
Origami Quotes

There are 89 quotes

"Your love for the craft of origami must build each and every fold."
"Paper airplane or origami videos: folding in silence."
"Origami is about turning simple things into complex things and it's all about patterns."
"Origami is a really effective way of making the transition between flat and 3D states."
"The patterns that we see in origami are reflecting some kind of mathematical structure."
"It's an origami apple! This is the best."
"The diversity of Tomoko's creations gives a first glimpse of the possibilities of origami."
"The diversity of models is impressive, varying from artistic representations to complex abstract origami creations."
"Folding is one of the key pillars of our natural world and step by step also our society will be adapting and applying the principles of the origami code."
"First you fold the paper in half like this, but then you open it back up again."
"Here is an origami forest scorpion that I made from one uncut 38 centimeter square of paper."
"Now we're going to use the one quarter point and this corner to make a crease."
"The crazier the folding, the better. Mine looks a little like this."
"Now all you will need in order to fold this plane is a square sheet of paper."
"Your plane should look like this."
"Just cascade this folded, bend it downward."
"Mario and Luigi have been invited to Toad Town to attend this Origami Festival."
"The art of origami originated in Japan in the 7th century, thanks to the monks, however, it remains relevant today."
"All you will need in order to fold Padium is a sheet of A4 or A5 paper."
"You've just done some origami, brilliant!"
"I've done Star Origami puzzles before and my recollection is they're always wonderful."
"Challenging like crazy, challenging a go-go star origami, what a brilliant puzzle."
"I feel like I need a really good origami book because I feel like I could just spend hours trying to make it work."
"We love folding the aircraft together, kind of like flying origami."
"It's a form of origami; you're doing lots of folds on top of each other."
"The Stealth Dart has much smaller wings, flies quite a lot faster, but is still really easy to fold and looks absolutely epic."
"This is the most complex origami I have ever done."
"We can take any sheet of material that can hold a crease, like this sheet of steel, and fold it into a steel bunny."
"I got into origami that led to me building like a whole bunch of crazy things... crazy paper airplanes."
"Star Warigami, absolutely brilliant again, fabulous puzzle."
"We just completed our fan foldings, so now we've got the five pockets."
"Origami is hard in some sense, but the more interesting direction is the reverse direction which I would call origami design."
"For 18 generations, the origami and mojara have been crucial tools for the Shinkenger."
"I love origami and Sam remembered. I think it's really sweet."
"If you make a thousand origami cranes, you get to make a wish."
"I'm a bit of an origami expert myself."
"Origami does not always have to look 100% lifelike."
"Exploring the surprising magic of just how far you can change that square only by folding it."
"Origami is just a way to get your hands dirty with math."
"My definition of origami is, It's an art form where folds are the primary means of creating the structure."
"Imagine folding a stent really small, so it can fit through small blood vessels until it gets to where you want in your body and expands."
"Designing cooler origami is possible, thanks to mathematics and algorithms."
"No cutting, no paste, no tape, origami is a metamorphic art form."
"Even DNA is folded; you and I are born from folding."
"The most important is to breathe life into the paper."
"The reaction is that's amazing, that's so incredible, I had no idea that was possible."
"I fold more simply now, more expressively than ever before, more abstractly."
"Origami math makes the geometry much more visual."
"The real beauty of origami lies in its simplicity, allowing everyone to create their interpretation of the world in paper."
"Even DNA is folded; now you and I are born from folding."
"One square transformed by folding; no scissors, no tape, no glue."
"I find that I fold more simply now, more expressively than ever before, more abstractly."
"I like to call this self-folding origami because you do essentially nothing; you just put in a few creases, and then the paper just wants to fold itself."
"Welcome to 6.849, Geometric Folding Algorithms."
"So we are talking about geometric folding algorithms. There's geometry, there's folding, and there's algorithms."
"Origami has reached incredible heights. Both of these are folded from one square, no cuts."
"If you start from a folding structure, and you want to know what it can fold into, this we typically call a foldability problem."
"Here you want to design a folding structure that achieves your goals, like shape."
"In Japan, the art of folding paper is origami."
"So anything that comes into-- on top of each other is identical. That's a safe fold."
"That's to give you some intuition, some real, practical origami experience."
"And that's efficient origami design."
"We can take this 12 by 12 piece of scrap paper and origami blitz it into something really cool."
"I've been folding origami since maybe I was five years old, and I've been designing origami for maybe the past 10 years."
"Origami design isn't all about making the most complex thing in the world. It's really trying to represent a subject elegantly."
"Trying to breathe life into the paper is really what Yoshizawa's mantra was, and so is Eric Joisel's."
"The most artistic and free things we can do with origami design are kind of this step in the shaping and this step in defining the proportions."
"If you're interested in learning about anything related to origami, there's an excellent online forum."
"The origami club at MIT welcomes you with open arms."
"Each one of these letters was a model. They're all the same model I designed, in which you have a 3 by 4 grid of flippable squares of color change."
"You are an origami artist, not a crease pattern artist, not a packing artist, not a tree artist."
"The mirror map fold was invented by a Japanese astrophysicist named Koryo Miura."
"There's lots of different ways in which origami math intersect, and the applications are actually... there's some rather unexpected applications."
"In my free time, I love to do origami."
"Origami has lots of intersections with math and stuff like that."
"There's been a big interest from mathematicians to engineers to physicists to really look at origami as inspiration in applications."
"No part of the paper is wasted, they're very economical."
"Really complicated models can also be fun to analyze."
"Origami tessellations are where your crease pattern is so entirely of the plane."
"I want to show you how matrix algebra, or linear algebra, fits into origami. This is really kind of wild."
"So today we resume efficient origami design."
"These are some really cool kind of traditional style tessellations, but folded in a very unusual and beautiful way."
"This is an interesting tessellation style by Goran Konjevod."
"This is one of the most famous designs in this family called FIT, or Five Intersecting Tetrahedra."
"I love this little origami kitty, I think that she's just the sweetest thing ever."
"Fold your own paper, good for your brain, math, engineering, art, open play."
"I actually did an origami fabric butterfly once for an event."
"Paper cranes are sort of really elegant, they're like these really well-crafted things, they're really pretty."
"Don't you ever wonder who comes up with this stuff? Who sits around folds paper to figure this out?"