
Instrument Quotes

There are 510 quotes

"I have my dream Ibanez bass, which is the Affirma bass."
"Electric guitar specifically is the most expressive musical instrument other than a voice."
"I think the absolute high point of this Fender Custom strat is the tone, it's just unbeatable."
"It's an extension of you, it's part of your whole personality."
"My jaw dropped when they said, 'We need to get you a Fender.'"
"What you can be sure of is that you're receiving a precision instrument of a very high quality."
"It's a fantastic little instrument that when you get to know it and you learn all the workflow, it's just super creative."
"It's a beautiful tone, every string, every note from low E to the high E."
"It's such an integral part of the feel and the tone of the instrument and our identity."
"As soon as it comes right out of the case, the guitar should play."
"If you could now think of your imagination as the most sensitive instrument in the world."
"Your body is really only an instrument of your mind."
"He took a one pickup instrument and made it super versatile."
"Consciousness becomes itself the instrument with which we will know reality."
"...I want my guitars to play themselves."
"It's a coveted and beautiful instrument, and also a harmonica. Beautiful, two in one!"
"He made his feet an instrument, y'all."
"This Implement is a pocket Su dial or more specifically a universal equinoxial Sun ring dial."
"Imagine how many people we could literally be his instruments in this world to just like share what he wants to say to people through us."
"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace."
"Make me an instrument of your peace."
"What a beautiful instrument just sitting abandoned in this home."
"It doesn't have to be an expensive guitar to be magic, and it doesn't have to be an expensive amp to be magic. It needs to be musical."
"I will always cherish this instrument. I love it, not only because I'm such a fan of Tommy Bolin, it's because of the story. I didn't buy the guitar, I bought the story, and it's about the journey and how you get there."
"Frets are a pretty handy thing they make it so that no matter where you put your fingers on the neck you can only play in tune notes."
"Pickups are these magic blocks created by Wizards to transform the vibration of the strings into Amplified bass sorcery."
"Yes, the body is gloss but that's not going to affect your playability on the neck."
"That clock is incredibly... that is as much of an important instrument as your fuel gauge is, absolutely. That is your fuel gauge. It's your navigation. It's everything back in the day."
"Capos change the key of the guitar and allow you to play the same basic chord forms but in a different key."
"However this is the open heart surgery of it and so there's is it the key the K of playing upright when you call yourself a bass player no okay I am a bass player and I no longer and I will I'll own both of he soon play tuba yeah."
"It feels like it was made for the acoustic guitar, 100%, written with guitar, oh, without a doubt."
"I just love it, it's you know, it's the coolest [ __ ] instrument in the world."
"These are anachronistic looking beasts and this was done by Ante, and the owner of the company at the time really wanted the instrument to be a replacement for the biggest and double bass developed this style of bass."
"Listen to your instrument and what you have on it."
"As long as people have faith to receive it, God is blessing people right now, and I can be the instrument of communicating that blessing."
"The guitar as long as the guitar plays and it doesn't feedback egregiously, it's not gonna hurt you."
"My favorite musical instrument is the piano."
"It's got some fantastic specs, absolutely awesome for a 40,000 count instrument."
"The Octatrack is a true instrument and demands to be treated as such, however, it's also basically a DAW in a box."
"We're just vessels, instruments. That's all."
"This is an instrument that I'm opening with, for release hopefully coming soon."
"Piezo pickups, while not sounding exactly like the real instrument, can offer such presence and attack that they can sometimes sound even better."
"It's not even about how good the guitar is. It's about the connection you have with that guitar, you know what I mean? It's just, it's got its own life of its own, you know what I mean?"
"The hi-hat is amazing. I'm a big fan of the hi-hat more than the ride."
"What I love most about this guitar is the pickups."
"So like there's something really cool about turning up a tube amp where it's like it's starting to get warmer and hotter and break up a little more and you you can dig in a little more and it's almost like responding in a part of the instrument."
