
Letter Quotes

There are 69 quotes

"Written from Marty to Justin's mother his wife right Marty being one of the prime suspects and the letter had written said 'I took four lives for the price of your love.'"
"At one point he had written me a letter and said I was the only person he'd ever loved."
"My dearest Izzy, as I sit to write this letter, my heart is heavy."
"Is this the miracle that style talked about in the letter?"
"The author of the letter wrote that Lynn had been abducted and killed by a man who lived in North Adams"
"Hey, um, I love you. That's it. Letter to baby mama."
"The letter explains that special students are excused from both tuition and regular classes."
"The letter that he wrote was literally one of the most profound letters that he has ever written me."
"One side was embossed with the face of a smiling woman, crowned with the corona of sunlight."
"It's delicate, so is this letter."
"Let's see if we can't rewrite and improve this letter."
"What a heartfelt letter to Timothy. If you wonder how Timothy responded, the answer to that comes at the end of Hebrews when the writer of Hebrews writes this, Hebrews 13:23."
"One day, I had a blue, clear sky. I got a letter from Jenny, wondering if I could come down to Savannah and see her. That's what I'm doing here."
"Her heart sank as she opened the letter and read the words meant for her eyes alone."
"A man named Marcus Hinton... wrote a letter... at Christmas 1964... 'General Robert E. Lee was a man of deity forgiveness and probity.'"
"Rupert received the Fateful letter five days after it was sent."
"This is absolutely insane, it's a letter written by myself from the past in the year 1886."
"She writes in the second paragraph, 'I remember a long time ago, a girlfriend of yours wrote you a letter.'"
"Dear Red, if you're reading this you've gotten out and if you've come this far maybe you're willing to come a little further."
"Letter D is to demonstrate transparency."
"Each letter has a nice lean to it that leads right into the other letter."
"This is Paul's last letter before he dies."
"Dear Mom, today I got lost in a good book. It's a real page Turner."
"The most common letter in the alphabet is the same as the most common word, 'the.'"
"I wrote a letter: 'Dear Charlie, after our discussion, you know, you said you wanted to sign me. Haven't heard anything from you. Can you give my mom's phone number again?'"
"Your letter will always hold a place in my heart."
"The letter appeared to have been sent by Beverly but was strangely postmarked from Miami."
"To my dearest child on the 24th of May 1830 from her affectionate and devoted mother Victoria."
"The Pope wrote a letter and set forth the authentic faith."
"So, go write a letter to yourself from the future, remember to include lots of feelings like 'I'm so grateful that' or 'I am excited that now this is happening'."
"What I'm most excited for is getting to write a letter to Will it could literally make me cry thinking about it."
"On Christmas Day 1915, the general wrote a letter to German ruler Kaiser Wilhelm II outlining the strategic picture as he saw it going into 1916."
"Quite simply, if you are reading this letter, then something has happened to me."
"What lies inside this letter will change the path of my life."
"Listen to that. Oh, that's her letter."
"One letter can change their lives forever."
"I wrote a letter to my mother... and when she died, I found she had kept that letter."
"The movie ends as Kane reads the letter which is from William's dead wife just as William dies."
"Writing a letter to yourself... helped me to understand what it was that the inner me was needing."
"I just loved the honesty that he wrote this letter in."
"One of the escapees actually sent a letter to the FBI 50 years after successfully breaking out of the prison."
"There's just something about a handwritten letter that shows that you really genuinely care about that person."
"What a journey you described in your letter."
"Dear Christine, I'm writing to you because you've taught me to be different than others."
"That's a well-written letter too."
"Don't be afraid to be enthusiastic at the very beginning, in the middle, and even at the end of your motivational letter."
"You grinned broadly as you looked up from the letter."
"I did actually enjoy the last chapter which is essentially like a letter."
"Can you believe this, Sybil? This looks like a blackmail letter."
"This is the letter to myself, who I've become. You who are listening, you are my witness."
"Dear Nat, her lips trembled and her eyes filled with tears."
"By far 2nd Corinthians is the most personal letter that Paul wrote."
"It's less likely that a letter is going to solve this case than actual DNA evidence."
"Dear Santa, my name is Ashley, and I am 12 years old. I've been very good this year."
"Thank you so much, Millie, for sending in fan mail. I love your letter, and oh my gosh, these goodies, you guys. Thank you so much, you are so sweet, and I hope you have an amazing day."
"It's basically my love letter to you."
"I wish I knew what I wrote in that letter."
"It's almost like she's writing this letter to the person who was basically her abuser without actually talking to them."
"The original letter is from 8-year-old Virginia and the iconic response is from Francis P. Church."
"I cried like a baby when I read that letter."
"I gotta sit down today and write her a letter and tell her how much I love her."
"It was a very well-written letter, different tone, very positive light."