
Fishing Success Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"We got some perch, we're eating good tonight."
"Last one, they got two big ones and then some little ones."
"Goddamn, that's the size we're looking for right there, beautiful."
"This little bait right here is going to put a lot of fish in the boat."
"Never in my wildest imagination did I think that I would catch a 41, a 38, a 35, two 30s, a 25 and a 20."
"That's a nice walleye though, it came right up pretty quick."
"...led to the most fruitful period of my fishing I've ever had or whatever and Banos is a known big baiter."
"That wasn't a big bass by any means, but in the terms of catching tournament-size fish, it was a good fish."
"Just an absolute stud walleye right there, man. Leech Lake, beautiful morning, what more can you ask for?"
"Check them out, boys. What a fish. Double header pollock, I love it."
"The feeding's everything; you've got to get that feeding right."
"Gorgeous grayling, that is thrilled with that. If I don't get another one today, it won't really matter because that is a beauty."
"First fish of the day, very lightly hooked, not a mark on him though, beautiful."
"I'm getting a bite every chuck on the tip."
"It's really, really satisfying; I'm super pleased with that one."
"The more that you do that, the more that you're going to have success with it."
"Almost a five and three-quarter pound smallmouth, amazing."
"You cannot beat a small jerkbait; it will catch just as big a fish and it'll catch 10 times more fish."
"That was great, six beautiful fish in five minutes."
"Well, that's pretty cool, well that is pretty damn cool, skipper."
"Yes, you're kidding, oh bring him in man, that's a fast roper."
"It's already getting steamy, also possibly because I'm catching fish."
"That's what I'm talking about, that's a chunky one!"
"That's a new PB catfish for me at Linear St. John's, 64 pounds 8 ounces, look at that absolute lump of a fish."
"It felt nice to finally land a steelhead; it was my first steelhead this season."
"It's all it takes, just one fish like that to turn you from a guy who's doubting his own decision-making to someone who is recharged, pumped up, ready to fill out that limit."
"That right there is how you get the stinking job done, three bed fish in like a 45-minute time period, beautiful, that one's pushing three pounds."
"What a haul of carp, number 10, unbelievable!"
"That's a good fish, boat flip, yeah! That's what we came out here for."
"It's about the details. Successful fishing in South Florida is all about the details."
"Just when I thought all hope was lost today, just caught my first ever Cobia ever in my life, huge catch off the bridge."
"I got color! Oh my god, that's a good fish, that's a keeper!"
"We've only been on the water probably an hour and a half, we have caught a ton of gills, some big ones, fighting the storms in between, but now it's time to go, you stay tuned, we'll be back next week with Brush Pile Fishing."
"That's what I'm talking about, now we have caught all three species."
"Oh yeah, baby, let's go! That's a big mama!"
"A tug on the line and time slows down, the rod bends, and there it is—the catch I've been waiting for."
"I've got something, I've got my net, yes! First time fishing and I caught it!"
"We've caught quite a few of these skip Jacks, really hoping for a yellow fin."
"Look at that beautiful sunrise behind me, and look at this fat kokanee."
"I got my first salmon, look at that, sweet, this is so awesome."
"It turned out to be a great session, managed three fish including one 30-pounder."
"Let's go, even bigger blue, that's what I'm talking about, man!"
"That's a nice size fish. Absolutely fantastic, good fish."
"Any day you get a steelhead is a great day."
"Every fish we got was kind of a bonus, it's just awesome running into one little shot of fish right there."
"Excellent net job, just touch on that, way to go brother."
"That is incredible, I can't believe the silver whiting hasn't got any if we're getting them on the jig."
"This is the big fish. This is what we're after, all this was a unit, bro."
"Caught a big boy, and you know what? He probably doesn't even care."
"The more information that you're armed with, the better chance you have of really getting on a bite."
"I had five big goals in my life of career fishing. Three of them have been accomplished."
"I've caught so many fish by looking at them on those screens, dropping down and catching them."
"30 inches on the button, it's a good fish, nicely done."
"That's a good one right there, man. Wow, what a battle."
"It's bigger than two pounds, it's bigger than four, it's bigger than six, it's bigger than eight, it's bigger than nine, it's over ten, yes!"
"That beautiful bass has just won me the 1978 Bassmasters Classic and $25,000 cash."
"They're not gonna come easily, but when you do find them, you're gonna feel like a million bucks."
"Oh, we can go home happy now, we don't have to catch any more fish, we can go home happy."
"You want to give yourself the best chances when you get out there by having good setups that wouldn't fail."
"It's been a good day, nice weather, and quite a lot of fish anyway."
"Tried and tested, they've won so many AYC fishing comps over the years."
"Every time I would see that copper flash, a fish would eat it."
"I've caught a ton of fish on it, but mostly, look at the eye, look at the head; it's nice and thin this way, not bulky because of barbell eyes."
"That's a much better one than the first one, very very chunky, nice fat girth, beautiful fish."
"There is little doubt that more salmon steelhead are caught while on anchor than by any other means."
"That was a big freaking snook, man."
"Caught a lot of fish, had a lot of fun."
"The fishing has been phenomenal—actually one of the best years possible, I mean best years ever that we've had in a long, long time."
"And you're catching big walleyes, what more could we ask for?"
"That's a good fish, that's a big fish, yes! Big walleye, big walleye in the net, yeah baby!"
"It's amazing, we do catch a lot of bass right up to ice out, I mean really tremendous catches at this time of the year."
"On that drop, I have caught so many big fish on paddle tails."
"You catch so many more when you just let the fish tell you what they want that day."
"Oh nice, oh this one's good. I think they're getting each a teeny bit bigger."
"Look at that perch, that is what we came for, another jumbo."
"It's going to save you time, money, and catching more fish."
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! Look at that bad boy right there."
"Just pay attention to little details when you're out there fishing, you're gonna catch a lot of fish."
"Unbelievable first cast with the bobber, mark the fish on the 360, out the front right of the boat, cast out and bang, instant."
"There are no magic bullets, but when you crack the code, it's a wonderful feeling."
"Thank you there, Mr. Brown, good 16 inches, that stone pony's been good to me today."
"That is a healthy 19 maybe even 20-inch sheep's head right there, beautiful beautiful fish."
"It's like a little gem, you know, four species in less than 15 minutes."
"That's the one we were looking for right there."
"I love this guy, it's caught me quite a few fish and hopefully it catches me a few more today."
"Oh, how sweet it is, that loaded up nice. Oh, let's see, what do we got going? Oh mercy, oh yeah, that's a good one."
"That's the first bass in like a year. Heck yeah!"
"Just nailed the Grayling today, perfect size for food amount versus flavor, cooked to perfection."
"Presentation is the key to catching a lot of fish."
"We had a great time, a lot of catching. Tell you what, some fishing it was, it turned out to be just catching."
"It's a beautiful way of fishing and more importantly, it can account for some massive weights."
"That's a beautiful sheep's head, and just casting those little pieces of shrimp out, the current's starting to move."
"Feels like a good fish, there we go, it's a nice walleye."