
Mobile Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Mobile games are the future. We're gonna have full-fledged games on mobile devices flooded with microtransactions."
"I'm just gonna be using my Android phone and recording the screen for you guys today on this phone here."
"Ensure that the mobile titles that we deliver will have the quality gamers will expect from PlayStation Studios."
"Final Fantasy 11 reboot: an effort to effectively deliver a complete Final Fantasy XI experience for mobile gamers."
"The mobile aspect of this is really going to be interesting."
"The biggest thing about this phone that I absolutely love is this keyboard."
"This keyboard is not just a keyboard, it doesn't just type out messages but actually it is fully integrated with the rest of the phone."
"Everything your phone can do, all the power of your phone, can be brought to PowerApps."
"So, what this helped with is basically scaled the website all the way up till it filled the whole screen for maybe a smartphone or something."
"It is amazing! And the Radio Frequency or RF filter inside your mobile's radio plays a critical role in pulling it off without a hitch."
"Most people spend so much time on their phones, it's just the nature of it, so you want to make sure your website looks good on mobile devices."
"Mobile hotspot devices take a cellular signal and broadcast it over a Wi-Fi connection."
"...send a push notification to my phone."
"I found it to be very charming. A lot of people just don't talk about Mobile as being a destination. It doesn't make any lists of places you should move to that I've heard."
"You really can capture great footage using just your phone."
"Honey doesn't just work on desktop, it works on your iPhone now too."
"...if you are looking to do a modern phone, a modern Android open source project phone without Google's involvement, CX is a great option."
"If you're an avid mobile gamer, I can pretty much guarantee that no matter what device you have, you've encountered thermal throttling of some sort in the past."
"Raid Shadow Legends is what would happen if you crossed a blockbuster movie with a triple-A title game and squeezed it all into your mobile phone."
"It's super important to make your website mobile and tablet friendly because over 50 of people are gonna be coming from those devices."
"Optimizing your website for mobile is essential."
"Mobile is the first thing that comes to mind for me as a technological disruption of even digital news as it is in its current form."
"It's a really exciting time to be getting into raid because raid is the first game to bring console level experience to your phone."
"More and more bank customers are becoming mobile only."
"One thing you do want to do before launching your website is make sure that it's optimized for mobile."
"The magic of the image sensor and the latest mobile image processing technology."
"It's like you're a mobile textbook of information and we love it."
"Great Shadow Legend: The game is available on mobile and PC where you can explore and master countless tactics as you take on raid bosses, dungeon runs, campaign battles, and PVP arena matches."
"Sponsor TWU here today's sponsor of the video is Ensemble Stars it is a music game an all Direction immersive mobile rhythm game to be very specific."
"80% of our customers are going to come through mobile so we want the mobile version to be more optimized than the desktop version."
"SEO was something that worked for many years, but today, because of the shift to mobile, people don't really search the same way."
"The player in Storyline is mobile responsive, so your courses will work no matter what devices your learners might be viewing them on."
"Throughout the day and when I'm winding down for the night, I find there's no better way to relax than by playing a great mobile game."
"Now you can imagine how your creativity can create something so professional with just this little phone."
"I think react native with Expo is as good as you can get for multi-platform mobile right now."
"Simply take your phone and create these videos."
"Design your funnel for mobile devices."
"Both Android and iOS are getting closer and closer to the point where transitioning between the two isn't as tricky as it once was."
"Mobile is where all the opportunities are for all of us."
"I think this page looks pretty good on mobile as well."
"So truly the cost of living in Mobile, especially when it comes to property tax, is crazy cheap."
"There are some incredible sunsets right here in the city of Mobile."
"Another pro of living right here in Mobile, it has to be the college and university system."
"It allowed you to read and manage your email on your cellular phone before there were smartphones."
"Mobile device is merely a portal to cloud services now."
"Every week I do two videos all about how to take photos with your mobile phone and your GoPro."
"Without you ever knowing it, your mobile phone will switch from one station to another."
"Mobile devices can determine the orientation of their screen either landscape or portrait through the use of an accelerometer and/or gyroscope."
"You can do all this on your mobile device, and I'm going to show you how in this tutorial."
"Let's make sure it looks good on mobile."
"Software eats the world, but now, mobile's eating the world."
"I'm Ernest, and today we're going to look at how I have this UPS truck turned into a mobile workshop for mobile mechanics."
"This yields much better performance gains, especially on mobile devices."
