
Expatriate Quotes

There are 200 quotes

"Hong Kong: Native English speakers can relocate and work as teachers."
"South Korea: Live here for free while making money with your language skills."
"Imagine living comfortably in Mexico with an average monthly cost of just under $745."
"I feel a lot more free in the UAE as the sort of man than I am in the US."
"There's this uncomfortable feeling you have here that people are always wondering, 'What are you doing in Japan?'"
"Being a foreigner they would rather not deal with the hassle, so they usually let you off the hook."
"Guadalajara is becoming more cosmopolitan by the minute, attracting a growing expat community and offering a wide variety of products and services."
"Americans living in Guatemala is becoming more and more of a thing every single day."
"Living in Thailand as an American can be pretty sweet."
"...there's no constraint to making money while living abroad in the Philippines they're all from they're all from Canada the US Europe uh like yourself someone Australia and they're coming here and they're making money online through businesses and remote work."
"According to the early retirees in Malaysia, a couple could comfortably live there with twenty-five hundred dollars a month."
"Cambodia might be your destination choice to retire alongside 100,000 other expats already living there."
"I have been teaching and living over in Dubai for the last five and a half years."
"I'm going to miss the English food actually because a lot of people down under, expats have said, 'You know what? We always come back for fish and chips. You can't get fish and chips like you can in England down here in Australia.'"
"Living abroad, maybe for work or education."
"We've learned a lot now that we've lived abroad for five years."
"There's over 200,000 foreigners now living here."
"I have turned into one of those people that has lived in Germany... and now I am the person that brings tea with me to the United States for comfort."
"As a foreigner living in the UK, I have learned over the years that the British people like things a certain way."
"I wouldn't move back to the U.S... it doesn't float your boat when I've been to places like this and I've seen what kind of life I can get."
"In being here, I have been able to do so much that would have taken me years to do had I been in South Africa."
"So if Kodakachi seems to be your place, you can easily live here for fifteen hundred dollars including medical and other costs."
"Place does have a lot to offer and it should be on your consideration list if you are looking at retiring to Ecuador or moving here as an expat."
"Thailand is very affordable and expat friendly."
"I think I could live in Tokyo for a few years."
"I think you could live easily for 1,500 a month for a couple."
"The reason why so many foreigners have fallen in love with Chapala is crystal clear: it truly has everything and more."
"Mexico is basically saying, 'Hey, you should just stay in Mexico, come and stay here, live here, and have a future here.'"
"I accept the Philippines, I love it here, I love my wife, I love the place, I love the people."
"I think moving abroad is a life hack."
"I would say that most expats really like the Russian Market simply because there's so many Western style convenience stores and great restaurants, and it's not too busy."
"So I've just broken down for you all of the cost of living a very comfortable Western style life in Phnom Penh."
"If you want to come to Phnom Penh, Cambodia, and live in a Western type lifestyle, where you have air conditioning, plenty of room, nice amenities, plenty of food, and convenience and entertainment, how much will all that cost to live in a truly Western standard?"
"If you have a tricky situation or you want the whole process to go quickly and as smoothly as possible, then I'd recommend using True Blue Migration."
"In Australia, most countries including the UK will have some kind of reciprocal Medicare agreement."
"If you've moved to Australia and you have any more tips or help that you think might help people when making the move, make sure you leave a comment down below."
"I actually really enjoyed living in a different country; it was really fun."
"For me, the cost of living is one of the biggest factors when choosing a country."
"One of the things I love most about living in a foreign country is its foreignness."
"I've been living in the US for over 18 years and still hanging on to my Japanese citizenship... because that's my identity."
"They found out that the quality of life in Colombia is a lot better than what we have here in California."
"Being surrounded by people and also building your networks is very important when you're living in another country."
"I'm an American learning to live down under here in beautiful Sydney, Australia."
"I moved to Korea in 2008 when I was 24 years old and I really had no idea what I was doing."
"Moving abroad can be life-changing."
"Life for a single minority woman living abroad is good."
"His story is similar to my own, an American from Oklahoma City who came to Mexico and fell in love with the culture."
"I love living in the UK, but there's definitely a lot of memories of growing up in Australia."
"I've been living in Japan here for about 13 years, I guess a long, long time."
"We've actually had a pretty good experience of making friends here in Costa Rica."
"Costa Rica seems like a great starter country for anybody who wants to experience living abroad."
"If you need to cut your expenses drastically without sacrificing quality of life, move abroad."
"Despite being Spain's third-largest city, Valencia is a bit less popular with foreigners but it's certainly a worthy contender when it comes to living inexpensively."
"Try to stay with foreigners and try to gather with people as much as I can, go out for drinks, do things."
"Since moving abroad, the thing in my life that has changed the most is how I think about work and how I think about leisure."
"It's a bubble of international people, and I think a lot of people give Changu a lot of flak for that, but it comes with a lot of amazing things."
