
Mulching Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Mulching is the easiest way to significantly reduce water use in the garden... and it doesn't cost a thing."
"The benefit of mulch is because not only does it protect that bare soil from transpiration of water... but also once it rains and that mulch gets some moisture, fungi and microbes break it down and then add a bounty of nutrients to the soil."
"Any little weeds that are growing on the surface of my mulch here have very very weak root systems because they haven't germinated very well."
"One last question that may come up: can you simply top a garden bed with a bunch of compost or some other mulch after a crop comes out and plant directly into that sort of no dig style? In many cases, yes."
"Mulching is a very cheap project and easy to do that makes such a big difference."
"If nothing else, this goes to prove that mulching your containers is paramount when it comes to producing tubers for you to eat."
"Another option people use is gravels or rocks you'll typically see used as mulch."
"Just lay it down around your plants and the leaves will start to break down and those nutrients will go into the top layer of the soil."
"Putting down a mulch that breaks down slowly also improves my soil slowly."
"Your goal is to get thick mulch on the ground and then to cover every square inch with plants."
"The concept of mulching with fertilizer is an idea that I picked up from a fellow by the name of Charles Doughty."
"Mulching will start to break down over time and feed your soil with valuable nutrients, it'll also help keep moisture in so you won't have to water your gardens as much and help suppress weeds."
"Part of the reason why my weeds in my raised beds continually got worse and worse over the years is because I would use leaves from my neighbor's property to mulch my beds."
"We've got to protect the surface by putting a nice thick mulch layer out, except that when you're in a productive system, that mulch is going to decompose in a couple of weeks, and now you got to go out and put on more."
"These ground covers help me to not have to mulch quite as much... so it's really a win-win."
"The group aims to eliminate the practice of waste burning and introduce the use of shredded dry leaves as an organic mulch."
"Experimental research will be conducted to support the benefits of using shredded leaves as organic mulch."
"This weeping willow provides us with branches and leaves so that we can mulch the area here."
"The one thing you can do for your entire garden that's better than almost anything else would be to put down a woody mulch."
"Mulch suppresses weeds, provides a blanketing effect, an insulating effect, keeps the soil up to about 10 degrees cooler, and as it breaks down, it puts organic matter, carbon into the soil."
"Think of the mulch layer as the skin protecting the body of the Earth."
"If you're sick of weeding, be sure to check out cover crops or mulching; it's revolutionary, the results."
"Why do we use mulch around trees? It helps with the weeds, it helps insulate the roots."
"Effortlessly grinding and removing tree stumps, its powerful cutting mechanism transforms cumbersome stumps into mulch with surgical precision."
"Mulching can actually help prevent the spread of some diseases."
"I usually don't use a lot of mulch in my gardens, but in this case, when I'm using those cages, I have found it to be advantageous."
"Every single professional and expert that I've interviewed has always mulched their garden."
"Don't rake your leaves, mulch them in."
"All I'm going to do back here is put a little bit of mulch around each plant to make sure that it does what mulch does, which is hold, regulates the water, prevents weeds from coming up around the plants, and prevents the Sun from damaging the roots."
"You want to mulch them, the weather starts to heat up, you want the soil to stay moist, you don't want it to be drying all the time."
"We'll mulch everything real heavy, and eventually that mulch will break down, feeding the soil."
"I've mulched over a lot of the garden beds, a lot of the flower beds been mulched."
"I use very little fertilizer in the garden here; most of this is being done by mulch breaking down."
"Mulch, mulch, mulch because it's that important."
"Eventually, as plants become established, you will need to apply less mulch; there will be fewer weeds because the plants in your garden are going to be out-competing the weeds."
"We're not going to let these wood chips go to waste; they'll help the plant retain more water and also add additional nutrients naturally to your soil."
"Mulching truly is the Difference Maker between a mediocre strawberry patch and a great one."
"Mulch is a wonderful thing. Probably one of the best things you can do for your fruit trees."
"Everything should have mulch; look at nature, all the leaves and all the things that fall down must be doing that for a reason."
"Remember when you put pots on top of your soil, that's like a mulch that is holding moisture, and that is fantastic."
"I follow a no till method and so everything gets mulched."