
Charge Quotes

There are 102 quotes

"I didn't think they would actually charge him with her murder, but I feel like they have a decent case."
"The knights of Bretonnia ride like an avalanche against the foe."
"This is how the Vander graph works, by putting the charge in the center, we are able to put much more charge, in fact, we could put an infinite amount of charge into this."
"Fortunately, it was just a bluff charge and everybody involved remained unharmed."
"I do not believe there is any charge, you just buy the scan tool and it's got all functions activated."
"I've got only the qso battery with 230 Ah and the eel battery box, but both of them are only charged to a 50-60% state of charge."
"Water is polar, which means half of it has a slight negative charge, the other half has a slight positive charge."
"Then a terrible roar caused all but the bravest to scatter and run. Ajax, huge towering Ajax, charged through."
"Dual motor, this is a fresh charge guys."
"When the charge is abroad, you can't just charge him as a normal breaking and entry."
"The charges stayed the same, no atoms moved, just the electrons."
"Charge describes how that subatomic particle will react to other subatomic particles."
"The higher number of coulombs per second is literally the number of charged electrons moving past a point every second."
"There is no charge for awesomeness. I love that."
"People are always chasing these ten or ninety percent state of charge."
"There was always a spiritual charge, if you will."
"Let's just say you're going to charge $250."
"What a wonderful reminder and a charge for us to, by God's grace and for his glory, be found faithful."
"So the gating charges are always neutralized by interaction with negatively charged amino acid residues."
"The power of the charge exceeded all predictions."
"Take charge of your body and consider what supplements might help."
"It's all about neutrality. It's all about keeping these things neutral because if I just build this charge up here, I can't have another zinc atom go in. So the charge has to go somewhere, but that's what that wire is for."
"The Warriors sang their death songs as they made their final charge towards the crow lines, running down the hill, their weapons in hand, attempting to take any Crow they could with them as they died."
"Charging occurs due to the transfer of electrons."
"So an ion is an atom with a net positive or negative charge."
"Take two on the main charge just a little bit extra of black powder."
"You tell them in advance if you want to use one of our towels we will charge you one pound rent darling a pound."
"I left my house at 100% state of charge."
"Remember, opposite charges attract, so the electrons are attracted towards the positive one."
"Take me down on a misdemeanor charge of trespassing."
"The horse Lords do not draw up battle lines or hide behind shields or layer themselves in armor. The Dothraki charge."
"It's kind of crazy that everything is consisting of these charged things but we don't notice it because there's always equal and opposite amounts of protons and electrons right."
"Their bayonets fixed, the troops of the 23rd Ohio surge forward in a mad dash towards the 5th North Carolina."
"Circulating around or in a cloud or in orbits around the nucleus are the electrons, which are negatively charged."
"The Faraday cage is neutral but it has a net positive charge on one side and a net negative on the other."
"The Polish Winged Hussars led the charge, slamming into the Ottomans and driving them away from the city."
"In the name of the Warrior, I charge you to be brave."
"In the name of the Father, I charge you to be just."
"That's the ability of that system to hold charge."
"If you're in space and you release a charge at zero speed it always takes off perpendicular to equipotentials."
"The stillness was literally oppressive, as in close order with their commander still riding in front, this column of Union infantry moved majestically in the charge."
"Even a single moving electric charge causes a magnetic field."
"Typically, the element that's more electronegative is the one that usually carries the negative charge."
"Electrons are negative; they don't want to hang out too close to other electrons if they can avoid it."
"A charged atom is an ion, and a cation is a positive charge."
"The electric field is caused by charges."
"The water inside the cell is negatively charged and in fact, I think it's the negatively charged water that's responsible for the negative charge that people measure inside of cells."
"Form platoons! Draw saber! Charge!"
"Nature always prefers to have low charge density and to delocalize and to spread out charge because it's lower in energy, that's more stable."
"In every respect, the Rays behaved like moving masses carrying negative charge."
