes and it's getting really really close."
"I was hooked and instantly infected with the drum virus forever."
"That changed my brain composition, you know, and from that moment on, not just drums, but drums and music, I mean, they always went together."
"I didn't choose playing drums, drums just happened for me."
"The way you really master anything on the drums is by using it when you're playing music."
"I want you to have freedom on the drums."
"Complicated drums only work when they are imbued with nuance and intentionality and taste."
"If you just want like the best that Roland has to offer in 90 of the categories this drum set hits all of those marks."
"Keith stuck by Premier Drums and the pictures of Lily kit is world famous."
"The drums had this tribal going to war feel."
"I just revel in the drum sounds. This is my favorite drum sound of all time."
"Start with the drums, get these to sound as awesome as possible before you even stick a mic on it."
"We gotta hand it to Ringo on these drums."
"What is up everyone? It's Joe from GetGood Drums here with another mix walkthrough."
"It's like a cheat code for humanizing drums."
"When I saw Ringo, I really got into the drums."
"Amanda is a great track, Trey Cool on the drums really stands out on this one."
"I started playing drums really early, like at the age of six."
"I realized actually this is what I want to do, I want to be a drummer."
"I'm heavily influenced by the guitar; the guitar and the drums really do complement each other."
"It's a good idea to apply some distortion to big drums because distortion makes stuff a bit more crunchy, a bit more epic."
"The overheads play a very big role in the overall drum sound because they pick up not only the cymbals but the whole vibe of the kit."
"Somewhere in the distance, drums are calling, but no one hears their call tonight."
"Reduce the peaks in the sound and to glue our drums together."
"Overall, these drum sets are excellent."
"I felt like I found myself and rediscovered myself through the drums."
"By the end of the 1990s, nearly every core concept of modern electronic drums had already been invented."
"If you're learning to play drums... get yourself a Roland kit."
"You can even add some of these electronic pieces to your acoustic drum kit and have a hybrid setup."
"Love for music and the instrument: drums. It's that simple!"
"The snare is so important, it's a very drum-heavy mix."
"I don't know what it is about the C4, it just does something to drums that I love."
"It's really quick, quite aggressive pumping, and that's just to glue the vocal into the drums and bring it all together."
"You can create very high quality, very realistic drum tracks."
"It adds loudness to the kick, the snare, makes everything a bit more in your face, which I kind of like, especially on drums."
"He's a surgeon of the drums, he's so precise."
"The blessing of simple drums works with everything."
"It's never too late to learn the drums."
"Playing the drums, you want to buy what's going to inspire you."
"The earliest Covington drums... were Jasper shells."
"Now everyone likes to start their beats differently, but I personally like to start with the drums, so I get a good idea of the groove early on in the track."
"Hearing that music is what piqued my interest in drums and that's what lit the fire, so to speak."
"It's really a no-fails approach for drum recording."
"These are clean and clear, powerful sounds, kind of full bandwidth in my favorite drum room in the whole world."
"The default kit is my Q Drum Co stainless steel drum kit which is fantastic."
"They are phenomenally good sounding drums."
"The processing on the drums is very, very good; it sounds really great."
"There's a lot of great options on this one; there's plenty of toms."
"It never ceases to amaze me just how much drums can really date a piece of music."
"Absolutely epic. I love the change in drum."
"Doing all six of these things on your mix is going to help to take your amateur sounding drum recordings to a whole new level."
"How would you like to be able to play the ideas you hear in your head on the drums?"
"Drums are awesome, they are great, and a good drum solo can rock within the context of a song."
"Roland is a driving force in the world of electronic drums and percussion."
"Distortion plug-in... it's really great to use on drums as it'll help them cut through the mix a bit more."
"Fruity soft Clipper... use this on your drums to get that punch."
"Every time I hear the riff and with the drums intro, it still gets me."
"I just go in my drum room and I play whatever I want to play, I just have fun."
"I just love playing drums, this is so great."
"Evan plays the drums in a band for teenagers as well as at school."
"Consider your drums to be a melodic instrument."
"Drums are never doing the same thing really twice."
"Knowing how to play drums really well and having really great drums to play, that's a great match."
"I've found a way to do everything I've wanted to do with the drums after getting them into this FPC setup."
"I believe that we got what it takes to get you awesome sounding drums."
"Keith Moon really was the animal of drums."
"You don't have to practice everything in order to master the drums."
"Practice with the snare at different volumes."
"Master the drums the quickest way possible."
"If you focus on these three core areas... you're going to master the drums much more quickly."
"We want to play the drums and make music."
"This is their first ever electronic drum set and the interesting thing is the way they've sort of positioned it."
"It's all about starting with some really good drums and choosing the right sounds."
"I started realizing how fun the drums were and how naturally good I was at them."
"That is a brilliant contribution to music, to touch an instrument, especially drums, in a sense an acoustic instrument, and define it as your own."
"The sounds you get in the TD-17 are really, really great, like the decay of the cymbals, very natural."
"Getting gnarly, crunchy drums is just like a passion of most producers."
"The kick drum Led Zeppelin's fourth album John Bonham iconic intro sounds more present and authoritative."