"Make sure that your website looks good on mobile."
"If you want to get a quick access of your shop, you can even use your iPhone, your Android, any tablet, or any mobile device."
"Mobile optimization is pretty important."
"We are going to make sure that our store is completely optimized for mobile."
"React Native is focused on building a great user experience for mobile devices, which makes it a suitable option for apps that require high responsiveness and intuitive use."
"If you're in the market for a mobile workstation, the P17 Gen 2 is one you want to look at."
"A very capable big boy mobile workstation."
"Shopify Lite is an excellent mobile credit card processing solution for retailers."
"It's super important to optimize for mobile."
"You're able to do basically everything from your mobile smartphone once connected to the printer."
"On a mobile device, people will be able to see the model in addition to being able to see the text."
"This map also responds to touch events, so it works on your mobile device."
"Mobile is well north of two billion, and so you know you can reach more users."
"We've seen so far is a pretty basic application, but the fact that we're running on a phone or a tablet means that we can take advantage of the native capabilities of those devices."
"You will be able to access the software all through your Android or iOS phone and you can literally play with the settings from your phone."
"About 50% of your users are probably going to be on mobile."
"You can actually coordinate this or install apps for your Android or your iOS device, connect to this, and manage everything on your phone as well."
"Mobile devices are the very definition of personal."
"I'm going to show you guys how you can make a thumbnail on your phone."
"The innovation is gonna happen more on your mobile device than anywhere else."
"This is the mobile version of our website, so they can use it from their mobile phone."
"It's going to look good on mobile screens."
"Raid Shadow Legends has completely taken over the world of mobile gaming."
"On the mobile device, our landing page looks really cool."
"Collections synchronize so you can see them in Lightroom on your mobile device."
"Google Cloud Messaging is really optimized for phone use because it'll send the updates over the air."
"TensorFlow Lite, where you can put it on mobile devices including Android."
"It's a very very simple model but what am I gonna do with it? I want to use that on mobile."
"This phone was just announced at MWC in Barcelona last week."
"Running this through Google PageSpeed Insights, we're getting really good scores here, 100 on mobile."
"That tactile and fun gameplay makes for really great mobile gaming."
"It's a fun game you can play on your mobile because for some reason you guys are obsessed with mobile games."
"Call of Duty works so well, I can't believe how great this game actually is on mobile."
"This might be the best mobile operating system out to date."
"Smaller resources, fewer requests, all of those things are prime candidates for improving mobile performance."
"Mobile is never going to sit still. It's always changing."
"Mobile really is the future of advertising."
"We continuously strive to build really compelling and delightful mobile user experiences."
"Our mobile version got revamped three weeks ago, and it now has all of the features available to you in the web version."
"There's always a role for websites and actually with phones you've got the ability to send an SMS with a link in it."
"I love my mobile viewers, you guys watch on an iPhone 4 at like a subway."
"We've made some changes to the interface for mobile users."
"We really pioneered what the mobile classifieds experience should be."
"Hello everybody, you're looking at global illumination for mobile devices."
"The open web can win in the battle on mobile."
"Live cam that allows you to turn mobile phones into cameras that can connect with your surveillance system."
"All of this is done reacting in real time on mobile."
"When the next one and two billion people get online through mobile devices, this is gonna really change."
"We all live on our phones these days, so that makes security on your mobile device ever more important."
"Create experiences on any device: iOS, Android, and the web from one code base."
"Free Fire is the most downloaded mobile game globally."
"Mobile first does not mean native only; you can't have a complete mobile strategy without investing in both the mobile web and native."
"After completing the design of the prototype, can I install it on my phone so I can show it to others? Absolutely."
"Sketch has certain features that will help you with app design for iOS or Android."
"Mobile computing is at the heart of this revolution."
"Now with the Facebook app supporting app links, you can now provide people the best possible experience to consume your content."
"We're really excited to work with everyone here to make mobile open and connected with app links."
"Once I have that info, I can go on my phone and show you an example."
"Angular is supported by all popular mobile browsers."
"We're talking about a tool that's on its way to become the de facto standard for mobile."
"If you're a gamer, you're serious about your mobile gaming, and you want pretty much the best performance you can get without any annoying throttling, then this is it."
"This really is, I feel, the best hardware you can find for a gaming mobile."
"All pages and blocks that you imported are also automatically Mobile optimized."
"We believe that we're creating something better for mobile."