
Human Quotes

There are 271 quotes

"There's something quite beautiful and human about having a moment of great emotional impact."
"This person is an angel in a human skin suit."
"It's an astonishing story of human survival and adaptability."
"Our bodies were generated in order to be able to carry out the most difficult and complicated feats that the mind can create."
"Everybody has breakouts; it's a natural part of being human."
"Reimagine the limits of human possibility."
"Interestingness, in the end, is for us, in the eye of the human beholder."
"We humans still get to define what it is that we want science to be doing."
"Once a human and a dragon fell in love."
"The human is essentially the medium through which the Kwamis can be physical entities."
"The biggest shift I'm seeing is just that, it's all heading back to human-to-human."
"There is no difference between Divine imagining and human imagining save in the degree of intensity of the two."
"He's human, he's a kid, he was a kid, but there's something else."
"Many people believed that she was a human from a parallel universe who accidentally ended up in our reality."
"A human being is a great wonder, a living thing to be worshipped and honored."
"You allow yourself, that will make you more powerful than you ever imagined, and it's born from the most human power."
"Into the Spider-Verse works to create a world that wholly embraces the comic book II and hyper real superhero spectacle but also firmly roots itself in something naturalistic, down-to-earth, and completely human."
"I just feel like in a way people forget that I am human."
"I'd like to make an announcement. Ask you to join me in welcoming our first, well, second but first officially known human, Claudine Wolf."
"It's nice when you can achieve some stuff with your vehicles and achieve some stuff as a human."
"...eating what I call a proper human diet and the carnivore diet is on the proper human diet Spectrum."
"The team gear up and make their way to dispose of a human who just turned Inferno."
"For a man who was treated like an animal for most of his life, Logan sure managed to end his story in the most human way possible."
"The only creature that God said have dominion, dominate the earth, is a human."
"Your astrologer, your counselor, your therapist, your teacher, whoever, they're all humans and they're not always going to get it right and that's okay and that's a part of the process."
"Having self-doubts is part of being human."
"A colossal figure resembling a human."
"Ever since humans first began tracking time, we've been obsessed with understanding and trying to control it."
"They really made you feel in such a way where these people that are clearly just human beings, they made it feel almost Supernatural."
"You are far more than only human."
"How extraordinary is the human imagination."
"...Batman is a human just like me and you, he doesn't get super strong forgiven to him like Thor Superman or Hulk he has to work for it."
"She stands out as a highlight of this movie. She did a really good job when exploring Catwoman's flirtatious side but she also gave a very human performance here."
"If this plan or this undertaking is of man, it will fail."
"Straddling the line between human and Elven, he's certainly not a mundane man, but neither does he seem exactly Elvish."
"It's becoming harder and harder to tell what was written by a human being versus what was AI-generated."
"The most disturbing part by far though is hearing the voice of a friend or loved one but not sounding quite like a human."
"A statement is an assertion made by a human being."
"She's a full multi-dimensional human being. This should not be so huge but it's huge."
"There was nothing really human about her."
"I call a proper human diet because it's a diet that human beings ate for the majority of their time on this planet."
"I think most parents do let you down in a lot of ways. Doesn't necessarily mean they're bad, although it can do depending on what. But sometimes it just means they're human."
"There's always a need for human connection, real human connection."
"Through gradual small steps and changes in her lifestyle hitori is able to start reaching her dreams the fact that her development is subtle and not right in your face or huge makes it feel very human and I love that."
"The human brain is vastly more complex than anything a human being has ever made."
"There is no emotion more human than a thirst for revenge."
"The mechanism that God used... to preserve his word... was very similar to the messy process that he uses in dealing with human beings all the time."
"The fun is in the human interaction."
"Being fit is one of the greatest human experiences."
"Aren't they still made by humans? Yeah, like the whole fake thing has been a really interesting thing because I'm just like you're the people that are reviewing fakes are like claiming their fakes are not fakes I'm like how does anyone humanly tell the difference..."
"...these are words that come out of a human being's mouth."
"He's one of the most brilliant humans I've ever met."
"Companionship is an essential part of human psychology."
"The YouTube formula that is the human formula."
"The human spirit is a marvelous thing."
"Isn't it odd, isn't it bizarre that when you go into a microeconomics course you're presented with an image of a human being that is anti-human, non-human?"
"He's a human being, and even if I messed up, there's still a world after chess."
"Guys, look, I'm a human washing machine."
"It's all within your own wonderful human imagination."
