
Petition Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Please consider signing this petition to ban online classified sales of pets."
"Yu-Gi-Oh fan petition to make the game an Olympic sport hits 11,000 signatures."
"We know there is a petition to remove amber heard from aquaman that has hit over over a million."
"We're almost at 25,000 signatures on this Roger Waters petition because Germany has canceled his performance in Frankfurt, which is unacceptable."
"We have more than 8 million people who signed our petition and specifically come out and said, this president has obstructed justice, been corrupt and should be removed from office."
"The petition has already been signed by over 115,000 people."
"We are getting extremely close to 70,000 signatures."
"More than 31,000 scientists from across the United States signed a petition rejecting manmade global warming."
"Petition to remove Amber Heard from Aquaman 2 almost reached 400,000 signatures."
"If I have found favor with you, Your Majesty, and if it pleases you, grant me my life—this is my petition."
"If you want to become part of holding Black Lives Matter accountable, please go into the description box, hit the link for the petition, sign it, share it, and contribute to it."
"Petition Blizzard to get these characters added to the game."
"I'm starting the petition for the second one. Otherwise, you are wrong."
"Sign the petition to get Sha Na Na inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame."
"...by the end of the day, there were 748 signatures on a petition to change our school mascot from Cecil the horse to Romeo the dog."
"O Lord God Almighty, hear us in these our petitions, and answer us from heaven, thy holy habitation, where thou sittest enthroned, with glory, honor, power, majesty, might, dominion, truth, justice, judgment, mercy, and an infinity of fulness, from everlasting to everlasting."
"Don't blow me off, God. I've never asked you for anything, and I never wanted to come to you like this, but don't take Turner away from me."
"Petition to get Mia back on YouTube."
"Prayer begins with presence, but then it moves to petition."
"Yeah there's a online petition on change.org to name Planet nine David Bowie."
"Start the petition for Coors Light to bring back my dad as Lou the bartender."
"Petition for Jack to not cancel the Reddit videos because they are the only reason I look forward to Tuesdays."
"If you ever get the opportunity, if anybody ever hands you a clipboard with the opportunity to write your name on a petition saying to reduce the amount of spraying, do it because it is a really, really big deal."
"I want to make a petition to get this dress out of Ripley's Believe It or Not and put it in the Academy of Motion Pictures where it belongs."
"Lord, we call on you because you told us we can come boldly before your throne and find grace and mercy in our time of need."
"Now is the time of Saint Joseph, on every level, and that's why I got bold. I got bold. I wrote the pope a letter in English asking him to do something."
"Please sign this petition for the implementation of zero tolerance on child abuse in ISKCON and the formation of an independent child protection body."
"Let's come before the Lord's presence and pray for something and if you make a request give a couple reasons before God for it."
"If having read the accounts of what took place at her sittings, you also believe a miscarriage of justice took place, please sign the online petition to exonerate Helen Duncan, an extraordinary woman and a wonderfully caring mother and grandmother."
"Esther's petition: 'My petition and my request is: if I have found favor in the sight of the king...'"
"...a petition requesting that James Corder not be cast in Wicked the movie gained close to 110,000 signatures..."
"Some answers only come when you and I petition the Lord with Thanksgiving in our hearts."
"He submitted a petition to the state legislature."
"What good is a petition just sitting online? Eventually you gotta do something with the petition."
"Can we just start a petition? Zenki English release right now!"
"They had a petition around petitioning, 'We need to bring the Green Ranger back.'"
"Let's bring nicknames back. We'll petition right now."
"There's a petition going around to make the street outside of Trump Tower Barack Obama Avenue."
"They wanted to deliver a petition to Nicholas which simply asked for more freedom and better working conditions."
"When you come to understand things from a spiritual point of view, you understand that there's actually one petition that you need to make, and that's Mercy, the mercy of God."
"You are praying to a father and a king. If you're praying to a king, then you can bring big things to him."
"So we fasted and besought our God for this, and he was entreated of us."
"Let us go to the king and remonstrate with him; he is young, and from him we may obtain a favorable answer."
"She's been petitioning for over 20 years to have her exonerated and exactly 300 years after the incident, Governor Tim Kaine pardoned her."
"Administrative remedies should first be exhausted before filing a petition for relief."
"The first amendment to the constitution guarantees all citizens the right to petition for or against government decisions."
"Please, please, please be sure to sign that petition against the trade of donkey skins."
"Petition for Itsy to do a world tour again and then come to Canada, please."
"This is my petition because my official petition that St. Patrick's Day should be on the second Saturday of every March for the rest of our lives."
"A petition couldn't stop them from reaching their dreams."
"Once per year, you may petition your god to bring a dead person who has already crossed into the afterlife back to life."
"There were petitions made towards the Blue House, AKA the White House of South Korea, begging politicians to do something."
"I petition the court of Heaven to give me the righteous Judgment."
"We're taking action by asking as many people as possible to sign a petition."
"We are citizens who enjoy the right of petition."
"Campaigners in London plan to petition the British government for a posthumous pardon for the hundreds of people executed for witchcraft between the 16th and 18th centuries."