
Nesting Quotes

There are 103 quotes

"It's safe to say Cardi B definitely took the whole nesting thing to the next level."
"The cops in Parma realized that one plucky morning dove had built its nest on top of their backup patrol cars."
"That's his nest that he's made. Oh, you must lay there, he lays in that little hole. Oh my god, that's so cute, I love him even more now."
"An island inside a lake inside an island inside a lake inside an island."
"He was delighted to see it land in the forest to make a nest as its home not too far from the village."
"So if you are nesting, get your baby laundry ready, get your favorite detergent out because we're gonna jump right into some laundry."
"...hope you guys have been enjoying all the nesting vlogs I have so much fun filming them and editing them so I hope you enjoyed."
"Don't expect turkeys to Nest just anywhere. There has to be some type of vegetation to provide concealment for the nest."
"This really typifies areas where we've seen most of the nests."
"Early successional vegetation communities and shrubby type vegetation communities represent only seven percent of the landscape yet 46 percent of our nests have been in those vegetation types."
"Unlike other birds, adult bald eagles may continue to use the same nest each year."
"We're just going to be nesting at home, cooking a whole lot, eating a whole lot."
"This feels so real to do. Like, that's what it's called. We're building our nest."
"It's a boy! You finally started your nesting, right? That's right."
"We found nesting to occur all summer. Even we had some birds hatch in September and even the first week of October."
"Nesting is one of the main reasons that I like to use sass."
"I thought this is so nice, this is like nesting but like also like getting ready, you know? It's ramping up, honey buns."
"yeah Bruce the goose is now like when I check on the nest so she actually does have I think a couple of duck eggs and a goose egg underneath her."
"If you would find it motivational, I can compile a massive marathon of cleaning and nesting motivation documenting all the transformations our house went through over these past few months to prepare for baby."
"I was cleaning, ultimate nesting going on."
"I should probably go, this concludes day two of nesting."
"I feel like I'm already nesting. I'm like, I need to get the house clean. I'm literally cleaning like baseboards."
"I underestimated nesting, the idea of nesting, and I kind of didn't know what people were talking about until I'm nine months pregnant and I'm like oh I understand."
"It's gonna be all about nesting and having much needed time at home."
"It is the nesting and understanding what level you're working at that enables you to do tough theory in tough empirical cases."
"These birdhouses were here when we purchased the property, but we always have babies in this red one."
"I'm really into organizing right now because I just think it's a part of nesting."
"Birds will use anything they can find to build their nest, even old shoelaces."
"If we naturally nest thoughts within other thoughts, it's no surprise that that manifests in how we talk."
"Mama orang builds a bed from scratch for her child and herself to sleep in, and she'll make a new bed every single night in her life."
"It's a nice little snug home for them to nest in."
"An incredibly close view of nesting great crested grebe."
"I'm so excited to start the nursery and just like nest and get things in order."
"I feel like the nesting bug has really kicked in and I just wanted to get everything ready."
"Thanks for all your help. I knew this would be a nice safe place to lay my eggs."
"Oriental pied hornbills seal their nests with mud, and the male hornbill brings food to its mate and the chicks."
"They're ready to go and we're gonna put them inside of here safe and sound, give them a little Nest box, and hopefully, we'll start getting some eggs."
"The best part about this stage of pregnancy is those nesting hormones: cleaning, organizing, and getting a home ready."
"You must have babies in the nest. Well, maybe we'll get to see babies soon."
"With this basal structure, they can provide some cover and nesting materials."
"The birds like it; there's at least two nests I can see."
"The Montezuma oropendola builds pendulous nests that hang from the high branches of tall trees."
"In the heart of the jungle, in a Meranti tree, Hornbill carefully checked her nest for an egg."
"This male tree swallow is on the lookout for a very important material for his nest... feathers."
"I've been delighted to discover several different nests of things like Cardinals, robins, and song sparrows in the garden."
"It'll be exciting. I was just reading that female griffins used one of the nearby islands as a nesting ground."
"Chickens like to lay their eggs in a really nice quiet spot where it's nice and cozy."
"Birds like to make their nests out of all sorts of different things: twigs, some like to make it out of hay and straw, fuzzy things."
"The ducks are nesting now, and they are all fighting for boxes, all trying to figure out boxes, and it's pretty freaking neat."
"Did you know that a long time ago, dinosaurs would lay eggs and make nests, kind of like a bird or a reptile?"
"Wow, bald eagles are so cool; they come back every single year to the same nest and they keep building and building and building."
"I am in this nesting phase and I am actually using it well."
"With Springtime coming, I feel like I am nesting all over again."
"I'm also in this like nesting phase and I just wanna make the house feel like a home."
"You can even nest these, which is really, really powerful."
"I really like using this bedding for using in their nests and as an addition to hay for extra structure, so I’m giving this one an A."
"You will feel the need to build a nest... where you create little pretty things and make a comfortable home together."
"The arrow snake shall nest and lay eggs, and hatch and gather them under her shadow; there also the vultures shall gather, each with his mate."
"I especially love that the cases nest inside each other when they're empty for compact storage."
"It's also really interesting that the titanosaur had similar nesting behavior to that of sea turtles."
"I've been building a nursery for the baby and just doing the overall nesting game."
"The Victorian Crown pigeons want to make a new nest."
"Nesting does not mean knocking out the walls in your house; it's all about keeping a space warm and inviting."
"Several birds line their nests with lichens or build their nests entirely out of lichens."
"I'm ready. I think I'm officially nesting."
"I was always fascinated by Russian dolls and the way they fit inside each other."
"Ducks aren't like chickens, they don't lay in a nesting box, they just kind of find a nice safe place on the ground and just lay them."
"We've got pelicans bringing in nesting material. That's beautiful."
"Isn't that cool, amazing that we were able to find a nest for these guys."
"She's clearing the pathway, she's got to make sure everything is comfortable, no obstructions."
"Here we have got a wonderful nest."
"These birds are very clever; they often build the nest above a highly aggressive wasp nest."
"There's nothing more special than having birds nesting in and around where we live because we get to see them and observe them on a day-to-day basis."
"I'm just so excited to be home now and really like finish my nesting and getting the nursery pulled together."
"Spring is a time when lots of birds are leaving the nest."
"Chin spot Batis, a really cute bird, they make a beautiful little cup nest out of cobwebs."
"Templates can be nested, this is so cool."
"One man's trash is another man's treasure, or in this case, one bird's regurgitated waste is another bird's nest bedding."
"We did nesting right, I wasn't just able to request fields on the user."
"The king cobra is the only one known to construct a nest for egg incubation."
"Plovers are natural engineers and will use anything that they can to make their nests."
"They're communal nesters and they'll all build these nests together and they'll all live in them together."
"It is remarkable to think about how much energy these little birds have expended to collect material for the nest building activity."
"The penduline tit has taken advantage of it to build its soft hanging nest, a small masterpiece made of poplar fluff."
"I feel like my nesting has already fully kicked in."
"I feel like nesting is starting, wanting to get the house in order and clean."