"What does it mean to you to be an ultimate human? To me, I would have to say the first thing that came to my mind was balance and peace."
"Ben is my favorite human in the whole world."
"It is the love that forms and shapes and molds a human being."
"God's words cannot be overridden by human choices."
"We like to think of what's happening today as a beneficial relationship among three things: data, generative AI, and humans."
"Everyone has a fair share of insecurities."
"Love is always on a razor because most human beings don't really know how to love unconditionally."
"Is this the greatest physical human achievement of all time?"
"God's kingdom and God's City...different from the city and Kingdom...built by mankind."
"Especially for Nigel, like, he wins everything, and not winning the Olympic was huge, you know? Like, everyone was like, 'What happened?' You know? Yeah, but people forget that we're just human beings and we make mistakes, and it happens, you know?"
"It is uniquely human to be a creative problem solver."
"I've tried most of the guitar synths and stuff, but I just prefer my instruments. It's very human and it makes the right noise."
"Everybody dreams of that, and this was Mick's dream come true as a kid, as a human being."
"I've never met a human more just thoughtful than her."
"Human beings have been performing computations for thousands of years."
"Some people are even saying that this creature isn't even human while others think that he's wearing glasses and it's just a light reflecting off of them."
"Another aspect of human Despair and human yearning and human wanting to self-actualize and get educated."
"Grieving is kind of universal, you know? We might show it in different ways, we might act out in different ways, but the grieving process is a human thing."
"Technology can make our lives better, longer, and healthier, but it cannot transcend human identity."
"We are more than human. We are supernatural beings."
"The FED is human, and when it's under pressure it feels it."
"It's such a human and relatable story."
"In those fleeting moments when he doesn't hit every shot, when he looks like a mere human, that's when you know he's truly exceptional."
"The unique marriage of Cutting Edge technology with this human Heat that Kate Bush always brings to our art."
"Humans now were seen as part of nature and not apart from nature."
"They were so dynamic, they were very human."
"It's okay, distractions mean I'm human."
"Prayer is something utterly natural."
"There's still human challenges that we're facing, this stuff doesn't go away."
"Creativity is often prodigious... there's a creativity happening all through nature and all through human life."
"Human beings have begun to think too much of themselves."
"If man is free, it's because he's one of the most important components in nature, because all other things are made to complement him."
"Host and human, they were trusted by the now deleted Dolores to save humanity."
"This man was an extraordinary human."
"It takes a while before you can deprogram yourself and see like, 'No, no, no, there's no separation between organization and human. This is a human organization and not a good one.'"
"Scriptural language is human, and all human language is inadequate to talk about God."
"we deserve to feel any way that we want to feel that we're human that's normal"
"She seems so just nice and human and so relatable, and the empathy just glows off of her, and I'm all for that. So just as a human she's already won me over, and that's without even really having dived into like interviews of her and whatnot or her music at all."
"As human beings, we all need that time out once in a while."
"Being a human or a demon doesn't matter."
"I'm a human, I don't, I don't know that that's ever my reaction is to like, I'll punch this [ __ ] violence, yeah, that's never really kind of like, I know it's so weird."
"It absolutely plays on every part of human emotion particularly grief in this case."
"Humor definitely can help because it's human."
"...the human is the universe at prayer..."
"Welcome, let's get this party started, human friends."
"Human reason alone is not going to tell you what is true."
"Jesus chose to respect the boundaries and limitations of being human."
"I feel like I deserve every single moment of it seriously like I needed it I needed it to feel like a human again."
"Human beings don't bend this way either, so this is a far more realistic sort of pose."
"Crying is healthy, crying is normal, crying is human."
"Marriage is a natural gift to all humans."
"There are moments of weakness in our lives. We all have moments of weakness."
"A computer didn't make this. A person thought of this. That's our advantage."
"You unite the human and the sublime at the moment of death."
"...OK Computer was more grounded Kid A felt very otherworldly and Cosmic but both of them were 100 human and I really enjoyed that."
"Perhaps this is human love or perhaps it is a spiritual union with the Divine. Love is love is love."
"Every human individual starts with this genome which resides on chromosomes that you get from your mother and your father."
"Humans have profound limitations in their general intelligence."
"A big bang theory of human evolution."
"I think the big news here is that humans can act as sensors."
"But right now, I'm gonna go have a Friday night like a normal human being."
"A human makes mistakes and even if they're not making mistakes, they're making slight fluctuations in timing, in velocity, little things because we can't precisely play the same note perfectly on the grid at the same volume every time."
