
Audio Recording Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"We think these are vocalizations at the beginning of a recording, something like hello testing, is this thing on?"
"The best audio recording capabilities I've ever seen on a camera."
"When it comes to recording vocals, having the right microphone is king."
"Oh, that's such a good clip. Can you, can you clip that somehow, the audio of just all of us going, 'Yeah'? Did you, I think I might have asked you this before, but how did you think about even trying that?"
"I have a passion for recording, sharing my ideas, building community."
"A true studio workhorse, great on lead vocals, drums, guitars, and against so many other things."
"You definitely want two microphones and a recorder maybe like a zoom pod track recorder."
"There's so many gear options that will get you very good sounding and high quality recordings."
"Whether we're recording voiceovers or singing or rapping it just gives us exactly what we're looking for."
"It is so clever, has the option to actually record audio while shooting video."
"Capturing quality scratch audio for syncing up multiple cameras with external audio recorders."
"If you're going to attach a microphone to the top like a road mic, you're definitely going to want to change this to manual."
"If you hear thunder in the background, it's raining so bad outside. I do have a mic right here so I'm hoping this is like diffusing some of the sound, but it's like there's a little tornado happening right outside my window."
"When you're recording audio with a microphone, keeping in mind that you probably might need to add a little bit of EQ and things like voice isolation."
"You don't need that powerful a computer for audio, but just go for quietness. Don't have anything with noisy fans because it's a right pain to hide it away from where your microphone is ideally."
"So here we are with the track recorded I'll just give it a double check by clicking on the play button you can see there's a nice healthy kind of wave there some reasonably sized sort of peaks and things so it's it's rather nicely."
"The R8's new multi-function shoe is designed to work with digital audio up to four channels when using compatible microphones."
"Make sure that you're running the maximum sample rate that you can handle without, you know, audio hiccups on your computer."
"Your microphone placement can influence the EQ of your voice a lot."
"Always record the best quality possible so that way when it goes up the ladder to mixing or mastering, it'll make your life a lot easier."
"There's so much that you can do just with where you put the mic, millimeters make all the difference in the world."
"Consider the room you're recording in. Nasty room reflections, air conditioner hits, traffic... you don't want that in your mic."
"You can record the audio track and then import it into Doodly."
"After I called the Tentacle Sync TRACK E the perfect pocket audio recorder in my last video, the theme of the comments regarding the Zoom F2 was, 'you should compare it to the Zoom F2, because it seems like the same device but cheaper.'"
"This is how proximity effect works."
"Rev is really cool because have you ever been driving and you have a thought right and you or you want to rehearse a conversation or you a rehearsed part of your sermon Rev what you can do is you can just record really quickly and it will record your audio."
"I just like was like it looks so cool and and I had found a little microphone I used to record the songs from the radio onto the tape and try to manipulate the tape and do you know I mean it was just like something that became kind of ultimately fascinating for me."
"Both these units are high quality; it doesn't matter if you have an Apollo X or a Carbon, you're going to get excellent results."
"The point of it is to take your analog signal that's coming from your microphone and convert that analog signal over to a digital signal that can be read by the computer."
"It's like being in a recording studio; you want to capture the entire range of information, and it's your job, and it doesn't have to be complicated to get that because that's what you want to pre-visualize."
"It's a real nice thing to be able to record audio with your video."
"Definitely works, sounded good, and you can also record the radio if you want to."
"I love this song. I really liked it when I first heard the studio recording."
"If you hit red that means you're clipping and it will ruin your audio."
"Knowing about the polar pattern in a microphone is important because it will help you decide if the microphone is appropriate for what you are trying to record."
"When you're recording voice or instruments, it's good to look at the environment in which you're recording."
"The Zoom H1n is also a very good learning tool for those that are learning to record sound."
"It seems well suited for recording sound effects and music."
"Getting a professional vocal sound at home is totally doable."
"You didn't do anything wrong; you left yourself plenty of headroom."
"A lot of recording purists might say that you need to mic up to get the real warmth, but that's really not the case."
"24-bit 48k is the way to go. That's going to give you the best and the most scientifically accurate results."
"145 years after Edison's very first attempts at capturing the human voice, Samuel Bracken, Keith Barr, and myself have taken what was a simple dream of capturing that voice and we have transformed it into a new form of human expression."
"In my opinion, after having tested the H4essential extensively, I think this is a great recorder that lives up to the essential name."
"So if you are a wedding filmmaker that has been looking for a 32 bit float audio recorder that is not going to break the bank, the H4essential is a great choice."
"Once you're ready to go, the engineer will ask for a level."
"Creating music and recording instruments is not the only thing you could do in GarageBand; you could actually record voice too."
"It's very tiny, easy to hide, and you don't have to worry about the actors getting too loud because it can handle that generally."
"If you're on a budget and especially if you are a new filmmaker who wants an extremely simple and easy to use audio recorder that also has a very small size, the F3 is definitely going to be my recommendation."
"There are touchscreen controls on the receiver and buttons to start and stop the recording and the noise reduction on the transmitter."
"Both of the systems can record 32-bit float and transmit to the receiver at the same time."
"OneNote allows you to insert audio recordings... each paragraph break has a little play icon next to it, and it'll start playing the audio back from the point in time when you started typing."
"The camera also makes use of digital audio recording that is saved on SD cards while you're filming."
"The Zoom F3 is the easiest way to start recording 32-bit float audio."
"The Zoom F3 has totally changed my workflow and the way I perceive recordings."
"If at all possible, record to an external recorder. The quality that's going to come out of that is going to be far superior to the quality coming off of the camera."
"The record output is the safest place to record from if you have one built into your equipment."
"Punch and roll recording is a technique for recording, especially for long-form recording, where you edit and record all at the same time."
"In essence, the record becomes a way to recreate the original pattern of voltage created by the microphone, so that the sound can be heard again in a different place at a different time."
"This is a very good recorder for conversations and interviews."
"These Decca Headline recordings... they are truly reference quality recordings."
"We're talking about the capability of recording the human voice or recording a sound and replaying it; we're in the same revolutionary period."
"It's going to transform your recorder into a proper professional audio recorder."
"The closer you get any microphone of any type to the sound source, the better it's going to sound."
"It's really designed to work for people who do have a background recording audio but also for people who don't."
"Phantom power is power that essentially provides electricity to the microphone so that it can do its job."
"It's very even all the way around; it still does a great job of rejecting out the background noises."
"They each have two XLR inputs that record high-quality 24-bit 48 kilohertz audio."
"Welcome to home recording made easy."
"For the price, this offers 24-bit audio recording and 96 kHz, and it's a four-track recorder with the ability to be used as a USB audio interface."
"Stereo recording should provide a more immersive sound, especially if your subject is moving across the screen."
"You can set it on a client, forget it while capturing sound all day; your clients are gonna be happy with you because you're not invasive during their event."
"The DR-44 is a great device. I'm very happy that Tascam came out with it."
"Audio recorders are great for capturing important moments in business and personal life."
"The sample rate is super important; it's a big deal when you're recording into Resolve."
"We recommend all users look up their local laws, as some jurisdictions prohibit audio recordings or require the consent of all involved parties."
"Replay your meetings or lectures."