"Abaddon needs a six inch charge and he makes a six inch charge and comes slamming into the Terminators."
"Neutron walks into a bar and asks how much for a drink. The bartender says, 'For you, no charge.'"
"A cavalry charge works best when all horses arrive at once, a solid moving wall of men, horses, and steel."
"And once the enemy horsemen were killed or fleeing, the British cavalry raked back their spurs and charged the Murata infantry."
"The number of electrons on it will be an integer number, and therefore charge will necessarily be quantized."
"We charged in the end, man it was fun at the end."
"Electricity is the flow of charge."
"Protons have a relative charge of plus one, neutrons are neutral, and electrons have a relative charge of minus one."
"A positive Point charge would have an electric field pointing radially outward."
"Electric fields are due to charges, so the presence of electric charge, be it positive or negative, will be creating an electric field around it."
"The powerful principle that basically tells us the charge cannot disappear in one place and reappear in another without flowing through the boundaries of the region."
"Charge is a property of matter, and remember that matter is everything."
"The nucleus of the gold sheet is positively charged, and alpha particles experience a repulsive force."
"Protons are positive, neutrons are neutral, meaning electrons are minus one."
"The thing that stands in the way of two lighter nuclei fusing together to release this binding energy is the fact that they are both positively charged and hence repel each other."
"A neutron is broken down into a proton and an electron, so the overall charge is still zero."
"Capacitance is always positive which means that capital Q is the charge on the positive plate or the magnitude of the charge on the negative plate."
"Realize this does mean that the net charge on a capacitor is actually zero."
"Protons are positive, electrons are negative, and neutrons have no charge."
"They really just do keep charging at life and as best as they can living in the moment."
"The more electronegative an atom is, the better its ability to stabilize a negative charge."
"The idea of a capacitor is to store electrical charge."
"The EMF is the work done per unit charge."
"Electrons have a charge of negative one, neutrons have no charge, and protons have a charge of positive one."
"The nucleus must have a positive charge repelling the alpha particles."
"If you were an electron with a negative charge, what's the ideal position for you to occupy relative to these two point positive charges?"
"Protons and electrons have charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign."
"If you double the charge, the electric field will double."
"The nucleus was positively charged, and the electrons are somehow outside of it."
"One amp is equal to one coulomb per second, that's the relationship between current, electrical charge, and time."
"The valence is the absolute of either the charge of the cation or the charge of the anion."
"Electrons are negatively charged and protons are positively charged."
"Lithium has three electrons like so, and don't forget it's positively charged."
"Potential difference is simply a statement of a difference in charge because each charge carries a potential."
"This side of the molecule tends to be negative, and this side tends to be a little bit positive."
"We get a uniform field above a plane of charge. That's a fundamental result."
"A farad is the amount of capacitance that can store one Coulomb of charge when a capacitor is charged to one volt."
"The atom which is neutral must contain the bulk of the material is positively charged, but the small part of the material is negatively charged."
"Milliken... always found that it was a multiple of 1.6 times 10 to the minus 19 coulombs."
"A negative potential energy means trapped, and a positive potential energy means a positive charge will have the ability to escape the system and gain kinetic energy."
"The electric field is pointing away from that charge and we know that the electric field E is Q divided by four pi epsilon zero R squared in the direction of R roof."
"The electric potential is Q divided by four pi epsilon zero R."
"He determined that the elementary charge was of the order of 1.59 by 10 to the power of negative 19 Coulomb, which is surprisingly close to our now accepted value."
"If these two are perfect dielectrics, then there cannot be any free charges."
"Electrons are negatively charged."
"Have your iPad charged, have your iPod charged, have your cell phone charged."
"Turmaline crystals possess a natural charge due to their piso electric and pyroelectric properties."
"The number of moles produced is inversely proportional to the charge; as the charge increases, the number of moles reduces."
"The definition of current is the amount of charge divided by the time in which that charge flows."