"This really just knocks it out of the water. If you want a vintage voice Jazz Master, that's my opinion."
"It's just a regular lucky 90s v you favoring just like the bridge pickup on this or you go between them both usually I play when I use this guitar it wants to play the neck pickup actually."
"... you know pretty much an all mahogany guitar."
"This guitar was given to me by Buck Owens to use."
"Steve really is the benchmark for a certain kind of originality on the instrument."
"When you look at the rest of the colors on this instrument, so the rose of fingerboard is absolutely lovely."
"Your guitar is going to sound that much better."
"This is sort of the ultimate distillation of that because it looks like just a traditional Strat but it actually plays like my very modern guitars."
"Same thing with this one, an SG Standard in a satin tough blue finish."
"If I carried this along with me this is called a jaw harp and it sounds like this."
"Due to the physically different nature of the strings, no instrument with straight frets can ever be perfectly in tune at every point."
"The grandmother is a great instrument despite her limitations."
"The next instrument over here is our altimeter and that tells us how far we are above sea level."
"American Pie was written on a D28."
"I just wanted to have that Telecaster sound, but for such an inexpensive instrument, it's pretty darn good."
"When I got my first Les Paul, there was an immediate difference in tone."
"The fan frets, match that with a really ergonomic neck, stainless steel frets, more often than not, like, I think maybe always stainless steel frets if I'm not mistaken. It's really puzzling for me. I love them as much as I don't love them."
"The only thing that's original is the body, the soundboard, and the keys, and everything else is new, and it just sings."
"I think it is a good time investment to familiarize yourself with the principle of operation of the instrument."
"If there was an instrument that was going to eat your lunch it was definitely the bass."
"Viola’s name is halfway between the Shakespearean name and the string instrument."
"If the bow is a millimeter or less I wouldn't worry about it, this will play perfectly with the vibration of your strings."
"There's a certain magic to it, there's something about this instrument speaking to me."
"That mojo and nostalgia, the kind of essence of the physicality of an instrument, those things matter."
"The question is not, do I love the Vela? The question is, will I play the Vela now that I have this? I don't know."
"This melotron which is great did you know when they uh made this first wasn't you this tell me this that when this first came out they had actual like it was like reel-to-reel tape for each that would actually spin."
"It always works on electric bass guitar."
"Whether as a performance instrument, sequencer, or even an oscillator, there's certainly a lot to explore here."
"This is very much a live performance instrument."
"Using your voice is like playing an instrument. So you've got to get good at playing the instrument, that's important, but you also have to learn how to write good music, which really relates to storytelling."
"Faith in God is not something forced on you; it is your choice. True faith is an essential God-given practical instrument in your toolbox of life."
"It's an extremely diverse instrument with logical playability and a workflow for every musician."
"I remember when I was younger that there's always the purists that are like well the fact that you're using an effect that you enjoy means clearly that you're disqualified from being an actual player of the instrument."
"The guitar plays great, it doesn't sound great, and it does."
"I would not want a guitar with higher action."
"...I remember thinking at the time ah there's a little too much piano and it's like it's not quite the big thunderous Nazareth I really like..."
"If the Gibson makes you feel better and inspires you more to play it, that would be a reason to buy the Gibson."
"If you want to get that sound, you gotta get that guitar."
"I'm gonna play some clean bluesy stuff inspired by Stevie Ray Vaughan on my surf green Stratocaster."
"Guitar is meant to be played and scratched, just not by us."
"May your body become truly an instrument through which God works as he seeks to reveal himself to a lost world."
"Don't exalt the instrument, exalt the one who used the instrument."
"He pushed the limits of an instrument but he did not use it against its own nature."
"The architecture of guitars is fascinating."
"You get a lot of brilliance but you get some more warmth out of it than you would with maple, the neck plays really great."
"What implement is used to play a cello? A bow, correct."
