
Purposeful Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"It's not an accident that America is declining. It's purposeful."
"While many scary ghost videos show figures that appear to float aimlessly down hallways, this shape seems to behave with purpose."
"Allah explains everything around you and every time he explains something there's a purpose."
"They feel a clear sense of purpose, they really feel like they're making a difference when they work there."
"It feels like a Christmas gift, a call to action, follow it through."
"It's essential and it is intentional."
"Jurassic World felt soulless but at least it felt like it knew what it was trying to be."
"Break and run. Very purposeful start from Jasmine Ocean."
"I found that to be really meaningful and purposeful."
"Kendrick is very intentional. Nothing he really does is by accident."
"The next one is to be intentional."
"He decided to do something meaningful with his life."
"Life is immensely purposeful and meaningful."
"Everything feels very intentional."
"That looks to me like it's intentional."
"God is always up to purpose. God does not waste seasons, squander moments, or mismanage opportunities."
"Every sentence feels intentional."
"Everything that I own, I love. There's a purpose for it. It's either functional or it serves some kind of a luxury purpose, but it's curated, it's decided. There's no waste."
"Think about what you're doing. There's a purpose for every movement. You should be doing nothing that provides no value and you should be doing nothing that takes away from your survivability."
"He moved like a pro hero; every decision calculated and everything he did was for a reason."
"Being intentional with life really means having a purpose and a vision."
"Why not make it thoughtful, why not make it something that has meaning and purpose, and something that you actually love?"
"The new standard of work for this generation is work for a purpose and don't settle for less."
"This life was not wasted; this life gladly displayed the Supreme worth of Jesus Christ."
"It's meaningful, intentional, and serendipitous."
"Let it be money with a mission, increase with a mission, something with a purpose."
"I want to be intentional about everything that I'm doing."
"I'm the kind of person making music with a purpose."
"Every match on the show had purpose, it all feeds into the King of the Ring, it all feeds into the Queen of the Ring."
"Life is really fulfilling in that sense, and I play for a bigger purpose, I live for a bigger purpose, and I cherish it with all my heart."
"We have a tangible agenda in mind; we're talking about getting something tangible for a very specific group."
"Every single scene served an excellent purpose on top of also looking quite good."
"I wanted to live a life that was meaningful, that had real purpose."
"The season as a whole is very purposeful and confident."
"This is a video with real purpose."
"Playing with purpose and intention no matter what musical style you play."
"Kendrick makes songs that are meaningful, that has a purpose."
"We love creating purposeful family experiences for everyone to watch at home."
"So I do not run aimlessly; I live my life on purpose."
"It's really futuristic in here; it's not gimmicky, everything in here is in here for a purpose."
"You have a big purpose, like a big life purpose, and they sense that about you."
"Everything in this show has purpose."
"They're intentional about what they're doing; they're not winging it."
"I want to be really intentional about the things that I do."
"I'm very intentional with my time."
"A lot less forced, a lot less muscle, and a lot more purpose."
"Use details that suit the purpose and suit the recipient."
"It's not a rod just to add to your collection; it is designed for purpose."
"By setting these goals to be challenging, but still within this envelope of the core values, they keep you guided toward doing things that really serve the purpose that you've got for yourself."
"Every single thing that we did was very intentional."
"We can do this work and do so in a way that feels mission-driven, genuine, and organic."
"Walk like somebody that understands they are on a mission."
"We craft some gorgeous projects with a purpose."
"I love to have fun, but I'm very much a purpose-driven individual."
"I am going to now purchase things that I know have a purpose, things that I know will last a long time."
"I'm not trying to be controversial, I'd rather talk about stuff with a purpose that matters."
"The gospels are designed each with a specific goal."
"They're on purpose, they're chill, they have philosophies that serve them."
"He moves with purpose, speaks and functions with the end goal in mind."
"It's by design; it's intentional."
"It feels like his moves have been very purposeful."
"Everything that Jonathan Hickman does serves a purpose."
"Welcome back, ladies and gents. It's been a while since we've done a live stream, and today we have one with a purpose."
"This connection is so soulful, my loves, it's so purposeful, it does bring a lot of joy."
"He's intentional, he's culturally proficient and pure, he's hot as fire."
"We have to make moments that we're spending together more meaningful and purposeful."
"You have a purpose, you are special."
"You have to be intentional, you have to be deliberate."
"If you are shopping, shop with a purpose."