"A shark's least favorite word is 'human,' and we are so much more dangerous to them than they are to us."
"It's one of the most natural and human things that we can do, so there is some comfort in that."
"Humans are very good at that sort of resourcefulness."
"I'm just a girl who messes up sometimes."
"It feels so natural and human, the way that things happen and the way characters get to certain reasonings behind why they're doing the things that create the modern ideal."
"Being a human, most important thing is to be happy."
"Change is part of the human condition."
"Human flourishing is not a mechanical process; it's an organic process."
"Being human and remaining human in the space."
"This is single-handedly one of the greatest human accomplishments of all time."
"The human ear is still the ultimate most sensitive listening device."
"We acknowledge that the conversation feels more natural, a bit more human."
"Amarius Mims is a rare human being."
"However, they seem to be doing it in a very different way to us human beings; it doesn't quite tie in with our intuition."
"I want to say human, loving, and caring."
"The true purpose of the human being... is the highest and most proportionate building of his or her forces towards a unified whole."
"What kind of person gives a human as a gift? That's so creepy."
"We're going to replace it with physical dexterity, smoothness of motion, elegance, grace, basically human grace."
"You're a beautiful human inside and out."
"This is a supremely talented human being."
"This was written by a human being which is obviously pretty important."
"She's the most beautiful human being I've ever seen with my own two eyes."
"The human body has undergone numerous changes over millions of years."
"You come to realize that you are both human and spirit at the same time."
"It's amazing what humans can do and that they can adapt."
"It's the human part of life is what makes you happy."
"Human consciousness has changed radically in the course of earthly evolution."
"The most important intelligence then and now is human intelligence."
"It was a privilege of being human."
"I actually love what he's doing because he's been taking classes, uh, to be a human."
"We're not perfect 'cause we're human, but when we're losing or when it's not going well, who's going to be the one to step up?"
"Computers don't make mistakes, but people do."
"The heart of a human being can contain even that which is infinite."
"This is about unlocking human potential."
"Think about all that incredible human potential that's now been unlocked to serve your customers."
"It looks so human but so feral and outlandish at the same time."
"Human error is always a factor in accounting."
"It's just so potent; it resonates on such a human level."
"Humans are incredibly capable, particularly we are really good learners."
"Humans can distinguish between over a trillion different smells."
"A robot will never be able to replace me because a robot cannot improvise."
"We are going to be doing a human benchmark."
"We're not robots... if anything off course is going on, it's going to affect you inside the ropes, and there's no getting away from it."
"Economic rights are human rights."
"We as men have all the capacities - emotional, intellectual, entrepreneurial, creative, the wisdom, the strength, and the beauty."
"Ultimately everything rested on human endeavor."
"I don't think anybody goes through life without making mistakes."
"The human body doesn't work like a machine."
"I'm astonished by human creativity."
"What's the best way to motivate a human being through a really challenging situation?"
"The messenger was of perfect human proportions."
"We're the only species that extends our reach and goes beyond our limitations."
"I think the aliens are here, they just look like us."
"The human aspect because Sam is relatable and people take up to his personality."
"It's a human, charming, eccentric thing."
"The enormous contributions that it has made to human flourishing."
"We're talking about at an absolute minimum twelve thousand years of human history in California."
"You have just suddenly become the most powerful human being on Earth."
"An unbelievably beautiful human being."
"This needs to be celebrated as the Monumental human achievement that it is."
"Fasting was something that was normal for human beings, kinda like sleep."
"Human predators that are now being systematically hunted and eliminated by a new breed of alien Predators."
"It's about heart, grit, it's basically about human survival."
"The body is a human/alien hybrid."
"Accidents happen, he's a human being, no big deal."
"Yahoo's strength is human intelligence."
"Validation itself is a natural, normal human need."
"Nobody is perfectly symmetrical; there's not a human being on the face of this earth that their left side is exactly the same as the right side."
"Most human beings have five senses: vision, hearing, smell, touch, and taste."
"There's something special about human interaction and relationships."
"No human power has been able to maintain anything like perfect adherence to these principles."
"It's such a fascinating story of the human spirit."
"Being a human but not being able to live on your own planet, that's crazy."
"There's human behavior, there's conversations to be had."
"I'm very, very pregnant. My body is full of human."
"They were connecting pretty well on a human being level."
"It was human yet inhuman somehow, like it almost belonged here on this planet but not quite."
"I'm a mere mortal; I've come up short, I come up long, I don't always make great contact."
"That is what makes a human feel happy."