
Travel Desire Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"India is my favorite country and I want to go there."
"Is this an awesome place? I mean, do you wish you could visit? It's like heaven for you guys."
"Lovely country, Austria isn't it, even though I've never been."
"I would really like to go to Japan, I think Japan would be really, really cool to go to. Japan, New Zealand, I think New Zealand would be fantastic."
"I would love to go on a wish cruise and check out the adults-only area."
"Whenever I think of European, I think of it, even though I haven't been."
"There is so much to explore in here, but I want to go to the center or the core part of this area."
"I still really want to go to one of those like dark sky Parks because God it would be so magic to see that."
"I just want to fly home, just not trying to roll a plane."
"I want to visit New Orleans and I want to do like Voodoo [ __ ]. My favorite Disney movie is Princess and the Frog."
"What's at the top of your Christmas list this year? A trip would be pretty cool to New York during Christmas."
"I want to go back to Turkey. I want to spend more time there."
"Wanderlust is literally the desire to wander, so it means you want to travel."
"The Himalayas will always be calling, I certainly like to be returning to the Himalayas next season."
"I've always wanted to travel I think even before I wanted to be a professional musician I wanted to see the world and I never lost sight of that even when I was trapped in those cubicles for so many years."
"Some of you might feel drawn to travel across seas or spend time on a boat, and it would be very good for you."
"I so want to visit some of those islands."
"Nine out of ten people that watch this movie are like, 'I want to go to Ireland immediately.'"
"I just miss Italy, I just want to go back."
"I've always wanted to go to Europe."
"I just want to see the world, Bob. The world."
"I could stay here for many, many weeks, perhaps years."
"I would love to visit Arizona again sometime soon, actually now would be like the perfect time to go."
"Good old New Zealand, I would like to visit there one day."
"I really want to get to Tokyo before it's too late."
"I would love to take my own people away somewhere nice, hopefully maybe somewhere like South America or Africa."
"I would like to go back to the tree houses for sure."
"I really want to visit France, mostly because I can speak French enough to get around."
"I want to go somewhere where the sun is setting, where you could see the sunset."
"I want to go somewhere like this."
"Pick one road trip and do that well because guaranteed you will want to return to Tassie."
"This is just making me want to go on a cruise, guys. I've never actually been on one, but I am honestly so excited for when I do."
"Makes me want to get over there, it makes me want to get to somewhere proper mountainous, not just Scotland, but the Alps, Europe, America, Canada."
"I would love to go to England... I'm a big Pride and Prejudice lover and Mr. Darcy."
"Right now, style maybe celebrities or I don't know, with traveling. I want to go to Japan. I want to live in Japan."
"I would love to see the world of wonder."
"Darling, we could get out of town, see the beautiful world around, want to see it now."
"I've always wanted to go to Boston."
"I would love to go and experience that atmosphere and just see what it's like."
"I'd certainly love to escape the cold to visit you."
"Tokyo's definitely in my top three of places I've ever wanted to go to for sure."
"I really want to come back; it's been a beautiful experience here."
"I really, really, really, really, really, really need a trip."
"Have you been yearning to take a trip to Alaska? Would you love an Alaska The Last Frontier Adventure?"
"I miss Rome, I can't wait to go back."
"I've never been to Paris, but for some reason, I want to check out Paris."
"I want to go to Canada so bad, like you actually don't understand how desperate I am."
"Singapore is a city you don't want to leave."
"I'm actually very interested in ancient Inca civilization, so I'd love to go to Peru."
"It made me want to keep going, eventually at some point in my life, keep going east."
"She said she wanted to see New York."
"I really want to move to Costa Rica for one reason and one reason only."
"If you could go to any country in the world, where would you go?"
"I've always wanted to go to Austin because I hear it's like the LA of Texas."
"Who wouldn't want the chance to live in Hawaii for the summer?"
"I want to go to Japan so bad, I've never been there, and it's just like, I know all three of you have been multiple times."
"As soon as we get home, we're just going to want to leave again."
"I want to go to Japan so bad; that's like the place I have to go to at some point."
"Now that we did our pros and cons list, I really wanna visit Cuenca. I forgot how awesome it is."
"Look at all these pretty beaches. I want to go to the beach, not now 'cause it's a little cold, maybe when it warms up."
"How I would have loved to travel through the lands once they had been unified under you and your ideals."
"The first thing you want to do when all this craziness is over is... I want to travel, I want to go back to Europe."
"The city is absolutely beautiful. I would love to go back just to spend more time around the city."
"I'm really wanting to travel this summer."
"I have wanted to visit Pandora at night for so long and bring you along, and now we finally get to."
"I'm willing to just pack a bag and go, that is how desperate I am for a little bit of travel at the moment."
"I feel like I should be in the Maldives, in an ocean."
"This makes me want to go on holidays so badly."
"The snowboy's eyes are kingfishers. Blazing countries we would like to visit."
"I think this packaging is absolutely beautiful, it just makes me want to be in Europe."
"I'm pretty sure we haven't seen Greece yet because I think I would have remembered this since it's my number one destination that I would love to go to."