
Krishna Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Krishna is a person. He's the supreme personality of Godhead."
"Speaking to Krishna and his deities, we connect to that person, Krishna."
"It was founded around the year 1500 and focuses on Krishna as the Supreme deity."
"This story of love of Krishna, it washed across the land and transformed at least Bengal and Eastern parts of India and Orisa."
"Krishna is a very healing energy, a way when anybody listens to it, it is in mythology that when Krishna used to play his flute, everybody would get mesmerized and everybody would."
"Why should you worry? I am here. (Krishna)"
"Even Krishna and... I just love Krishna. I just feel this intense love of Krishna and that's enough for me."
"Krishna is the supreme personality of Godhead."
"As long as one is absorbed in thoughts of Krishna's leela, especially Krishna's childhood pastimes, one is always merged in actual kaivalya."
"The medicine for this material existence is simply hearing about Krishna."
"Hearing about Krishna purifies everything."
"Krishna's disappearance is transcendental and it's magical, mystical."
"When God Krishna was there, all the animals would come near him, all the birds would come near him, so why? They just felt happiness near that person."
"For them, when we look in Bhagwat, for example, the sole aim is Krishna."
"For the pleasure of Sriman Narayana itself, for the pleasure of Krishna Himself, that whatever we do in this life is."
"Krishna is the source of remembrance, knowledge, and forgetfulness."
"Bringing a Krishna murti or Radha Krishna murti or Guru saheb and all that is very good."
"Krishna is not only about love, he's the greatest gyani."
"It's a work of unalloyed devotion to Lord Krishna and his pure devotee."
"One who fully knows Krishna, knows the reality of the entire world and its inhabitants."
"The name of Krishna is Chintamani, will fulfill all the soul's innermost desires."
"One should meditate on this vision of the Supreme Lord; all these are expansions of Krishna."
"'Chant the names of Krishna, worship Krishna, hear the pastimes and teachings of Krishna, and make Krishna the most precious treasure of your life.'"
"Shrimat Bhagavatam is the appearance book of Krishna, where Krishna appears."
"The message of Krishna is let me be there throughout your days, your days and nights and months and years, let me be there all the time with you."
"This must be the lost city of Krishna here."
"Dwarka was a beautiful city; it was on the coast and it was the home base of the God we know as Krishna."
"What goes in through both ears will attack the heart; if you want Krishna in the heart, then you have to have Krishna through the ear."
"The incarnations are many, but the root of that is Krishna."
"Krishna says, 'Jeeva implies consciousness; the totality of consciousness is my true nature.'"
"Krishna is an important god in Hinduism."
"The goal of life is to love Krishna."
"There's no way out without taking shelter of Krishna."
"Krishna, open your mouth, I want to see inside."
"This is Krishna dancing on the snake that he subdues, what is called the Kaliya Mardana."
"This is Krishna playing the flute, one of the most iconic images of Krishna and one of the ways in which you can identify the God."
"Word spreads quickly that Krishna has performed a miracle."
"The characteristics of Krishna are understood to be a storehouse of transcendental love."
"Krishna reciprocates according to how we approach him."
"Krishna's lips are very sweet, they are like freshly cut, ripe, red bimba fruit."
"Krishna, you're like a fruit basket filled with sweet fruits."
"Krishna, you're like a flower basket, as every aspect of your body is like flowers."
"Krishna, sweetness of this world, one madhura; things of this world, one madhura; but your body, madhura madhura madhura."
"Krishna is the sugar cube, no doubt, but our Radhika is that black ant."
"Krishna wants to see himself through the eyes of Radha."
"Brindavan is the body, Krishna is the life here."
"Krishna is the Sharanagati Gati, the destination of surrender for everyone."
"Krishna's flute is one of the main attractions which can attract the mind of anyone in the three universes."
"Krishna exhibits the highest qualities to the greatest degree, which is the loving exchanges with His devotees."