"It changed the way I played. This guitar, I mean, this guitar is responsible for my style, if you like, because you can do things with it you can't do with other guitars."
"Clarence White's B-Bender Telecaster work... helped bring it out as a lead instrument."
"Luther Perkins played a Tele, an Esquire..."
"...if you are looking to purchase your new guitar to play as an instrument, hoping that someday it will go up in value, don't do that. Purchase the guitar to enjoy as an instrument on its own."
"...let's stop worrying about the rest of it. Let's take advantage of what we've got. Let's buy some great guitars and let's make music on them."
"...the best guitar in the world isn't necessarily something that was produced twice in the 60s. It's the guitar that you're making music on."
"Our bodies are different and your body is your instrument."
"If you play the harp, let us know."
"That would be so cool, or no, a big harp."
"The instrument is not the answer, the skill to use it is the answer."
"The biggest thing in comparison to regular Les Paul Standards of the era is the fact that it has a two-piece maple top."
"...fill out the rest of the fretboard for each of the five pentatonic positions for the key that we're playing in."
"John Lennon's Rickenbacker, the white Rickenbacker that he bought, was actually a very rare model."
"You are used well by the universe. And you do become an instrument of the future, of what wants to happen, of the highest aspirations of the universe."
"This is a 26-inch kick drum which is completely different from anything I've ever played before."
"My drum kit has become almost more famous than I am."
"You do everything you can to make sure that the setup the pickup heights the Saddles there's nothing stopping the Resonance of that string."
"You are only ever going to need to adjust back from the scale length you will never need to adjust further forward."
"This is my favorite instrument I own. It's a Harmony from either the' 60s I think it's like 61 or 60."
"If you require an instrument that is great in every fundamental aspect and is comfortable to work with, Hiroki is the clear winner."
"The acoustic guitar is a beautiful instrument. It is as simple as it could possibly be."
"I got a new guitar from electric guitar company Kevin Burkett he makes all aluminum metal guitars"
"The most important thing is the love for the instrument."
"That's my favorite thing about Jerry Garcia, is his guitar. That is a kick-ass guitar. I love that guitar so damn much for sure."
"Realistically, this is the guitar that you should get. This is quality."
"A trombone is a very common musical instrument. This is a brass instrument. It's very unique in that it's played by moving a slide up and down to change the pitch of the instrument."
"I think this is a marvelous magic flute."
"I believe I have just the thing. I'm gonna use the bellows off this accordion."
"Rock and roll is electric guitar-based."
"Electric guitar is the quintessential rock and roll instrument."
"The most important thing was the flute having a sweet sound."
"Think of your body as an instrument, something to have you live your life in a way that you're kind and gentle with yourself."
"It's such an attractive musical instrument."
"It's not loud, this guitar has sustain for days."
"For an entry-level keybed, oh my God, it feels so good."
"Honestly, I think this guitar is brilliant."
"It plays brilliantly, what's not to love?"
"This is one of the best Mexican feeling Stratocasters I've felt."
"Your body is an absolutely perfect instrument."
"This guitar has great volume, excellent sound."
"It is impossible that old prejudices and hostilities should longer exist while such an instrument has been created for the exchange of thought between all nations of the earth."
"So let's just take a listen to the first piano sound which is the sound of the Yamaha CFX grand and this really is a wonderful sound."
"The action is the lowest I've ever played on an acoustic out of the box in my entire life."
"I kind of like that natural Woody feel, and I feel like it's going to get a really nice vintage as I start to play it."
"That's then you get the Fender VI, the Princeton vibe with those 6V6s out of it, that sort of... I love that man, that's great."
"I recently acquired a carbon fiber guitar, and it is my favorite carbon fiber guitar I've ever gotten in my entire life."
"This is the ivory piano, a piano that I really like."
"It's kind of hard to sing a sad song on a ukulele."
"Most modern fret wire is sold between about forty thousandths to fifty thousandths of an inch tall."
"Wide frets have more mass under the string and they definitely feel different."