"Here's my cost of living in Changu, including Outpost co-working, restaurants, all the coffee shops that I went to, so it was around $1,600 for a whole month, even including diving. It's not that bad."
"I'm living in Korea for almost four years now as a content designer and illustrator."
"The experience of working here has been wonderful; it has helped me support people back there, not just my family but the wider community."
"Living in another country does take a little bit a lot of courage, you got to be brave, you got to suck up whatever happens to you."
"The American dream is live and well in South Africa."
"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Elena, and I am a Canadian, but I've been living down in the southeast of England for the last five years."
"If you're planning to come to Masters in Germany, work for a year in India, and then come here, I think you'll be like a hot cake."
"Nowadays, having people like you is actually a blessing in disguise because many people back in India can easily know what to do, what not to do."
"Being a black American down here in Brazil has been a very good experience."
"Insurance for you in a new country is going to be a lot cheaper than what you think."
"You don't need expensive US insurance, but you need insurance."
"We love the Philippines, not planning to move back to the UK."
"I'm Irish, obviously. I was raised in Ireland but I've lived and worked abroad for a decade now."
"I'm loving life here in Ecuador, and the positives outweigh any negatives."
"Panama levies no taxes on income earned abroad nor does it require you to report that income."
"The job of the expat exile liberal Russian is to offer an alternative vision and a sense of hope and optimism."
"Even the sophisticated and alluring charms of Paris were not sufficient to cure the young expatriate of his yearning for the simple and quaint charms of his rural American home."
"We've been living in Ecuador for almost six years now, and our cost of living has stayed pretty consistent."
"For most foreign residents, housing accounts for 30 to 50 percent of their monthly cost of living expenses."
"If you have a bigger budget, you can live the life of luxury here in Ecuador and still spend significantly less than you would in one of those high cost of living countries."
"I'm happy to be in London, but also I'm a little sad."
"I found more personal freedom outside the USA."
"A soft landing place overseas is a location where a foreigner...will feel enough cultural similarities to their home country...so they have fewer moment by moment frustrations and are more easily able to adapt."
"If I'll be able to live in China as a black man for 10 years, then you should know there's something about this country that you don't know."
"Our quality of life hasn't gone down, we've maintained the middle class lifestyle here just as we had it back in the states."
"I live in luxury for 2500 a month in Tanzania... this is not struggle life for me."
"I've been living here for six years in total... I really wanted to come back to Japan because I was in love with this country."
"These are not the theoretical mistakes; hundreds, if not thousands, of expats have already made these mistakes."
"Here in Philippines, the cost of living is very cheap for foreigners."
"A lot of people talk about Colombia being a cheap country to live in; we're going to cover if it's true or BS."
"I made the move last October, and now that I've been living here a while, I feel qualified to talk about the true cost of living as an expat."
"We hope you set out on that initial journey or you come and join us here in the expat community where we're living our best life."
"If you want to retire here, get this Visa if you want to avoid visa extensions, exit clearance, annual report."
"Spain is a hub for remote workers plus the country boasts first-rate healthcare, efficient transportation, and endless opportunities for fun for retirees."
"Living here is interesting because a lot of little things are cheaper here compared to the West."
"I honestly don't know if I'm ever going to return to Canada or if I'm going to live here permanently."
"Retiring in the Dominican Republic is an attractive option for many people due to the numerous advantages on offer for foreign nationals."
"As a foreigner in Japan, you get kind of a free pass to make mistakes."
"I'm sold, for the foreseeable future, I'm going to be an expat."
"Being an expat pulls you out of that programming and forces you to develop a narrative of your own."
"Everything we do on this channel is about living, working, studying, and moving abroad."
"Around 1.6 million Americans now call Mexico home, making them the largest immigrant group in Mexico and the largest American community abroad."
"Living in Mexico offers a significant financial advantage for many Americans."
"The amount of friends I've made here in such a short period of time."
"I am Nigerian, I am African, and to be very honest, this is exactly six weeks since I landed Canada."
"I've been in the UK now for 26 years, and I guess it's become a big part of my identity."
"It's so exhausting to be in a foreign country and you're pregnant, you don't have any support, your family is away from you."
"I'm a teacher currently living and working in the country of Kuwait."
"You go from feeling like a fish out of water to really living like a local."
"We can't live in the U.S. for more than six months out of the year, so in other words, we need to live abroad."
"Escape the Western lifestyle, escape that rat race, follow your passions and dreams to live, work, and even retire abroad."
"Patience and persistence are key when it comes to making new friends abroad."
"Once you get a taste of that, people are like, 'Jamila, when you coming back?' and I'm like, 'What for?'"
"Living abroad isn't always easy, but I've really built a life for myself here."
"Yes, like the country, and I am an American girl living in Rome, Italy."
"What's it like being a foreigner to LA?"
"Georgia is one of the most affordable countries if you're on a wage from another country."
"Expat Melissa says football games, opera shows, cinemas and countless restaurants. Living in Buenos Aires, you don't have to worry about being boring. There is always something to do."
