
Clinical Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"A 35 improvement in survival is a pretty substantial clinical benefit."
"Essential tremor diagnosis is going to be a clinical diagnosis."
"There's no clinical sense in which Klinefelter's or Turner's is an intersex condition."
"Concatenations are used to keep image contrast and maybe you've done this during your clinical time or maybe you're doing it right now."
"There's a lot of really cool information that isn't really out there but clinically is really sort of promising and foundationally sort of shifting the way that at least I'm thinking about how to treat someone."
"AMC clinical exam comprises 16 oski or roleplay stations."
"The arterial structures for the GI system are super important and have many clinical tie-ins."
"Which one is the best or most important that can imply clinical application?"
"I think that the clinical results are undeniable."
"We provide clinical advice and professional support to workers, services, and communities."
"I want there to be a scientific basis...I'm not here to give you suggestions that I can't back up with hardcore science or clinical stories."
"The study met its clinical endpoint, which was transfusion independence. It's really hard to show survival difference in a low-risk patient where the span is anywhere from 2 to 10 years."
"...facilitating the translation of basic science discoveries about human disease into the clinical setting."
"It shows these schools that you have clinical experience."
"It's getting to a point where you can actually envision clinical uses."
"Clinical pharmacists are such an integral part of the healthcare system."
"Meta-analysis allows us to produce statistically significant findings, creating far better and more effective clinical guidelines."
"Honestly, I am so overwhelmed by what I've just experienced; it's like a real clinical first for me, and it's just fun."
"Focusing on the right problem is key, especially to these clinical intervention questions."
"Brainstem nuclei clinical correlates: if you know what the symptoms are, you can backtrack and say, 'Oh, they have problems moving their eye but no other problems.'"
"We really need to be careful with our assumptions that clinical traditions and even diagnostic criteria may not be richly informative about underlying mechanisms."
"It's clinically proven to reduce melanin for brightening the complexion and moisturizing the skin."
"Clinical forensic psychology is where you'll be working directly with people, and you can assess and treat them."
"Clinical assessment instruments are validated and well-researched."
"Negative thoughts about ourselves, the future, and the wider world around us all combined together to lead to clinical depression."
"The best thing is the early clinical exposure, so placements from year two."
"Clinically you can measure these to help determine someone's respiratory status."
"You want to assess the client's rate, rhythm, and depth of respirations."
"Clinicians need to study and think about intelligence as an important factor when they're thinking diagnostically."
"Whatever field of clinical practice you're working in, it's a guarantee you are going to come across patients in pain."
"Whenever you get a clinical situation and something is wrong, the correct answer is never to do nothing; you're always going to do something."
"She has a fair grasp of the background of basic sciences and has sufficient clinical knowledge to be able to arrive at the logical conclusion."
"EXSL resulted in transformational clinical benefit."
"Clinical experience is far more important in terms of what we actually do than anything out of the literature."
"Changes in volume status will be reflected in sonographic evaluation of the IVC, where increased or decreased collapsibility of the vessel will help guide clinical management of the patient."
"Mindfulness practice is being recognized in clinical settings and I hope that it will be also increasingly recognized for its potential in the academic setting."
"Effective treatment is tailored to the clinical manifestation of the disease."
"The goal of the Everything Blue Sky Plan webinar series is to take a lot of the clinical presentations that have been given in the past and to show how they could be done in the Blue Sky Plan software with a step-by-step process flow."
"The subjective portion of the client's SOAP notes is anything the client tells the therapist that the therapist considers to be important for therapeutic purposes."
"It's really important to understand the clinical correlations."
"There's a lot of valid data that's been collected clinically that they just dismiss because it's not a double-blind study."
"The quality of life that I've seen clinically has been very good in patients who've achieved remission after CAR T cells."
"Put all the red flags together with the other clinical picture in order to clinically reason why someone might have a spinal pathology."
"The guidance was based on clinical advice."
"Clinical data provides information about the individual's medical history, including acute and chronic illnesses."
"They deserve to win the game, don't get me wrong, they were more clinical in front of goal."
"It's clinically proven to reduce wrinkles."