
Glaciers Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"Glacier National Park's signature glaciers are predicted to disappear by 2030 if current climate patterns persist."
"It's too late to save many of these majestic oceans of ice, but not too late to save our planet." - Keir Simmons, NBC correspondent
"Glaciers amaze with their scale and beauty, with mysterious ice caves lurking in their depths."
"We must look to icebergs if we were to find almost perfect water stored and packed for thousands of years."
"Sea level rise comes from the melting of the ice on land."
"Glaciers worldwide swelled to their biggest size in over 10,000 years."
"Alaska is just a land full of some of the world's biggest mountains and glaciers."
"Imagine a gigantic continental glacier ice sheet like the Laurentide ice sheet in North America. It makes it grow over time in northern far northern Canada..."
"Glacier Bay National Park: 3.3 million acres of unspoiled glaciers, mountains, temperate rainforest and deep fjords."
"Explore the glaciers, Iceland is home to vast glaciers and ice caps."
"Alaska is a land of glaciers, and think of a glacier like a giant mill chewing up and pulverizing the land in its path."
"I'm just happy that I'm able to you know experience the glacier before it actually goes away forever."
"A lake sometimes forms at the foot of a glacier."
"That was incredible intense. I mean, look at this, look what I'm going by, look at the glacier right here."
"The speedy melting of glaciers is unveiling hidden treasures from our past."
"You can see the steady Retreat of the glacial ice over the last 130-ish years."
"The fjords of the Kenai Peninsula owe their existence to Glaciers past and present, this is a land shaped by Ice."
"Glaciers are the heart, it's corny, but I really believe it."
"Glacier National Park boasts an outstanding natural world that has been, as you might expect from the name, carved and sculpted over thousands of years by glaciers."
"About 10% of all glaciers on our planet will disappear by 2050."
"It's literally incredible to me that we are just walking on a glacier."
"The landscape shaped by ice, sculpted by glaciers thousands of years ago."
"Lake willins is nothing like other Lakes the weight of the ice forces the water to rise under the glacier causing the lake to sit on the side of a hill."
"Seeing these glaciers out here is sleet marvelous is a highlight."
"When the little Ice Age ended in the 1850s, there were about 150 glaciers in the park."
"Discover the majesty of Glacier's glaciers before they're gone."
"The glaciers are melting faster and faster each year, their beauty won't be around forever if we can't figure out a way to combat climate change."
"It's really quite amazing how these glaciers have just carved these huge tunnels into these mountains."
"It is scarcely possible to imagine anything more beautiful than the beryl-like blue of these glaciers."
"The glaciers here rivaled the size of the ones in Alaska."
"No life roams these frozen plains, only glaciers move across them."
"We're at Diamond Beach, this is incredible, these are glaciers that just popped up right here."
"These mammoth glaciers stand as sentinels, ever changing their faces, observers to the passage of time as they retreat into the distance."
"Being in such close proximity to Alaska's melting glaciers helps us form that personal connection to climate change."
"Good morning, Matanuska Glacier. Alaska is home to thousands of glaciers, but only a handful can be seen right from the roadside."
"Standing before this river of ice, gazing across its expanse, one really begins to understand and respect the sheer power of glaciers."
"What glaciers will look like very much depends on what we human beings will do next in terms of greenhouse gas emissions."
"Women often do possess different knowledge about glaciers due to many issues such as spending more time than men attending to livestock near glaciers."
"Visual and literary arts reposition and re-envision glaciers as greater than their usual status as passive research subjects and into various cultural fields."
"Many of the examples from the visual and literary arts veer away from the more typical masculinist representations of glaciers by offering alternative gendered ice depictions."
"Grand Teton, in the Rocky Mountains, is a wild wilderness of 12 peaks sculpted through the ages by glaciers."
"An additional five tipping points become possible, including changes to vast Northern forests and the loss of almost all mountain glaciers."
"Alaska is just a land of some of the world's biggest mountains and glaciers."
"A glacier is a thick mass of ice that forms over hundreds of thousands of years by the accumulation, compaction, and recrystallization of snow."
"Glaciers kind of bridge the gap between two different cycles: the hydrologic cycle and the rock cycle."
"Glaciers are capable of great erosion and sediment transport."
"Glaciers widen and deepen valleys, creating U-shaped glacial troughs."
"An end moraine is an accumulation of debris that forms at the terminus of a glacier."
"A glacier is kind of a slow moving river of ice."
"It is the home of tens of thousands of glaciers that collectively store the third largest reserve of fresh water found anywhere on the planet."
"The Southern Alps are also home to many glaciers, including the Franz Josef and Fox glaciers, notable for being some of the most accessible glaciers in the world."
"Rivers make V-shaped valleys; glaciers make U-shaped valleys."
"Mount Kilimanjaro, standing as the highest mountain in Africa, boasts a characteristic white top due to its glaciers."
"The real menace, however, was upstream where Miles Glacier, larger than all the glaciers of Switzerland combined, poured an endless procession of icebergs into the river."
"I think Glaciers are one of the craziest things on this planet."
"Each one of these Lakes was scoured out by massive glaciers in the ice age."
"Over the past 50 years, rising temperatures have had a dramatic effect on the peninsula; 90 percent of the glaciers have already retreated."
"Every glacier on the planet Earth is receding."
"Glaciers don't lie; they capture within them everything that's in the atmosphere."
"The Himalayas alone contain an estimated 15,000 separate glaciers."
"Powerful yet fragile, glaciers are a world under themselves."
"Many parts of the world rely on the water from glaciers."
"Glaciers are the main force of erosion on the planet."
"Could we dare to hope for a better future for our glaciers?"
"We're going to see some beautiful tidewater glaciers today and we're going to take this journey together."
"Glaciers are moving, and as they move, they make noises, these almost thunder-like cracks."
"They generally hold a lot more ice, far more glacial than the other nearby mountains."
"Well, that was quite exceptional. That is the best glacier I've seen all week."
"It's brilliant, and the glacier was enormous."
"Patagonia's vast glaciers... huge chunks of ice regularly break off and float away."
"The glaciers covered most of Wisconsin, slowly shaping much of the state's landscape."
"Tibet is called the third Pole because after Antarctica and Arctic, Tibet has the third largest reserve of ice or glaciers."
"Not quite 3 percent as freshwater, and of that 3 percent, three-quarters of it is tied up in ice and glaciers."
"Glaciers have dramatically left their mark on the landscape here, scouring out old river valleys into u-shaped fjords like this one."
"Glaciers cover a tenth of all land on Earth, millions of miles of snow and ice, which hide the mysteries of prehistoric times."
"Glaciers worldwide are rapidly retreating due to climate change."
"Imagine that my boot is the ice coming downhill; it advances and because of an increasing of global temperature, the ice betrays but it leaves a deposit of material."