"Expat Angeliki says: I enjoyed the weather, the food, the mountains and the beaches."
"Expat Thomas says Peru is an incredible place to live. There is so much variety in terms of outdoor activities such as hiking, surfing along with truly fantastic food."
"Expat Kaila says the true richness of life here is how communal it is and how easy it is to know your neighbors."
"Expat Fiona says about Phuket: It is relaxed, natural and geared towards an active lifestyle."
"You can move to countries like Thailand, Vietnam, Ecuador, Colombia, and Mexico... for a thousand dollars a month."
"The truth is, regardless of how much expats brag about their lives and their chosen overseas destination, no country is perfect. Every country has pros and cons, and Mexico is no exception."
"Mexico offers a huge menu of activities to keep expats healthy and entertained."
"How do I want my life to look now that I've kind of blown up the U.S. chapter and started this new book which is my Portuguese life?"
"The NHR program will allow you to only pay 20% tax on your local salary."
"Child care is one of the major challenges of living abroad."
"I've been living in Paris... it's only been two years, but I've been coming back and forth for about 10 now."
"For those of you who don't know me, my name is Alana, and I'm a Canadian, but I have been living here in the wonderful United Kingdom for the last six years."
"A big part of being an expat or a foreigner in England is to have the willingness and the ability to go with the flow."
"It often happens that my friends here in the US forget that I didn't grow up in the same country as they did."
"I've lived in Bangkok, Thailand for the past 3 years, and I probably intend to live in Thailand basically forever."
"I think being an immigrant or an expat in a foreign country during Christmas time is tough."
"I do really like it here, there's a big British expat population."
"I'm enjoying my single, worry-free life living in Tokyo, being an English teacher, traveling, making friends, expanding my circle, and just unproblematic."
"When you're abroad and you meet someone from the same country as you, that's like a small slice of home."
"Living in Paris is kind of extraordinary, I never really expected this."
"He was a very friendly guy and told me he had been living in Bangkok with his Thai girlfriend for the past six months."
"I fell in love with the country, and I've been here ever since."
"Life is definitely getting easier for foreigners here."
"You would be a good candidate for living part of your life overseas."
"Portugal is considered the best country for expats in Europe."
"Panama is straight up calling those Americans looking to escape the daily grind without breaking the bank."
"This country has been extraordinary to me; I have no intentions of moving. I love it; I couldn't imagine life without Dubai."
"We're all black in a foreign land."
"How could you not want to live here for a thousand dollars a month? It's an excellent deal and the people here are great."
"Germany has so much to offer that the US might not offer to certain people, and they'll find it in Germany easily."
"The last comedian of the week is a guy that's made Australia his home, very funny man too."
"As an Englishman living in America, I'm very used to everybody thinking that I am from Australia."
"In your own country, you can be quite intelligent, successful, well-respected... the minute you go abroad, you become a foreigner."
"I just needed to have a change from my life, I wanted to do something not drastic but I wanted to experience living abroad."
"Thailand is not Paradise. I love living in Thailand, it's amazing, but I don't think anywhere is Paradise when you live somewhere."
"I am a person obviously who has lived in the United States now for 10 years and over that time I have made some observations about this very place that I very succinctly want to share with you."
"Really big advantage to go back to our home country, you know, to be able to speak the language. This is awesome."
"It really offers up a lower cost of living, a beautiful lifestyle, and to me, it feels just right."
"It's important for us to not just meet the expats living here, but also to meet the locals and ingratiate ourselves into the community as much as we can."
"If you feel like there's some sort of inkling inside of you that says, 'Hey, I should live abroad,' go and make the jump and do it."
"Hello friends, my name is Jatinder and today we will discuss how to re-issue an Indian passport if you are living in Canada."
"The regular passport we have has 36 pages and if you want to renew it, it will cost you $103.40."
"I really enjoy my life here in Dominican Republic."
"Having a Japanese speaker assisting with all of my appointments was a huge help."
"It's been worth the trouble so far."
"Would you recommend being an expat if you work remote? Yeah, I would, I would travel, travel all the different countries in the world and see what you like the most."
"Life goes by so fast, especially we friends living abroad."
"After getting over the initial, let's say, the honeymoon phase of living here, I went to work as a teacher."
"I feel very comfortable living in Vietnam."
"We both are foreigners in this country, and it sounds like you have come and you enjoy being here not just because you want to enjoy the wealth of this country but you actually appreciate its culture."
"I'm a German living in the US, and therefore language differences and culture differences are something that I am confronted with on a daily basis."
"I'm a New Zealander who lives in Germany now."
"I live in Amsterdam, originally from the US, and I live there with my husband and my two kids."
"The ease of obtaining residency in Mexico is truly one of the main reasons that expats consider moving here."
"I am a Norwegian living and knitting in London."
"Having moved to a country where I don't speak the language, I'm really getting this lived experience of what being in exile means."
"It would be nice to get a fresh view of life in Mexico for an expat."