"Behold my bass playing brethren, the Thunder Mule."
"This was my first good guitar. I was super proud of it."
"This is the most beautiful sounding Fender Rhodes I've ever heard."
"It's amazing what can do when there is an instrument that fits their body size."
"Maybe this is the year I actually try one because something is speaking to me about this instrument."
"That's the instrument I reach for."
"For such a tiny little instrument, it really is quite remarkable."
"Start to view your voice as an instrument."
"Lord, let me be an instrument of thy peace."
"The best guitar in the world is the one that you're using."
"The bass flute is one of my favorite instruments of all time. It's an octave below the normal flute and it has this really rich, cool, creamy, whispery sound."
"I played bassoon in high school, college, and some of grad school, so I was so excited to get a Fox Renard bassoon last year. They're like the Rolls-Royce of bassoons."
"Instrument number 112 is this theremin that I just got. I used it recently on the Stickerbush Symphony cover from Donkey Kong, and I'm so excited to use it in more upcoming videos."
"It's gonna be a beautiful mandolin, I really think that back is just gorgeous."
"I absolutely love this guitar, it feels really, really good."
"I absolutely love this guitar and it feels good."
"The music that people make with this guitar is something that's timeless and something that lasts forever."
"What are my final thoughts on Chrissy's Telecaster here? It's a joy."
"This is just a great little guitar."
"That's the purpose of the baritone; you get these nice beefy bassy sounds."
"It's really nice to find one guitar that you stick with for a long time, when you become very attached to it and feel very at home in it."
"And it's mahogany, I really like the sound of an all mahogany guitar."
"Perfect action, it ain't never been that good."
"The ride symbol is the palette I have with the most colors on it."
"I love the guitar tone in it, I love the riff."
"The C30 is just amazing, I've used those for many years now, and it's like that's their flagship model for a reason because it just does something that nobody else can do."
"I think what's really amazing about this album is like Mantis sounds really good on guitar on this album."
"I still think that the burst Les Paul Standard is the most beautiful musical instrument of all time."
"It's a great instrument, folks, all solid wood."
"It's my new favorite guitar, I gotta say."
"This is the Harley Benton TE-52, this is a really nice electric guitar."
"I'm glad to have this instrument in my possession and I can't wait to make more music with this thing."
"It plays like a little bit of a hybrid between an acoustic and an electric."
"Different kinds of strings do affect the outcome of the sound of an instrument."
"She is the world's fifth largest pipe organ with more than 17,000 pipes, more than 300 stops, and nearly 300 ranks."
"You have to learn how to use your instrument."
"Whoever ends up with this guitar, let's just put value aside, is not going to be disappointed."
"When we came across that guitar, it was quite a revelation."
"The increased scale length of 35 inches adds a piano like tone to the B string."
"You can play it like a theremin; it's that incredibly sensitive."
"So far this guitar seems like it's going to be a winner for me."
"It's a very comfortable, very cool guitar that I kept a lot longer than I thought I would."
"It's essentially the coffee table burst, but these things are fantastic guitars."
"It's just a very, very cool guitar."
"It's good for any kind of music, Gibson Les Paul, my very first one."
"The vacuum pump is used to run our attitude indicator and also your heading indicator."
"I love that every note is even, no matter where you play."
"I love this guitar; it's set up perfectly, the intonation on it is fantastic, the action is great, it rings forever."
"Slide guitar: It looks cool, it sounds cool, you feel cool when you play it."
"Slide guitar in itself to me also has a bit of magic."
"It's a Kimball La Petite Grand Piano."
"This is my keytar, and I want a strap for the keytar."
"Learn to play an instrument. Why not?"
"Você é seu instrumento como ator."
"I have come to love the electric guitar in the right hands."
"The guitar actually became my best friend."
"This guitar has a big old chunky wonderful neck and it has two magical humbuckers."
"The grand piano is the original ultimate multi-scale instrument."