
Travel Joy Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"I feel like a treat. I just landed in Ghana, being brought to this very beautiful place that I've never been. It's so feeling, I'm so full, I'm so happy."
"I couldn't have asked for a better first day in South Africa."
"This has been the cherry on top for the cruise."
"What I enjoyed the most was driving home because I forgot the highways... just found the roads that seemed to wind in the middle of nowhere."
"Absolutely loving this. This is the reason we come traveling."
"Sunshine Airport - takes the fun of flying in new places and directions I never thought possible."
"It just ended up being the best flight ever."
"That has been a trip that's put a smile on my doll here, mate. Absolutely."
"Hannah and I were stoked with Amsterdam we had such a great time there."
"This is like major bucket list stuff it is absolutely phenomenal and to have it all to yourself."
"I'm having an amazing time really glad that I came out here to do this trip."
"Every time I get to see a new piece of the world... it's just a feeling like I can't explain it to you guys."
"It's a drip. I love these shoes and I love spending time in Tokyo."
"I was just so happy there, and it was really fun."
"It's amazing, gee I love this kind of travel."
"That's my happy place, just out on the road, get to a waterfall or get to some beautiful bit of nature."
"I loved the trip, it has been my dream to go back to Japan for so long."
"An absolutely epic time here in Spain."
"I'm so happy to be in Jaipur, ready to explore, ready to see what there is to do."
"We had such a great time at the mountains, our house was incredible, truly the views were amazing."
"Oh you guys, I can't even tell you how much we missed this beautiful setting."
"It just feels so good to be able to travel again after three years of that absolute hell that we've been through."
"I've had a really, really good day, probably one of my best days here in Bali so far."
"We've had such a fun time honestly."
"It's been amazing, so nice to be away again."
"The trips we took to Hawaii last year in November were one of the best trips we took."
"The trip was absolutely amazing, I cannot wait to go back in the future."
"Wow, every time I find myself in California, you have the ocean, the beautiful twisty roads, the mountains - it's hard to imagine it being much better."
"I'm so happy that I got to come to Japan because this is just a dream come true."
"Every new place we go to is my favorite."
"This is awesome, this is real Mongolia."
"Having an amazing trip so far, no complaints. I'm with the love of my life in Japan, it's been good, very very happy."
"It's so nice to be back in Rome, you guys. I got goosebumps."
"Travel to me has just been such a blessing, and to be able to take a road trip around the country and around the world has been one of the major perks of the tour."
"I had really the best experience in Osaka."
"It's so great to be back with my little travel family."
"One of my great joys in flying is taking these nice long trips, getting to see lots of the country and meet all sorts of people."
"Cheers! Oh, it's great to be back on a sleeper train again."
"It feels so good to be in very, very sunny, gorgeous Milan."
"It felt so amazing to be back up in Scotland."
"I'm so happy to be here in Sri Lanka; this has been on my list for a very, very long time."
"It's been a truly incredible trip and one that we are both really glad that we've done."
"Big M, I had so much fun traveling with you and Olivia, it's been a blast."
"It's always fun to get away, but it's great to get home to your family."
"We had an amazing day yesterday with them skies."
"We just made it home from Florida, we had such a good time celebrating our friend's 40th."
"It is turning out to be, and I think without exaggeration, the best day's motorcycling I've ever had."
"This has been one of the best trips we've had."
"I've never been in such a pleasant mood at the airport... everything has just been quick and efficient and relaxed."
"I'm very happy with how this trip has been, I've honestly had so much fun and it's been a really really good birthday."
"We're having so much fun on this train, it's amazing."
"This trip has been something that I'm never gonna forget; honestly, it's been spectacular."
"I think I say this every time we come to Covent Garden, that this place is like ridiculously beautiful."
"We had an amazing time in Ghana, it was brilliant."
"Every single time I come here just makes me so happy."
"I'm so happy that we got to come to Orlando, get some sunshine."
"I am in the Caribbean islands, isn't that just great?"
"I'm able to explore the world again, it's great."